DiscoverThe 1% Club - with Krystelle Marie
The 1% Club - with Krystelle Marie
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The 1% Club - with Krystelle Marie

Author: Krystelle Marie

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Welcome to the 1% Club, for those who want more from life, the trailblazers, the misfits, the dreamers. I'm Krystelle Marie, your host, and certified Life & Success Strategist. 
This your new go-to source for transforming EVERY aspect of your life, your career, relationships, your money. Each week, we dive into the art of elevating your life through psychology, life coaching techniques, and proven success strategies. I will not only be giving you massive value, but I will be interviewing highly successful people who have come out on top against all odds. Here's to your new, highly successful life. 

64 Episodes
About one in five Australians will experience depression. Around the world, depression affects around 300 million people. Less than half of the population of America are happy. And while sometimes we can’t change what is happening around us, what’s in our external, we can change internally, and I will be sharing exactly how you can do that in this episode. Book a FREE Strategy session DM me to apply for my 1:1 Coaching programWebsite: Instagram: @krystellemarieo...
Hey folks, tune in to this episode to get some simple and fast the techniques that you can use daily to completely transform your state, energy and achieve greatness. Book a FREE Strategy session DM me to apply for my 1:1 Coaching programWebsite: Instagram: @krystellemarieofficialFacebook: @thekrystellemarie
Zero Based Thinking

