Beneath the WitchTree

Beneath the WitchTree
Author: Pip Proudfoot
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© 2024 Beneath the WitchTree
Beneath the WitchTree (formally Tell the WitchTree)
A podcast dedicated to the fascinating, curious, and sometimes misunderstood, practice of Witchcraft and Magick. Hosted by Pip Proudfoot, a practising witch, who is passionate about exploring and shining a light on all aspects of Witchcraft and Magick. Come join Pip, and guests, at the WitchTree, and explore this winding, and less travelled path.
Beneath the WitchTree is edited by Robert Alon-Monks.
21 Episodes
A perfect episode for this season's theme, The Magick of Everyday: Going local, the wise and wonderful Nicholas Pearson, aka The Luminous Pearl, joins us at the WitchTree to talk about the stones of our local landscapes. We find out how we can connect to the wisdom held within these powerful stones; how to tap into the energies of these stones, and how we can work with them in our everyday lives, for meditation, learning, and Magick! Nicholas is a teacher, author, reiki...
Adorn your Chores with Magick!Next up for our Season 4 theme - The Magick of Everyday: Going Local, my friend and witch-sister, Ember Bough and I look at how we can incorporate Magick into our everyday chores. Housework is something we all have to do, and many of us find it dull and uninspiring, so why not raise some energy and activate some Magick and make it work for you? There's powerful Magick to be created in the cleaning of our homes, and the spirits of place will thank you, too! :)&nbs...
Ta-Dah - We're back! Beneath the Witch Tree launches with Make Me A Magickal Garden ~ with our amazing guest, Cheyenne Jolene. In this episode we look at how you can create your very own Magickal Garden. From sprawling green spaces to window pots, and everything in between, you can create a magickal garden that reflects and nourishes your soul, your craft, your creativity, and your home, whilst promoting and supporting your local ecology - welcome home those bees! ...
Hi WitchTree Listeners 🩵Here’s a short intro to Beneath The WitchTree 🌲 which will re-launch on Friday 29th March 🌳 Thanks for joining me at the WitchTree, where together we explore the curious, lesser known, sometimes misunderstood, wondrous path of WitchCraft and Magick 🩵Presented by Pip ProudfootEdited by Rob Alon-Monks of MonkeypostFind me on instagram @beneaththewitchtree Email me at
We’re happy to be back with a new episode for Samhain!In this episode we take a brief look at how you can observe Samhain; we look at what Samhain is, how you can mark this day, and we include a short but powerful ritual that you may like to do on day. We've also included a wonderful peom by Annie Finch, about Samhain, that we hope you will love as much as we do. Samhain Blessings to our wonderful WitchTree listeners, Pip and Paula x Edited by Rob Alon MonksFind us...
In this mini episode, the WitchTree shines a light on what it means to have a Daily Prayer that is outside the confines of organised religion, and that embraces your Magickal practice. What is a daily prayer?Why have a daily prayer? How can daily prayer be incorporated into Witchcraft, and other spiritual practices?We hope you enjoy, and please get in touch if you have ideas for topics you'd like us to cover, or would like to share your experiences of Daily Prayer. Your ...
💚 What is a WitchTree? 🌳We chat about what, according to us, what makes a Tree a WitchTree 😊💚 Mini episodes will be released in between our regular episodes. We hope you enjoy these little nuggets of WitchTree Wisdom 💚Your hosts are Pip and Paula, you can find us on Instagram and TikTok @tellthewitchtree Our editor is Rob Monks on Instagram @monkeypost Presented by Pip ProudfootEdited by Rob Alon-Monks of MonkeypostFind me on instagram @beneaththewitchtree Email me at beneathth...
Crystals: Beyond Love and Light - An interview with Nicholas Pearson In this episode we hear from crystal and mineral expert, Nicholas Pearson. Nicholas shares his knowledge and wisdom so that we can find a deeper, more meaningful, connection with crystals, rocks and minerals, within our witchcraft practice. While the energies from crystals, rocks and minerals can bring illumination and love, they can also be fiercely protective and complex. We hope you’ll enjoy delving deeper into the ...
Bonus Episode: Collaboration with Michael from the wonderful Mage's Well Podcast. In this episode we chat about how to build a daily practice. We offer advise, tips and ideas for beginner Witches, but we hope more experienced Witches find this useful too - we certainly found it refreshing to go back to basics! If you find this episode interesting, inspiring or helpful, we'd love to hear from you. And of course, please feel free to share with us your own tips and...
Meet the Faerie Witch: An Interview with Shaniece Simone. Update since recording: Shaniece can now be found on insta @heavenandotherstars. Let your minds be lifted, inspired and ignited through the wisdom and passion of Faerie Witch, Shaniece Simone. We absolutely loved chatting to Shaniece, so we are spreading the love and releasing this episode, recorded a while back, in time for the sparkly season - befitting for the truly sparkling soul that is Shaniece. Enjo...
