Unfiltered Vitamin Z

Unfiltered Vitamin Z
Author: Zieed
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© 2024 Unfiltered Vitamin Z
My name is Zieed. Topics and discussions may include: business, travel, & education of Intl. Scientific Relations with tangents on religion, cannabis, geopolitics, entertainment, racism, many other ism's, God, philosophy, migration, languages, and of course music & content. Here to examine the micro of the day to day and the macro plays in the back. Sense of humor advised bc it aint a crime to laugh. It's about right QUESTIONS not right answers. Vitamin Z, Unfiltered, like our Holy Land olive oil.
121 Episodes
Few things discussed this episode: best places in the world to offroad,guns in america vs europe, TSA travel story, dichotomy of Southeast Asia, upcoming travel plans, best ways to travel to garner new skills and meet dope people, personal health with body and mind first.
This conversation with myself on linguistic differences that reflect differently artistically. Also community impact and brand creation for investment in companies with new products and services using nfts. IG tik tok
Marriage, love, and religion could quite be only available in the large market for poor folk. This episode I discuss the lack of necessity for love in marriage (from someone who's never been married) as well as the lack of need of religion in many richer western nations, whereas the idolisation of gods could be found in poorer places of the globe. Marriage is also historically been a strategic, convenient, or agenda based transaction that poor and rich people are aware of but yet it seems tha...
Quick episode for update on musical performance. Getting my first 1k and now 10k streams total and the process of spotify playlists as well as consistently trying to make music. I also discuss upcoming projects and share lyrics for upcoming songs leading into conversations surrounding the importance of how we dress, how to ask for what we want, and the value we can give people especially when the right energy is in place. Thank you for Ig tiktok youtube
Whenever we allow a minority to be free of criticism and justice, we give them power and control. This could be applied to religions, but the case of this episode is the state of Israel where as the Economist describes it, 'Jews are being welcomed in the Middle East.' Jews have always been in the Middle East for it was the Middle East that took them when Spain kicked them out late 15th century. Countries like Emirates and Egypt are accommodating for Israeli travellers, making deals with the g...
This episode I share more lyrics and songwriting issues, as well divin into some song lyrics. I share more about my machine learning and data science journey regarding the math involved and how I was taught the math used but never told of the job and practical applications for it. I expand that conversation on modern education system regarding other subjects where the material itself isn't as important as the skills they develop that could be applied in other real world areas. Thank you for l...
This short episode the different ways of studying abroad whether to do a full degree from another university, semester abroad, or just finding a way to travel and learn at the same time. I recommend a few methods and places to do it and how to go about thinking about it.Https:// IG Tiktok and youtube
This episode I discuss how people will take what you were offering (whats on the menu), so if you have more to give then you need to showcase that. I also discuss literature, writing styles, and how consumption of entertainment as well forms of entertainment have changed over time due to technology and attention spans shrinking. I also share new lyrics from my upcoming project and tell stories. @Zieedufz Tiktok and
This episode I discussed a bit on how to shift the way average view money in order to grow it along with the personal choices I have been shifting in regards to the way I spend, for example setting extra aside in an Acorns account, buying stocks, crypto, and planning for real estate. I own rights to background music- beat from song Consistent by Zieed check out more on IG
This episode aims to continue providing audio podcast while actually recording video, learning how to do so with proper audio and lighting on a budget as well as edit such videos to cut and paste in various platforms using segments of the podcast topics as stand alone shorts and reels. Topics in this episode cover porn and masturbation, climate change regarding clothes, clothe materials, fast fashion, and others.@ZieedUFZ on
IG- @Zieedufz Consistency along with discipline battles motivation for a driving force to lead you to success. However, there is a large difference that we do not separate enough. Like what does one do when motivation slips? Same in romance with lust vs love, admiration, and respect. What does a couple do when lust disappears. Train individually with discipline and consistency to work on your goals even when not the most motivated. Just another habit. Train on having sex even after...
30/8/2021 After an interesting summer and another year in Spain, I am back in Las Vegas. This was a nice episode back to continue with season 15 discussing current issues some impacting many including myself with chip shortage, car shopping, and other issues that almost haven't changed unfortunately such as Afghanistan with long history of colonisation, global warming, and oppression of certain peoples through racism and other tactics like with black folk in the U.S. I also discuss upcoming m...
