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Bible Insights with Wayne Conrad
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Bible Insights with Wayne Conrad

Author: Wayne A Conrad

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Brief messages on biblical truths concerning various subjects. Christ centered, God focused teaching covering a wide variety of important truths are presented in an engaging and edifying manner to help believers mature in the knowledge and practice of their faith.
246 Episodes
God as Trinity or better stated the One Eternal God as a triune Being is a crucial teaching of the Bible and therefore is essential to true Christianity. Yet this doctrine is often neglected in the pulpit by pastors. Failure to adequately instruct believers in this truth has resulted in serious errors in the faith touching many other doctrines especially the person of Jesus Christ and his redemptive acts. How should this doctrine be stated? A brief look at Matthew 28:16-20 a...
Jesus Restores Peter

Jesus Restores Peter


In his grace Jesus not only forgave a repentant Peter on the day of his resurrection but he restored Peter 3 weeks later to his role as an apostle. John records this intimate conversation between Jesus and Peter on the shore of Lake Galilee in John 21. For every denial Peter had uttered- I do not know the man- Jesus now allows him to confess his personal love and affection. To each affirmation of love Jesus responded with the commission- Feed my lambs. Tend my sheep. Feed my sheep. His ultima...
Peter, the Denier

Peter, the Denier


Although Simon Peter loved Jesus of Nazareth in the hour of trial when Peter from the courtyard was identified as a follower of Jesus, he denied even knowing him! How could this happen? The tragic denial by Peter is recorded in all four gospel narratives. How can the designated leader of the apostles and the confessor of Jesus' messiahship deny even knowing him?Bible Insights with Wayne ConradContact: 8441 Hunnicut Rd Dallas, Texas 75228email: Att. Bible Insights Wayne Conradgsccdallas@gmail....
How did Simon Peter come to know Jesus? How were they introduced? During the early phase of their relationship Simon Peter makes his first confession.Bible Insights with Wayne ConradContact: 8441 Hunnicut Rd Dallas, Texas 75228email: Att. Bible Insights Wayne (Good Shepherd Church) Donation or gscc, Truth an...
Paul writes to Timothy concerning our Lord Jesus. God, who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted us in Christ Jesus from all eternity, 10 but now has been revealed by the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel . 2 Timothy 1:9-10Jesus in his incarnation abolished death and brought life and immortality. ...
The day of Jesus' resurrection was very busy with his comings and goings to several people and climaxed in the evening with his first appearance to a group of ten of his apostles.Jesus is raised in the physical body of incarnation and death which is now raised an immortal body. Jesus bestows his peace upon the disciples. He then gives his commission, "as the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you." Having said this he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit." This pose...
A primary reason why Christians know that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah, the Promised Anointed One, the Redeemer, is the predicted prophecies that are fulfilled in his life. Psalm 22 is a detailed picture of Jesus' sufferings on the cross. Both Matthew and John relate this in their accounts. Matthew records the behavior of people and Jesus' inner experiences of thought and emotional pain as well as his bodily suffering. Listen to the record of Psalm 22 with Matthew 27 and Jesus' own prophe...
The Cup Jesus Drank

The Cup Jesus Drank


When the soldiers came to arrest Jesus in the garden grove where he had been praying he went out and said to them, “Who is it that you’re seeking?” “Jesus of Nazareth,” they answered. He answered, “I am". At this manifestation of his nature they fell down.When Peter drew a hand sword and cut off the ear of servant of the High Priest, Jesus rebuked him for once again seeking to interfere with God's will that the cross was his destination. Am I not to drink the cup the Father h...
Jesus Arrested!

Jesus Arrested!


