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Single Over 30: Attract a Trustworthy, Marriage-Minded Man
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Single Over 30: Attract a Trustworthy, Marriage-Minded Man

Author: Shana Schutte

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On the Single Over 30 podcast, dating and relationship coach Shana Schutte will give you practical strategies to help you attract a trustworthy marriage-minded man and overcome internal and external obstacles so you don't waste your time in dead-end, going nowhere relationships.  The dream you have to love--and be loved--is possible! 

Shana didn't marry until she was in her forties; she knows what it's like to stand in your single shoes. 

137 Episodes
Before I married, I once chatted with a 36-year-old man on the Internet who asked if I would like to see his requirements for a mate and marriage. “Sure‚” I typed. “Send them over.” His request was curious, but I was amused when I received his list for the perfect wife.In today’s podcast, I share what I learned about this guy and I also share 23 questions you can ask yourself to identify if you are in an toxic relationship or if you meet a man how to tell if he could be abusive.
Hey there, Single Lady!First Date Dilemmas. They happen all the time. Maybe he asks you out after the first date but then you never hear from him again.He asks you out, you go out and have a good time, but then seems like he just wants to text you. He doesn’t move the ball down the field and ask you out again. You want him to ask you out after the first date, but aren’t sure how to let him know without coming across as chasing.Ooooh! This is going to be a great episode because I’m going ...
Many women I coach struggle with deep grief that their love story hasn't worked out the way they desire when they enter their late thirties and early forties. Maybe you can relate. (I certainly felt a lot of grief in my forties.)It's disappointing when you feel love should happen in your life in a certain way by a certain time and it doesn't happen that way at all. And not only can it be disappointing, but it can fill soul shattering. You thought things would go this way, then you wake ...
When I was dating and I met a man I really liked, I often experienced a lot of fear. There was something in me that would get triggered and I would become very anxious.I was confident and happy in the rest of my life, but enter Mr. Charming and poof! My confidence vanished and I was replaced by a fearful woman I hardly recognized. Maybe you can relate. What do you do if you're afraid to date, afraid to love, or even if when a guy just looks at you and smiles that you go into a spin...
Around the time I turned 35, I started wondering, "Why am I still single?" I had no idea what would have possibly prevented me from meeting my Mister Right. What I didn't know was that I had some unhealthy dating patterns that were holding me back from engaging in healthy relationships. It was only after I married and started coaching single women that I realized how my dating choices kept me from healthy love. If you've ever wondered why you haven't met a special guy, you might be able ...
Hi there, Single Lady! This is a "must listen" episode because the majority of the women I have worked with or coached say that they have encountered Red Flag Men. In this episode, I help you recognize red flags. Have you ever ended a relationship, and then looked back over your shoulder and thought, "How did I miss those red flags?" If so, then this episode is for you, and if that hasn't happened to you and you want to avoid this unpleasant situation, then this episode is also for ...
Hey there, Single Lady! This is a fun episode and I know you're going to love it. In this episode, my husband and I talk about: The difference between chasing and inviting a man to pursue youWhy it's okay to go up to a man and start a conversation with himDifferent levels of physical affectionWhy men need to pursue women and women need to be pursued and How to get a man to ask you out on a dateOoooh. . .this one's good! The dream that you have to love--and be loved--is possible...
Have you ever felt as if you were in love with a man but then it turned out not to be love at all, or maybe even a toxic relationship, a complete mismatch? But it felt so right at the beginning. This brings up the question: Was it love or was it limerance? What is limerance? That's what we're going to talk about on this episode. What it is, how to recognize it, how to keep from making poor relationship choices because of it, and how to tell the difference between limerance and love. If you'd ...
I've been married for almost 9 years now. How time has flown! My husband and I have a good marriage and we're still going strong, for which I am thankful. Recently, though, there was a discussion in a singles group online about marriage and it got me thinking about the myths single women often believe about marriage—and how those myths can hold even the best woman back from getting a great relationship.So today, I’m going to share 8 of the most common myths about marriage--including sexu...
