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Zone Of Action

Author: Jerold "Action" Jackson

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Get the most from Success, Experience those satisfying relationships, and no-nonsense motivation.
176 Episodes
In a world that will judge you no matter what you do, the greatest act of defiance is to live boldly and authentically. Embrace your uniqueness, follow your passions, and prioritize your well-being. Remember that you are the author of your own story, and only you can determine its course. So, the next time you worry about what others think, take a deep breath and remind yourself of this cheerful truth: You are worthy, you are enough, and you have the power to live your life on your terms...
Your time, presence, and attention are your most valuable assets. Protect them fiercely by disqualifying the types of people listed above from your life. Surround yourself with individuals who are positive, proactive, and aligned with your goals. This will create an environment conducive to growth, success, and happiness. Remember, the company you keep can either elevate you or drag you down. Choose wisely.Check us out - Instagram and Twitter: JeroldJax Facebook: Jerold Action Jackson and Z...
Fear of criticism is a natural but conquerable challenge. By embracing judgment as part of the journey, being teachable, living in the present, and continuously pushing forward, you can lead a life of purpose and fulfillment. Don't squander your life in stagnation; cherish and relish each moment. Experience life to its fullest potential and inspire others along the way. Your dreams are worth the effort, and your life is worth living to the fullest.Check us out - Instagram and Twitter: Jerold...
Taking your financial life seriously is one of the most important decisions you can make for your future. By setting clear goals, creating a budget, saving and investing wisely, managing debt responsibly, educating yourself, and regularly reviewing and adjusting your financial plan, you can take control of your finances and build a life of freedom and abundance. Remember, the journey to financial success may have challenges, but with dedication, discipline, and perseverance, you can achieve y...
Self-improvement is not just a goal to strive for—it's a way of life that empowers you to unlock your full potential, cultivate resilience, and lead a fulfilling and purposeful existence. By making self-improvement your biggest priority this year, you invest in your future success and happiness. So, embrace the growth journey with optimism, determination, and a steadfast commitment to becoming the best version of yourself.Check us out - Instagram and Twitter: JeroldJax Facebook: Jerold Acti...
You radiate confidence and self-assurance when fully engaged in building your life and pursuing your passions. This naturally attracts people who are also high-value individuals—those who are secure in themselves and capable of forming healthy, supportive relationships. In contrast, a life focused solely on seeking love can sometimes lead to forced interactions and relationships that do not align with your deepest values.The journey to becoming a high-value person is not just about achieving ...
Taking an optimistic leap of faith requires courage, optimism, and a willingness to embrace the unknown. The journey out of your comfort zone is not about reckless risk-taking; it's about calculated moves forward, guided by a vision for something better. Every step out of the familiar expands your horizons and brings you closer to achieving what you never thought possible.As you consider your next steps, ask yourself: What comfort zone am I clinging to? What might I achieve if I stepped beyon...
In our pursuit of health, wealth, and happiness, let us redefine the markers of success. We foster a more fulfilling, inclusive, and sustainable path to success by valuing kindness, integrity, humility, and generosity. These qualities enrich our personal lives and enhance our professional journeys, leading to more meaningful achievements and connections. As we navigate the complexities of life, remember that the accurate measure of success lies not in the accolades we receive but in the impac...
Sexuality and Success

Sexuality and Success


Napoleon Hill's seminal work, "Think and Grow Rich," introduces the concept of transmuting sexual energy into success. This idea, though not widely discussed, suggests a profound connection between one's sexual energy and their ability to achieve greatness. Sexual energy, according to Hill, is not merely a biological drive but a potent force capable of inspiring motivation and generating creativity. It is, as he notes, "10 1/2 times more potent than morphine," highlighting its powerful influe...
Becoming an unstoppable entrepreneur is about embracing the journey with all its highs and lows. It's about developing a mindset that sees every challenge as an opportunity, every failure as a lesson, and every success as a stepping stone. This journey is not for the faint-hearted, but for those who dare to embark on it, the rewards are limitless.Check us out - Instagram and Twitter: JeroldJax Facebook: Jerold Action Jackson and Zone Of Action Happiness starts with you. No...
Shaping Your Destiny

Shaping Your Destiny


The power to shape your destiny lies within you, in the realm of your thoughts. By consciously cultivating positive thoughts, you set in motion a series of actions that lead to forming habits and a character capable of overcoming obstacles and achieving great things. Remember, your thoughts are the seeds of your destiny; nurture them carefully and watch your dreams blossom into reality. Keep pushing forward, steadfast in your belief that anything is possible, and always let your thoughts lead...
The world is filled with all kinds of people, and we inevitably encounter those whose actions we find challenging. However, we can navigate these encounters without letting them diminish our joy by focusing on what we can control, practicing compassion, setting boundaries, engaging in self-care, and remembering our worth. Stay strong, embrace positivity, and remember, you can choose how you let the world affect you. Let's not give the idiots that power. Instead, let's rise above with grace an...
As your intelligence expands, you'll find that your need for verbal expression becomes more selective. You learn the power of silence and the importance of focusing on what truly matters. You protect your peace and productivity by rising above negativity, taking a break from the everyday noise, and being a vigilant gatekeeper for your brain. Embrace writing down your plans and maintaining a positive, focused mindset. Remember, the journey to personal and professional growth is not about avoid...
Odds and Ends

Odds and Ends


In a world that often equates visibility and recognition with success, being underestimated might seem like a setback. However, it's a unique opportunity to grow, learn, and ultimately shine on your own terms. It's a chance to build a strong foundation fueled by motivation, resilience, and self-belief. So, let the world underestimate you. Embrace it. It might just be the best thing to accelerate your growth and lead you to achievements beyond what anyone, including yourself, could have imagin...
Be The 2% Revisited

Be The 2% Revisited


If you want to succeed, don't make success your goal. If you want to be happy, don't make happiness your goal. Success and happiness are by-products of the process of your striving. Stay focused on the process. Results are coming.The only person in this world who will never hurt you, never lie to you, never make you cry, and always be there for you is yourself.More responsibility you take for your life, more hope and control you have.Check us out - Instagram and Twitter: JeroldJax Facebook:...
The habits of wealthy and happy people extend beyond their professional achievements. A significant factor in their success is the quality of their relationships, especially with their significant others. These relationships provide emotional support, mutual growth, and a sense of fulfillment. One can achieve a balanced and fulfilling life by prioritizing healthy relationships alongside personal and professional goals.Check us out - Instagram and Twitter: JeroldJax Facebook: Jerold Action J...
Controlling emotions in the face of adversity is not about suppression but management and understanding. It's about recognizing that while storms are an inevitable part of life, we have the power to navigate through them with grace and resilience. By making conscious choices, understanding our emotions, and cultivating a positive mental attitude, we can face life's challenges with endurance and a spirit of growth and optimism. As a success coach, I encourage you to embrace these principl...
The case of Jonathan Majors and Grace Jabbari serves as a reminder of the complex dynamics that can emerge in relationships, especially when success is involved. While it is central to remain positive and professional in our interactions, prioritizing our well-being and protecting our hard-earned success is equally crucial. Recognizing the warning signs in relationships and being cautious about our company is vital to maintaining a thriving personal and professional life. Ultimately, our acti...
As we embark on the promising year of 2024, remember that success is not a distant dream but a series of daily choices and habits. You have the power to shape your destiny and create a thriving future. Transform your habits, nurture a positive mindset, and take actionable steps toward your goals. Discipline, self-care, and continuous growth will be your guiding stars on this remarkable journey.In closing, I invite you to embrace the transformative habits that lead to wealth, health, and happi...
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