
Author: EU-Council of Europe youth partnership
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© 2020 EU-CoE youth partnership
Welcome to UNDER 30, the podcast series by the EU-Council of Europe youth partnership that brings research results, explores trends in young people's lives and themes relevant for youth policy and practice.
The EU-CoE youth partnership is a co-operation programme between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of youth, created in 1998, connecting youth research, policy and practice.
The EU-CoE youth partnership is a co-operation programme between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of youth, created in 1998, connecting youth research, policy and practice.
50 Episodes
In this episode, we are talking with Howard Williamson, a youth worker, academic youth researcher and lecturer, and youth policy adviser, Professor of European Youth Policy at the University of South Wales on what is youth research, who are youth researchers, what are the trends in youth research. This episode is a part of MOOC on Youth Research Essentials.Hosts: Dariusz Grzemny and Lana Pasic. Links:MOOC info page: of European Youth Researchers (PEYR): Research Essentials:
In September 2024 the European Union - Council of Europe Youth Partnership organised a symposium on Young people, democracy and climate action to discuss how young people are engaging with climate crisis, what are the main emerging priorities, challenges, and how youth research, youth policy and youth work are responding to this issue. Climate justice was one of the main topics tackled during the seminar. In this episode, we are hosting: Eimear Manning from the National Youth Council Ireland and Agnes Gkoutziamani from Youth and Environment Europe.Hosts: Dariusz Grzemny and Lana Pasic. Links: Symposium: Young people, democracy and climate action: and democracy in the climate crisis: 13: Sustainability and youth work:
In October 2024 the EU-Council of Europe organised the Seminar on Advocating for youth work in Eastern and South-East Europe (Skopje, North Macedonia). The seminar highlighted the critical importance of recognizing youth work as a formal profession, encouraging youth involvement in policy-making, and tackling pressing issues such as brain drain, inequality, and mental health. Representatives from the Council of Europe and the European Commission emphasized that youth participation is fundamental to fostering democracy and transparency. Participants shared insights on country-specific achievements and ongoing challenges, with North Macedonia standing out as a model for progress in formally recognizing youth work. The discussions underscored the need for sustained investment in youth work, particularly in rural areas, and the further development of tools to amplify the influence of youth organizations at both national and international levels. Additionally, a collection of good practices was shared, focusing on fostering dialogue with decision-makers and public authorities at various levels to advocate for the advancement of youth work development. Finally, the seminar set the stage for the upcoming 4th European Youth Work Convention, where youth workers from all Council of Europe member states will convene to discuss renewed commitments and strategic advancements to strengthen youth work across Europe.Together with László MILUTINOVITS (EU-Council of Europe youth partnership) are talking about the seminar and its outcomes with: Ana YEGHOYAN and Dragan ATANASOV, who were the facilitators of the Seminar. Host: Dariusz GRZEMNYThe transcript can be found HERE.Resources:Advocating for youth work in Eastern and South-East Europe - websiteVisible Value handbookYouth work in South-East Europe - a study Youth brain drain from the Western Balkans, the Eastern Partnership and Türkiye - a study
In this episode, we are introducing the Youth Partnership's new training kit (T-kit) on participatory youth policy - what is it for, what's inside and how it can be used. Host: Dariusz GrzemnyContributors: Tanya Basarab, research and youth policy officer, Youth PartnershipAjša Hadžibegović, authorMiriam Teuma, bureau member and former chairperson of the Council of Europe's European Steering Committee for Youth, one of the contributors of the T-kit.The transcript can be found HERE.
