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Did I Cross The Line

Author: Megan Randy & John

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We have all been friends for 20 years and ramble from time to time with each other. Always a good time and lots of data to discuss. For certain we will squirrel a time or two but will we play it safe or Did I Cross The Line?
176 Episodes



Just when we think there is no Justice.....Justice is served. It is a dish clearly best served cold!!! Enjoy
Talk about just a busy weekend!!! Here I am just spending like I am in Congress and the weekend just keeps lumbering on. Enjoy!
Happy Mothers Day!!

Happy Mothers Day!!


We recorded on Mothers Day so why not just call it that! With all of the business of work, life, family, etc we just didn't have the time. Will be back next week with some good stuff!!! Enjoy
Such a Busy Weekend!!!

Such a Busy Weekend!!!


Such a Busy Weekend!!! Megan is off looking at way overpriced couches and also taking place in a fundraiser for Bakersfield. So much to do and such little time.....or something like that. Enjoy
Well Randy got busy and so there are no Fun Facts this week. Which makes me wonder even more what is brought to the table. ;) But at any rate we had fun and rambled quite a bit. Enjoy.
Megan and I clearly bring stuff to the table!!! Enjoy!!!!!
Randy celebrates a milestone Birthday while Megan is grasping to her last bit of that milestone year. ;) Enjoy!!!!
Well I think you know where I was about to go with that!!!!! At any rate enjoy as always and will see you next week!
Minimum Wage is Up Baby!!!

Minimum Wage is Up Baby!!!


Well April 1st has come and gone. Turns out the minimum wage wasn't a joke but a cruel prank that will hurt us in the long run....well maybe not, but time will tell. Enjoy
Randy might get a bit confused or he really is just messing with Megan and I! No we did not eat the leg! Enjoy!
We talk about all sorts of things, way off topic and for sure Megan and I bring nothing to the table. :) Enjoy
Well I caught them in the act!!!!! Yeah it might have just been a bit of spring cleaning but still. Enjoy!!
We all got more ballots than we should have, but now the big question is just how many votes will you cast? Enjoy
Well we find out that Megan is a bit more picky and scared of things in the garden than we thought.....well at least than I thought. Enjoy.
I don't quite think that is how it worked or if Randy should have done what he did. I mean his hand is still pretty jacked up but hey that is ok......mainly cause it's not my hand! At any rate have a great week ahead. Enjoy!!!
I didn't go to the Trophy Show but I have been many times to Vegas and yes people watching should be a sport. Megan might be the Queen of the Nerds!!! Enjoy!
So many people just go to something and have no idea of how to act or the decorum they should have. Well they need to learn!
I am Not on Tinder!!!

I am Not on Tinder!!!


I know Randy wants me to do it. :) But just haven't gone that far yet! All sorts of different details in this one. We didn't have many topics and just kinda threw it together. Will work some on the content and make it better! Enjoy
We are all working on a few projects. Just how warm is your house? I mean we in CA can't do fireplaces at least not traditional ones. So it's time for an upgrade.
Well we kinda have a bit of a doozie on some news. Stay tuned for updates! Enjoy
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