DiscoverThe Potter Discussion: Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts and the Wizarding World Fandom
The Potter Discussion: Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts and the Wizarding World Fandom

The Potter Discussion: Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts and the Wizarding World Fandom

Author: Sound Owl Media

Subscribed: 64Played: 1,189


The Potter Discussion is the ultimate Harry Potter podcast, giving you weekly discussions on the most exiting topics in Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts, and beyond! In each episode, we talk about a new topic within the Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts fandom, in addition to the occasional quiz or breakdown of a character. If you are a PotterHead and a Harry Potter super-fan, this podcast is for you! Sit back, subscribe, and let's dive into the unknown!
273 Episodes
Comments (5)

purple raccoon in disguise

small correction ;) it's spelled Gryffindor not gryphindor

Feb 28th
Reply (1)

purple raccoon in disguise

it means so much to have someone that likes harry potter too. none of my friends are that interested in hp. so listening to these theories is very good! 👍👍

Feb 13th

sweet dee is azor ahai

well... duh, she's a villain

Jan 12th
Reply (1)
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