Sustain-Mobility was the fourth conference of the European Platform on Learning Mobility (EPLM) in the youth field that took place near Munich at the end of March 2023. It was hosted by Jugend für Europa, the German National Agency for the EU programmes Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps , in co-operation with the Youth Partnership and other EPLM members. In this episode, we are discussing the results of the conference and reflect on issues related to sustainability in youth learning mobility projects. Guests: Manfred von Hebel - Jugend für Europa, the German National Agency for the EU programmes Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity CorpsGeorgia Verna - a young journalist from ItalyHosts: Lana Pasic and Dariusz GrzemnyTranscript: website: Youth Partnership's resources on sustainability, climate change and environment: sustainability saved my life? - an article by Georgia Verna:
On 31 May-1 June 2023, the Youth Partnership's symposium “Visible Value: Growing youth work in Europe” will gather over 100 participants in the European Youth Centre Budapest,at mid-point between two European Youth Work Conventions. This event takes stock of the steps forward on youth work development and in the implementation of the European Youth Work Agenda (EYWA), and to streamline and promote a continuous constructive dialogue with the community of practice.In this episode we are talking to Zara Lavchyan - a youth work practitioner and trainer and Howard Williamson - a youth researcher about their expectations from the symposium and thoughts on where are we with youth work at the moment.Hosts: László Milutinovits and Dariusz Grzemny
As we celebrate International Women's Day, we know that young women's participation in political life remains a challenge. How are young women engaging with political processes at European, national and local levels? What are the main barriers and support mechanism for their participation? Who can be an ally in building a fairer and more inclusive society? Guest: Caterina Bolognese (the Head of the Gender Equality Division at the Council of Europe) and Anna Lavizzari (a researcher at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, a member of the Pool of European Youth Researchers). Hosts: Lana Pasic and Dariusz GrzemnyLinks:Gender Equality Division websiteCouncil of Europe Gender Equality StrategyEU Gender Equality Strategy General Recommendation - Istanbul Convention Action against violence against women and domestic violence Sexism, harassment and violence against women in parliaments in Europe
The pandemic has redefined youth services and has reshaped the way they are delivered. What were the most impacted areas? Listen to the podcast episode exploring this topic and read our study. Guests: Ruzanna Ivanian (PEYR member and co-author) and Rares Craiut (Secretary General, ECYC)Hosts: Ismael Páez Civico and Tanya BasarabWould you like to know more? Read the study: Youth services during the Covid-19 pandemic – a patchy net in need of investment, by Dunja Potočnik and Ruzanna Ivanian and check out the infographic
We have organised the “Visible Value – strengthening the implementation of the European Youth Work Agenda in Eastern and Southeast Europe” seminar in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina in November 2022.The event brought together 60 participants to reflect on the way the youth work sector and community of practice had fared since the 3rd European Youth Work Convention and what structures and mechanisms had been put in place to deliver on the commitments made during the Convention and in the European Youth Work Agenda framework document. It also aimed to strengthen the connection within the triangle of governance (youth research, youth policy and youth work) in the regions.In this episode of Under30' we are discussing the content and the outcomes of the seminar with our guests: Zara Lavchayan and Dragan Atanasov, rapporteurs of the seminar. Hosts: Dariusz Grzemny and László Milutinovits Link: Visible Value – strengthening the implementation of the European Youth Work Agenda in Eastern and Southeast Europe
Media and information literacy is crucial for a fully-fledged democracy to work. Young people need to understand how to navigate the web and differentiate between truthful and misleading or false information. In this episode, we discuss the threat misinformation can pose to young people and how to counter it through critical thinking translated to the digital sphere, that being MIL. Guests: Evaldas Rupkus and Meelika HirmoHosts: Ismael Páez Civico and Lana PasicWould you like to know more? SALTO Participation & Information Resource Centre has hundreds of resources on Youth Participation, MIL, Digital Transformation and Communication. Dive into the Participation Resource Pool to find what interests you:
The training kit (T-kit) on value-based learning in mobility projects has recently been published by the Youth Partnership. Should youth work and learning mobility be value-based? Which values should guide us in design and implementation of youth work activities? We are discussing value-based learning and the new T-kit with:- Snežana Bačlija Knoch - a trainer and facilitator, editor of T-kit 14- Romina Matei from SALTO European Solidarity Corps Resource Centre, contributorsHosts: Marietta Balázs and Dariusz GrzemnyTranscript is hereLink:T-kit 14: Value-based learning in mobility projects
More than a thousand young people have been involved in the European Union's YEAs initiative. Who are the Young European Ambassadors? Listen to this episode and meet three of them, Joanna Bagadzińska (Poland), Anna Bazarna (Ukraine) and Valentin Josan (Republic of Moldova) who tell us more about this initiative and their experiences. Hosts:Marietta Balázs and Dariusz GrzemnyLinks: Young European Ambassadors initiativeEU Neighbours EastCouncil of Europe's Youth Action WeekMeaningful political participation of young people - Live from the Youth Action WeekSolidarity with Ukraine
