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Human Becoming
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Human Becoming

Author: Tumi

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Human Becoming is a weekly podcast that explores the ins and outs, the good, the bad and the ugly, of what it means to be(come) human. From tackling shame to embracing our anger, this podcast aims to bring you closer to yourself - to what experiences have shaped you and your story, and how you can embrace your own humanity. This podcast is hosted by Tumi Moloto, a human (and healer) becoming, a passionate historian and storyteller, a non-binary, queer African, and a lover of humanity. In their time here on earth, they hope to show humanity that there is another way forward, that moves us away from disconnection, capitalism and collective trauma, towards belonging, compassion, and collective healing. This podcast is the story of their rumbles with the complexity of their own humanity. As they take you along on the journey of their becoming, they hope that the stories shared will give you greater insight into yours.
77 Episodes
Hello! Long time no see. This is a bonus episode, an interlude between season one and season two. It is story of how things turned out to be okay, about how crisis can be a portal, and a celebration of embodied hopefulness in challenging times.Here, I am reminded of the words of Rebecca Solnit who writes, “People have always been good at imagining the end of the world, which is much easier to picture than the strange sidelong paths of change in a world without end.” This interlude,...
the inciting incident(s)

the inciting incident(s)


In the first episode of Human Becoming, I discuss the inciting incidents that put me on the journey of becoming that I am on now. I discuss my mental health diagnoses of anxiety, depression, and bipolar, my suicidal ideation and psychiatric hospitalization, and what these experiences have taught me about my own humanity and the humanity of others. Finally, I talk about how I am living sans psychiatric medication and how the commitment to doing so has brought me closer to myself. In this ...
Welcome to Human Becoming, a podcast about exactly that - becoming human! In this mini-episode, Tumi introduces themselves, the podcast, and what you can expect if you tune in weekly. Enjoy!
Insane: In a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction.Mad: Mentally ill; insane.Sane: Of sound mind; not mad or mentally ill.These are the definitions of insanity, madness, and sanity according to our dear friend and resource - Google. In this week's episode I am reclaiming the categories of insanity and madness and seeing what they might have to offer us. This is an episode about what it means to 'go mad', and it is told through the story of my personal...
In this episode, I talk about the incredible medicine of psilocybin mushrooms - commonly referred to as shrooms or magic mushrooms. I will speak about my history with this medicine, and how it has helped me on my healing journey, as well what I've seen it do for others. I will share my thoughts on why we shouldn't fear these mushrooms - and why they are so important for healing ourselves and this world. At the end of the episode, I'll give you my guide to receiving this medicine for your own ...
This episode is very special for me; it is an ode to my ancestors and to the ancestors that we all share. In it, I talk about my relationship with the ancestors and what the journey of connecting and building a relationship with them has meant for me. I discuss deep time, creating an ancestral practice, colonial trauma and grief, and the medicine of the ancestors in healing our lives and relationships. I ask that you open your heart, listen, and allow yourself to feel everything that will com...
This is our first embodied practice. It is an opportunity to deepen the learnings from 'an ode to the ancestors'. This is an optional practice, but I highly recommend it. It is a guided meditation designed by Joanna Macy, an environmental activist, author and Buddhist scholar, that has been adapted slightly by my mother for her work, and now adapted by me for you! We will walk through the evolutionary process together, revel in the immensity of our human experience and share gratitude for all...
an ode to the body

an ode to the body


In this episode, I will be speaking about the body and how vital it is in our healing and journey of becoming human. The body is an enormous topic of exploration, but I will talk about the journey that my body has taken in this lifetime. From the shame that arises from our gender socialization, to sex and boundary crossings, to contemplating the nature of my suffering through my descent (or ascent?) into madness. I share how, it was only through allowing myself to become hopeless, and to embr...
This is our second embodied practice, and in it I will be leading you through a 3 step breathwork exercise to connect you to your body more deeply. This is a quickie practice, and once you've listened to it you will be able to lead yourself through it whenever you would like to ground, and connect with yourself and with the world. Enjoy!
healing with anger

