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The Garden of Confidence
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The Garden of Confidence

Author: Sharon O’Hagan

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From Accountant to the world of Fashion - and everything in between.You know it’s okay for you to live different than what’s expected of you. It’s okay to change careers, try new things, set up a wildly successful business - all on your own terms. To be an amazing Mum AND have a fulfilling career and life.Success isn’t a straight line and there’s lots of things I’ve had to learn along the way . All of which I want to share with you here - so you can save lots of your precious time, avoid burnout and get to create the type of life you want to live.Whether you’re looking to have more impact at work or running your own empire, tune in each week for ideas that will add to your success.For more information head to www.Sharon
27 Episodes
What if we were the ones to define what being a good mum looks like?
How we can become more confident through music and how this confidence can spread into other parts of our lives .
How to have more confidence in our relationships and manage conflict.
We know sometimes self-care can feel overwhelming and like we are adding another thing to our to do list but here Keri Denney shares her simple yet effective tips on how we can easily make our self-care a priority.
Having the confidence to sell with Anne Conlon from All about
Empowering women to become leaders with Mairead Mackle founder of Evolve.
Having the confidence to be an authentic leader
Taking the leap of faith from successful employment into becoming an entrepreneur with Fiona Walsh from Imagine Consulting.
Ever wondered how much sleep impacts your day?Most of us really have no idea of the true impact of not having a quality sleep routine. We underestimate the importance of sleep and instead tend to wear our I'm Busy badge instead.Sarah shares some advice on why we need a consistent sleep routine and some immediate steps we can take to start this.
Episode 17 of The Garden of ConfidenceOur comfort zone can be a dangerous place to live but making big changes in our life can be terrifying.This week I had the pleasure of speaking with Mairin from MoStyle, who after a serious illness reinvented herself from a school teacher to the world of fashion.Her story is one of resilience and determination and I know you will find it very inspiring.
Episode 16 of The Garden of ConfidenceDo you ever feel that there is just so much more to life than what you are experiencing? Maybe you have a dream or a knowing that you are just not operating at your full potential and have so much more to give. You get excited about taking those first next steps and then panic hits you and you wonder "Who am I to do this?".This week I chat with mindset coach Pauline Rohdich who through her business Phenomenal Women on a Mission is busy helping...
The Garden of Confidence - Episode 15Sometimes along the way we forget ourselves. We become busy playing our roles as a mother, a carer, a first class employee but we actually forget to take some time to just be us to and give ourselves a bit of self love. We all know when we look after ourselves first only then can we be of service to others. Even simple things like a walk, reading a book or a homemade spa hour can make such a difference. So why do we ignore this?This week ...
💚 The Garden of Confidence - Episode 14Are we all people pleasers? Isn’t’ this something so many of us are guilty of?How many times do you give into other people’s demands just for an easy life? But what if you knew the negative impact this was having on your own life? Would you know how to stop?This week I chat with the Mindful Movement Coach Emma O’ Toole and learn why we people please and more importantly what our life can look like if we learn to limit our need to do this.
💚 Episode 13 | The Garden of ConfidenceMore than ever we are calling upon our resources of resilience but did you know you use this daily and not just during those big life events?Do you compare yourself to others and believe that you just don’t have the same resilience or coping power?My guest this week Lisa will dispel all those myths and prove to us that we all have the resilience we need with us.
We all know networking is so important to our business and career growth, not to mention the amazing relationships we build along the way.Yet how many of us enter a room so nervous and don’t know how to begin that first conversation. When done right networking can help to grow your confidence and will become one of your best business tools.Jean from networking Jean joins me on this episode to explain exactly what is the best way to approach networking and how even as an introvert we can...
Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome


💚 Episode 11 - The Garden of ConfidenceDo you ever find you doubt your skills or accomplishments at work? Always filled with a persistent dread of being exposed as a “fraud”?Worrying your achievements were only a result of luck? Then this episode is definitely for you!.I loved talking with Imposter Syndrome expert Aoife O’Brien on why this happens and the top tips we can use everyday to manage this.Also do you know there are actually benefits to Imposter Syndrome? Listen on ...
💚 Episode 10 of The Garden Of Confidence - Has your career become your identity?When asked do you describe yourself as Sharyn or as Sharyn an accountant? How is our work life balance impacted when we attach so much or who we are to our job title? Do you work to live or live to work? This week I loved chatting with Grace and learning all about her journey and how she is now achieving much more balance and why this was so important. Plus if you have any issues with setting bound...
We all wish we had more TIME ! Yet we know that we have all the time there is.....This week I chat with Laura Maloney about my to do list and that big self limiting belief that there is just not enough time in the day. Laura’s shares some amazing tips on what to do in that instant when you feel overwhelmed and frazzled.
💚 Episode 8 of The Garden Of Confidence -The Secret To Confidence with Maria MacklinImagine if you could connect your inner personality with your outward persona. How would being your authentic self, every day, lead to a transformation in your confidence? This week I chat with Maria Macklin from Unlocking Your Style (House of Colour) and explore why it’s okay to have your favourite dress in more than one size and why we feel amazing when we dress for our own personality instead of mirro...
The Self Love Club

The Self Love Club


Self love - do you practice it or spend time talking about it instead? This week I speak with Sharon D from Ireland’s got curves. Sharon is the best ambassador I know for self-love and her joy from this is so infectious.But it wasn’t always that way for Sharon and like us all she had her self love and confidence journey to get her to this point.Learn how she took the first steps , what life feels like now and how, contrary to what we believe , neglecting self-love can be selfish n...
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