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Simplify Your Healing

Author: Jenny Peterson

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Are you frustrated and overwhelmed with trying to heal? Healing really isn't and shouldn't be as complicated as the world makes it. The Simplify Your Healing podcast takes out all the fluff and helps you simplify your healing by focusing on one area to heal, the subconscious mind. On this podcast, chronic illness coach Jenny Peterson, delivers practical healing tips, teachings of German New Medicine, education about the subconscious and success stories of the mind-body principles she teaches. If you're serious about getting back your life and health, it's time to put focus on the one area that will help you get there, your own mind.
75 Episodes
We have been led to believe that fungus is bad and that we must kill it to address it. I don’t know about you but from what I see, this theory isn’t the most effective.What if fungus was actually a good thing? What if you didn’t have to work so hard to avoid having it in your body? And the big what if, what if it was here as part of your body's own natural healing process?In a world where we are surrounded by fear of our own bodies' biological processes, if we simply shifted the meaning and u...
Before joining the MBR Program, Seth was on anxiety and high blood pressure meds, down to eating only meat and eggs, had invasive negative thoughts, a fear of failure, a lack of trust in his body and so much more. Listen in to hear how he was able to remove the blocks that were preventing him from healing and transform not only his health but his entire world!---------------------------------------------Most people with chronic symptoms are overwhelmed with trying to heal. At MBR we simp...
Did you know that no matter what your age is now, you are operating from the core beliefs that you were programmed with prior to the age of 12? Why is this important for you to know? Because underneath all the problems in your life, including your chronic health conditions, these beliefs are running the show. When you know how to let them go and replace them with something that is better serving you, your whole world will change. In today’s episode I’m going to tell you how to do th...
Do you want to put an end to your chronic symptoms? Then you can’t overlook what I am talking about today. Underneath your chronic symptoms and really all the problems in your life are your core beliefs. In today's episode, I’m going to address the 5 core beliefs that are fueling your chronic symptoms so you can understand what is truly at the root of them. ---------------------------------------------Most people with chronic symptoms are overwhelmed with trying to heal. At MBR we s...
Today I’m sharing with you a recent experience with my son breaking out in a skin rash, specifically impetigo. Despite what the medical view says about it, that it's extremely contagious, we were able to address it and understand it from a mind body perspective and it healed completely. Sharing this story with you will hopefully help you see how approaching our health from a biological perspective isn’t so scary after all. ---------------------------------------------Most peopl...
Throughout our lifetime, we have many teachers that serve to guide us. Our parents, mentors, school teachers, etc. But your symptoms or illness are probably not on that list of teachers, unless you have healed from chronic conditions like myself. If you are struggling with any chronic condition or illness, have you considered asking yourself, what is this trying to teach me? It's amazing how a simple shift like this will help you see your symptoms in a different light. In today's ep...
I feel like one of the biggest buzzwords in the health and Wellness industry is nervous system regulation. Have chronic pain, mysterious symptoms, skin rashes, acne, digestive issues, you name it, you just need to regulate your poor dysfunctional nervous system. While it seems like everyone and their mother is jumping on the nervous system regulation bus, I’m here to tell you that it's not the true root cause of your chronic conditions. While it may be true that your nervous system is ch...
Heather came to the MBR program with a list of over 10 symptoms, including anxiety, panic attacks, eczema, herpes, palpitations and more. She was in a constant state of fear and lacked trust in her body. After doing the work in the MBR program, she was able to resolve her chronic symptoms. But her symptoms were not the only thing that changed after doing the work in MBR, listen in to hear what other changes occurred in Heathers life! Want to work with the MBR team to resolve your chronic symp...
If you want to heal your chronic symptoms using your mind, then there is some prep work to do. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but your subconscious is most likely full of clutter right now that is blocking your healing. That clutter needs to be cleaned up so you can do what I call “the deep work” otherwise your brain will backfire on you. In today’s episode I will be going over 4 ways you can prep your subconscious for doing the deep level healing work and how you can imp...
Turn on the tv or radio and you will hear commercials for magic potions to get rid of joint and muscle pain. There is big money in preventing or stopping joint or muscle pain. But there is also no truth in any of what you hear regarding them either. Symptoms of weak bones, muscles, ligaments, blood vessels and lymphatics in your body all have a common root cause, and its not due to aging, or what you eat. In today's episode I will be revealing the real root cause of these condi...
When someone has been dealing with chronic conditions for a long time, or even someone that has acute conditions, its only human to want to know on some level how long it may take to heal. You want your discomfort to end! From a biological perspective though there are many factors that come into play that will influence how long it takes for you to heal. In today's episode, I’m going to cover all the pieces that affect the speed of your healing, so you can have a realistic perspecti...
MBR (Mind Body Rewire) was created because I saw too many holes when it came to healing protocols. It's where I filled in these holes that sets us apart from others. If you ever wondered how MBR is different from all the other healing protocols you have tried, this episode will give you some clarity. ---------------------------------------------Most people with chronic symptoms are overwhelmed with trying to heal. At MBR we simplify healing by focusing on one area, the subconscious...
Be inspired that you too can heal from chronic conditions by listening to Megan's healing story! Megan experienced many symptoms for over 10 years including, mouth ulcers, anxiety, fatigue, seasonal allergies, insomnia and more. Hear how being told that she had Lyme disease really affected her healing, and all the things she tried before finding the simple solution that worked. ---------------------------------------------Most people with chronic symptoms are overwhelmed with tryin...
"Grab all the immune boosting remedies from the cabinet babe, get the tylenol ready, he can’t have any sugar or dairy, make sure to give him remedies every 30 minutes like I wrote down. We are kicking this virus to the curb so we both can get back to work tomorrow."Yup, this is the old me and my protocol whenever my son got cold and flu like symptoms. Having a cold or flu back then, was extremely stressful and scary to me. Today, my cold and flu healing protocol, is quite different and less s...
Autoimmune disease… We are told that our body is attacking us, it's not reversible and we don’t know the cause from one direction and from another we are told that by improving the health of our gut and getting rid of toxins it will go away. Again its no surprise that people are completely overwhelmed and confused when it comes to health. So many different answers and solutions yet no one is getting results. I’m going to call bullshit on all of this and keep it simple because frankl...
#61 Subconscious 101

