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Talk Your Way Up

Author: Vikas and Harith

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Ever wondered why the leaders and top-level executives always seem to have a perfectly crafted response regardless of what you ask them? What is the secret sauce that these people in suits are born with? It's said that the higher up you climb, the more it matters what you say! Talk Your Way Up; A podcast series that explores, in-depth, all aspects of your communication skills - right from making interesting small talk to telling evocative stories and engaging an audience. Be it on stage or in front of the coffee machine. The hosts along with renowned guests will take you through their experiences and share powerful, actionable tips that can be a part of your verbal arsenal right away. Are you ready to have words just slide off your tongue gracefully and enrich any conversation? Then Let's get started!
33 Episodes
Every now and then we catch ourselves wanting to say something to a friend or a colleague that can potentially hurt them. So more often than not, we just end up keeping quite.Is there a way in which we can provide constructive feedback to others in a way that's helpful but not hurtful? Of course. And it's a very small change in the way we convey it that makes all the difference. Listen on while the hosts Vikas and Harith decrypt the art of giving constructive feedbacks and enhancing your...
Most of us grow up fearing and avoiding conflict with others. Sometimes the perception of others becomes much more essential than our own perception of ourselves. That mindset can truly be kryptonite for effective communication. It can hinder us from expressing our wants and needs and often leaves us agitated and depressed. But at the same time, we should be wary and considerate of other people's wants and needs while expressing our own. That's where being assertive comes in. It's a comm...
Most of us grow up fearing and avoiding conflict with others. Sometimes the perception of others becomes much more essential than our own perception of ourselves. That mindset can truly be kryptonite for effective communication. It can hinder us from expressing our wants and needs and often leaves us agitated and depressed. But at the same time, we should be wary and considerate of other people's wants and needs while expressing our own. That's where being assertive comes in. It's a comm...
We've all admired those people who can just walk into a room and initiate a conversation with just about anyone. And what's even more endearing is how comfortable they are in their own skin while doing so. We can safely say that they're just a social person. But what if you're not social. And what if you want to be able to initiate conversations with just about anyone? Then try these progressive step-by-step exercises and watch how comfortable you can become. We always believe that any s...
Group discussions are always intimidating. You need to captivate more people, be louder and be more energetic. Have you ever felt that you were the silent one in a group discussion? Have you felt that you want to speak up but something just stops you? What is it? What could it be? In this 2-part series, we answer a question on a Reddit thread at r/socialskills about the fear of being "boring". The original post on the thread had posted the following question:The main reason I don't talk...
What if I'm a boring person and have nothing interesting to say? How do I become an interesting conversationalist? In this episode, we answer a question on a Reddit thread at r/socialskills about the fear of being "boring". The original post on the thread had posted the following question:The main reason I don't talk much with other people isn't because I don't want to, but because I don't' know what to say. When I start to talk with someone, I realize that my life is pretty boring. I have no...
Do you think 'Ah', 'Ums', 'ands' are pulling down the caliber of your message? Is it really necessary to reduce our filler words? Well it definitely is but there is another magical entity which takes precedence over crutch words. Find out what that entity is and some actionable tips to reduce your filler words on this episode of Talk Your Way Up. For regular updates and additional content, follow us on:Instagram: https://in.linkedi...
The backbone of communication is the language used to convey our messages. It's the medium that channelizes our thoughts and emotions. So developing solid control and fluency is essential in our journey to become a better speaker. In this episode, we have a seasoned English Instructor who has been in the language education field for over 16 years, joining us to share her take on developing our fluency in English. These insights can overflow into any language that we want a better hold of...
Ask any eloquent speaker what are some habits that have helped them become the speaker they are and you'll always hear - Reading and Writing. These are two crucial habits that are absolute life changers when it comes to organizing the thoughts of an otherwise chaotic mind. And an organized mind is always better at expressing those thoughts in an articulate manner. But there is a certain way you can read books that will ultimately make you a better speaker. Tag along on this episod...
There is a wide gap between the words we know and the words we use. Is there anything we can do to bridge this gap so we unleash the true potential of our vocabulary? Sometimes the difference between persuading someone and pushing them away could just lie in the words you use. Join in on this episode where the hosts take you through a simple process to enhance your spoken vocabulary so you become a more expressive version of yourself in day to day conversations. Blog with the soft ...
How crucial is your communication skills during an interview? Why do the interviewers ask what they ask? How can you tick all the boxes in their check-list?Get a first-hand perspective from an HR Consultant about what is expected of a candidate in a job interview. Manish Khanolkar, a professional soft skills trainer with vast experience in the field of HR, recruiting and consulting provides an insider's view of what an interview panel is looking for in an ideal candidate (And it begins as soo...
Job Interviews

Job Interviews


It would be an understatement to say that job interviews make many people anxious. But it doesn't have to be that way! While we prepare for days on the subject of the interview, tuning our communication skills often takes a backseat and this becomes the defining factor in whether or not we get our dream job. Tune in to find out more about how you can go in and face any interview confidently and express your abilities the way you envision.
Welcome back to Talk Your Way Up Podcast and we look to start the second season with a bang. Our first guest, DTM Aalap Mehta, discusses in-depth what it really means to be energetic and how anyone can bring out their unique form of energy on stage. Tune into an action-packed episode with stories, humor, philosophy, and of course, actionable tips that you can start implementing right away. Follow Aalap on:Facebook:
Let's Keep Going

Let's Keep Going


We talk about our journey in Talk Your Way Up as we wrap up the first season. It's been fantastic for us so far and we are only getting started, so let's keep going!
Hear from a sales professional, Nishanth PK on the whole concept of 'Selling Yourself' and how being good at conversations can take you ahead in any profession.
Listen Your Way Up

Listen Your Way Up


Everyone loves to talk but who is listening? Listening is just as much a part of the conversation as is talking, and in fact, plays a more active role. Tune in to find out how we can become better listeners and listen our way up!
What's a networking event all about? Do we really need to stay in touch with people we meet and How to ask a lost acquaintance a favour?
Do you want to be great at initiating conversations but even the thought of talking to a stranger intimidates you? We can easily overcome this fear by taking just a few conscious steps and your hosts bring you a two-part episode of the most 'asked-for' topic on 'Talk Your Way Up'.
Do you want to be great at initiating conversations but even the thought of talking to a stranger intimidates you? We can easily overcome this fear by taking just a few conscious steps and your hosts bring you a two-part episode of the most 'asked-for' topic on 'Talk Your Way Up'.
Does small talk always have to be monotonous and boring? Most people don't like it but can even the most trivial form of conversation be engaging? Find out more on the new segment, Talk Your Way Up - Conversations.
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