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Author: Essentiedenkers

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In een krappe arbeidsmarkt is talentbehoud essentieel. Zet je je medewerkers in hun kracht? Dan behoud je als organisatie makkelijker talent, verhoog je je productiviteit en lever je betere resultaten. Maar dat is makkelijker gezegd dan gedaan. Wij verschuiven het perspectief en verbinden jouw organisatiedoelen met het potentieel dat al in huis is. Het resultaat? Overzichten, nieuwe inzichten en uitzichten voor een betrokken werkomgeving en groei. Op zoek naar een nieuw perspectief? We maken graag kennis met je.

In a tight job market, retaining talent is crucial. Are you empowering your employees? Doing so not only helps your organization retain talent more easily but also boosts productivity and delivers better results. Easier said than done, right? We shift the perspective and connect your organizational goals with the untapped potential already present in your team. The outcome? Insights, fresh perspectives, and opportunities for an engaged work environment and growth. Seeking a new outlook? We'd love to get acquainted.

26 Episodes
Veel mensen zijn wel klaar met home office. Er zijn er ook die niet zitten te wachten om weer naar kantoor te gaan. Voor de gulden middenweg komen er oplossingen als hybride werken of blended werken. Maar is dat wel dé oplossing? En als het de oplossing is...hoe maak je daar dan een succes van? In onze nieuwste podcast geven we je een paar handige tips. 
Come fly with us!

Come fly with us!


Waar ligt de focus binnen jullie organisatie als het gaat over hybride werken? In deze podcast vraagt Mirjam Goes zich me af waarom HR en Communicatie hun rol niet pakken als het gaat om hybride werken en wat het zou betekenen als ze dat wél zouden doen. 
Bij veranderingen staat het einddoel vast. De weg ernaartoe, moet je zo aangenaam mogelijk maken. Hoe? Dat vertelt Mirjam Goes je in deze podcast. En daarbij staat ze ook even stil bij de 4 dimensies die eigenaarschap van betrokkenheid bepalen.  
Rood betekent stoppen!

Rood betekent stoppen!


In deze podcast vertelt Mirjam Goes je een eenvoudige, maar doeltreffende methode om je eigen ruimte af te dwingen. En wat de 2 belangrijkste voorwaarden zijn als je dit middel ook succesvol wilt inzetten.
In deze podcast vertelt Mirjam Goes je welke stappen je moet zetten om van doel naar actie te gaan en hoe je daarbij tegelijkertijd een boost geeft aan de motivatie van je medewerkers. 
In deze podcast laat Edwin Claassens je zien hoe je ook kunt bewegen terwijl je misschien in 1e instantie denkt dat er vanwege de corona-maatregelen niets meer mag en welke omdenk-techniek je hierbij kunt gebruiken. 



In deze podcast vertelt Mirjam Goes je waarom goede verwachtingsmanagement de binding met je doelgroep verbetert en welke 5 vragen je jezelf kunt stellen om te kijken of je op de goede weg zit. 
In deze podcast maakt Edwin Claassens de vergelijking tussen binden en verbinding. Waarom je ze je niet zomaar door elkaar kunt gebruiken, hoe ze elkaar juist kunnen versterken en je ze dus het beste inzet. 



In deze podcast laat Mirjam Goes je zien dat bewegen ook in kleine dingen zit. Je daardoor lichaam en geest stimuleert en je uiteindelijk andere, betere inzichten en oplossingen verzint.  
Hear Hear!

Hear Hear!