Zero Based Thinking


Hi All, I am rebranding the podcast, tune in for the info and your first success tip in my new series. DM me to apply for my 1:1 Coaching programWebsite: Instagram: @krystellemarieofficialFacebook: @thekrystellemarie
Ready to get over your BS limiting stories and all the negative fear based thoughts that are holding you back? This episode is going to be your 'MIND BLOWN' moment that will create a massive shift in a positive direction in your life. It's time to manifest what you deserve in 2024. If you are ready to fast track your manifestations this year, here are hypnosis and subliminal audio package links below: Hypnosis Session $222.00 which includes: 💫1.5 session to get clear on your 2024 goals 💫Customised hypnosis track 💫1 edit throughout the year (if there’s things you want taken out , adjusted or added in) 💫Your goals wrapped up in a hypnotic paragraph that you can read daily 💫Bonus subliminal audio to manifest more money Session $111.00 which includes: 💫1 hour session to get clear on your goals 💫3 Customised subliminal audios💫1 edit throughout the year on each audio (if there’s things you want taken out , adjusted or added in)  me to apply for my 1:1 Coaching programWebsite: Instagram: @thathighvibebitchFacebook: @thekrystellemarie
Hi Loves,Are you ready to have a MAJOR QUANTUM LEAP this year!? Then you're going to love this episode, this episode is your possibility portal, this is the year to take massive action towards your dreams. If you are ready to fast track your manifestastions here are the hypnosis and subliminal audio package links below.  Hypnosis Session $222.00 which includes: 💫1.5 session to get clear on your 2024 goals 💫Customised hypnosis track 💫1 edit throughout the year (if there’s things you want taken out , adjusted or added in) 💫Your goals wrapped up in a hypnotic paragraph that you can read daily 💫Bonus subliminal audio to manifest more money Session $111.00 which includes: 💫1 hour session to get clear on your goals 💫3 Customised subliminal audios💫1 edit throughout the year on each audio (if there’s things you want taken out , adjusted or added in)  me to apply for my 1:1 Coaching programWebsite: Instagram: @thathighvibebitchFacebook: @thekrystellemarie
Hi Loves,It's time to take our power back, to live life on our terms, to live an abundant life where we manifest ALL of our desires. IT'S TIME, time to break out of the mother*cken Matrix!!! See you in the episode. xx FREE WORKBOOK - 5 steps to manifest your soulmate DM  me to apply for my 1:1 Coaching programWebsite: Instagram: @thathighvibebitchFacebook: @thekrystellemarie
Hi Loves,It's our delusional Girl Era!! No but seriously, when things seem like they aren't working out or everything is crashing down around you, it's an opportunity to level up. This episode is going to help you hold the faith on your manifestations and get the exact outcome you desire. Im sharing with you how the magic of Law of Assumption works and how I manifested my DREAM Luxury apartment. FREE WORKBOOK - 5 steps to manifest your soulmate DM  me to apply for my 1:1 Coaching programWebsite: Instagram: @thathighvibebitchFacebook: @thekrystellemarie
Hi Loves,In this episode I share some secrets on how I manifested my dream partner and relationship and how you can too. FREE WORKBOOK - 5 steps to manifest your soulmate DM  me to apply for my 1:1 Coaching programWebsite: Instagram: @thathighvibebitchFacebook: @thekrystellemarie
Hey Loves,If you have been feeling anxious, or stagnant, or in procrastination vibes then you need to tap into this episode. This is going to give you the divine guidance you need to get back in the game. We are playing to WIN my loves, I got you. xxCheck out my new website: DM  me to apply for my 1:1 Coaching programInstagram: @thathighvibebitchFacebook: @thekrystellemarie
Hey Loves,Check out this episode if your getting the post-holiday depression vibes, I'm going to share a simple way that you can hack your brain to not only feel way happier, but to attract more positive experiences into your life. Check out my new website: DM  me to apply for my 1:1 Coaching programInstagram: @thathighvibebitchFacebook: @thekrystellemarie
Hey Loves,Check out this episode if you want my JUICY AF tip on how to 10x your manifestations by using your Haters! Check out my new website: DM  me to apply for my 1:1 Coaching programInstagram: @thathighvibebitchFacebook: @thekrystellemarie
Are you ready for some harsh truth that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!You know I've got your best interests at heart, and sometimes that means telling you things that may be hard to hear. But trust me you will thank me later!If you aren't happy with your current circumstances and you are waiting around for things to change, you need to listen to this episode ASAP.Sign up to my Free Workshop  - Goal Diggers! Saturday 10 December, 10:00am AEST (Bris)Check out my new website: DM  me to apply for my 1:1 Coaching programInstagram: @thathighvibebitchFacebook: @thekrystellemarie
Hi Loves,I'm giving you the inside scoop on how to make your vibration SKYROCKET in order to become a magnet to your 2023 goals. 🚀A lot of people don't realise, but they are creating energy leaks on a daily basis and not only that, you might actually be blocking your manifestations. So if you want to set your self up for MAJOR SUCCESS next year, you need to check out this episode. Sign up to my Free Workshop  - Goal Diggers! Saturday 10 December, 10:00am AEST (Bris)Check out my new website: DM  me to apply for my 1:1 Coaching programInstagram: @thathighvibebitchFacebook: @thekrystellemarie
Who's ready to have the BEST holiday season ever! Im sharing with you how I ALWAYS Manifest VIP Upgrades and experience whatever I desire during the festive season! Sign up to my Free Workshop  - Goal Diggers! Saturday 10 December, 10:00am AEST (Bris)Check out my new website! : DM  me to apply for my 1:1 Coaching programInstagram: @thathighvibebitchFacebook: @thekrystellemarie
Hi loves,Are you ready to make 2023 the BEST YEAR if your life!? Then you need to tune into this episode!We don't have time for anyones negative vibes or limiting BS stories anymore. We only want people around us that are going to add fuel to our Dreams. Let's build each other up, let's help each other SUCCEED. Sign up to my Free Workshop  - Goal Diggers! Saturday 10 December, 10:00am AEST (Bris)DM  me to apply for my 1:1 Coaching programInstagram: @thathighvibebitchFacebook: @thekrystellemarie
Hi  Loves,Theres only 20 weeks left of the year! lets make it count!People are always asking me how I do 'All The Things' & how do I have so much energy......well I'm about to let you in on my secrets on how I stay MOTIVATED, FOCUSED & ENERGISED. So if your keen to go into full BADASS mode and crush your goals before the end of the year, you don't want to miss this episode! DM  me to apply for my 1:1 Coaching programInstagram: @thathighvibebitchFacebook: @thekrystellemarieLinks to mentions in the episode:Andrew Huberman Youtube Andrew Huberman supplements  - where you can find Inositol, Alpha GPCWim Hof Method 
Get ready for this JUICY episode, we are discussing identifying and healing toxic patterns, relationships, sobriety, celibacy, relapses, and becoming a Sexy Goddess Boss Bitch of your Life! Bio:Diana Didenko is a world citizen currently living in Colorado, USA and working at a mental health services non-profit by day and holds safe spaces for healing and connection at night. Diana has 10 years of experience facilitating women-dominant gatherings, centered in networking, raw expression and healing. Since the pandemic, she's been hosting a Women's Circle which grew into an immersive container for like-minded women from all over the world and has been working with women individually. In her healing work with clients, she incorporates hinduism modalities she acquired as a trained yoga teacher, channeling, body intelligence, psychology and personal life experience. Diana's next FREE women's circle is Wednesday, August 10th at 6:30 pm MST.  Click the link to get it in your calendar: Here is a link to book a complimentary intro session with Diana:  me to apply for my 1:1 Coaching programInstagram: @thathighvibebitchFacebook: @thekrystellemarie
Hi Loves,Are you ready to become a magnet to ALL your desires? Im going to let you in on all the tips of becoming the IT GIRL! She is attracting opportunities, doors are opening for her, everyone wants to know her or be with her, she gets what she wants, the world literally revolves around her! She is the MAIN CHARACTER.DM  me to apply for my 1:1 Coaching programInstagram: @thathighvibebitchFacebook: @thekrystellemarie
Hi Loves,Are you ready to become a magnet to ALL your desires? Im going to let you in on all the tips of becoming the IT GIRL! She is attracting opportunities, doors are opening for her, everyone wants to know her or be with her, she gets what she wants, the world literally revolves around her! She is the MAIN CHARACTER.DM  me to apply for my 1:1 Coaching programInstagram: @thathighvibebitchFacebook: @thekrystellemarie
Hi Loves,So!..... I had been having recurring dreams of my Ex and I didn't now why! I have since discovered the dream was a symbol of action I needed to take to reclaim parts of myself that I lost. I know those parts  will help me get to my next level. This is something most of us have experienced, so by sharing my experience and sharing how I reclaimed my power, you can go on this journey too. Let's all become the most BADASS versions of ourselves! The dream interpreter:@lyonmentalhealthDM  me to apply for my 1:1 Coaching programInstagram: @thathighvibebitchFacebook: @thekrystellemarie
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