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Radio Tambua

Author: ACFAR team

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The Africa Centre for Apologetics Research (ACFAR) equips Christians with resources and training for discernment, the defense of the faith, and cult evangelism. The Radio Tambua podcast features radio programs and conference messages on cultic movements and apologetics in Africa. (Tambua is a Swahili word meaning “discern.”)
176 Episodes
The book of Revelation can be confusing and intimidating. In this encouraging message Rodgers Atwebembeire highlights the most important aspect of chapter 2—the preeminence of Jesus Christ.
The “Prosperity Gospel” (Word-Faith) movement promotes a distorted view of man's authority, identity, health and wealth. But the prayer in Psalm 130 shows us the right way to rely on God for every need, as Rodgers Atwebembeire explains.
It can be intimidating to share the Gospel with a cult member! How do you begin? Rodgers Atwebembeire gives us three important things to keep in mind: 1) Know basic Bible teachings (and be able to explain them) 2) Pray for the one you’re evangelizing 3) Emphasize the role of God’s grace in salvation
The urgency of contending for the faith was paramount to Jude in his letter to the saints. What does this mean for us? The answer may surprise you, as Rodgers Atwebembeire explains.
Former atheist Eliud Gachunji tells Vincent Kajuma of ACFAR Kenya how God used apologetics to convince him that He exists.
Apologetics is the defense of the faith. Do you have to be a scholar to understand and use apologetics? Actually, all Christians are called—and commanded—to defend “the faith once for all delivered to the saints" (Jude 3–4). And this is very good news, as Vincent Kajuma explains.
Does God promise to bless you with money? Is it God’s will for you to be rich? Lots of pastors and self-proclaimed prophets today say “Yes!” But there are many reasons why every Christian should beware of this too-good-to-be-true “gospel of prosperity.” In this two-part series Rodgers Atwebembeire gives you four that you should take very seriously. Also see… A Statement on Prosperity Teaching (Lausanne)
Christians can easily get frustrated with someone who is always questioning, but the Bible calls us to respond with compassion. In this episode Vincent Kajuma of ACFAR Kenya gives us eight helpful ways to approach the one who doubts.
Jude 22 commands us to “have mercy on those who doubt”. Christians can easily get frustrated with someone who is always questioning, but the Bible calls us to respond with compassion. Vincent Kajuma of ACFAR Kenya helps us understand and wisely apply God’s Word.
Many people are asking: “Will Ravi Zacharias be saved in the end?” Such questions naturally haunt us in our own private encounters with sin: How will this affect my eternal fate? Does this sin endanger my salvation? But by focusing on these kinds of questions we skew biblical priorities. Vincent Kajuma of ACFAR Kenya explains. Used by kind permission of The Gospel Coalition Africa.
Two especially toxic teachings are threatening the health of the church today: “hyper-grace” and the “Prosperity Gospel.” What does the Bible really teach us about grace and prosperity? Rodgers Atwebembeire explains. More on this topic: Grasping the True Grace of God (article) Hyper-Grace (videos)
What does the Bible say about false teachings? A lot! From Matthew to Revelation, almost every book in the New Testament warns us to be on our guard. Learn the six main kinds of false teaching, the nine enemies of truth, and more as Rodgers Atwebembeire explains.
Although William Marrion Branham died over 50 years ago, his influence is still felt around the world. Was he a true prophet of God—or a deceiver? Rodgers Atwebembeire examines the claims of Branham and his followers in the light of Scripture.
Andrew Wommack spreads his message on prosperity and healing across the world through “the power of radio and television,” his Charis Bible Colleges, and ample use of the Internet. But are his claims biblically sound? Because Scripture warns Christians to beware of false teachers, we must carefully examine and answer his potentially devastating doctrines in two key areas. Rodgers Atwebembeire of ACFAR explains. More resources answering Andrew Wommack: • The Word-Faith Teachings of Andrew Womm...
Exorcism in the African church is amazingly widespread. But we have to ask ourselves: Is deliverance ministry really the church's main purpose? Rodgers Atwebembeire brings helpful answers. Reposted by kind permission of The Gospel Coalition—Africa.
Faith of Unity is a religion centered on Desteo Bisaka (1930–2021), who called himself “Owobusobozi” (Runyoro, “almighty one”). He openly rejected the Bible and Christianity, declared himself to be God, and wrote his own book of scripture (“The Book of God”). Based on his miracle claims, he ordered his followers to worship him and commanded new rules for their daily lives. In this message Rodgers Atwebembeire gives biblical answers—and hope—to those who still look to Bisaka for their salvatio...
Are we in danger from false apostles? Do we still have biblical apostles? These and many other important questions deserve honest answers. Rodgers Atwebembeire makes a compelling case for testing those who claim to be apostles and invites you along to examine the Scriptures.