In deze podcast vertelt Mirjam Goes je waarom je een verandering eigenlijk best kunt vergelijken met een compositie en wat goede muziek bij kan dragen aan verbinding. 
In deze podcast staat Edwin Claassens eens stil bij het feit dat iedereen verantwoordelijkheid wil hebben, maar niemand wil hem nemen. Waarom durven we elkaar niet aan te spreken? Welk gevaar schuilt daarin? En wat kun je eraan doen? 
In deze podcast vertelt Edwin Claassens je waarom veel projecten uit de rails lopen. Je denkt misschien wel dat je roadmap compleet is, technisch is hij dat waarschijnlijk ook wel. Maar eigenlijk ben je dan pas halfweg!
In deze podcast legt Mirjam Goes je uit waarom juist verbinding het verschil maakt en hoe je dat voor elkaar kunt krijgen. Want verbinding is namelijk niet te koop met enkel een marketingcampagne. 
Subscriber-only episodeThe Power of Positioning: A Clear Path to SuccessIn the previous 5 episodes of “Cement” starting with Episode 1.1, we delved deep into the concept of positioning and why it was crucial for individuals, organizations, and brands. We started by addressing a common cultural aspect in Belgium and the Netherlands, where standing out was often discouraged. This cultural norm was reflected in sayings like “Just be normal, that’s crazy enough” and “Go along with the group.” However, we challenged this norm by emphasizing the importance of taking a distinct position.Positioning is the first block in the model of the 9 Building Blocks for Connection. While these blocks don’t have a strict order, positioning holds a special place at the beginning of the journey. It requires introspection and self-discovery, asking questions like “Who am I?” and “What do I stand for?” This process of self-definition is not casual; it’s a thoughtful exploration.Revealing your true colours through positioning can be challenging because it involves making choices and, by doing so, not being somewhere else. Many fear that making choices will lead to missed opportunities, but, in reality, not choosing is losing. By taking a clear position, you stand out within a group of similar entities, whether they are organizations, teams, companies, or brands.A clear position sets the stage for effective communication. Without a distinct position, organizations tend to copy competitors, resulting in generic expressions and actions. It’s essential to let stakeholders, both internally and externally, know where you stand and what your goals are. This clarity enables collaboration and helps everyone work toward common goals.However, defining your position is not always easy. Questions like “What sets us apart?” and “What is our added value?” can be challenging to answer without falling into generalities. Visualizing the concept of “better” can help in this regard.In summary, positioning is about standing out and revealing your true colors. It’s not about conformity but clarity. By defining who you are, what you stand for, and what sets you apart, you create a clear path for yourself and others. Not choosing is losing, and a well-defined position attracts those who resonate with your values and goals. It empowers teams within an organization and is essential for building meaningful connections.Subscribe to all episodes of the Audiobook series.
Subscriber-only episode In this episode:Mapping Your Path to Success: The Art of PositioningToday, we’re embarking on a journey of strategic storytelling and brand positioning.Imagine this: you’re at a crossroads, and you need a clear map to navigate the terrain effectively. In today’s episode, we’re diving deep into the concept of “mapping out” – not just metaphorically, but quite literally. Get ready for a unique exercise that will reshape your perspective.Subscribe to all episodes of the Audiobook series.
Subscriber-only episode In this episodeIn this episode, you are about to embark on the final leg of our journey through the intricate world of brand positioning. “Making Models Work for You,” titled “Positioning: Making Models Work for You part 3 of 3”, this instalment is the culmination of a series dedicated to unravelling the nuances of effectively positioning brands.Let’s dive in together. As we start, we recognize the multitude of models and theories available for brand positioning. But here’s the key: it’s not just about the models; it’s about the critical thinking you apply to position your brand. Remember, the success of your positioning strategy hinges on distinctiveness, solidity, and crystal clarity.We’re about to explore brand positioning from various angles, Informational, Symbolic, and Experience-Based. Imagine Informational positioning as your brand solving problems, Symbolic positioning crafting the image and status you desire, and Experience-Based positioning immersing your audience in a sensory-rich brand experience.Real-world examples are in store for you. Picture a restaurant owner specializing in soup facing challenges. We’ll use this scenario to illustrate the complexities and rewards of maintaining a focused positioning strategy. Throughout, we’ll emphasize the crucial role of consistency in your brand positioning.As we near the conclusion, let’s underscore the importance of adaptability. The ever-changing environment demands it for successful brand positioning. Standing out in this dynamic landscape requires your focus, an expansion of your talents, and seizing opportunities to showcase your unique strengths, ultimately making a meaningful impact in your community.Here’s the punchline: your well-crafted brand positioning isn’t just a concept on paper. It should reflect in your organization’s purpose, emotion, consistency, and flexibility. We encourage you not only to understand but to live your brand’s positioning, letting it radiate through every aspect of your brand.So, stay tuned for the third and final part of our exploration. We’re here to decode the secrets that underpin effective positioning strategies, offering valuable insights for you as you navigate the dynamic landscape of brand positioning.Subscribe to all episodes of the Audiobook series.
