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Bloom In Love: Planting Seeds of Growth
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Bloom In Love: Planting Seeds of Growth

Author: Lelia Christine

Subscribed: 1Played: 58


Lelia Christine is an empathic speaker, writer, and artist passionate about empowering you to love yourself and the life you create. In this podcast, Lelia sits down with creative souls for uplifting conversation full of fresh perspectives and personal experiences. The mission? To inspire you to plant seeds of growth and nurture your relationships - starting with yourself, first. New magical episodes every Sunday evening.
12 Episodes



Lelia and Mona explore insecurity, and how powerful it can be to start with the body when looking at our relationship with confidence and self-love. Why do you believe the things you believe about yourself? Where does your doubt, fear, or lack of love come from? Who decides what beauty is? We explore what life is like as we grow in confidence and security in who we are, as we are, here and now.Connect with Lelia and Mona on Instagram: @leliachristine @monalunalovewww.bloominlovepodcast.comwww...



Lelia and Mona unlock the power of self-honesty. We explore our relationship with not being honest with ourselves, and how to learn to trust ourselves more. We dive into the need for external validation and how that can be helpful or hindering as we explore what we need in our own lives. We explore the power of "getting quiet" and hearing that whisper of self that's asking to guide you. At the end of this episode, we do a live demonstration of a powerful manifestation tool that you can use to...
Season 2: Mona Luna

Season 2: Mona Luna


Welcome to Season 2 of Bloom In Love! Each season features a new co-host, amplifying the conversation and bringing new ideas and perspectives to the show. In this first episode, you'll get to know Season 2 co-host, Mona Luna.Mona Luna is a Soul Purpose and Transformation Guide. She helps heart-centered womxn transform big visions into real-world action with soul-centered intuition and strategy. Through coaching, moon circles, tarot, and yoga, Mona creates sacred spaces for you to reconn...



In the Season 1 finale, Lelia and Miss PVK explore the power of peace in our lives, and what it takes to align yourself with peace. They explore the challenges we face when inviting in peace, and the transformation that can happen when it arrives. Questions you may consider as you listen to this episode... (these make great journal prompts or meditations!)What does peace feel like for me?What part(s) of my life need peace?What parts within myself are asking for peace?Why might I resist peace?...



Lelia and Miss PVK explore healing. They share their past and current experiences, including healing that has happened over the course of recording the podcast. Questions you may consider as you listen to this episode... (these make great journal prompts or meditations!)What does healing feel like for me?Where does healing come from?What healing might I be resisting? Why?How do I make room for healing?How may I judge my need for healing?What tools for healing resonate with me?What inten...



Lelia and Miss PVK explore passion - in our relationships, work, and creative expression. As you consider passion in your life, allow yourself to open up to an energy of courage through exploration. Know that you are already passionate, even if you feel like you aren't. Your passion will lead you to your purpose, if you open up to the possibilities.Questions you may consider as you listen to this episode... (these make great journal prompts or meditations!)What does passion feel like for me?W...



What do you want? Why? Where is it leading you? What will you do when you get there? Join Lelia and Miss PVK as they explore the power embedded within your desire. As you consider your own desires, allow yourself to explore all different areas of life - mental, physical, emotional, relational, social, environmental, material, financial, spiritual.Questions you may consider as you listen to this episode... (these make great journal prompts or meditations!)What is the difference (if any) betwee...



Lelia and Miss PVK explore trust. What it feels like when trust is broken, why and how they trust, and the journey of self-trust as a superpower for empowerment and growth.Questions you may consider as you listen to this episode... (these make great journal prompts!)How does trust feel for me? Is it more mental? Physical? Factual? Emotion-based?When have I not trusted myself? Why?Who do I trust deeply?Who don't I trust? Why?What would it feel like if I had complete self-trust?What intentions ...



What is validation? Does it help us? Hinder us? Why do we seek validation? Lelia and Miss PVK explore validation, and how we can learn self-validation.Questions you may consider as you listen to this episode... (these make great journal prompts!)Where do I seek validation? Do I consider validation good? Bad? Neither?In what ways do I seek validation from others?When does external validation become unhealthy?How do I release relying on external validation?What is my relationship with vali...



Every relationship is governed by communication. What are barriers to good communication? How does communication fail? Lelia and Miss PVK explore communication in our relationships, and the power of nurturing self-communication.



Lelia and Miss PVK explore defining boundaries, personal experiences with boundaries, and challenges faced with boundaries in relationships. What intentions can you set for your boundaries moving forward?
Season 1: Miss PVK

Season 1: Miss PVK


Get to know your host Lelia Christine, and Season 1 co-host, Phenyo Victoria Kgongwana (Miss PVK) as we set out on this journey of growth.