Where is God’s mercy when we go through difficult times—even if it’s a time when we suffer from our own mistakes? Does He care? Yes! In light of Jesus’ coming, we can have rest, joy and peace. Rodgers Atwebembeire explains from Scripture.
Where is God’s mercy when we go through difficult times—even if it’s a time when we suffer from our own mistakes? Does He care? Yes! In light of Jesus’ coming, we can have rest, joy and peace. Rodgers Atwebembeire explains from Scripture.
How can a pastor equip his congregation for biblical discernment? We can learn much from Paul’s urgent charge to Timothy, as Rodgers Atwebembeire explains.
African Christianity has been greatly influenced by the Word-Faith movement—a teaching that overemphasizes health and wealth—or what is commonly known as the prosperity gospel. People are taught that, as believers, they are entitled to wealth and health. But what happens when believers don’t become healthy and wealthy as has been promised? A false excuse comes into play—something we call “generational curses.” Rodgers Atwebembeire gives the scriptural solution to these errors. Reposted by ki...
How does “Prophet” David Owuor’s preaching about holiness differ from what the Bible says? Vincent Kajuma of ACFAR Kenya addresses seven false views being promoted by the Repentance & Holiness Movement. This message reposted by kind permission of Ekklesia Afrika.
March 17th, 2021 marks the 21st anniversary of the infamous Kanungu tragedy, in which the cult known as the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God murdered hundreds of its followers in a burning church. What have Christians in East Africa learned in the generation since this event? Both the church and the general public are still highly vulnerable, and evidence of our crisis of discernment is everywhere. This statement by Rodgers Atwebembeire, director of the Africa Centr...
How could so many have died 21 years ago at Kanungu, thinking that they were obeying God? Christians in Africa today must wake up to the dangerous reality of cultic groups that add to God’s Word, subtract from Jesus, multiply requirements for salvation, and divide their followers’ loyalties. Rodgers Atwebembeire helpfully explains where we stand—and the way forward. Read more at
Unaweza kuwa unashangaa ukisema “Je! Si kila mtu anajua kile amabacho Yesu alimaanisha?" Kwa kweli unapoangalia maandiko, unaona kuwa kama yalivyo wazi kuhusu kile Yesu alicho kisema. Alakini sio kawaida kuwa wazi, kuhusu kile Yesu alicho kimaanisha kulingana na kile alicho kisema. Katika sehemu ya kwa ya ujumbe wake, Hahirwa Kamanzi Innocent anafafanua Yohana 8:28. “Doesn't everyone know what Jesus meant?" In fact, when you look at the scriptures, you see that they are very clear about what...
Beware—predictions made in God’s name that are not fulfilled identify a false prophet! Rodgers Atwebembeire explains this important biblical test—and applies it to William Branham, Benny Hinn, Ellen G. White, T.B. Joshua, and others. Learn more—download free resources here:



Join us for an encouraging journey through the Christmas story, as recorded in Luke 2:1–20!
The Fruit Test asks, How do these prophets live? How do they teach other people to live? Jesus said “You will know them by their fruits” (Mt. 7:16). Anyone who claims to be a prophet of God must demonstrate faithfulness to God in the way that he or she lives. Rodgers Atwebembeire examines Mormon “prophet” Joseph Smith, alleged South African wonder-workers, and others in the light of Scripture’s warnings. Download our free tract “4 WAYS YOU CAN TELL TRUE FROM FALSE PROPHETS” https://ac...
Unaweza kuwa unashangaa ukisema “Je! Si kila mtu anajua kile amabacho Yesu alimaanisha?" Kwa kweli unapoangalia maandiko, unaona kuwa kama yalivyo wazi kuhusu kile Yesu alicho kisema. Alakini sio kawaida kuwa wazi, kuhusu kile Yesu alicho kimaanisha kulingana na kile alicho kisema. Katika sehemu ya kwa ya ujumbe wake, Hahirwa Kamanzi Innocent anafafanua Yohana 8:28. You may be wondering when you say “Doesn't everyone know what Jesus meant?" In fact, when you look at the scriptures, you see th...
Any prophet who proclaims so-called new revelations must deliver teachings faithful to the teachings of the Bible. And any prophet today whose teachings clearly contradict the Bible’s revelations is a false prophet. Rodgers Atwebembeire explains all this—and more! Resources here:
“Kitange! Obanga kisoboka, leka ekikompe kino kinzigibweko, naye si nga nze bwe njagala, wabula nga ggwe bwo’yagala.” Akatambi kano kajja kuyamba okutegeera ki Yesu Kulisito kwe yali ategeeza mu bigambo bino wagulu. (English title: What Christians Should Know About Suffering)
We have a serious “prophet problem” in Africa today. People are anxious for prophets who will use special powers from God to diagnose and solve their everyday spiritual and practical problems. But almost anyone can simply claim to be a prophet, open a church, and start asking for tithes, offerings, and special gifts! What are the ways God gives us to test a prophet—any prophet? Since it’s so important that we not be led astray, what are the warning signs, and what steps must anyone take? In t...
