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Desperate for a Name

Author: Desperate for a Name

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Welcome to Desperate for a Name where we discuss anything from comics, games, Movies, and whatever else we feel like talking about. New Episodes Tuesdays.
36 Episodes
Wrapping things up for our Code Lyoko retrospective, we take a look at decidedly the longest season of the entire series. So buckle up for a wild ride filled with even more ridiculous computer based shenanigans, teleportation, 2D and 3D becoming interchangeable, giant digital monsters (heh), and more as we conclude this early 2000s insanity with our thoughts on Season 4!
We're back for another installment of our Code Lyoko retrospective. This time around we're tackling the shortest and arguably most depressing season of the series and the stakes have never been higher (until next season but we're not there yet). Anyway, get ready for some more of this computerized nonsense as we dive into Code Lyoko Season 3!
Continuing our overview of the hit classic Code Lyoko, this time there’s a whole new list of problems our teenaged protagonists gotta deal with. But at least Aelita is now officially on earth with the rest of the crew. What happens next? Listen to find out!
For the next few episodes we will be going over the entirety of this gem of a series from the early 2000s. Get ready for computer nonsense, mild time travel, weird cgi, and a banger of an opening, it's time for Code Lyoko! Also this show was originally made in France before getting localized so get ready for a bunch of terrible French jokes.
On this episode we are joined by our first guest to come on the show. Our friend Jordan ( is here to join us as we talk about one of the foundations of our friendship: Pokémon. And we thought it would be best to discuss one of the most influential generations of the Pokémon series: Generation 4.
Today on Clueless Comics, we're looking at the mid 2010s reboot (and retconned origin story) of possibly the first Asian-American superhero who was created all the way back in the 1940s. It's time to cover the heroic adventures (just one in this instance) of the Green Turtle!
On this spooky (but not really) episode, the Boys take a look at a horror/comedy/action gem from late 80s Hong Kong Cinema. Basically, what happens when a European vampire shows up in a Chinese village and faces off with a Taoist Priest? Find out the answer to that question you were definitely asking as we gush over Vampire vs Vampire. Or VVV for sort. Youtube link:
This week we’re doing another episode of Clueless Comics…. with emphasis on the “clueless”. Basically, we’re doing a book from ONI publications with somewhat of a peculiar premise and one that hopefully won’t get us in much trouble. It’s time for “My Boyfriend is a Bear”. We promise we’re not furries, really.
We're wrapping up our TARZAN-ATHON with another animated movie. This one came out around the same time as the (clearly better) Disney version, is surprisingly cheap in some places, includes some oddly accurate plot points to the book for a kids movie, and is all around a meh experience. Still better than that god forsaken meteorite centered one though. Anyway here's Tarzan of the Apes. We hope you've enjoyed our suffering.
Picking right up from last week, we're continuing our look into the second half of one of the most faithful adaptations of the Tarzan story and giving you our very loud thoughts on it. Don't complain about the noise you knew what you were getting into when you decided to listen to us. Anyway, time to finish GREYSTOKE!
On week 3 of our continuing retrospective of the Tarzan franchise, we're looking at one of the most accurate adaptations of the original story. Despite it being not very well known compared to the other Tarzan movies it's still got a LOT in it worth talking about, which is why this is part 1 of 2 of our look at the 80s classic: GREYSTOKE.
Continuing the "TARZAN-ATHON" from last week, this time the boys are covering one of the less enjoyable adaptations of the Tarzan story. Get ready to listen to us suffer through this annoyance of a movie, it's Tarzan (2013). We hope you appreciate all that we go through for your entertainment.
For the next few weeks we're going to be covering different aspects of the Tarzan franchise. Books, movies, comics the whole deal. So get ready for an introduction into the over 100 year old story of that one guy who was raised by monkeys(apes but whatever), it's the first episode of our Tarzanathon!!
On this installment of Clueless Comics, the boys take a look at the basis for the Guardians of The Galaxy movies and discuss the interesting differences between the two works. It's time for Dan Abnett's 2008 run of the Guardians of The Galaxy!
On this episode, we're doing another edition of clueless comics. But this time, instead of doing an American comic, we're doing a manga based on an American superhero. It's time for Spider-Man Fake Red! (PS unlike previous Japanese Spider-Man projects this story unfortunately does not contain any giant robots)
This week we're concluding the first installment of our new segment, Clueless Comics, with the continuation of our look into Green Arrow: Quiver!
Starting something new this episode, we've decided to go over a comic that one of us has read and try to explain what happens in it to the other. All while providing our classic commentary and banter throughout. We hope you like the first episode of our new segment, Clueless Comics, this week we're looking at Green Arrow~Quiver!
We're finally at the end of our Turtletastic adventure through the first five episodes of each animated TMNT show. If you somehow need more clarification than that it means we're doing episode 5. It's been a long and... interestingly strange look back at the past but we certainly can't say each version of the Heroes in a Halfshell wasn't fun in it's own unique way.
We're almost done with our retrospective on the first 5 episodes of each animated TMNT show. This time around is episode 4 and it seems for the most part every show is getting used to its own formula moving forward.
Continuing our ongoing look back at the first 5 episodes of each animated TMNT show, this week we're onto episode 3. Pretty much the same deal as the last two weeks, pay attention if you're still somehow confused. Shell ya later!
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