DiscoverSales Made Simple - The Podcast
Sales Made Simple - The Podcast
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Sales Made Simple - The Podcast

Author: Helen Walker

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Sales really is simple! It doesn't have to feel desperate, sleazy or pushy, nobody likes that right, ergh! Each week, I'll break down what feels like complicated sales strategies so you can easily implement them in your business, attract your ideal client and make more sales. You set you your business to make more money right? Yeah me too! Knowing how to sell with ease will help you create a world where you no longer worry about money. Those days of stressing about the price, checking the price tag and making do will be a thing of the past.I want to help you create the life you really want for not only you but your family. More sales, means more money in your bank, which means nice holiday, luxurious treats, and money to create family memories. I want to give you the freedom you really want, so you rather than worry about where your next sale is coming from, you can work less hours and do what really matters. Create the successful life you really want! That all starts with learning how to sell!
93 Episodes
In business disappointment is inevitable. Things go wrong all the time. Failed launchesEmail unsubscribes Potential clients saying no It's what we do after we experience disappointment that matters. But did you know, there's unknown forces at play that influence if you fall into a victim state or bounce right back? You can actually significantly impact how resilient you are and change your default setting when failure happens. If you want to be one of those women that no matter what...
Episode 34 How to inject more fun into your lifeWe all want a bit more fun and enjoyment in life, mainly because it makes us feel better, but it also makes us more productive, happier and fulfilled. It also helps you make more money and build that 6-figure business that you truly want. In this episode, I tell you exactly what’s helped me experience more fun in my business, along with the feedback I’ve received from the hundreds of women in business that I’ve coached. In this episode I talk ab...
What do you do on the days when you don’t feel like it? When motivation is low? We procrastinate, put stuff off, do the easy stuff.The stuff that doesn’t grow our business or make us money. In this episode I talk all about why you can’t rely on motivation if you want to build a successful business that generates the money that you really want! So what do you use if you haven’t got any motivation? I reveal all in this episode! Listen to the end as I’ll be giving you so...
Self-sabotage comes in all forms. We set ourselves goals, yet don't take the action required to make them happen. Why is this? Why do we sabotage our own success? In this episode I explain why our minds do this and give an easy mindset exercise, taken from my 6 month programme, A Confident New You. This simple, yet highly effective exercise will help you to remove those negative unhelpful thoughts that keep you stuck in a cycle of procrastination and overthinking. Listen until the end for my ...
Self-doubt, that gut wrenching feeling that stops you from taking action and stepping outside your comfort zone. We do everything we can to avoid it, but the truth is, self-doubt is perfectly normal! In fact it's part of your survival instinct and something that you should embrace. In this episode I talk about exactly why self-doubt is totally normal, so we can all breathe a sigh of relief. FIND OUT MOREFor more tips and strategies to manage your self-doubt and impostor syndrome, follow me on...
Video has never been more important when it comes to growing your business. It's one of the quickest ways to build the know, like and trust factor with your audience, yet so many women shy away from using video as a marketing tool. In this episode I speak with Sassy Smith, who shares her incredibly honest account of how she overcame her fear of live video. Once upon-a-time, Sassy was too afraid to even have her photo taken and she explains exactly what she did so she now has the confidence to...
A Money goal is great, in fact it's vital...But it will only get you so far! If you want to create consistent £10k+ months, you're going to have to go one step further than that! You see, our minds can only create what we can see and what we BELIEVE is possible for us. If we can't get emotionally connected and excited about our dream life and business and believe without a shadow of a doubt that it's possible, then I'm afraid you're gonna have a real hard time making that dream life a reality...
Being a new mum is hard at the best of times, add in running a business... and well, you're juggling a million plates in the air. This week I interview Katherine Whitby who set up Baby Steps in 2006 and supports parents through 121 and online courses. Covid meant that she had to quickly adapt her business model and as a result was able to help even more new parents. In this episode we talk about How to keep all the plates spinning in your business and a new babyWhy you sho...