Folk Magick and Granny Witchcraft of AppalachiaTo kick start Season 2, we dip our toes into the magick of Appalachia. This is a beautifully simple but powerful magick, intrinsically linked to people and place. In many ways this is a survival magick, providing support, guidance and answers to the dilemmas of everyday life. There's much for us to learn from this practice, we hope you enjoy! Credits: Roots ,Branches & Spirits: The Folkways & Witchery of Appalachia by H By...
Bone Magick: An Interview with a Bone Woman. In this episode we chat with the wonderful Bone Woman that is Laura de Nuñez of Wheat and Chaff. Laura's wisdom and passion for collecting, preserving, working with, and communicating with Bones is amazing. We learnt loads, we hope you do too! Hosted by Pip and Paula You can find us on Instagram @tellthewitchtree and Laura @wheatandchaffOur Editor is Robert Monks @monkeypostPresented by Pip ProudfootEdited by Rob Alon-Monk...
We are super excited about this episode! We explore ways in which we can connect with, and incorporate, skulls, bones, teeth, feathers, fur and shells into our craft. This is a beautiful way to connect with the spirit of animals and nature, and enrich your practice. For our non-witchcraft community, these gifts from nature make wonderful meditation aids and, we hope, will help you connect with nature on a deeper level. Enjoy! Please note: we do not condone harmful treatment or...
Following Medusa’s Winding Path: an interview with Juniper Rose @drakainamedousaIn our second episode devoted to Medusa and the Serpent Path, we talk to Juniper Rose, "Serpent Path Priestess of Drakaina Medousa and Priestess of the Wayward Path, ever a student of the Mysteries". Juniper's wisdom and insight will benefit beginners and seasoned practitioners alike. And for those who don't follow the Serpent Path, this is a fascinating and enlightening discussion. We hope you enjoy it...
More Ways to Connect with Faeries: Part 2.In this episode we return to the Fae; we learn more about where to find them, how to connect with them, and what their likes and dislikes are - they are complex creatures and totally fascinating. Sources and recommendations:Urban Faery Magick - Tara Sanchez A Witches Guide to Faery Folk - Edain McCoy You can find us on Instagram @tellthewitchtree Edited by Robert Monks @monkeypostPresented by Pip ProudfootEdited b...
Connecting with the Fae: Part 1.In this episode we explore the mysterious and often misunderstood world of the Fae. These enigmatic beings are all around us; in nature, in urban landscapes, in our homes and gardens. We discuss where we can find Fae, and how we can connect to them in a safe and respectful way. This is part one of three episodes devoted to the Fae. Sources and recommendations:Urban Faery Magick - Tara Sanchez A Witches Guide to Faery Folk - Edain McC...
Understanding Hoodoo: Magick of Resilience and Survival.In this episode we learn about Hoodoo from Aunt Carla; Hoodoo practitioner, High Priestess of the Magick Family Academy, and founder of We explore the origins of Hoodoo within slavery, and how this magickal tradition is honoured in modern day practices of Hoodoo. Reading recommendationsJambalaya: The Natural Woman's Book of Personal Charms and Practical Rituals by Luisah TeishSticks, Stones, Toots & Bones...
The Transformative Power of Serpent Magick.In this episode, we explore the little-known path of Serpent Magick. By stripping away the negative associations with serpents, we find symbolism and powers that are truly transformative and protective. We discuss ancient goddesses and deities associated with Serpent Magick, and offer ideas of how to connect with them through meditative art and by creating an altar to honor Medusa. Come join us to experience the wisdom of serpents!Hosted by Pip Harew...
The Silent Power of Poisonous Plants Part Two: Interview with Cheyenne Jolene.In this episode, Pip and Paula interview Cheyenne Jolene, a witch, herbalist and ecologist who blends spirituality and science to inspire people to connect to nature and themselves. They discuss what it means to have a spiritual relationship with a poisonous plant, the intersection of plant healing and science, and how poisonous plants can support mental health and wellness.You can find us on Instagram @tellthewitch...
The Silent Power of Poisonous Plants: Belladonna and Foxglove.In this episode, Pip and Paula explore what it means to connect with a poisonous plant, and reflect on their own personal experiences with Belladonna and Foxglove. They also discuss the history and lore surrounding Flying Ointment, and how its usage is connected to stereotypes about witches. You can find us on Instagram @tellthewitchtree Edited by Robert Monks @monkeypostPresented by Pip ProudfootEdited by Rob Alon...
In this brief introduction, Pip and Paula share the purpose of the Tell the WitchTree podcast.
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