Philly Young Adults Podcast

Philly Young Adults Podcast
Author: CCPhilly
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© 2025 Philly Young Adults Podcast
Welcome to the Philly Young Adults Podcast. A place where we generate content to encourage spiritual growth. We hope these conversations, testimonies, meditations, scripture readings, and topics help you grow in grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
229 Episodes
Send us a text Welcome to the Christian and Social Media: a conversational series brought to you through the brand new Philly Young Adults Podcast. We invite you to take a 6 week journey with us as we take a deep look at the Bible's wisdom for how we, as Christians, should be using social media. We pray this is an edifying journey for you. Visit for information on our weekly gatherings and yearly conference.
Send us a text Truth is the topic of our episode today. We want to set this entire discussion up with a foundation of Biblical truth for the Christian and Social Media. In this pilot episode we take the time to divide truth from opinion and discuss how someone can properly place themselves in a position to receive Biblical instruction about Social Media. Scriptures Leviticus 19v32 'You shall rise before the gray headed and honor the presence of an old man, and fear your God: I am the LORD....
Send us a text As a piece of technology, social media is forming us into people we weren't before we started using it. In this episode we take a hard look at the ways social media forms us specifically when we make posting a daily rhythm. What Happens When I Post? Curating our Lives 6:40 Pride 10:45 Concentration on the Externals 18:09 Insensitivity to Others 21:42 Social Media becomes the Mediator 28:50 Scriptures 1 Peter 3v3-4 Do not let your adornment be merely outward--arranging...
Send us a text As a piece of technology, social media is forming us into people we weren't before we started using it. In this episode we take a hard look at the ways social media forms us specifically when we make scrolling a daily rhythm. What Happens When I View? Wasted Time 1:30 Envy 17:21 Lust 22:15 Depression and Dissatisfaction 30:09 Reducing People Down to Images 31:20 Scriptures Psalm 119v148 My eyes are awake through the night watches, That I may meditate on Your word. Psa...
Send us a text It's one thing to experience all the good in life, it's another thing to broadcast that experience. When we post on social media, something that could be a purely positive experience becomes something else. In this episode, we talk about how the events of our lives are changed when they are displayed. What Happens When They View? Envy 16:53 Anger 23:47 Lust 25:29 Meaningless and Godlessness 29:03 Scriptures See Romans 14v15-23 See 1 Corinthians 8v9-13 1 Corinthians 10...
Send us a text We hope and pray that meditating on this Psalm today will bring peace to you amidst a season of chaos. We encourage you to meditate on scripture today and spend time in prayer, alone or with friends, as we trust God with the future.
Send us a text There is no denying that social media has officially been interwoven into social action over the years. Some say they're officially inseparable. But is that true? Today we talk about what really happens, according to the Bible, when social media is integrated with social issues. Positive Aspects Speed of Information 6:01 Stirring up Strong Feelings 8:37 Make Many Voices One 10:05 Give a Voice to People Typically Shut Out 10:50 Negative Aspects Privileging the Image Over ...
Send us a text Our modern life is filled with questions about how to live at an optimal level. What are our best practices for our environment? Our planet? What about our own bodies? How do we achieve mental health, physical strength, and longevity? Social media needs to be part of this line of questioning. How should it be used? Can we find ways to utilize the platform to serve actual good? Things to Consider All of life: a contest 5:22 The right question to ask 7:58 Social media conform...
Send us a text Thanks for your support and interest throughout season one. We are committed to generating content surrounding various topics for another season. Feel free to rate, review, and suggest this podcast to your friends if you find it helpful!
Send us a text We so appreciated all the questions that were sent in about our series, The Christian and Social Media. We hope and pray that our answers to these questions are able to further clarify what the Bible says concerning social media and the habits it produces. Articles Symptoms of Social Media Addiction Website
Send us a text A short scripture reading to meditate on for the week.
Send us a text A short scripture reading to meditate on for the week.
Send us a text What does faith look like? We take some time to unpack that with Matt Vanderven, pastor of Calvary Chapel Harrisburg. Woven throughout his testimony of obeying God's call is a picture of active faith - something we all need. You can check out Calvary Chapel Harrisburg here. Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadults) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast. Visit our website here.
