Author: Hank Smith & John Bytheway
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Do you ever feel that preparing for your weekly Come, Follow Me lesson falls short? Join hosts Hank Smith and John Bytheway as they interview experts to make your study for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ Come, Follow Me course not only enjoyable but original and educational. If you are looking for resources to make your LDS study fresh, faithful, and fun--no matter your age--then join us every Wednesday morning. Show notes: https://followhim.co YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/FollowHimOfficialChannel Instagram: Instagram.com/followhimpodcast Facebook: Facebook.com/followhimpodcast
The followHIM Podcast is not affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The opinions expressed on episodes represent the views of the guest and podcasters alone.
Great episode!!
He was my favorite seminary teacher in high school!
she inspired me to " Love " those I minister to.
Hank, I LOVED what you said to the young sisters, who decide to stay home rather than go out and serve a mission. I'm in my 50s now. When I was twenty, I felt so much pressure to serve a mission. I prayed about it, My answer was to stay home and not serve a mission. I have never regretted that decision. I knew that was best for me. Based on comments, I still felt like some friends and members looked down on me because I didn't leave home to serve. Please share this message over and over again.
I'm a faithful listener in the Marshall Islands. Your insights and teachings lift me and inspire me each week. My faith in Jesus Christ is strengthened through study of the scriptures.Thank you for sharing your talents and gifts with us. It helps me hear Him.
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John what was the name of those pills that lady gave you for acne? and the creme you put on your face?
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That quote from Ezra Taft Benson first came from Glenn Lawrence Pearson: That a man does not understand why they need Christ until they understand the fall. He went as far as to say that one can not understand the atonement without understanding the fall.
I think the correct interpretation of what is meant by "a skin of Blackness came upon them" is the literal..."it CAME UPON THEM," Not "they put it upon themselves." While perhaps they didn't have a word for tattoo, they did have an explanation for the idea. You remember the amalicits placed a mark upon their skin or themselves this was most likely a tattoo. Occams Razor. The simplest interpretation is most likely the correct one. Nephi was smart and wrote plainly enough to say what he meant.
my grandfather Glenn L. Pearson was the first who taught that 2 Nephi 25:23, "after all we can do," had the meaning of "in spite all we can do." I have a research paper that he wrote under the direction of President Ezra Taft Benson in 1981/6 where he taught about justification and the grace of Jesus. He taught Book of Mormon at Brigham Young University for 26 years. and was on the missionary Committee of The Church.
I TRUELY love and learn from your scripture discussions. I feel a (hopefully obvious) need to clarify the discussion on tattoos for today's day. The idea of tattoo's being a way for one to separate themselves from followers of Christ (or Nephi) MAY have been the case back then, but should NEVER be assumed to be the case today. Lead with love, and if there is other intent from the person (with tattoos), let them define it. Never assume you know someone's personal relationship with Christ. ❤️
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I talked with my husband about this years ago. He pointed out the difference between kill, and murder. in times of war people are killing and killed. But murder, the plotting of taking a life to show or gain power, control est. Nephi killed Laban not murder
this says Aug 18, it's actually Sept 18
I love the explanation about praying to recognize and nurture spiritual gifts. I returned to this party of the video several times.
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Oh man, what a great episode. My favorite part was this thought: -Love was always the law. Love is the work we are invited into, it was never meant to be a reward. We are often so focused on making ourselves lovable to God (earning His love) that we fail to join Him in loving others. We work so hard to keep the commandment He did not give that we fail miserably in keeping the commandment that He did give.
Everyone is a disciple of someone. Everyone has apostles that they follow and people that they trust. How grateful we are that the Apostles in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are witnesses of and teach the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Christ has faith in us just like we have faith in him. We support him in times of need (like in the garden) and he supports us. When he was going through the hardest time of his life, it is likely that he relied on our faith in him to sustain him and remind him why he was doing something so difficult. Also, mistakes do not equal failure and do not disqualify us from discipleship. They are learning experiences and should be viewed as such as we work to do better and follow our Savior.
sacrifice isn't giving up anything, it's choosing to use something time, money, resources in a different way. a way that will transform us and make us whole, which makes us holy.
"let not your hearts be troubled" is a commandment that we frequently break. it means that we don't trust the Lord. - this was such a powerful insight that I'd never considered!
Loved this episode! Favorite parts: -How do I gain a testimony -Who/What are you converted to?
48 min, mercy
Thank you for this. Josh, you spoke to my soul. I've been retired with some mental health struggles since 2018 and the toll they take... the struggle is real. Thank you for giving hope. It's hard to hear, to see, in the depths of darkness that fill my days; but this, was a light. Thank you.
I appreciated this perspective from one of the hosts about repentance: "more about seeing your value - your infinite worth - and making choices to match that value."
Love your podcasts. I assume someone has told you that your file is corrupted. It repeats from the beginning 3 or 4 times at about 7 minute intervals. Then it finally finishes out.
I have loved lately to this week's podcast! Thank you for bringing such amazing guests on to your show to help me learn in new ways. Interestingly, one of the things that stuck out to me the most in this week's scriptures actually related to something that was said in last week's podcast. Being a fast thinker vs. a slow thinker stuck with me all last week and as I read Matthew's account of the angel's visit to Joseph, the thing that stuck out to me most was that Joseph took the time to ponder on what he was going to do about Mary. He was a slow thinker. He didn't let his anger or embarrassment or pride get in the way of taking the time to think it through. Such a great example of being a slow thinker.
Yeah, it's amazing how so many shows focus on kids but disregard the parents. Some of my favorite modern exceptions are DuckTales 2017 and Amphibia, where the parents are not only respected by the kids, but actively in the plot and involved in the stakes. You can't have the show without the McDuck adults or Hop Pop- it just doesn't work.
WOW! I'm not even half way through this episode and there have been so many tips on studying the book of Isaiah that I want to work on.
I came back to this podcast, even though I had listened to others on the Psalms and felt well versed. I was feeling the need to feel the need to draw nearer to my Savior. I was deeply moved by Brither McLean, his music, his story. I so relate to the story of the man who was wowed by being touched by his imperfectly sung songs. you just never know when the Spirit can reach into a hard heart, or even just a world-weary one. Thank you all for accompanying me through my mindless chores, teaching me, Tell Michael McLean it occurred to me that his suffering hasn't just been for his refinement, but has served to lift and bless others through the things he's felt...truly an instrument in the Lord hands.
I don't know if you'll see this, and maybe I'm missing the moments you do this, but yesterday I was thinking how it's important to identify things that represent a type of Christ as we study the old testament. I want to find as much of that as possible since OT feels different than B of M and NT.
thank you for this conversation as a woman my whole life I have been blamed for men's decisions and thoughts of my body
Woooow!! ❤️❤️ Love this episode 😁😁☺️☺️ thanks Brothers! This is like cold water on a hot day, #cool #refreshing
I've really been enjoying this podcast. I started listening to this a few months ago and was so impressed with the guests and insights that, after I listen to the new weekly ones, I scroll all the way back and listen to the Doctrine and Covenants episodes. I can't get enough.
Missing episodes 🙁 Can I find this podcast elsewhere on an app?
Same as last message. No episode 1 for this week .
please help castbox get episodes right. last week there wasn't an episode 2 and this week there is not an episode 1. love the show but I have to go to youtube to find the content.
Yep! We can be adopted into the family if we're not of the family already.