DiscoverThe ((Yoga)) of Yoga™ Podcast
The ((Yoga)) of Yoga™ Podcast
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The ((Yoga)) of Yoga™ Podcast

Author: Näthan Gangadean

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Answering the ((Call)) of ((Yoga)) means we have to get ((Humble)) to ((Yoga)). Sure, it can be presented as a stretching and breathing exercise that's good for your health... but what if this way of practicing "yoga" is actually blocking us from ((accessing)) the ((True Power)) of ((Yoga))? Join Näthan Gangadean as he takes you into the ((Evolving Practice)) you may not have known is the Original ((Call)) of ((Yoga))!
4 Episodes



(( Humanity is in a self-imposed pressure cooker of epic proportions!  And we know it.  And the signs of it are everywhere.  It is all driven by the profound sense of insecurity, which hides behind all the arrogance and escapism mechanisms of our culture, and it is born of a kind of narcissistic self-enveloping consciousness that is the result of forgetting the ((Infinite)) is holding us and ((Sourcing)) us at all times.  For all of our "Glorification" of our normalized, self-abuse habits, it really is nothing more than a desperate attempt to run from the terror we feel inside at facing ourselves, and getting ((Real)).  But it is FRYING us to keep up the charade.  Let's agree to end this misery and hold a ((Safe Space)) for each other to cleanse ourselves of all the pretenses, and become ((Authentic))... which is what's really ((Sexy)).
All great ((Wisdom)) of the world echoes the theme that "We ((Are)) as we ((Mind))."  This understanding is way deeper than just the differences between positive and negative thinking... This is level of minding occurs Prior to the content of WHAT we think ABOUT... It is getting down to the "Ones and Zeroes," so to speak, of the Human Consciousness.  It is at this deep level that the Human gets corrupted in a way that is Universal to all humans, cultures, and perspectives.  If we don't understand that the "detox" we are really seeking is at this deep level of mental objectification, then we are doomed to "chase our tails," trying to "get better" as we entrench ourselves deeper into the same patterns that got us into this mess.  The ((Yoga)) of Yoga, rightly understood is the ((Ultimate Medicine))... The ((Ultimate Detox)). 
 "This is not your body," I ((Heard)) one day as I was busy trying to exercise myself into being more "attractive"... This was the first big ((Insight)) that began to break a "trance" I didn't know I was in... along with everyone else.  It would take me 20 more years plugging away against the inertia of "mental slavery" to realize what ((Yoga)) was calling me to do all the while... Not to "quiet the mind" but to ((Liberate)) it. 
Learn about my journey of discovering ((Yoga)), and how my path led to having to face a much deeper understanding of ((Yoga)) than what are the standard ways of teaching/practicing it.  Understand how ((Yoga)) is precisely the ((Science)) that calls us to leave the "mechanized mind" and the physical practices that stem from that way of thinking.  "Yoga" as we have come to know it in our culture is unwittingly downloading ((Yoga)) into precisely what it was meant to ((Liberate)) us from. 
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