#61 Subconscious 101


I feel that a majority of people don’t really know much about the subconscious and all the amazing things it does. This isn’t out of ignorance, its simply because its not taught. I mean when’s the last time you saw subconscious 101 in your high school child’s list of classes?If you have ever wondered “what is the subconscious and what does Jenny mean when she refers to it?” or you simply want to heal your chronic conditions, today’s episode will provide you with an understanding of this...
German New Medicine is getting quite popular , its the newest thing for a lot of practitioners. This is a great thing, because the more people are aware of how their bodies work and how they have the ability to heal, the better for everyone!But there are some misconceptions about the work that is required to resolve a conflict (aka a memory or situation that happened that is connected to your symptom.) There tends to be a focus on zoning in on finding a memory so much that people ar...
When you have chronic health conditions, hearing stories of those that have overcome a similar situation to yours serves as a source of hope and motivation. Over the past 4 years, the MBR team and I have worked with hundreds of people to help them overcome their chronic health conditions and get back their lives. Josie is one of those people. She came into MBR with a large list of symptoms including severe edema, all over body eczema, food sensitivities, palpitations and anxiety. Sh...
If I had to tell you the one common factor among all of those that have chronic conditions have, it would be that they’re giving away their power. The truth is that they don’t even know it. You probably are doing it as well and don’t know it. Why are we so unaware of this? Because we are programmed to do it. And whether you want to heal a chronic condition, change your career or relationships, you need this one thing that you were born with, inner power. In today’s episode...
Ever wonder how you can help your kids heal their colds, UTI’s, rashes, earaches and more from a mind body perspective? Well today is the day. I’m laying it all out on how to help your kids using GNM and subconscious work. You’ll be surprised that helping your kids starts in a place where you’ve never considered before and its going to change everything. Get a pen and paper because this one is packed full of goodies!Resources discussed in this episode:Conscious Parenting- Shelly Robinson on I...
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