healing with anger


In this week's episode, we will honour and praise anger, an emotion that can be hugely transformative when it is deeply understood. This stance on anger that I offer is radically different to the messages that many of us have received around anger through our socialization, and I ask you to be gentle and non-judgmental with yourself as we walk through anger together.I also introduce my 'theory' of the podcast - that we are in a relationship lab and are able to understand ourselves bette...
embracing compassion

embracing compassion


In this week's episode, I explore two teachers - suffering and compassion. I discuss what it means to open your heart to the suffering of the world and to allow the rigid categories of disconnected self/other to dissolve. I walk you through my journey with compassion and what I have learned along the way. (Hint: Like suffering, compassion is entwined. Finding compassion for 'other' and 'self' is a co-occurring process - thus, we find compassion for the 'other' through the 'self', and fo...
We have made it to the season finale! This episode is filled with many thanks - to you, to the earth, to all the teachers and guides that we have walked with through this journey of human becoming. This, too, is an episode of reflection. I reflect on the forces of life and death, birth and decay, release and renewal, and I invite you to reflect on what you are ready to release to this decay, and what you are ready to embrace in your birthing. Finally, I invite you to reflect on what this...
Hello! Welcome to the second season of human becoming. This episode is an introduction, to who I am now, what I have been up to for the past while, and to the future of podcast. The episode (literally) speaks for itself, so I'll let podcast-me do the talking. Enjoy!
Welcome to the first full episode of season two of human becoming! Thank you for joining me again. Today, we dive into shame, sexual exploration, healing with the inner child and how we can begin to embrace the fullness of who we are. It's starts with a story about how one of the first things I said I wanted to be when I grow up was a porn star which sets the stage for a reflection on how, because of shame and my socialization, I began to move away from the embodied, pleasure loving child tha...
This was a fun episode to create. I speak about pussies (and how pussies are beyond gender!), boundaries, and honouring our authentic YES and NO. But, in true human becoming fashion there are stories of vulvodynia and vaginismus, being a chronic yes man, gender socialization, facing disappointment - both our own, and other people's - and so much more weaved throughout! This is also my rantiest, messiest episode yet as I give myself room to speak about what is truly coming up for m...
the gospel of pleasure

the gospel of pleasure


In this week's episode, we take a moment to settle in, get embodied (whatever that means to you, and however that feels good!) to explore one of my favourite expansive universal forces - pleasure! We begin with a somatic practice, and an exploration of how we are feeling in our bodies, and then we transition into storytelling: as I tell you about my journeys with psilocybin mushrooms, what they have taught me about pleasure, and how getting my ass kicked and being in deep pain opened me...
embodying the future

embodying the future


I'm dreaming of a different world, and if you're here - you are too! I'm dreaming of a world where the purpose of being alive is to simply embody ourselves more fully - not to grind under capitalism, or try to survive under a power-over system of multiple oppressions. I'm dreaming of a world in which we are truly free - free to be who we are and to offer our unique gifts to the world. To embody that world more fully I am learning to surrender to my path. To surrender to my calling, my pu...
Hello, dear listener. Thank you for joining me for today's listening session! This one is unscripted, straight from my heart and mouth to your ears. Unscripted episodes are a growing edge for me, but I love the possibility for discovery and playfulness and authenticity that they offer. In this episode, we speak about embodiment! I talk about how we become desensitized to our bodies in this society, and what the journey of re-sensitizing ourselves (or sensually liberating ourselves!) loo...



I am imperfect. You are imperfect. We will never be perfect. While calling someone or something imperfect is often seen as an insult, in this episode I explore how embracing this fundamental truth can be deeply freeing. If I am not perfect, and nothing I ever create will be perfect, how can I allow myself to exhale? To release myself from the bonds of perfectionism and to embrace being? Embracing our imperfection is scary work. We often feel that we have to be perfect to receive love, to...
the call of the erotic

the call of the erotic


This is a teaser for what is to come this Sunday! The call of the erotic is a beckoning into the darkness. Are you afraid of the dark? Are you ready to play in it?
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