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McGough's Ministry

Author: Ryan

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This is a collection of sermons, studies, and general ramblings of UMC pastor 

297 Episodes
This is a deeper look into Ben Fold's song "Phone in a Pool" and looks at the question of what we do when the ways/callings/desires of this world get to be too much. It raises the question of what do we truly desire in this world? Take a listen to the song here:
A look at guilt and shame, and the danger of self-imposed guilt and shame I encourage you all to go listen to this song
This is a song by the band 21 Pilots, and is a study I did about a year ago with the youth, but after looking at "Up Up and Away" I wanted to share this song with you as well. I challenge you to listen to the song, then the podcast, then the song again. Here is a link to "Car Radio"
I often times find myself listening to random music, and hearing Biblical truth in the lyrics. This is one of those cases. As mentioned in the episode, I have not listened to their full catalog, so I do not promote any of their other songs. Here is a link to the song discussed in this episode Juice WRLD's UP UP and Away I hope you enjoy, and please comment other songs if you would like for me to check them out
I decided to see how different a pre-recorded and a recorded in person sermon sounded. Here is a a recording of my sermon "We don't know what we don't know"as preached at Henery's Chapel UMC on May 30, 2021
As we enter into the season of Lent, I challenge you to add or remove something from your life to strengthen paschal spirituality in your life.
A Christmas Eve Sermon, for what to do when things don't go according to plan
Love Your Neighbor

Love Your Neighbor


A walk through the greatest commandment in the last meeting of The Connection
This is my message from The River tonight looking at Mark 9:14-25



Matthew 26:14-30
Where are We Going

Where are We Going


From THE CONNECTION (Formerly Family Worship, in the Gym at Philly FUMC 10AM)Sept 27 2020 James 4:7-10
Pass the baton

Pass the baton


What can a relay race teach us about our faith
A look at the Great Commission, it's connection to the Great Commandment and what it means to be, and to make disciples
Looking at Jesus' cry of "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do "
Greatest Hits Vol 4

Greatest Hits Vol 4


A look at Zacchaeus... Who is that "Wee Little Man"?
Greatest Hits Vol 3

Greatest Hits Vol 3


As we look at Shadrach Meshach and Abednego. We ask the questions of what do you bow to, and what are you willing to stand for?
Greatest Hits Vol 2

Greatest Hits Vol 2


Tonight we take a deeper dive into Noah's Ark
Greatest Hits 1

Greatest Hits 1


Today we take a look at one of my favorite stories in Scripture from 2 Kings 2:23-24
A deep look into Genesis 4 and how an unchecked posture of privilege, pride, and entitlement can lead us to ignorance and apathy, which leads to oppression. This is the progression of oppression and how we are called and created to be different