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Subtle Revolution

Author: Don Dupuis

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This is a philosophical podcast to explore the full kaleidoscope of life. I'm your host, Don Dupuis.
21 Episodes
A Battle Cry for Mother Earth.~~~YouTube: / X:
19. Nuanced Thinking

19. Nuanced Thinking


To simplify is a thing to which most of us aspire. Anything that will bring some apparent clarity in this increasingly noisy world…we are looking for it. That is always an ideal. However, not all things are simple. When we over-simplify, across the board—even on matters which are quite complex—the simple solutions generated tend to fail. We must know when to go for “cut and dry,” but also when nuance is the right approach.~~~YouTube: / X:https://x....
Yes or no. Save your explanations! It’s my way or the highway. Black/white thinking—hardly an uncommon style, needless to say. It is not stoic thinking, not elegant in its simplicity: is is merely lazy. It is a problem, it certainly creates problems, and though around since time immemorial—should now be condemned as an offense of callous thoughtlessness. It’s not a good way to be.~~~YouTube: / X:
17. Rigidity

17. Rigidity


The unyielding, the proud beings of stone…we know these people. They are not rare. They are in our families; they are at our places of employment. We elect many of them to positions of importance. But should we? Is this a quality we want in our leaders?~~~YouTube: / X:
16. Lineage

16. Lineage


What is the ancestral link to our current life? How are we to honor the past? What are we to learn from these preceding lives that—quite literally—allowed for the formation of our own?~~~YouTube: / X:
15. Science

15. Science


Science is one of the major world religions. The notion would be blasphemy to some. For others, though—science is their exclusive faith. Is it enough?~~~YouTube: / X:
14. Progress

14. Progress


Progress is the primary measure of our evolution as beings. For every problem before us, it is the journey onward toward solutions.~~~YouTube: / X:
This is dedicated to the memory of those innocent lives lost in Uvalde, Tx. ~~~YouTube: / X:
12. Inequality

12. Inequality


Inequality, all of the impositions that render us unequal in this way or that, suspend the world in a perpetual misery. Separateness and tribalism reign paramount, while freedom for all remains at bay. It is up to us whether we will choose to embrace new priorities and attitudes.~~~YouTube: / X:
11. Enemies

11. Enemies


There are some ironies when it comes to enemies. They offer us a sense of contrast. They help us know that which we don’t want—and that which we don’t want to be. In this sense, they are of service to our own development.~~~YouTube: / X:
10. Tolerance

10. Tolerance


If we are to end by our own hand, that will be the result of intolerance. If we are to continue onward—tolerance will be needed in ever greater measure. Our future depends on a deepening commitment to the embodiment of this quality.~~~YouTube: / X:
9. Self-Education

9. Self-Education


Self-Education delivers us to true higher learning. No outer university can compare with the insights derived from one’s own, self-sustained efforts—once a desire for such takes hold.~~~YouTube: / X:
8. Authenticity

8. Authenticity


Authenticity is the domain of an original. They still allow for personal influence, yet a mature inner integration always issues the final verdict. Concern is solely for what is right—not that which is fashionable, or easily accessible.~~~YouTube: / X:
7. Deprogramming

7. Deprogramming


Ultimately, we must dig ourselves out of the ruts into which we fall—physical, mental, emotional, philosophical. We might fall in of our own accord; we may be enticed in, perhaps even kicked in (metaphorically). Nevertheless, it is up to us to discern clearly now—to see where we are, and to rise from the ashes of our own self-undoing.~~~YouTube: / X:
6. Polarization

6. Polarization


Societal cohesion is being torn in two by polarization. Extremism is intensifying. We must remember that our essence, decency and humanity emanate from a common, central core—not the far fringes.~~~YouTube: / X:
Journalism, the path of the messenger—truly one of the essential professions—has lost its way. The repercussions are enormous.~~~YouTube: / X:
Misinformation and Propaganda—agenda-driven manipulation and dishonesty—is the great peril of this moment. With the advent of the Internet, its tentacles have spread as never before.~~~YouTube: / X:
3. Nonconformity

3. Nonconformity


The nonconformist has an important role to play in transcending those stagnant paradigms which no longer serve us. We need these disrupters to show us new ways to solve old and entrenched problems.~~~YouTube: / X:
2. Tribalism

2. Tribalism


Tribalism is the short-sighted, small-minded and altogether too common approach to human relationships we see so many engage in. It is one of our main blockades on the path to greater peace and progress.~~~YouTube: / X:
1. Philosophy

1. Philosophy


In this premiere episode, I offer a personal definition of Philosophy and why I believe it to be the foundation stone upon which life is built.~~~YouTube: / X:
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