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No More Perfect Podcast with Jill Savage
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No More Perfect Podcast with Jill Savage

Author: Jill Savage

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Join Jill Savage here on the No More Perfect Podcast as she talks about the messy, less-than-perfect, real stuff of life. Featuring hard-earned wisdom, well-known authors and speakers, inspiring messages, and stories of real families that must be told, the No More Perfect Podcast is designed to be both inspirational and practical. An author, speaker, and coach, Jill is the founder and former CEO of Hearts at Home a ministry that served moms for 24 years. She has been featured on Focus on the Family, Family Life Today Radio, and Dr. Gary Chapman’s Building Relationships shows. She is the author or co-author of fourteen books including Professionalizing Motherhood, No More Perfect Moms, No More Perfect Marriages (with her husband Mark), and her most recent release Empty Nest Full Life. All show notes can be found at Have ideas for subjects you need to hear about or guests you'd love to see? Send all your suggestions to! Love the show? Please leave a review to help others find this encouragement!

209 Episodes
Can you believe it? This episode is not only our 200th episode, but it also marks our four-year anniversary of the podcast! Incredible! I can remember when our kids were pushing us to start a podcast and I could think of numerous reasons not to do the podcast. And I’m so glad I didn’t listen to those reasons!Today, the No More Perfect Podcast ranks in the top 2% of podcasts globally and we have over 365,000 downloads! It just blows our minds that we would be at this place today!In this episod...
Have you been called shy or quiet before? Or perhaps you’ve considered yourself a “wallflower.” The truth is that we all have felt like we couldn’t find our place at one time or another. We may have even been labeled as one of these things by others and then struggled to overcome that label.The truth is that labels create limitations. This is why I'm eager to have Cally Logan on the podcast today. She is the author of The Wallflower That Bloomed: Finding Your Place at the Lunch Table of Life ...
Most people go through life almost on autopilot, especially when things are going well. We cruise through life and it can be hard to imagine life any other way. However, life can take a sudden left turn when tragedy or the unthinkable happens and our entire world is thrown into crisis. It can be hard to even know how to recover or figure out the next steps.That is what this episode is all about: preparing for the unthinkable. This is something that my guest, Meredith Flint Sowers Koen, knows ...
Mark is back with me on the podcast today to help answer a question we hear often: “What makes the difference in people who are able to overcome difficult things?" This could be in regard to marriages that are restored or lives that experience growth and transformation. Are there elements that make transformation more possible?In our coaching, we’ve seen some couples turn their entire relationship around for the better while others just can’t seem to find common ground to make progress. While...
What do you do when you are offended? Do you quickly let it go, or do you sit and ruminate on it? If you, like most people, tend to do the latter, it can create bitterness, resentment, and pent-up anger in your life and in your heart.Living in a place where we are constantly offended is an unhealthy place to be. My guest today knows this all too well. Brant Hansen is an author, nationally syndicated radio host, advocate for life-changing healthcare to children through CURE International, and ...
There’s nothing better than a story of hope! When we hear of someone who has overcome struggles, it puts things in perspective and inspires us to persevere in the midst of our own challenges.My guest today has risen above truly desperate circumstances. Peter Mutabazi survived on the streets of Uganda for five years before one man saw potential in him and changed Peter’s life. Today, Peter is a single dad to countless foster children and his three adopted children, Anthony, Ryder, and Skyler. ...
These days, teen girls are under relentless pressure to measure up to peers and social media influencers. The expectations feel impossible to meet.Today, I’m partnering with my friends Lee Nienhuis and Shannon Popkin to share a conversation about this important topic. Lee and Shannon are authors and speakers who have teamed up to write a book, Comparison Girl for Teens, that gives help and hope to moms and daughters navigating this challenge. We’re exploring what teen girls need to break free...
Are you frustrated with getting older? As women, it’s easy to feel discouraged as our lives and bodies change. That’s why I’m so grateful for our guest's wisdom today!Joining me for this conversation is Heather Creekmore, host of the internationally popular Compared to Who? podcast. Heather is a body image coach, former fitness instructor, and author who is devoted to helping women break free of body shame. She has spoken to thousands of women and encouraged them with the truth of the g...
Do you feel rested and at peace, or do you feel like your soul is all over the place? These days, many of us struggle with anxiety to some degree, and that’s what we’re talking about in this episode.Joining me for this conversation is award-winning author and Bible teacher Tessa Afshar. Drawing from lessons she learned while battling anxiety in her own life, Tessa is sharing about a journey that cultivates a well-rested soul. I’m so glad to have her with us today, especially because her ...
