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The Creative Pivot - Actionable Inspiration for Midlife
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The Creative Pivot - Actionable Inspiration for Midlife

Author: Heather Johnston

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Are you dreaming of making a change in your life but not sure where to start? Have you stopped yourself from opening a business or changing careers thinking you are too old, or don't have enough experience? Are you suffering from burnout and don't know where to turn? How do you figure out that next first step? On The Creative Pivot we introduce practical advice on how to discover the work you are meant to do, live a life aligned with your core values, and create plenty of space for creative possibilities. We also invite women just like you who decided that they wanted to change their lives, to forge their own path, and to create a business to support a life they are designing. Hosted by Life & Business Coach Heather Johnston. Heather made her own creative pivot after suffering burnout and realizing that the work she was spending her days doing had moved further and further away from what she really loved. She took her love for organizational and staff development and created her coaching & consulting practice, The Creative Pivot. Visit to sign up for an introductory consultation.
70 Episodes
This is the last episode of The Creative Pivot, but it is not the last episode of the podcast. The podcast will be coming back in a slightly different form, so stay tuned and ensure you are subscribed, so you don't miss it. Kristina Brummer and I introduce our Grow Mastermind for Women Entrepreneurs. If you are a business owner and a women we hope you listen in to learn more about us and this special program that we will be facilitating. Spaces are limited to ten participants, plus the ...
Sharon Nichols joins Kristina Brummer and Heather Johnston on the 9th and final episode of the Grow Your Heart Centered Business Series on The Creative Pivot. Sharon is an Enneagram 9 who loves the insight she’s gained through the Enneagram and encourages others to explore and discover their own type. A few resources include:Complete the RHETI assessment at The Enneagram Institute.Read The Essential Enneagram, a scientifically developed Enneagram personality test & self-discovery gu...
This episode introduces you to Coach Sheila Morgan and we talk all about people pleasing, learning to set boundaries, sober October, her podcast Relationship Reboot, and why we both love the professional field of coaching.If you are listening in and you wonder about those earrings that Sheila is wearing, check out Rhino Cat Designs for more info Sheila is a relationship and mindset coach. Who helps people get over the guilt and shame so they can have amazing relationships.Website: https://she...
This week on the Grow Your Heart Centered Business Conversation, Kristina and Heather discuss ways to declutter and organize your thoughts to improve your productivity and create more time for you. By clearing our minds we allow ourselves to move away from the "I'm too busy to find time for self-care, rest, and fun" mentality that we can easily fall into as entrepreneurs. Bios:Heather JohnstonIn the summer of 2019, Heather took a leap, without a safety net. She was burnt out and le...
As heart centered entrepreneurs we always want our authentic voice to shine, but how do we do that? What things do you do, or wish you did, to talk with your clients about the ways your business can make their lives better?Bios:Heather JohnstonIn the summer of 2019, Heather took a leap, without a safety net. She was burnt out and left her job of over a decade to take a chance on herself. It was scary, and at 45 she had spent the last decade building her career in technology support and projec...
In this episode, we are speaking with Holly Holton, creator of The Decision Umbrella. Holly has a story that is a bit different from other women that we have interviewed. Holly's creative pivot was created within the organization where she had built a thriving sales career. She was great at her job but she wasn't happy. She saw a need for a new position of Director of Sustainability and made it happen. This is a very creative, creative pivot.Listen in as we talk about Holly's journey in...
Amy M. Le is a Vietnam War survivor and CHD warrior. She was born in Vietnam nine months before the fall of Saigon and immigrated to the United States in 1980 at the age of five with her mother and cousin. Her family was among the hundreds of thousands of boat people who fled Vietnam after the Vietnam War. They were sponsored to Seattle, WA and made a life for themselves in the Pacific Northwest. Amy graduated from Western Washington University with a degree inSociology and worked in the tech...
Watching an episode of Downton Abbey we were intrigued by the idea of people leaving their calling cards when visiting. Our conversation today is all about what our calling cards are and what they say to those around us. would the modern-day equivalent of your calling card be? Is it your website, your email, or your Instagram bio? When people speak about you and your business to others are you confident that they can describe what you do, who you serve, and the solutions you provide?Bio...
Do you have an activity or tool that always brings you back to feeling aligned? That works so well in helping you to learn more about who you are, what you do, and why you love the things you love?You may call it self care, but what about calling it soul care? Stacy Cordova is our guest on the podcast and she talks about her journey to discovering human design as her soul care alignment tool. Heather has experienced a Soul Map Human Design reading from Stacy and if you visit her website you c...