Youth civil society was quick to respond to the recent challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. What is the state of youth civil society nowadays? How does it need to be supported? We are discussing these questions with Alex Kent from Restless Development that has published the report on the state of youth civil society and Lucas Stede from the Advisory Council on Youth in the Council of Europe. Hosts: Lana Pasic and Dariusz GrzemnyThe transcript is available HERELinks:The State of Youth Civil Society - Youth Power in a Pandemic
The symposium on "Navigating Transitions: Adapting Policies to young People's changing realities" was organised by the EU-Council of Europe Youth Partnership in Tirana on 21-23 June 2023. It brought together more than 100 participants to reflect on what paradigm shift is needed in youth research, youth policy and youth work to support young people’s aspirations in the realities changed by the Covid-19 pandemic and related measures. In this episode, we are reflecting on lessons learned and the outcomes of the symposium, as well as discussing the future perspectives.Guests: Katrin Olt a policy maker, a member of the European Steering Committee for Youth of the Council of Europe from EstoniaMarie-Claire McAleer a researcher from IrelandZara Lavchyan, a trainer and youth work practitioner from ArmeniaClotilde Talleu, a manager of the EU-Council of Europe Youth Partnership Host: Dariusz GrzemnyNavigating Transitions: adapting policy to young people’s changing realities
During the symposium: Navigating Transitions organised by the EU-Council of Europe Youth Partnership in Tirana on 21-23 June 2022, we talked to three youth workers from Kremenchuk in Ukraine: Svitlana Ivanova, Anna Kovalenko and Alina Shevela. They decided to share their stories and reflected on young people's transitions in the times of war. Hosts: Marietta Balázs and Dariusz GrzemnyThe transcript of this episode is HERE.
Learning mobility activities in the youth field are restarting following the two years of break due to COVID-19 pandemic. How are youth workers, young people, trainers, facilitators and youth organisations experiencing the return to in-person activities? How are blended, online and hybrid activities taking place?In this episode we discuss the experiences of learning mobility during and post pandemic, and the use of online, hybrid and blended activities. What types of learning environments are best fitted for learning mobility activities? What are the benefits and challenges of each? Guests: Snezana Baclija Knoch and Sandra Zoomers van de KraakHosts: Ismael Páez Civico and Lana PasicWould you like to know more? Have a look at our resources and quality tools!
How does revitalising democracy actually look on the ground and in practice? How can youth organisations contribute to democratic revival on the local and on the international level? How does the European Youth Foundation support local and international projects in the framework of the Democracy Here, Democracy Now campaign? We speak to Gabriella from Fantapolitica and Sophie from the World Organisation of the Scout Movement (WOSM) about the tokenisation of young people, the relationship between climate change and human rights education, the role of dialogue in conflict and the possibility of democratic revival through genuine youth participation. And what are our guests' expectations of the upcoming Youth Action Week? Guests: Gabriella Sesti Osseo and Sophie SpickenbomHosts: Ismael Páez Civico and Mara GeorgescuWould you like to know more? Have a look at the pilot and international activities funded by the European Youth Foundation and learn more about the Youth Action Week.
In this podcast, we discuss the Council of Europe's youth campaign "Democracy Here, Democracy Now" and its flagship event the Youth Action Week taking place in Strasbourg between 28 June and 1 July. What is the campaign, why was it launched and what are the issues in its focus? What is the purpose of the Youth Action Week and what are the expectations for bringing together over 400 young people from across Europe for a week? Guests: Alice Bergholtz, vice-chair of the Advisory Council on Youth and Ruxandra Pandea, campaign co-ordinatorHosts: Ismael Páez Civico and Marietta BalázsWould you like to know more? Have a look at the Youth Action Week's page!
Youth transitions to autonomy could be defined through many lenses. How did these definitions evolve in time? How have they been used to understand young people's lives and societal changes? How were policies developed to support young people? This episode was made as a preparation for our symposium Navigating Transitions, which will take place in Tirana on 21-23 June 2022. Guests: Ewa Krzaklewska, Maria-Carmen Pantea and Howard WilliamsonHost: Tanya BasarabWould you like to know more? Have a look at symposium's website and watch the video version of this conversation!
Learning mobility activities in the youth field are restarting following the two years of break due to COVID-19 pandemic. How are youth workers, young people, trainers, facilitators and youth organisations experiencing the return to in-person activities? In this episode we discuss the experiences of learning mobility during and post pandemic, and the changing needs of all actors. What should be done to ensure the quality of learning mobility activities in the current context? How can the EPLM quality tools, Handbook and the Q!App, be useful in the current context?Guests: Marta Brzezińska-Hubert and Darko Mitevski Hosts: Ismael Páez Civico and Lana PasicWould you like to know more? Have a look at our resources and quality tools!
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