Are you’re struggling to breakthrough that next level of success? Are you battling with your own self-doubt? That's because, like most women you have a mind full of stories that you've collected over the years that make you doubt your ability. I call these mindset gremlins. All the I'm not.... Good enough Smart enoughSkinny enough Intelligent enough All stories that we have flying around our head that keep us playing small. If you don't feel smart enoug...
You start a business and lockdown hits....Unprecedented times, means your ideal clients wants the opposite of what you're offering...For many business owners, this would have been enough to admit defeat! But not Claire Addiscott, founder of Mindful Sips. In this week's episode, Claire shares with us How she remained focused and ignored all the deafening outside noise telling her that her business idea wouldn't work. How she overcame the biggest battle anybody has in business, themselves!...
How we feel about money and the story we tell ourselves, MASSIVELY impacts how much we make! Everyone on this planet has a money story and you're no different! The question to ask, is this...Does your money story propel you forward into more success and wealth, or does it hold you back? Money doesn't grow on treesTime is money Saving for a rainy day People like me don't make that much And many many more....Imagine if your money story was positive! If you actually believed you w...
How do you feel about selling your stuff?Most of my clients when we start working together, hate the idea of selling. It's desperate, it's sleazy and well they just hate it. So they don't do it! Which means they never grow their business or achieve levels of success that they are capable of. All that unfulfilled potential going to waste. In this week's episode of the Cuppa Confidence podcast I explain how to overcome your fear of selling and how you can get over the reject...
In this weeks episode I talk about why you need to invest in your mindset if you want to scale your business. This is a must listen! Join my free Facebook group A Cuppa Confidence
I used to be terrified of live video, in fact, I put off actually doing it for well over a year. Now it's one of my favourite things to do when it comes to growing my business. It's also been instrumental in how quickly I have grown my client base and has significantly made a difference to the amount of money my business has made. I suppose what I'm trying to say is this. If you want to grow your business, then being visible and using live video is really a must. But what ...
How do you overcome your fear of selling? Because let's face it, if you can't sell or you're too afraid to have sales conversations, then you're gonna be left with a very expensive hobby. In this short 15 minute episode, you will find out how easy selling can be and how it's no different from a catch up with your bestie over a glass of wine. Selling can be really easy when you have the right mindset, it's simply about getting curious and asking lots of questions. I share with you exactly how ...
How do you start earning the money you really want? Well that starts with charging what your programmes and products are actually worth. It’s those pesky mindset gremlins that cause all of the self-doubt and stands firmly between you and your dream business (one that gives you the financial freedom you really want) Once you learn how to shift your mindset and reprogramme your thinking, then the world is your oyster! In this episodeIn this short episode, I tell you exactly ...
I became a mum 3 years ago after a very successful career. I started 2 businesses and was at the top of my game. It's been the best thing that every happened to me, but that doesn't mean to say I haven't struggled with working out who I am! I'm not alone, so many women I work with tell me the same thing. Losing your identify after children is hard! In this episode I talk honestly about: How my two roles, being a mum and running a business caused massive conflict for me and what I ...
Gemma Dunn runs Elite Marketing and Communications, deciding to leave a 20 year successful corporate career to pursue her dream of running her own business. 6 weeks in, Gemma is flying, despite a global pandemic, she is fully booked with a diverse range of clients and in the episode she tells all. She walks us through step by step how she's built her business, tapped into her existing networks and secured her dream clients. What we talk about in this episode: How she followed her dream and ma...
How has lockdown been for you? If you’re like me, you will have had your fair share of wobbles, one day happy, the next day sad. That’s the power of lockdown. This episode is the reminder we all need that we are doing a great job. We are battling home schoolingJuggling life, the kids and building a business Why we’re excelling, not failing Sometimes, we just need that reminder that we are pretty terrific. Here’s that reminder! If you need a boos...
In this episode I speak to the inspirational Kat Williams who set up Zest Fit Virtual, an online fitness studio delivering awesome workouts directly to peoples homes. 10 years ago, Kat set up her own fitness business to spend more time with her kids after deciding the corporate world didn't fit into her life as a new mum, 10 years on, Kat says it's the best thing she's ever done. Despite having to completely rethink her business model after COVID hit in 2020. It meant she had to completely cl...