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Eyes Wide Open Life Podcast

Author: Rocco Jarman

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Join poet, philosopher, artist, and mindfulness coach Rocco Jarman as he explores the important questions about the human experience at the levels of Self (intrapersonal), Relationships ( inter-personal) and Other (society), while unpacking scientific or mystical concepts in ways that can be understood and practically applied by anyone ready to do the work.  A member of THE WALLED GARDEN NETWORK family of podcast.Rocco is the creator and facilitator of the popular self-development courses.The podcast episodes are a mix of philosophy, poetry, inner-child work and emerging research that is both grounded in psychology and pragmatic science, without compromising on the primacy of interpersonal connection and the subtle yet beautiful mechanics of the human condition.  

65 Episodes
A Reflections Episode covering three spoken word pieces I have uploaded to the Eyes Wide Open Life YouTube channel recently:The PilgrimWe Bring Each Other MedicineThey Might Have Told Us.Reflections episodes are designed to slow us down and bring us into the private secret of the present moment, a change for contemplation to connect with something which exists both deep within us and also far far beyond ourselves.I also include a reading of the Opening chapter Preface of my upcoming book Game...
My guest this week is Andy Schmookler, prize winning author, speaker and former radio talk-show host and former Democratic nominee for Congress in Virginia and the author of several books on his articulate and well elaborated theories on the Human Condition, how we ended up as a species in such a state of dis-ease and turmoil and how the forces that shape our current dysfunction were inevitable and are still addressable.Andy has lived a life dedicated to his cause of sharing these insig...
Attention Deficit Culture

Attention Deficit Culture


This week I am joined in conversation with Avigail Gimpel.Avigail is a mother of 6, college lecturer and author of Hyper Healing - a book dedicated to educating teachers, coaches and primarily parents of children with symptoms that would fall under the blanket diagnosis of ADHD. My guest is a voracious relentless researcher, who has a gifted husband and 6 gifted children all on the spectrum and is committed to leaving no stone unturned in her quest for deeper understandings and sol...
The Way Forward

The Way Forward


This episode is an edit clip from The Walled Garden Podcast where I was a guest recently. The interviewer is a collaborator and friend of mine, Australian Poet and Philosopher Simon Drew.As you'll hear from this interview Simon is a thoughtful host who is incredible at holding space for rich and meaningful conversation. We discuss:The project of bringing Mysticism and Science together intelligently and elegantly, without doing a disservice to either.The nature of skewed incentives ...
This episode is a direct and unfiltered window into a revision week of the Eyes Wide Open Life Alchemy Program.The audio for this episode one of the recent fortnightly group call with the participants and it is a summary of everything we have covered and been practicing to date, wrapped up in one clean lesson which provides clarity, context and inspiration for how to engineer a life of meaning and fulfilment.It is completely unedited, but he message is so relevant and poignant that a few of t...
In this solo episode we cover two insights around the Depp Heard Trial that firstly would not have occurred to most people, but also which I believe have implications to us as society, especially given the mounting mental health crisis and the rapidly deteriorating forum of public discourse and specifically the farce of Social Justice movements and the sentiment supporting it. We discuss from a psychological and philosophical perspective how this is the natural end to a destructive cycl...
The renowned creator of the perennially popular, and always young at heart Kari Hohne joins me for a discussion on Taoism, Poetry and the language of Jungian and mythical archetype. We explore the paradox of Being and Becoming, of acceptance and above all the power of connecting with and living from a place of Authenticity. We discuss what Kari has learned over a lifetime of exploration and practice in this area has revealed, about what oracles and even our drea...
I am joined in conversation with acclaimed mediator and peacemaker, and exceptional human being Doug Noll.Doug is the author of several books on the subjects of De-escalation and Emotional Competency. He is the co-founder of the Prisons for Peace Project the recipient of countless awards from his 22 year legal practice and more recently with his work in Peacemaking and the Prisons for Peace initiative which is now running in several countries.Doug is an inspiring, warm, compassionate, i...
"What is this thing about? What is Life about? How does this work? What is this game we're playing? How can I best play the game? How can I get what I want out of it? How can i make sure I am living the life I am supposed to live?"These are the questions that drive my guest.This episode is an inspiring conversation with Nic Gregoriades, author, entrepreneur, elite men's coach, senior instructor at Subconscious BJJ in North Hollywood and host of the popular and rising podcast The Nichola...
In conversation with Sarah Elkhaldy, someone with the rare and sincere blend of true understanding, authenticity, emotional intelligence and a mature and total lack of confusion about their own intentions, which are the essential pre-requisites for identifying true teachers.We draw attention to the esoteric depths which lie just below the surface of superficial understanding of the mainstream. Together we unpack Energy and Energy healing, Consciousness,Cosmology,Alchemy,Oppres...
I am joined in conversation with Australia poet, philosopher, musician and Podcaster Simon Drew. Simon and I began speaking in regards to the promotion of his new book The Poet and the Sage. Simon shares two beautiful readings with us from the book.We cover some of Simon's work, I share some of my own and we discuss the experience and the calling that leads us through journeys of awakening and the paradox of simultaneous blessings and burdens one is asked to assume along the way.S...
This is an episode which I have spent a long time biting my tongue about; the sticky, polarising topic of the Pandemic. In this episode I do not to tell you what to think. I do not even want to tell you exactly what I think. I tell you how I think, and try and persuade you through reason, not emotion, that this is the better way to think about all of this.It is a long episode, but honestly, if you have just spent the last two plus years of your life feeling frightened,...
A Life in Design