On this episode I dive a bit into 'dictatorshit', why and how I use this term, as well as the macro philosophy behind it linguistically, geopolitically, and historically in addition the micro of it being the title of my next mixtape, Dictatorshit Vol.1. I share some lyrics from some upcoming, unreleased songs and how they apply by asking questions in regards to what politics and forms of government actually mean, who they actually serve, and why does a dictatorship carry such negative weight?...
19/5/21 This episode takes a look a macro questions behind why us, why Planet Earth as home for Homo Sapiens as well as the issue of Palestine, supplemented with micro perspective questions in regard to behind the why of current geopolitical issues and humanitarian crisis in the occupied territory. I also provide some lyrics from my upcoming mixtape Dictatorshit Vol.1 that correlate with enemy creation in reference to other arts as well such as other songs, the book Frankenstein, ...
This episode talked a bit on recent issues affecting people globally from increase in taxes like in Colombia, to attacks and settler colonialism in Palestine. Little historical analysis in relevancy of modern era from when FDR first started business deals for oil in Saudi Arabia to current issues of right wing nationalism. Also a shared a song I wrote called Sweet.IG-@zieedufz
This episode, season intro, I share some recent poems and songs I have been making and posting to my instagram (@zieedufz) from the Keakr app, and talk about upcoming music as well some history and migration that ties in to themes and beats of the musical style I am releasing. I discuss content in the modern day, internet influence, Oscars (award shows in general), and how media consumption has changed historically from books like the 3 Musketeers to TV & movies. IG- @zieedufz @unfiltere...
This season finale brings a general conversation on future avenues of society generally being decentralized by trends people are creating from technology, agriculture, politics, finance, and fashion.IG- @zieedufz email list
This episode focuses on another mental health conversation regarding neurological disorders, as well as conversation importance in general from rape, language usage, comedy, gender, and state of being. Without openness and ability to be willing to understand others where would we stand? I also share some flashback memories from Thailand and Laos that tie in to today.IG- @zieedufz email list signup
This episode I share some anecdotes and graphs from a course in undergrad titled "US history post 1945" regarding inequality rates, social issues, welfare, and military buildup Reagan onward. I discuss also the issue of dictatorship getting a bad rep from western nations but only when run by socialists. Money talks, and often the politics no matter what the type of government is called, is just a smoke screen. Peoples' behaviours, tendencies, and leadership are also themes discussed. I...
This episode I dive in the difference of taking an idea or person at face value and deemed perfection versus using historical lenses and analysis to distinguish fact from fiction. I also discuss importance of separating beliefs and emotion from logical and critical thinking, especially in conversation with others. I talk about marketing and branding from a religious historical perspective regarding the Catholic Church and story of Islam for Jesus and Muhammad, respectively. IG- @unfilteredvi...
This episode I discuss new books I'm reading, reading efficiency and hacks I learned studying history, where to find dope new books to extract knowledge from, and how to find time to do more of it.Zieed.comIG- @zieedufz @unfilteredvitaminz
This episode discusses a few things. Some recent issues of Asian hate, unfortunately, is part of a longer history that I discuss along side racism and discrimination through migration history, politics, experience, and an overall question of what being racist is. To tolerate is not the same as to for email listIG- @zieedmusic @unfilteredvitaminz
Few topics discussed on this season 13 Finale: 1. Stayin at your mama house, no rent American culture, living home, savings, and having a plan 2. Russ on brand, types of songs "organic fan base just base off of being me" Emotional connection with people 3. Media misconstrues everything, sad people lookin happy 4.Cancel culture Sexual assault White folk, entertaining, laughter factor Palestinian Culture Hebron "how to start a fight" IG- @Zieedmusic @unfilteredvitami...
