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Inner Alchemy Conversations w/ Xavier Dagba
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Inner Alchemy Conversations w/ Xavier Dagba

Author: Xavier Dagba

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Inner Alchemy Conversations, is an open discussion about how to create your life from your heart, not from your wounds. This is an invitation to join Xavier on a journey of healing the trauma and triggers that caused you to navigate life from inner divide. He demystifies how we can more fully embody our divinity, humanness, masculine, and feminine to liberate ourselves from past conditioning. It is Xavier’s mission to remind you how to reclaim your wholeness and lift the energetic anchors that have kept you from your authentic voice, inner knowing and truest potential. Xavier is a trauma informed transformational life coach, shadow work facilitator, intuitive healer, and emotional alchemist. He powerfully bridges shadow work, trauma work and inner child healing with his intuitive coaching style, to help thought leaders, lightworkers and entrepreneurs bridge inner divide, heal at a much deeper level and lead more compassionately. Find out more about his work & Join the Inner Alchemy Circle here:
12 Episodes
In this video, we dissect one quite popular self help slogan "you are your own worst enemy". That saying can sometimes cause more inner disharmony than it can help us reclaim our power. We explore how you are actually NOT your own worst enemy. You are actually not your enemy at all.The parts of you that seem to stand in the way, are pointing at inner conflicts were inner resolution is required.This is some of what we explore in this episode.Get my free shadow integration mini course here:http...
This episode is a deep dive into the link between the way we relate to anger and our propensity to self abandonment.We explore how stepping in the appropriate relationship with our own anger, will help us heal self abandonment and deepen intimacy in our relationship.Join me on a mystical journey to heal your relationship with anger and turn it into a force for personal transformation and intimacy. Click the link below to save your spot. Awakening heart-centered anger. Happening Sat Apr ...
Closure is one of the most misunderstood concepts when it comes to relational healing and personal transformation. The way you relate to closure will either imprison you or it will empower you.In this episode of Inner Alchemy Conversation, we explore redefining closure in a way that is conducive to more empowerment and more self liberation... and in a way that does not put your healing in the hands of the people that caused you pain to begin with.Thank you for listening and please share if it...
The least we can say is that we are navigating times of great collective turmoil. Times where shadows are roaring like maybe never before. This has a ripple effect collectively. That energetic ripple effect can happen to affect your ability to stay grounded or connected to your core greatly.In this episode of Inner Alchemy Conversations we discuss: Remaining grounded during unprecedented times,The energetics of what has been unfolding collectively.What is the inner invitation of these collect...
2022 is here and it carries an energetic promise for the collective. In my opinion, a big aspect of the promise that this year holds is the potential to harmonize duality. A potential to clear even more energetic debris that is keeping you from creating more powerfully a new experience. This is some of what we discuss in this episode and much more.In this episode of Inner Alchemy Conversations we discuss:What does it mean to live non-duality?Clearing unfinished business in order to reclaim yo...
With the times of great divide that we are navigating at the moment, it is easy to hinder our authentic self-expression in order to feel safer. Our need for belonging can very often override our capacity to stand in our authenticity and our uniqueness. This can tremendously block creative self-expression.In this episode of Inner Alchemy Conversations we discuss:How to face the fear of how you'll be perceived by others,How to release the need to manage the perspective that others may have of y...
Forgiveness is one of the most confusing topics and divisive topics in spiritual communities. Some believe that forgiveness is a pathway to healing. Others resent the concept of forgiveness. Some others believe that forgiveness is not necessary in order to heal our wounds.This conversation is a deep dive into the concept of forgiveness. We discuss if forgiveness is a prerequisite for healing and empowerment... Or if forgiveness is an outcome of healing, something that we arrive at instead.In ...
The question "What is my purpose?" is one that used to be quite literally torturing to me several years ago. Can you relate? I used to chase "being in purpose" and what that looks like, so much that I would forget being present If you can relate to it, this episode is for you. If you are already attuned to what that purpose looks like for you and you are afraid of being seen, this is for you too.In this episode of Inner Alchemy Conversations, I offer a perspective that helped me tremendously ...
If I asked you, what is a question that most people on a healing journey won't stop asking themselves, what would you say? In my opinion, that question is "What is wrong with me?" Would you agree?One would argue that this question comes from a great intention and I certainly agree with that. This being said, would it be possible that the part of you that won't stop asking that question is actually one of the greatest shadows to integrate?In this episode of Inner Alchemy Conversations, we addr...
It is easy to feel tested when we are navigating challenging circumstances. It is easy to feel as if we need to demonstrate some sort of skillfulness in order to get rid of some challenges. But is it really true? Are we truly tested when we navigate hardship? At the very least, is that the perspective that you choose?In this episode of The Inner Alchemy Conversations Podcast, we dive into the true nature of sovereignty when it comes to creating your reality. We talk about free choice and your...
In this episode of Inner Alchemy Conversations, Xavier will be addressing the widespread collective confusion and inner reset that has been happening in the world especially since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Humanity’s dysfunction has been exposed in a huge way and it has imposed new and drastic stresses in people’s lives. The rise in areas like depression, anxiety, and domestic violence has been symptomatic of a society pushed to its limits and beyond.No one escaped the negative effe...
Welcome to episode 00 of the Inner Alchemy Conversations Podcast. This will be a conversation around healing, transformation, spirituality, expansion, shadow work and how we can embrace our highest potentials through embracing unity within and radical self-acceptance. This podcast is a journey into what it truly means to live from your heart, not your wounds.This first episode is about new beginnings and embracing the energy they carry. Embracing the perfection and the imperfection of every n...
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