Lwaki bangi babazibye amaaso nebakkiriza ng’abo abeeyita banabbi; babalagira okulya omuddo, okunywa amafuta n’okuwaayo ensiimbi z’esomero (school fees) basobole okufuna omukisa? Bayibuli eyogera ku banabbi abatuufu ne ’bobulimba. Wetegereze akatambi kano era oyige ki bayibuli kyeyogera kungeri joyinza okubaawula. (English title: False Prophets)
Rev. Dr. Edison Muhindo Kalengyo shines the light of God’s Word on this singular crime.
Buli mwonoonyi asobola okufuuka oweddembe olw’enjiri entuufu (amawulire amalungi) aga Yesu kristo. Naye bangi olwaleero baliisidwa enjiri ey’obulimba ebawa essuubi ely’obulimba ly’okka. Njiriki ki gwe jokkiriza? Wuliriza akatambi kano era oyawule enjiri entuufu ku’yobulimba. (English title: False Gospels)
Rev. Canon Dr. John Senyonyi offers biblical guidelines for responding to the lure of the QuestNet/Amezcua Bio Disc and other “wellness” methods and devices. Download our free statement on the Bio Disc at
Osiinza katonda omutuufu? Banji baabuzabuzibwa mukusiinza bakatonda abolimba ababulingeri. Wuliriza akatambi kano era oyige Katonda omutuufu yaani, oleme kugwa mu katego ka bakatonda ab’obulimba n’ensiinza etali ntuufu. (English title: False Gods)
The apostle Paul’s charge in 2 Timothy 4:1–22 couldn’t be more important. At the end of his life, he’s still passionate about spreading the gospel. And as Rodgers Atwebembeire explains in this inspiring message, the antidote to both false teaching and secular worldviews is the faithful preaching of the Word!
Wakati mukulindirira okuda kwa Mukama waffe, tutekendwa okwekenenya bwe tukiriza na’lwaki tubikiriza. Akatambi kano kakunyonyola engeri joyinza okwekenenya mu byo’kiriza nga omukulisitayo. — with Sarah Walusimbi (English title: The Christian and the Need for Discernment)
Jesus said that He came to give us abundant life (John 10:10). Does this mean we should expect to have lots of money and perfect health right now? No—the abundance that He offers is even better! Rodgers Atwebembeire explains.
Did God need to exercise faith in order to create the world? And are we supposed to imitate Him, and go about creating things for ourselves by using faith-filled words? Many people today embrace this false “Prosperity Gospel” doctrine, which twists Romans 4:17. But understanding the real meaning of this important verse brings a blessing, as Rodgers Atwebembeire explains.
Has God promised us total physical healing in this life? Some preachers point to Isaiah 53:4–5 and say “yes!” But is that really what these verses are saying? Rodgers Atwebembeire explains.
Romans 8:28 is a great comfort to all Christians, telling us that “God causes all things to work together for good” in our lives. But what is the “good” that God is bringing out of “all things?” It may not be what you expect! Rodgers Atwebembeire explains.
The gospel is an amazing, transformative gift from God which reveals His character and should motivate us to bring it to every person on earth. Rodgers Atwebembeire takes us through Acts 13:13–41 to demonstrate the urgency and excellency of our mission. (From a four-part lecture series by Rodgers Atwebembeire exploring the relationship between Christian apologetics and the Great Commission. The Great Commission can’t be properly appreciated apart from the multi-cultural, multi-religious con...
In Philippians 4:14, the Apostle Paul says that “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” What are the “all things” he refers to? Does this mean your football team will always win if they claim this verse? No. Paul has something different—but very important—in mind, as Rodgers Atwebembeire explains!
Many Christians use 2 Chronicles 7:14 to say that God will fix their nation’s problems if believers will only humble themselves and repent. This sounds like a great promise—but is it really what the verse is saying? Rodgers Atwebembeire explains!
What you learn from your pastor or preacher can have eternal consequences! Listen and learn as Rodgers Atwebembeire helps you discern whether your teacher is true or false.
Wouldn’t it be great to live in prosperity—even when the rest of the world is in recession? Some preachers will tell you that this is what God promises in 3 John 2. But is that really what John means? Rodgers Atwebembeire explains!
With all the confusion and abuse surrounding demons and deliverance, what can biblically healthy churches do to help? Rodgers Atwebembeire explains.
What has the church learned from the Kanungu cult massacre—and what action should believers take going forward? Dr. Dennis Kilama responds in this stirring message from the March 17, 2020 symposium held on the campus of Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda.
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