Passion and purpose s13 ep6This episode focuses on ObsessionsShit u can't ignoreFor me I share -The itch of rap, Ufz, & Thinkin of past analyzing futureWhat u love, passion (one macro) But u need what u good at (micro, that's u)And then service, how that helps or benefits those around u, the world, the necessity of this, your dharma from 'think like a monk' (macro)Past present and, sign up for the email listIG- @unfilteredvitaminz @zieedmusic
Mental Conversations is about the self conversations with yourself, that we all have but I discuss in its regard to identity, solitude, and language learning and comprehension.Thanks for listening and share with friends and familyFollow on IG @zieedmusic for email list for exclusive content news and giveawaysSong: Zieed-UFZ
How you persevere, & continue to persevere. The little things we do to fix our appearance, yet neglect the mental battle inside of perseverance. Another freestyle podcast episode, diving a little into a topic that will a part of an upcoming music single release under the same title.IG-@zieedmusic @unfilteredvitaminz
This episode is a sort of breakdown of why to ask the question why on the macro, But on the micro, the why of this podcast or entertainment channels and platforms in general based off of documentation, individuality, voice, and education or overall value that people seek.Ig- @zieedmusic @unfilteredvitaminz
This episode I dive into some of my non hip hop music interests and how that helps me in writing, performing, and recording my own rap tracks, music in general, and importance of lyrics in music. What is music? Can music be considered good or bad? As always @unfilteredvitaminz, questions>answers. I also discuss new living situation, and shared most recent poem I wrote while chillin at a park. Enjoy another improvised episode Follow @unfilteredvitaminz on Instagram, DM questions or just wa...
[saw a tweet asking if we had to give a presentation for 20 min with no notes, what it would be on----this is that presentation] Season 13 intro we discuss (we meaning me and my imagination) pseudo-anthropological theories (pseudo bc I made them up) about music and music making history as a communal, spiritual form of art and inherit in religious, power structures of old civilisations;making hip hop something new (in U.S and global musical definition & context), but also something in a wa...
'Blend it up like a smoothie...navigatin reality but not always smoothly', on this season finale I share some lyrics of mine for an upcoming single, but also from a classic hip hop artists to dive into a quick discussion on what type of energy we feed ourselves and the consequent vibes that'll give off onto those around us; from money to love. History of music ties in to slavery,modern day racism, culture vultures, jazz, spirituality, and African roots. Thank you for listening ig @zieedmusic...
The power of listening and responding to what others say, and how difficult it can be and why sometimes preferred responses come back up in showers. Shower thoughts could be just things we wanted to say, or maybe daydreams and tangents based off the music we here while showering and the events we've been having during the week. Discussed the macro & micro of shower thoughts and a personal anecdote. Thank you for listening ig-@zieedmusic @unfilterevitaminz email list for exclusi...
This episode I pick a winner from the email list on to win the $100 raffle. I talk about gratitude and some tips I learned from 'Think like a Monk' and broke down some lyrics related to the topic from the song 'Alhamdullah'by yours truly Zieed from my most recent project 'Immigrant Dreams'. I talk about listening, 5:1, and importance of voice. Thank you for listening ig@zieedmusic @unfilteredvitaminz Immigrant Dreams is out, streaming n on my youtube @zieed, sign up for t...
Confucius famously said we all have 2 lives and the second starts when we realize we have all but one. I share the UFZ(unfiltered vitaminz) song from my upcoming disco, Immigrant dreams. Its sort of like the series theme song for this podcast. I break down some lyrics and a spoken word from the beginning of the episode as well. Self growth, and pursuit of everything. Thank for ListeningIG-@zieedmusic Email list for exclusive content giveaways, etc
Everyone dies, but not everyone lives. No guarantee that we would be born, but there is a certain guarantee that you reading this will die. People fear, think, or don't think about death for different reasons. Religion, spirituality, and anxieties play different roles but sometimes death is liberation when being alive is bondage like medical suffering or enslavement. Ojala or Inshallah, sort of used like hopefully, something I always grew up accustomed to using especially when making plans; n...
New phones, new cars, but new selves? Evolvin spiritually should be the norm. Also, whether there is or is not a heaven or hell, we should be strivin to make this world the best version possible, a heaven on earth, just as strivin to make ourselves the best versions possible we can be.IG-@unfilteredvitaminz@zieedmusic for $100 raffle email list
The types of images we create ourselves whether to flatter ourselves, compare ourselves, or genuinely improve upon who were yesterday. Often times the image we create is shaped by so much media, and we go out of our way to place an image that doesn't match up reality, for some people thats the reality; not just on media but even in communities where people care too much on the opinions of others. Hopefully though, through self-awareness and perspective we can create images of ou...
Legacy and Kids Whats the point of building something if dont have someone to pass it down to? But also whats the point of creating something yourself and chasing freedom if you're forced to take something that was built before your time? Farms to cities is the clearest and best examples of this plight of people away from family and land into cities and dreams. Population and employment gaps pose issues to countries from Japan, to Spain, Germany, and China. Climate change is even a part o...
