DiscoverDiscovering Your Calling - Finding Fulfillment & Purpose, Professional Development, Career Coaching for Ambitious Women, Entrepreneurship, CliftonStrengths, Wrok-Life Balance, Work From Home
Discovering Your Calling - Finding Fulfillment & Purpose, Professional Development, Career Coaching for Ambitious Women, Entrepreneurship, CliftonStrengths, Wrok-Life Balance, Work From Home
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Discovering Your Calling - Finding Fulfillment & Purpose, Professional Development, Career Coaching for Ambitious Women, Entrepreneurship, CliftonStrengths, Wrok-Life Balance, Work From Home

Author: Sheri Miter- Clifton Strengths Finders Coach & Visionary Strategist

Subscribed: 15Played: 195


Are you a woman who's climbed the ladder of success, but you're discovering the view isn't what you wanted?   Do you feel torn between making an impact and maintaining a balanced life? Are you wondering if you are burned out or just bored because you aren’t being challenged anymore?  You know deep in your heart, your natural gifts are being wasted!  Are you lying awake at night contemplating whether to pursue a new degree, switch companies, or finally start your own business? The challenge of starting something new excites you but leaves you wondering—is it worth the risk?  


Hey friend, I get it! 

Welcome to the Discovering Your Calling podcast, the ultimate guide for highly successful mid-career women seeking a career change and exploring entrepreneurship. This podcast is your key to unlocking your natural talents so you can find excitement in your career today and in the future! I understand that you are searching for purpose and joy in your work and want that fulfillment to extend into your relationships, health, and hobbies. I'm here to help you achieve that! 

Are you ready to get clear on your strengths to confidently pursue your purpose?! 


Hi, I’m Sheri, a wife, mom, and former top 2% network marketing leader turned Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach.   During my career as a leader in a network marketing company, I was introduced to Gallup’s Clifton Strengths Assessment.  Understanding my natural God-given talents helped me soar to the top of my career, but it also highlighted the misalignment between my gifts and my job.  I became keenly aware that many of my gifts were being wasted.(maybe you feel that way too?)  Despite my success, I knew I needed a career change, but I didn't know where to start. 

I spent three long years searching for my next career and true calling.  I started following the wrong “experts” and invested a lot of time and money in courses that didn’t align with my values.   I finally realized that if I was going to find joy & success in my next career, I had to connect my natural talents with the vision & mission I had for my life.  

This led me to develop a process that helped me clarify my purpose and align it with my God-given strengths. Now, I'm here to share everything I've learned with you! 

In this podcast, we will cover:

  • Using CliftonStrengths (StrengthsFinder) to discover your true calling
  • Finding or creating your "what's next" career
  • Entrepreneurship tips for those ready to take the plunge
  • Strategies to maximize your career and life, finding the joy, fulfillment, purpose, and freedom you seek

Ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and career transformation? Lace-up those shoes, pop in your earbuds, and let’s dive into the Discovering Your Calling podcast! It's time to unlock your full potential and find the career that truly fulfills you.    

Have questions or comments? Email me at

266 Episodes
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