I’m happy to have my husband join me for this episode! It’s been a little while since Mark and I shared a conversation on the podcast, and today we’re talking about the power of our words.If we fully realized just how dangerous careless words can be, we might take our speech more seriously. Our words can bring destruction or healing depending on how we speak, as Mark and I have learned from personal experience.In this episode, we talk about:The difference between internal processors and exter...
How do you respond when someone else’s choices wreak havoc on your life?Sometimes, someone else's choices can turn the lives of those closest to them upside down. I've certainly experienced that in my own life, and yet, even in the most unfair circumstances, God wastes nothing.Today, my friend Cathy Applington is joining me to help us better understand how hope can be restored even when relationships can't. In 2013, Cathy’s world was shaken to the core as her husband’s actions caused life-cha...
Have you ever been in a season of life where you felt trapped in a relentless lifestyle?Years ago, Mark and I wrote a book called Living with Less so Your Family Has More. One of the key concepts woven throughout that book was the idea of choosing to live with less stress, less money, and less activities than what is the cultural norm. When I read Brenda Yoder’s new book, Uncomplicated, I felt like I had a friend with a similar passion for that message, so I asked her to join me here on the p...
I wish this weren’t the reality we face, but the truth is that anxiety is skyrocketing among people of all ages and stages of life. When you add the whirlwind of teenage hormones into the mix, you’re looking at anxiety amplified to the max.Joining me for this conversation is Kimberly Sells, a mom of four who lives in Wisconsin near beautiful Lake Michigan. Kim has learned some hard parenting lessons on faith, trust, and surrender during a stormy season of raising an anxious teenage girl. I am...
Do you ever find yourself feeling paralyzed when it comes to prayer? You certainly wouldn't be alone! However, what if prayer could be as effortless as chatting with a friend? Many of us struggle to understand prayer because we've only witnessed it modeled in a formal way before meals, at bedtime, or at church.What if we could learn to engage in regular, honest conversation with God?In today's episode, we're diving into how we can cultivate a personal prayer life and discover our unique praye...
Conflict…it’s one of our favorite topics in the world. Just kidding! Most of us try to steer clear of conflict, and those of us who embrace it honestly don’t always handle it in the healthiest ways. We’ve certainly all had moments where we looked back at how we handled a conflict and wondered: Why did I handle it that way?In this conversation, we are taking a look at the many aspects of conflict, from how we can honor God when we’ve been hurt, how to communicate when we’d rather retaliate, an...
If you’ve heard our marriage story, then you likely know that I believed our marriage could be restored even when Mark had checked out and was pursuing another relationship. This is often referred to as “standing for your marriage,” but it could also be described as a waiting season. While I wouldn’t wish a season like this on anyone, the lessons I learned while waiting were invaluable. Those lessons have become the heart of our online course, The Wait Is Not Wasted.Several of my friends and ...
We want to talk with you about a question Mark and I get asked often. People really struggle with finding an answer or finding resolve to this question: How do I forgive myself? Many times, they would say, I can’t, or I don’t even understand what I should do with that. Sometimes, it can feel like you are “unforgivable,” and it would be better if you just locked those feelings away. When we choose not to address it, it can lead to bitterness, self-loathing, self-hatred, and more. Those fe...
Life can be a bit messy. Whether that’s a literal mess of toys all over your living room, a kitchen full of dirty dishes, and laundry piled high or an internal mess of feeling behind on work, issues in our relationships, and more!Whatever mess you are facing in your life I have a truth for you—God is at work even in the mess. We can sometimes struggle to believe that statement! The truth is that God is present in the messiness of life.I can’t think of a better guest to help us navigate the me...
Adversity is a part of life. We can sometimes think that having a relationship with Jesus makes us exempt from hardships that can cause fear, anxiety, and even trauma. While that isn’t the case, it is true that our relationship with Jesus can change how we handle and respond to the adversity that comes into our lives.Joining me for this conversation is Karen Bettison. Karen served as a Bible translator, a literary specialist, and a medical missionary with Pioneer Bible Translators for 25 year...
It's time for another bonus episode! We ​​like to share these bonus episodes every once in a while, and their purpose is to give you some quick encouragement and support that you can apply to your life.This one might look a little different as I want to share something with you that has been on my heart. The concept for this episode came when our daughter closed her art business this fall. If you are in the entrepreneurial space, you know it can be hard work before your business finally takes...
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