Hey there Single Lady! The women I coach want to date MEN, guys who have their lives together and have grown up, men who know what it means to care for, cherish, and protect a woman. If you can relate . . . if you want to find mature men to date but you feel like all you are attracting is men who haven't yet grown up, then this episode is for you. I hope you are encouraged! If you want to find out of if the Single Over 30 Relationship School is a good fit for you, just set up a 15-m...
In this episode of the Single Over 30 podcast, I interview special guest, Frank Martin, co-author of The Right One: How to Successfully Date and Marry the Right Person. During this special interview, Frank gives some awesome info on how to tell if a man is really interested, how to invite a man to clarify how he feels about you and the relationship, if it's okay for a woman to ask the man how he feels about her, and how to continue the conversation during the dating process so you can in...
Rejection. It's something no one wants to experience but everybody does. Because we ALL experience it, we all need to know how to successfully handle it. Handling rejection successfully can mean the difference between moving forward to experience a loving, fulfilling relationship or not experiencing one due to developing unhealthy dating patterns after rejection. (I've been there!)This Single Over 30 episode is PACKED with great info that you will definitely be able to put into use in yo...
There's all kinds of advice out there about how long you should wait to become exclusive or "make it official."Some people say you should date through the seasons. Some people say you should date for at least six months. Other people say that you shouldn't wait, that if it feels right, then you should just date exclusively right away. Because, if it feels right, then why not just go for it? In today's episode, I answer the question, how long you should actually wait until you "make it officia...
He's nice and maybe he even treats you like a queen, but he doesn't check off everything that's on your list. What should you do? You don't want to lose a great guy but you don't want to settle either. In this episode, I'm sharing insights from an article that I authored that's all about "the list" and what to do about it. I hope you are encouraged! The dream you have to love--and be loved--is possible!
Hi, Single Lady! First dates can feel awkward and uncomfortable. You can feel as if you're carrying the conversation. You can feel as if he is carrying the conversation. You can feel as if it's an interview. What are some things you can do to make first dates feel less awkward--and perhaps even enjoyable? That's what this episode of the Single Over 30 podcast is all about. And, when you listen, I share how you can get my free download, 25 Great Conversation Starters.I hope you are encouraged!...
Hey there, single lady! On the Single Over 30 podcast, I share about a variety of internal--and external--dating strategies to help you find--and attract--a trustworthy marriage-minded man. But there is ONE THING that you need to do before you do anything else if you're serious about tying the knot. I talk about that one thing on today's episode. It will help you set your direction and weed out the men who won't be good to you--or for you. Check it out! The dream you have to lo...
He seems super interested--and you love his attention! Who wouldn't? It's nice when a man treats you like a queen. Is it possible, however, that a man seems super interested and he seems like Mister Right but he's Mister Wrong? This is the question I answer in today's episode. If you have ever gotten involved with a man who turned out to be Mr. Wrong, this episode is for you! I hope you are encouraged! Your coach, Shana
How to Meet More Men

How to Meet More Men


One question I hear from single women all the time is, "How do I meet more men?" They also ask, "Where are all the men?" In this episode, I share practical tips to help you meet more men and improve your opportunities to meet your special, trustworthy, marriage-minded guy. To register for my free, live class, "How to Meet More Men: The #1 Thing You Need to Know to Avoid Mr. Wrong and Attract Mr. Right" just click here.
Hi there, Single Lady! On this podcast we’re all about attracting trustworthy marriage minded men, but today I'm covering a topic that can be a part of dating. I certainly hope it's not part of your story, but if it does happen to you, I’ve got you covered. I'm sharing how to break up with a man and how to do it so that you don’t experience regret. There are right ways and wrong ways to break up. The wrong way will leave you with regret, wondering if you did the right thing--a...
Hey there, Single Lady!Whether you're typically an extroverted woman who loves the excitement of going out and meeting new people (and even a blind date and online dating doesn't scare you!) or an introvert who’d rather do a movie night at home alone than face the possibility of another date--it's common for single women to need to take a break from dating every now and then. But maybe you're not sure if you need to take a break. All you know is that you're not as interested in dating li...
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