Send us a text Do we need to go to church? In 2021, this question may seem more confusing than it ever has been. We live in a time that has virtual churches on the rise amidst a pandemic that forced people to stay out of public gatherings. Now that restrictions are being lifted, what does that mean for our local gatherings? Are they still necessary? We attempt to get to the root of the problem and answer the tough questions of the modern church goer in episode two of season two of the P...
Send us a text A short scripture reading to meditate on for the week.
Send us a text Is there ever a time when a Christian should leave their church? How committed should we be as followers of Jesus to staying at the church we are currently attending and serving at? We attempt to tackle these questions in this weeks discussion on episode three of season two of the Philly Young Adults Podcast. Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadults) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast. Visit our website here. Sited R...
Send us a text We believe that the fear of missing out is a major area that christians in our communities struggle with daily. In episode 4 of season 2 of the podcast, we discuss why FOMO exists and how we might take measures to push back against it. Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadults) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast. Visit our website here. Sited Articles Four Ways to Fight the Fear of Missing Out The Only FOMO to Fear
Send us a text A short scripture reading to meditate on for the week.
Send us a text We invite you to take a few minutes, slow down, and enter into a short meditation of scripture with us.
Send us a text We invite you to take a few minutes, slow down, and enter into a short meditation of scripture with us.
Send us a text We invite you to take a few minutes, slow down, and enter into a short meditation of scripture with us.
Send us a text We invite you to take a few minutes, slow down, and enter into a short meditation of scripture with us.
Send us a text We invite you to take a few minutes, slow down, and enter into a short meditation of scripture with us.
Send us a text Times of silence and solitude are essential to our spiritual health. In our modern digital age, we have become accustomed to letting our minds be in a state of constant distraction. Whether we are scrolling up and down our news feeds, consuming content like YouTube videos, or online shopping for the latest and greatest, we are constantly distracted. For this episode of the podcast, we attempt to break this down and discuss why silence is such an important part of ou...
Send us a text A short scripture reading to meditate on for the week.
Send us a text In part two of our discussion on Silence, we discuss HOW to find quiet times of solitude with the Lord. We'll also talk about what exactly that looks like for us, and what it may look like for you. Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadults) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast. Visit our website here.
Send us a text Should Christians ever feel that they shouldn't say "Jesus is Lord"? In episode 7 of season 2 of the Philly Young Adults podcast, we take time to consider some possible scenarios we may find ourselves in and talk about the reasons why we should or shouldn't say something that's so foundational to our faith. Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadults) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast. Visit our website here.
Send us a text A short scripture reading to meditate on for the week.
Send us a text In the last episode of season 2 of the Philly Young Adults Podcast, we invited our good friend and missionary Becky to share her testimony. We also took some time to talk about God's will and how we can discern what is or could be God's leading and direction for our lives. Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadults) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast. Visit our website here. Resources Perspectives on the World C...
Send us a text We hope that you are blessed by these sessions from our 2020 Philly Young Adults Conference. Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadults) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast. Visit our website here.
Send us a text We hope that you are blessed by these sessions from our 2020 Philly Young Adults Conference. Q&A Timecode - 50:01 Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadults) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast. Visit our website here.
Send us a text We hope that you are blessed by these sessions from our 2020 Philly Young Adults Conference. Q&A Timecode - 42:55 Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadults) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast. Visit our website here.
Send us a text We hope that you are blessed by these sessions from our 2020 Philly Young Adults Conference. Q&A Timecode - 42:07 Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadults) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast. Visit our website here.
Send us a text A short scripture reading to meditate on for the week.
Send us a text In this addendum episode for season 2, we take some time to discuss and talk about a book called "Rejoice & Tremble" written by Michael Reeves. Reeves writes in his book, “My aim now is to cut through this discouraging confusion. I want you to rejoice in this strange paradox that the gospel both frees us from fear and gives us fear. It frees us from our crippling fears, giving us instead of a most delightful, happy, and wonderful fear." Click the link below to be directed ...