People-pleasing is the strong urge to please others even when they may be putting their own needs at risk. People-pleasers may have the tendency to take on responsibilities that are not asked of them. These actions can lead to higher levels of burnout as both an employee and an entrepreneur. On this week's episode in the Growing Your Heart Centered Business Special Series, Kristina and Heather discuss their own patterns of people pleasing and ways that you can recognize when you slip into a p...
We are all storytellers, and we can weave some scary stories to keep us from growing, trying new things, or changing relationships. There are tools to start writing our stories from a new perspective of possibility.On this episode of the podcast, I share the five journal prompts that I have found to be helpful when choosing to write your story from a new perspective. More of a heroine's journey. What path did we choose to take by not changing how we move through the world, and what actions ar...
How are you using your time? Do you hear the words, "I'm so busy", coming out of your mouth on a regular basis?This episode we talk about our own time management quirks, our real thoughts on why time is one of our greatest assets, and the importance of paying attention to where you are spending your time. Bios:Heather JohnstonIn the summer of 2019, Heather took a leap, without a safety net. She was burnt out and left her job of over a decade to take a chance on herself. It was scary, and at 4...
What if your journey to self-care led you to your dream career? That is what happened to my guest Amanda Ferrat, Advanced EFT Practitioner. What started off as a somewhat toxic relationship with self-care led her to discover the tool that became her self-care tool of choice, and now she helps others through the practice of EFT and wellness counseling. Amanda Ferrat, founder of Value Yourself Counseling, is a certified Advanced EFT Practitioner and emotional wellness counselor that uses ...
Kristina Brummer and Heather Johnston are back with the second episode in the Grow Your Heart Centered Business Series. This episode Heather introduces the Five Projects Rule, a concept discussed by Charlie Gilkey, the founder of Productive Flourishing, in his book Start Finishing. This concept or rule was discovered on Jenny Blake's podcast Free Time.This episode came on the heels of our first episode. We started talking about time management and taking on too many projects. We hit rec...
Kristina Brummer and Heather Johnston are back with another episode in our Grow Your Heart Centered Business Series. This conversation is a juicy one as we talk about the lessons we learned from starting our businesses. We are sharing our top tips to help you get started with your heart-centered business. I'm not going to give any spoilers you will need to listen to the episode to get all the details. When we were planning this episode we realized that it was a perfect combina...
We all approach midlife from different perspectives. We might be drifting through life putting our hopes and dreams on hold.Flowing towards new beginnings, a chance to change careers, make a move, or start a new business, but we don't yet know how to make that happen, we just have faith that we are headed in the right direction.Or are you paddling? You know what you want, you are pretty sure you know how to get it, but you need some assistance in getting out of your own way.This week we talk ...
Episode 53 and it is a special one as it kicks of the Grow Your Heart Centered Business Series with Kristina Brummer, Founder of The Spectacular Middle, a full service virtual support agency for entrepreneurs.Kristina is a heart-centered entrepreneur building a small business, and she knows first hand how it feels to get lost in the weeds of the day-to-day operations of your business. She started her agency after a successful corporate career. In the creative pivot fashion she changed the tra...
This podcast episode is near and dear to my heart as I am talking about two of the most significant life changes I have gone through recently, career change and the empty nest. In this episode, I will discuss three stages that you go through with big life changes:Acknowledge there is an ending.The mucky unknowing.A new path forward.With each stage, I discuss the important things to consider and actions that you can take to move forward.Speaking of empty nesting since many of my listeners...
Welcome to Episode 51 of The Creative Pivot podcast. Today's episode is a solo episode and I talk about:What happened after Episode 50 of the podcast and how several weeks turned into several months. Realizing I needed to realign my coaching business.Feeling awkward and like a fraud as a new business owner and how to reframe those thoughts.Jumping back into the podcast and announcing exciting plans for a new podcast series especially aimed at new business owners.Are you looking to g...
This episode is a special one, we talk about giving yourself permission to change your mind, midlife reassessment (midlife crisis if you want to call it that), and big changes coming up for the podcast and redefining success.Changes are afoot but still going one step at a time.Interested in learning more about Creative Pivot Coaching visit my websiteThecreativepivot.comSchedule a 1-on-1 session with Heather JohnstonSchedule NowFollow along with The Creative PivotInstagramFacebookLinkedInJoin ...