But We're Not

But We're Not
Author: Shane Jabari & Dirk Fenstermacher Jr.
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© 2022 But We're Not
Experts at being ourselves, which means we're amazing at everything BUT WE'RE NOT masters at writing descriptions so listen to our latest podcast Now and find out for yourself
33 Episodes
What's up fam, we got hot takes. Hot takes on Aliens, Ethnicity, Stupidity, Taking Responsibility, and why you should be reflecting to level yourself up. We might live on Earth, BUT WE'RE NOT earthlings. We're goin deep wit this one, different galaxy deep. TAP iN
It's not an official topic, but damn is it an important question! Are you getting dumber, how would you know if you were? Science says you wouldn't care if you were, statistically, its not looking good for ya, BUT WE'RE NOT scientists or sociologists, so take it wit a grain of salt (:
Here we take another fascinating look at censorship, but this time through the lens of comedy via the recent rising tensions in the middle east stemming from Israel v Palestine. Are jokes good as long as there's truth in it, or must society cave to the sensitivities of it's civilians to maintain peace? Find out NOW - BUT WE'RE NOT an episode on ViceTV. Enjoy (:
We explore the ideas of subjective and objective success, why identifying how humans typically react to their own intuitions and premonitions. We also give a lil intro talking about middle eastern conflicts and perspective. BUT WE'RE NOT, activists or psychologist by any means. ENJOY (:
Their my rights, and I need it NOW!! Call 1-800-But-We're-NOT and get a handful of thoughtful justice! Don't be afraid, ask more questions. Tap in as we go over why fear is limiting you from living your best life. BUT We're NOT life coaches so don't go quoting us on your Facebook status
What's more genuine than a couple of buddies sitting around having an honest chat about a passionate topic?? We're not a market survey but we'll let you decide. TAP IN, let's dig deep (:
If you judge someone for being fake woke or fake spiritual, you're not being very woke or spiritual.. BUT WE'RE NOT spirtitual experts lmao. Jump in - let's discuss featuring: Navjot @metaphysicalgoddess
Existential Questions - quintessential answers, no truths. All perspective. What up kids - take a dive, we goin DEEEEEEP
Did somebody say SAWFFFFT?!? Hold up lil Aiden, don't get triggered, bro. It's probably the Boomer's fault, lol. We're just trying to understand humans by taking vague generalizations and treating them as facts. BUT WE'RE NOT social scientists. Tap in, this is a goodie! featuring: Adrianna
We go down a rabbit hole of indescribable depth with this one...
We go down a rabbit hole of indescribable depth with this one...
The Metaphysical Goddess, Navjot, joins us today and we got us a debate on our hands but we're not a debate team. TAP IN!!
They say you shouldn't mix business and pleasure, they also say you shouldn't mix hairspray with lighter fluid. But we all know it's more to do it than not to do it, and if you claim to have never done it, stop lying, this isn't an interview. We are judging you though, but we're not god (or, are we..?), so our judgements don't matter (hypothetically).
Abe Joins Shane and Dirk on another wild discussions, this time, discussing the world of thought.
Guest Amelia, dives deep into a vulnerable place along with the boys...
Tonight special guest Carley Bearden and company discuss the complexities of love and socialization.
The unfortunate generation plagued by asperations of peacing out too early. This is an interesting one that may hit closer to home for most of the listeners.
Why do people keep celebrating New Years? Zero things have changed besides the calendar, is a group mentality? A need to fit in? Are you lying to yourself to keep up with status quo? We have NO IDEA, but we're gonna chat about it :)
How do you know that country is divided if you're bad at math? I guess you'd have to be good at deductive reasoning.. So why don't you deduce a solution for why you haven't already downloaded, streamed, and shared this episode with two of your best homies. We'll wait (: Being logical ain't easy, we know, lets talk about it.. no guarantee we'll agree tho
They tell you care about the planet in school, then the company that employs you shows you why it's profits over problems every time. Why are people like this? Is everyone just pretending to care about the Earth, or do they actually care and not know how to act accordingly? You're asking a lot of questions to a couple of guys who definitely aren't experts, but fuck it they've got answers ;)
Should censorship be allowed? What type of censorship are you OK with? Which is crossing the line? Find out as we discuss, just remember WE'RE NOT JOHN LOCKE, you gotta hold your government and ruling classes to your own standards! featuring. Aren B.
Can you be friends with your ex? It depends.. some people can't even be friends with their neighbors!
The food industry stay lying! That's not real food, idk why they're even allowed to call it food! Join us as we talk food/health related matters with help from our special guest Josh Cullen. And just in case you ain't know, we talk like experts on the issue BUT WE'RE NOT! So take everything with some extra salt - but hold the sugar! Trust me, you don't need it ;)
Dirk, Shane and special guest Kin explore the ideas of information and how it's exchanged in our digital world? What is Fact? Find out as we discuss.. But we're e not fact-checkers, so there's no guarantee (:
Dirk, Shane and special guest Kin explore the ideas of information and how it's exchanged in our digital world? What is Fact? Find out as we discuss.. But we're e not fact-checkers, so there's no guarantee (:
Dirk & Shane discuss the polarity politics and what it means to take a step back from that limited field of view! Good thing their not professional podcasters or they'd have guidelines, rules and standards to follow ;)
What is it? How is it affecting you?What makes it so powerful?Two unqualified geniuses attempt to answer
What Makes A Woman Worth It? Should You Ever Chase a Woman?Does women's roles in society shape how men judge their worth in a relationship?Find out what two unqualified guys think ;)
Tonight me and Shane record remotely from the safety of our homes and discuss the idea of Romanticism and love at first site. Tune in for a mother episode or But We’re Not
Welcome to Episode 3 of BUT WE'RE NOT! Join us as we talk about texting while dating, ghosting, blocking and what's appropriate to send to the opposite sex!
Welcome to Episode 4 of BUT WE'RE NOT! Join us as we discuss conformity, nature, and what separates humans from it.
Welcome to epsiode 2 of BUT WE'RE NOT! Today we'll be discussing shane's fear of birds and what makes a good leader
Welcome to our very first episode of BUT WE'RE NOT! Join us as we talk about fruit, acid trips and the nfl.
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