A Life in Design


In Conversation with Logo Designer Author and Professional Creative James Martin.James and I discuss the role adversity plays in growth, the power of 'failure' and how to enjoy the improvement process, in your work and in yourself.James is an easy-going conversationalist that knows his subject matter and himself, very well, he doesn't take himself or his work too seriously, but is at the same time very passionate and committed to the work he does, to self-development and to growth. Jame...
Don't Look Up

Don't Look Up


A short bonus episode on my commentary of the brilliant, timely and disturbingly accurate movie Don't Look Up starring Jennifer Lawrence and Leonardo DiCaprio.If you replace the apocalyptic disaster scenario in the movie, with any number of possible alternatives, (man-made or otherwise), but you keep the perfect-storm of compounding dysfunctional anti-synergy of terribly incentivised Science, Journalism, Pop-journalism, Social Media, Pop-Media, Politics and Capitalism amplified by an apatheti...
Discussing Crypto, Blockchain and Brokering Trust with my guest and dear personal friend Lawrence Dunning.Lawrence and I share a mutual concern about the mounting global crisis, a perfect storm, a coming together of a number of severely neglected issues around disparate wealth and equality, climate concerns, failing education, failing healthcare, failing political system and most importantly a failing forum of public discourse.Join us over a long (2 hour) discussion as we explore what it is, ...
An episode of virtual communion with a great soul, Oscar Perez, who is, as you will discover, a consummate communicator. One quote pinned to my Facebook page is: "You think you seek fire; you seek gravity - the fire is already within."Oscar is an exemplar of both fire and gravity. He is undoubtedly a keeper of the sacred fire, with much to share, much to teach, and moreover, he has done the work in himself, and so he comes at the work with authenticity, stillness and a warm sincerity th...
I sit down with Roy Dean for a conversation covering Zen, Dharma, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu under the umbrella of 'allowing what is', accepting the seeming imperfection, of where we are now.Roy Dean is a 3rd Degree Black belt and highly regarded BJJ Instructor, and the creative mind behind several popular and utterly unique online repositories of articulate instructional content, subtly infused with philosophy, and a touch of the Zen mindset which Roy ascribes to.We start off in what is familiar te...
Reflections #05: If.

Reflections #05: If.


In this Reflections episode we visit the classic treatise on Stoicism by Rudyard Kipling, in his timeless Poem IfThis episode explores themes ofself-initiation into Adulthood for Men (and Women), self-leadership and actualisationthe messages we wanted to hear from our Fathers, the message we want to share with our Sons and Daughters, and the way in which we need to make a stand regards generational trauma, no matter where we may have failed in the past, and decide that it does ...
What is Stable Mutual Actualisation and why does it matter?Why do I do this podcast? Why does Eyes Wide Open Life exist at all?Why am I public-thinking, what is the art page for, why don't i just relax? What's all the fuss about?Why did I not just become a Stoic, or a Buddhist, or a Taoist?Why is Love simply not the answer to it all?There is a very serious chance that things are going to get worse, more chaotic, more fast paced, more overwhelming and more dysfunctional. Huma...
The second Ask Me Anything episode."The answers we come to are tied to the questions we dare ask."We cover some really great philosophical questions like: If you had the entire world’s undivided attention for 30 seconds… what would you say?How would you define progress Objectively for the whole Human Race?If you could have any one superpower, which would you pick and why?How much can we rely on our intuition in trying to make sense of all the argument and disagreement on everything in th...
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