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17 Minutes

Author: La Fool & A

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Podcasting weekly, La Fool and A bring you a mind-twisting 17 Minutes of discussion and conversation. We cover a myriad of subjects in all possible realms . . . and no subject is taboo.
63 Episodes
Yes, Seth McFarlane is going to produce Archie Bunker in Space. We WISH! In this "Vault" episode, la Fool & A discuss a myriad of things - ranging from mass shootings during the pandemic to a reality show about Congress to Archie Bunker in Space. "Hold onto your butts," this episode is a loon-tune carnival ride! Live. Love. 17 Minutes!
17M Ep60: North Korea

17M Ep60: North Korea


la Fool & A discuss the 50 year war. Why. Who. When. Live. Love. 17 Minutes.
Live. Love. 17 Minutes.
Here we go again! The Trump Variant rears its ugly, fat orange head! Will this ridiculous loser ever go away? la Fool & A discuss this and more in this fun episode about the life we're all living. Live. Love. 17 Minutes.
17M Ep57: Dick Wars?!

17M Ep57: Dick Wars?!


Its an all out dick size competition! la Fool and A discuss the privatization of getting off this rock in the United States. NASA was the flagship but had their funding cut 10 fold. Space exploration kinda fell by the wayside. Our favorite three US billionaires have taken it upon themselves to get we the people off this planet. As usual, our team presents a point of view like no other - refreshing and original. Live. Love. 17 Minutes.
la Fool & A discuss the eventual regulation of crypto currency. Senator Warren is Chair of the Banking Sub-Committee. She wants to regulate crypto and/or push the US encrypted dollar! la Fool and A think Ms Warren's analogy of snake oil as Bitcoin isn't accurate and lacks research. They also discuss investing in general, including Berkshire Hathaway. As usual, your team presents a view of the world that is fresh and new. Buy some crypto before you CAN'T! Live. Love. 17 Minutes.
17M Ep55: Moon Wars

17M Ep55: Moon Wars


Wars start in a variety of ways. la Fool & A discuss some ways war might start on the moon and ponder whether the wars could extend to earth or vice versa. Its a rather entertaining episode as our fearless presenters discuss logistics of war in outer space and the absurd amount of money that would be spent. la Fool & A present great points of view all while keeping it not too heavy. Cause war, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing! Live. Love. 17 Minutes!
The Dope Olympics - a theoretical event where athletes are open and honest about the performance enhancing substances they are administered. Russia got banned and still participated in the Tokyo Olympics. la Fool & A discuss all this and more in this great follow-up episode. Live. Love. 17 Minutes!sponsor: Purple Noodle Marketing
17M Ep53: Olympics

17M Ep53: Olympics


la Fool & A discuss the exceptional athletes that participate in the 2021 Tokyo Olympics; and the erosion of what the Olympics are all about by today’s corporate interests. Great show! Full of emotional hills and valleys - la Fool & A’s signature presentation of the world we live in. Live. Love. Listen…to 17 Minutes!!!
In this episode the discussion is based on portions of a conversation between Lex Fridman and Michael Malice, concerning if 'people think for themselves'. What are your thoughts on this question? This leads to other questions: Can people change? Do you think all people have souls? If all people don't have souls are we all equal? what are your thoughts on this?sponsor: Purple Noodle Maeketing-Additional Notes, Corrections, and Context for this Episode--The famous Stanford Prison Experime...
17M Ep48: Freedom?!

17M Ep48: Freedom?!


In this episode we explore issues on the idea of freedom. Freedom? Or Freedom! ;that is the issue we should all be discussing. So please Enjoy your Freedom on this day.
17M Ep45: Empathy

17M Ep45: Empathy


Empathy: Impaired ability to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others; excessively attuned to reactions of others, but only if perceived as relevant to self; over- or underestimate of own effect on Fool & A venture down the rabbit hole of what defines an empath. This episode is a blast, especially if you're into psychology.Download it - it's only 17 minutes long. That's the amount of time it takes to go thru a Starbucks drive-thru.Give your mind a therapeutic ...
La Fool and A play a game of mind twister. The spinning arrow lands on decentralization, moving forward, building back better, diplomacy, revolution, perfect worlds, and a united world.
17M Ep42: M I C

17M Ep42: M I C


La Fool & A discuss the age old practice of regime change. La Fool says Get Out and A elects to not be La Fool's fixit person - at least for this episode. As usual, it's a fun ride of emotional hills and valleys. Enjoy!
It's starting to feel normal for the first time in a long time. So, La Fool and A take a frolic into the future.
17M Ep40: Soulmates

17M Ep40: Soulmates


Howdy Howdy. We made it to 40!We explore Call Me By Your Name and the myriad cultural and religious references being scrutinized to the nth degree.The gods (read: corporations, politicians) understand that divided we fall.Together we become what we will to become.
We start off with Lil Nas X and find ourselves exploring faith, freedom, sacred texts, Heaven, Hell, and Karma.Respect.
Ostracism, condemnation of memory, sanctions, boycotts. Are these all forms of cancel culture? Is cancel culture as democratic as it gets or is it curtailing freedom of speech?--Additional Notes, Corrections, and Context for this Episode--Ostracism according to the World History EncyclopediaDamnatio memoriae, the Roman phenomenon of condemnation of memoryErased, the 2012 film
Dearly Beloved, we tried to talk about cancel culture, but we gleefully jumped down-the-rabbit-hole instead. From Nationalism to Racism to JREism to Mars, "the Afterworld" and back again, we hit it all. Fasten your safety strap, hang on for 17 Minutes, and enjoy the ride. A says this is our best episode yet. Do you have a friend or two you regularly adventure with in Wonderland? We hope so. Cancel Culture episodes coming soon - perhaps in a special edition extended version. Th...
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