Subscriber-only episode  In this episodeIn this captivating episode, our exploration of positioning models and theories continues, honing in on the fascinating realm of brand positioning. Our overarching theme remains clear: the key lies not in selecting a singular model but in mastering the art of strategic positioning. Our ultimate aim is to sculpt a positioning strategy that is not only distinctive and rock-solid but also unequivocally clear.In this episode, we plunge even deeper into the subject matter. Our exploration leads us to Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle model, underscoring the paramount importance of commencing with the question “why” and aligning it seamlessly with how your target audience perceives your brand.Additionally, we unveil the captivating realm of archetypes, traversing from Jung’s archetypes to our own unique creation, the Essentiedenkers Coffee Archetypes. These archetypes serve as dynamic catalysts for conversations, enabling individuals and teams to explore their authentic selves and articulate what they stand for.Whether you are a seasoned marketer, a dedicated communications specialist, an aspiring entrepreneur, or simply curious about the intricacies behind the success of prominent brands, this episode promises something for everyone. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of positioning, one theory at a time, and unveil the potent impact of thoughtful positioning in the dynamic world of branding.Subscribe to all episodes of the Audiobook series.
Subscriber-only episode In this episode We dive deeper into the practical aspect of positioning. You’ll discover that the choice of a specific model or theory for positioning isn’t as crucial as the thoughtful consideration you put into it. We often use a blend of models to create a distinctive, solid, and clear positioning strategy.We will include 3 model spotlights in this episode. One model in the spotlight is the Floor and Van Raaij Model, which distinguishes four types of positioning: informational, transformational, two-sided, and execution positioning. We’ll explore how each of these approaches can shape your brand’s identity and resonate with your target audience.Another model, the MDC Model, developed by Riezebos and Van der Grinten, takes a schematic approach to describe your brand, target audience, and competition. We’ll discuss how this model can be adapted to not only position your brand but also your organization or team effectively.Additionally, we’ll delve into McKinsey’s Brand Driver Model, focusing on value creation for your target audience and the crucial axes of relevance and differentiation. You’ll gain insights into how to strategically position your team to maximize its impact and stand out.Sit back and enjoy as we explore these positioning models and uncover valuable insights for your journey toward a clear and effective position in the market.Subscribe to all episodes of the Audiobook series.
 In this episode🌹 Welcome to a Blossoming Understanding with Leary's Rose Podcast! 🌹Embark on a captivating journey of self-discovery and interpersonal enlightenment with our thought-provoking episode, where we unravel the petals of Leary's Rose – a fascinating psychological concept that sheds light on the intricacies of human interactions.Join us as we explore this vibrant model, offering you a unique lens to navigate the labyrinth of human relationships. Imagine having a map that guides you through the diverse landscapes of communication styles, revealing the nuances of how we connect with one another.We'll delve into a specific petal of Leary's Rose, examining the traits, behaviours, and dynamics associated with interpersonal styles such as Dominance, Submission, Influence, Compliance, Hostility, Sociability, and Withdrawal. Gain insights into how these styles shape our interactions and impact the dynamics in various contexts, from personal relationships to team collaborations.But that's not all! Stay tuned for a special side step into the world of "Vachtkracht" – where a golden retriever named Roos, our furry consultant, brings her unique perspective to group dynamics.Whether you're a psychology enthusiast, a team leader looking to enhance collaboration, or someone eager to enrich their personal relationships, Leary's Rose has something captivating for everyone.Tune in, listen, and bloom with this Leary's Rose Podcast – because understanding the petals of human connection is the first step toward a garden of harmonious relationships. 🌹Support the Show.Subscribe to all episodes of the Audiobook series.
Subscriber-only episodeSubscribe here   In this episode We embark on a journey into the world of “Positioning.” This essential topic is the first block in the 9 Building Blocks for Connection, and it’s a game-changer when it comes to establishing your organization’s identity.We’ll start by addressing the question: “Where do you stand?” Regardless of whether you’re from Belgium or the Netherlands, you’ve likely heard sayings like “Just be normal, that’s crazy enough” and “Go along with the group.” Conformity has been ingrained in our culture, but we’ll challenge this notion. Standing out, revealing your true colors, and embracing a distinctive position is what really matters.Positioning is not a casual endeavor. It’s a profound process of self-discovery and definition. You’ll need to answer existential questions about your identity, values, and purpose. By the end, you’ll have a clear path to follow.The fear of standing out often holds us back, but we’ll show you why not choosing is, in fact, losing. A well-defined position sets you apart and attracts those who resonate with your values and goals.Positioning isn’t just about words on paper; it’s about answering existential questions, revealing your true colors, and ultimately building meaningful connections. Join us in this episode as we dive deep into the art of positioning and discover why it’s a crucial step in your journey toward success.Keep listening to us on this transformative journey. As we delve deeper into how these building blocks empower both you and your organization, to navigate the ever-changing landscape with confidence and success.Subscribe to all episodes of the Audiobook series.
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