DiscoverEngagement Matters: Bridging the Leadership Gap
Engagement Matters: Bridging the Leadership Gap
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Engagement Matters: Bridging the Leadership Gap

Author: Jeff Underwood and Kord Stockwell

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Two seasoned sales leaders from the FinTech space, Jeff Underwood and Kord Stockwell, dive into the topic of authentic engagement and how it applies to all of the relationships in your life, and especially those you lead professionally. In this digital age where most leaders bark orders through email, we're interested in bringing REAL engagement back to the table. We hope you enjoy the interaction!
31 Episodes
In this episode Jeff and Kord talk about the fine line between engaging and enabling. If you're always the one pulling them out of the fire are you really teaching them how to avoid the fires in the first place? This applies to how we manage ourselves, too. Join us in the conversation!
In this episode, Jeff and Kord unpack the importance of being "intentionally unavailable" every once in a while so your teams can learn to trust that they know what they're doing without you having to co-sign every decision. There are only so many hours in YOUR day and if you give them all away to circular conversations, how will you or your team ever grow past that? It's a vital topic to master before real scale can be realized. Enjoy the discussion!
In this episode, Jeff and Kord discuss the importance of sharing the emotional load with your team, and being authentic in stressful moments. It's important to keep the big picture in focus as a leader, but we also have to live on the ground with our teams. Hope to hear from you about your thoughts and practices around this topic. Enjoy the listen!
In this episode, Jeff and Kord discuss what it takes to engage with folks that are used to operating as lone wolves, professionally speaking. Even lone wolves want to plug into a pack every now and then, but on their terms. We also decided to finally go all-in on discussing our industry, payments. Give it a listen and let us know your thoughts.
In this episode, Jeff and Kord discuss how vital it is to address the negatives or shortcomings in performance with engaged intention. Engagement is more that just the fluffy nice stuff, you also have to be engaged when there's trouble in paradise. If done well, it's life changing for both parties. If done poorly....well, you probably already have your own examples of how that doesn't work. Enjoy the listen!
In this episode, Jeff and Kord discuss the paradigm shift that happens when you start leading at the next level, leading leaders. The most important leader you'll ever lead is yourself if you plan on leading for much longer. Enjoy the conversation as we unpack this important topic.
In this episode, Jeff and Kord discuss the impact of intentional coaching and the importance of making sure it's focused on the recipients goals as much, if not more, than it's focused on the overall performance goal.
People Over Process

People Over Process


In this episode, Jeff and Kord discuss the importance of keeping clarity with your priorities as a leader. When issues arise, does your mind go to the process or the people as the place to start digging in? Enjoy the listen.
In this episode Jeff and Kord discuss why they went on a 3 month break from recording and how their experiences relate so well to what organizations of all sizes experience when trying to grow. Sometimes it's more important to focus on what we need to quit doing before we try to do more. We're excited to be back and hope you enjoy the listen!
In this episode, Jeff and Kord come back from a 2 month break and share about the professional improvements both just went through.
In this episode, Jeff and Kord walk back through some earlier content with the goal of making it actionable for you, our friends and fellow leaders. They start all the way back on the first two episodes of season 1 and pull out all of the gravy for you so it can be put right to work in your day, TODAY!
In this episode, Jeff and Kord get a chance to connect with a Titan of the FinTech industry, Brent Stockwell. Yes, he also happens to be Kord's dad and hero. His stories of re-inventing himself during times of turmoil will inspire even the most hardened among us to think differently. Brent has more trophies, awards, and accolades than most of us put together, yet he is still laser-focused on what matters most in his success....his relationships. Enjoy the listen and be prepared to GROW from it!
In this episode, Jeff and Kord unpack the last 4 guest episodes. There were so many valuable nuggets in each of them it's important not to let those get buried before they're fully appreciated. We want to thank our esteemed guests for providing such rich insights. Alexis Scott, Jason Ricks, Austin Mac Nab, and Brad Norwood brought the juice and we're back for seconds. Enjoy the episode!
In this episode Jeff and Kord mix it up with Brad Norwood, the founder of DreamIT Pro, the company that's changing the game in corporate incentives and coaching. Brad shares his ideals on intentional living and how good it feels being on the other side of YES! This is an episode that should be heard by everyone, let's start with YOU. We hope you enjoy the episode and all of the juicy nuggets dropped by Brad.
In this episode Jeff and Kord have a power-packed conversation with VizyPay Founder, Austin Mac Nab. His journey from a broken home to creating a wildly successful business is simply amazing, and against the odds. Once you connect with Austin's mindset, it's easy to see how he's been able to accomplish so much so fast. We hope you enjoy the listen!
In this episode Jeff and Kord dive deep into the topic of self-leadership with a very special guest, Alexis Scott of Aspireship. This episode is full of nuggets to put to use in your daily leadership walk right away. We hope you enjoy the energy Alexis brings to the topic as much as we did!
In this episode Jeff and Kord get to mix it up with a highly sought after Senior Executive from the convenience sector, Jason Ricks. His story is incredible and the nuggets he left us with are priceless. Jason is a leader's leader and is making a career jump for all the right reasons. Get ready to be inspired by Jason, we certainly have been!
In this episode Jeff and Kord have an enlightening conversation with a real servant minded leader, Chris Barry. Chris is a seasoned veteran of the fintech space as well as an avid real estate investor and one heckuva great guy. We hope you enjoy this one as much as we did!
Jeff and Kord take a moment to look back at the conversations with our last 2 guests, Mr. Chris Watson and Mr. John Davis, to make sure ALL of those juicy nuggets they shared get the attention they deserve. Enjoy!
This week Jeff and Kord are joined by FinTech Veteran, John Davis, to talk about the challenges of leading from inside the team, without the title or authority. We're excited to ENGAGE with the Credit Card Ninja, hope you enjoy!
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