2 main topics here-one being how we as people want membership either through work, like how authors such as Wendell Berry argue about going back to an agrarian society, or through religion and sub cultures. Hip Hop is the most powerful religion right now, UN recognized as a religion, and it crosses through languages and borders the same way Christianity and Islam did. I also talk a bit about difference and advantages in rap with English versus Spanish IG-@unfilteredvitam...
Documentation is important not just for the process of media content as independent artist or whatever, but for anyone anywhere. Through a journal, audio notes, blog, or blog documentation allows you to visualize and cement your goals, issues, routine, and emotions in a way that can show you were growth is, like weekly weigh ins on The Biggest Loser. A way to measure and see your progress while also to see where you want to go, especially at the turn of a new year its not a bad idea to docume...
This new year , lets count our OWN blessingsNot no one else'sUr OWN energyland, business, art, Ur lifeOWN that shitPut out good energy, reframe n retrain your mind, and see if the external world starts to match with the inner beauty u create for yourself in your mind.The mind is like money, it can be a great slave, but a terrible master. Get ur mind and money to work for u, not the other way aroundIg-@unfilteredvitaminz
Sometimes we are in the habit of doing wrong things and unhealthy habits, but other times we can train ourselves to do the same in the healthier more positive way because we like to get into rhythms; certain routines. Discipline is an important trait to foster well because it will keep us on our good rhythms.IG-@unfilteredvitaminz@thecaptainhummusTwitter-@captainhummusyoutube-@zieed
Questions>AnswersThe why, Not configuring the solutions based off of problems we create, but shuffling through the problems that arise with solutions we can create to solve the original issue. & cross off another problem from a list instead of adding morewhy we ask these questionsThe fact we do means theres something moreIG-@unfilteredvitaminz@thecaptainhummusTaptapes app-@Zieed
Enigma lifestyle, what is weird or deviant. What do innovators have in common? How to think outside the box, but not remain out the box. Going from macro to micro and back to the macro.IG-@unfilteredvitaminz@thecaptainhummusZieed on Youtube
Hip hop, race, and my perspective on social issues in the U.S, the matrix of race, and how I dissect it from having Latino, Arab & Muslim family. Ig-unfilteredvitaminzthecaptainhummus
3am ish, best time to talk to the universe to get a response back. Saw this as a youtube comment sometime somewhere and it totally holds up most of the time. From Universe talks, to tea time and peanut m&m talks, this episode was a dirty quickie. Hope y'all enjoyS/out to San Jose listening inIG@unfilteredvitaminz@thecaptainhummus
Without FIlter, as the title suggests so this episode dives into a bit of poem I wrote and some story telling touching on Spanish, Arabic, and English rhymes and themes of history of crusades, terrorism, and religion with a little spiel on marriage and relationships. Yo fumo mis purros sin filtros Que broma, ahora no fuma Este marica una ladrona No ere mi chama, una niña Duerme con pijama, quiere Provocarme, como eve y Adam con La manzana, forbidden fruit, historias desde año...
Moving around or even traveling for some can be tough. However, often times it is necessary for peace of mind, growth, change, or just to escape. However, escaping in my experience doesnt always pay off. Eventually, whatever you're chasing, it could even be yourself or within you, will eventually catch up or resurface. Often times if you're not happy here, you won't be happy there. Self-awareness is necessary and thats why mistakes are ok because you will make them even if you are moving aw...
Work Continued-about the importance of managing time but even more so having something to do period with our time. Here our the lyrics below from the rap I shared IG:@unfilteredvitaminz @thecaptainhummus Trabajo trabajo trabajo Pa mañana tengo trabajo El viernes Muslims descansa El sábado jews descansa Y los domingos españa descansa Para el lunes levantar y cantar No se por donde empezar Perdona español no Es mi primer idioma Yo siempre cambio por la noche como Feyona El mundo ha camb...
The importance of work, or at least the concept of having something to do with our time.How important is work for you? "fuck automation, leaving everyone to sit in the filth of contemplation"
Cancer is often in Palestine a word many don't like to use, many times people from my family's village in the West Bank use "the disease thats bad". However, cancerous could be something more than just the uncontrolled replication of cells in our body but mental thoughts n ideas we place our allow others n the media to be implanted. J cole said "these chains are way mental than the physical". Foods and chemicals can be cancerous but so can people. We must take control of what who we want to b...
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