I want to take you to a dark spot. It is in the garden where Jesus is arrested and taken in custody. Here is the account as recorded by John who was an eyewitness to the event. John 18:1-11 with references to prior events.Bible Insights with Wayne ConradContact: 8441 Hunnicut Rd Dallas, Texas 75228email: Att. Bible Insights Wayne (Good Shepherd Church) Donation
Questioning Jesus

Questioning Jesus


The visit of the Jews with Jesus at the synagogue in Capernaum the day after he had fed them by the multiplication of the loaves and fish took the form of a series of questions. Questions are asked for various reasons such as information, to further a discussion, to express unbelief or belief, to express disapproval. This podcast reviews these questions as Jesus claims to be the Bread of Life. Bible Insights with Wayne ConradContact: 8441 Hunnicut Rd Dallas, Texas 75228email:...
One of the greatest signs that Jesus did that bolstered his apostle's faith in it was the feeding of the Five Thousand men plus. It is recorded in all four of the gospel narratives. Reading from John's account with some additional information from the other narratives we can relate day's the event . We can observe some obvious applications.Bible Insights with Wayne ConradContact: 8441 Hunnicut Rd Dallas, Texas 75228email: Att. Bible Insights Wayne (Good Shephe...
This podcast relates Jesus' third messianic sign in his healing of a paralyzed man in one of the Temple porch areas. The man had been in this condition for 38 years but on this day Jesus at the Father's direction heals him. He miraculously restores his limbs so that he instantly got up and walked carrying his own pallet. And it was the Sabbath!Now his religious enemies began to plot his murder. Consider John 5:1-16 with Isaiah 35:5-6 and Matthew 11:1-6, John 7:21-24Bible Insi...
You Are God's Temple

You Are God's Temple


Christians are referred to as God's Temple twice in Paul's letter to the Corinthians. Interestingly, Paul uses the pronoun "you" to refer to the group, a plural "you," in 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, but later he uses the singular "you" in 1 Corinthians 6:19. This podcast considers the practical applications of the truth that we are God's Temple in both the corporate and the personal sense.Bible Insights with Wayne ConradContact: 8441 Hunnicut Rd Dallas, Texas 75228email: Att. Bible Insights Wayne ...
After cleansing the Temple is Jerusalem in his early days of ministry Jesus answered the Temple authorities question about his authority to do this with a cryptic statement. Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up. John explains that jesus was speaking of his body. The utterance came true when Jesus was raised from the dead and ascended into heaven. This message gives an insight into its profound significance.Bible Insights with Wayne ConradContact: 8441 Hunnicut Rd Dallas, T...
Water into Wine

Water into Wine


The concept of sign is very prominent in the Gospel Narrative of John. It is an organizing principle of his witness to Jesus as the Messiah. Soon after Jesus has gathered his first disciples, 5 in all, they go to Cana in Galilee because they were invited to a wedding feast. It was probably a relative of Mary and Jesus who was the bridegroom. When the wine ran low the situation was presented to Jesus. He solved it by turning the wash. water into wine! John 2:1-12 Let's listen to the conv...
After Jesus baptism by John he begins to gather his disciples. The first two, John and Andrew, were disciples of John who now begin to follow Jesus. Andrew enlist his brother Simeon (Peter). Jesus then finds Philip who in turn enlist his best friend, Nathaniel. Nathaniel's encounter wit Jesus leads to this first confession of a disciple to Jesus identity as the Son of God, the King of Israel. What is he confessing? What lead to this confession?Bible Insights with Wayne ConradContact: 8441 Hun...
John the Baptizer was the appointed fore-runner prophet of the Messiah (Malachi 3:1-4; Isaiah 40:3; Luke 1:5-80). God sent him to proclaim the arrival of the kingdom of God through the Messiah. John received the sign of water immersion for repentance for heart preparation to receive the Christ when he arrived. God told John that he would know for certain who this man was when he saw the sign of the Spirit coming to rest upon his head. When Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan River ...
Paul details in Ephesians 6 the spiritual armor our Lord has provided for each of his disciples, his soldiers. The last grouping is found in Ephesians 6:16-18: In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, &nbs...
Message 2 of a 3 part series on the Christian Armor listed by Paul in Ephesians 6. The armor can be seen as defensive weapons and defensive-offensive weapon. This message looks at the what the solider wears next to his body for protection from the enemy's assaults. . 14 Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace. This are then followed ...
Major conflict among nations especially if it involves Israel usually leads to many people feeling the end of the world is at hand. However, a careful read of Jesus words in Luke 21, Mark 13 and Matthew 24 reveals that Jesus said, this is the beginning of birth pangs and the end is not yet. He went on to say no one knows or can know the time of his return in power and glory.Let's assume that the end is near. How then should we prepare? Jesus, Peter, Paul and the author of Hebrews all sp...
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