Send us a text In this season 2 addendum episode, we take some time to discuss the possibility of Jesus coming back soon. As a young adult, it can be difficult to balance in thought and in action the soon return of Jesus with practical things that we need to do to live and look to the future. We take some time to talk about how we should view the coming of Jesus and how we should live till He does. Refer to the link below for the teaching by Damian Kyle that we referenced to in the podcast. ...
Send us a text We want to take time to talk about Christian Maturity for the 3rd season of the Philly Young Adults Podcast. Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadults) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast. Visit our website here.
Send us a text We're taking several weeks to talk about maturity in the christian life. In the second episode of season 3, we're zoning in on how having your own personal walk with Jesus is essential to christian maturity. Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadults) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast. Visit our website here.
Send us a text How can we live free of the bondage to sin? We believe that Jesus has the answer for us if we will yield to His lordship and ultimately mature in our walk with Him. Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadults) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast. Visit our website here.
Send us a text For our fourth conversation on christian maturity, we thought it would be beneficial to talk about decision making. This week we'll talk about how christians who are mature in their faith go about making decisions in life. Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadults) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast. Visit our website here. We also would like to invite anyone who lives in the Philadelphia area to worship an...
Send us a text This week we're talking about maturity in being free from anxiety in the christian life, and how being mature in this area of our lives will naturally produce courage. Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadults) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast. Visit our website here. We also would like to invite anyone who lives in the Philadelphia area to worship and study God's word with us at our in-person meeting that takes plac...
Send us a text For this weeks segment on Christian maturity, we're talking about emotions. We took time to discuss how Christ-like maturity includes the ability to rule over our emotions and even over our own hearts. Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadults) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast. Visit our website here. We also would like to invite anyone who lives in the Philadelphia area to worship and study God's word with us at our...
Send us a text This week we're talking about what christian maturity looks like in singleness and marriage. Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadults) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast. Visit our website here. We also would like to invite anyone who lives in the Philadelphia area to worship and study God's word with us at our in-person meeting that takes place every Monday night at 7:30pm. Visit for...
Send us a text The 8th episode of this season is here and we're going to talk about what christian maturity looks like in leading a family. Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadults) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast. Visit our website here. We also would like to invite anyone who lives in the Philadelphia area to worship and study God's word with us at our in-person meeting that takes place every Monday night at 7:30pm. Visit...
Send us a text In this next conversation about christian maturity, we're going to talk about what christian maturity should look like in the workplace and how being responsible in working or pursuing a job will bear more fruit in our lives than just merely surviving. Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadults) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast. Visit our website here. We also would like to invite anyone who lives in the Philadelphia ...
Send us a text This week we're talking about how maturing in our faith as believers in Christ is exemplified in our love towards our neighbors. Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadults) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast. Visit our website here. We also would like to invite anyone who lives in the Philadelphia area to worship and study God's word with us at our in-person meeting that takes place every Monday night at 7:30pm. V...
Send us a text For the eleventh episode on christian maturity, we took time to discuss how maturity in our faith would be essential to building up our church. Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadults) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast. Visit our website here. We also would like to invite anyone who lives in the Philadelphia area to worship and study God's word with us at our in-person meeting that takes place every Mond...
Send us a text We're finishing off the third season of the podcast by talking about christian maturity in promoting the Kingdom of God. Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadults) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast. Visit our website here. We also would like to invite anyone who lives in the Philadelphia area to worship and study God's word with us at our in-person meeting that takes place every Monday night at 7:30pm. Visit phi...
Send us a text We hope that you are blessed by this teaching from our 2018 Philly Young Adults Conference where we were blessed to have David Guzik come and share with us. Be sure to pay attention as we will be releasing conference teachings on every Friday for the next few weeks. For more information about the podcast and/or our church fellowship visit
Send us a text We hope that you are blessed by this teaching from our 2018 Philly Young Adults Conference where we were blessed to have David Guzik come and share with us. Be sure to pay attention as we will be releasing conference teachings on every Friday for the next few weeks. For more information about the podcast and/or our church fellowship visit
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