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Westside Murray Sermons

Author: Merrick Nunn

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Sermons from our Sunday am worship service at Westside Baptist Church in Murray, KY.
193 Episodes
Today is Pentecost Sunday! Join us as we answer the questions: Who is the Holy Spirit? What does the Holy Spirit do? and Why do we need the Holy Spirit? John 14.
What's the relationship between good works and salvation? Is there one? How are good works a means by which we treasure Jesus? Join us as we discuss this in Titus 2-3.
What does it mean to love God with all of your heart? Join us as we look at this part of the great commandment!
What does it mean to treasure Jesus with your head? Join us as we look at part of the great commandment and its importance for us.
The Vision of Westside

The Vision of Westside


We know what the mission of the church is, but what is the vision for our church? Where are we going? Join us as we look into the vision for Westside.
Called to be Set Apart

Called to be Set Apart


What is your calling as a believer? Join us as we see how the calling on Samson’s life informs our calling as followers of Jesus. Judges 13
Judges 10-12 introduces us to Jephthah. In a passage that raises lots of questions, we have lessons that we need to remind ourselves and apply to our lives to be the disciples that God will use.
This is the most important question you will ever answer. Join us as we look at this crucial passage in Matthew 16, to see who Jesus is and why it matters.
Why should the church focus on going to the nations? Why should the church seek to send people out on mission? Join us as we look at the impetus for Christian missions and celebrate the Clarks as they go.
While no one wants to hit rock bottom, for many, it is the means by which they see their need for Jesus and turn to him. For others, it is the means by which they grow in the Lord. In that case, hitting rock bottom is a grace. Join us as we look at Israel hit rock bottom, and how the Lord shows them his grace in this.
The Danger of Success

The Danger of Success


How and why is success dangerous? How does success tend to ruin so many people? Join us as we examine the dangers of success and how we can avoid falling into them.
Learning Dependence

Learning Dependence


By nature, we struggle with self-reliance and pride. We must learn that God will not use those who think they can do the work of the Lord, or anything, in their own power. Instead, we must live wholly dependent on him. Join us as we look at this great principle in Judges 7.
Many people realize the Lord has called them to live for him, but the struggle is having the courage to live it out. How can we have the courage to live as the Lord has called us to? Join us as we look at four ways to live courageously in Judges 6
The theme for Ignite this year was Surrendered: How can we live fully surrendered lives for Christ. Join us as we wrap up or student ministry weekend by answering the question, how can we surrender our sinfulness by diving into Mark 9:42-50.
Unexpected Deliverers

Unexpected Deliverers


God brings deliverance in unexpected ways. He did in the Old Testament, and it is to show us what he can do through anyone at any time if we would just have faith. Join us as we look at the unexpected deliverers of Judges 4-5 in this unexpected, yet epic story.
Can God Use Me?

Can God Use Me?


What type of people does God use, and how can we be used by God? These questions are often answered incorrectly because we think more about our ability than God’s ability to work in us. Join us as we see the true answer to these questions in Judges 3.
Treasuring Jesus

Treasuring Jesus


Everyone treasures someone or something. The question is what or whom do you treasure? When we don’t treasure the Lord, the evidence will be clear in our lives. Join us as we see these truths in Judges 2.
Abortion. Pro-Choice. Pro-Life. There is a lot to unpack in this discussion. Today, we ask and answer the question: What is the biblical foundation for supporting life? Join us as we look at the foundations, implications, and application of being created in the image of God.
The Bridge of Faith

The Bridge of Faith


God has provided us with everything we need to be obedient to him. So, why don't we obey? Why do we struggle with disobedience? Join us as we look at the need for faith. Judges 1:1-2:4
Whom Will You Serve?

Whom Will You Serve?


Everyone, everywhere, serves someone or something, and what or whom we serve is our real object of worship. So the question we all must answer is, whom do you serve?Join us as we start a new sermon series: Deja Vu and look at this pivotal question in Joshua 24. Joshua 24:1-24
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