The QEH Podcast

The QEH Podcast
Author: QEH Bristol
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© 2022 The QEH Podcast
Welcome to The QEH Podcast, the place to find out more about the school and to connect with staff, pupils and parents at a deeper level. Each week we’ll interviewing people within the QEH community, asking them questions and spending time understanding them and more about the school. If you have any questions please do contact the school through the main website.
34 Episodes
#033 - Welcome back to The QEH Podcast, the place to find out more about the school and to connect with staff, pupils and parents at a deeper level. Each week we interview people in the QEH community, asking them questions and spending time understanding them and more about the school.Now I love episodes like this because while it’s good to speak to staff it’s great to speak to students. And we have two on this episode, we have Georgia and Ben, both in Y13 and both Captains at QEH. Some schools have a Head Boy and Head Girl, if you know anything about QEH you’ll know they have Captains, and what a privilege it is to talk to them both today. If you don’t know then Captains are in the role from Easter to Easter and right now Ben and Georgia are coming to their end of their placement so we’re going to find out the journey they’ve been on in the last 12 months, what they’ve enjoyed, what made them nervous, what they’re going to do after leaving QEH and how this will help them.So for all that and for much more come with me now as we speak to our QEH Captains, it’s Georgia and Ben.QEH Bristol onlineWebsite: @qehschoolLinkedIn: QEH Bristol Michelle Hazell Email:
#032 - Welcome back to The QEH Podcast, the place to find out more about the school and to connect with staff, pupils and parents at a deeper level. Each week we interview people in the QEH community, asking them questions and spending time understanding them and more about the school.Now this episode a great one, especially if you’re an OE, Old Elizabethan, or if you have any connection to the school. Michelle Hazell is the Director of Development in school which means she keeps in touch with all those people who used to be at the school but now they’ve left. SO she’s about to explain firstly how she got into fundraising and what her connection is with the school (she has a son there herself) but also what some of the events are for OEs and how you can stay in touch with the school if you choose to do so. And doing so is a good thing, Michelle is about to explain why so.That’s all coming up in this episode so come with me as we speak to the Director of Development, Michelle Hazell.QEH Bristol onlineWebsite: @qehschoolLinkedIn: QEH Bristol Michelle Hazell Email:
#031 - Welcome back to The QEH Podcast, the place to find out more about the school and to connect with staff, pupils and parents at a deeper level. Each week we’ll be interviewing people within the QEH community, asking them questions and spending time understanding them and more about the school.Today we’re finding out about PSHE, what exactly it is, why it’s important for pupils at QEH, what they talk about in PSHE, whether it’s just the stuff that makes people blush, and so much more!Naomi Holcombe is Head of PSHE and she gives up her time to talk to me today about all this. So, let’s not waste anymore time but instead join me as we get into PSHE at QEH with Naomi Holcombe.QEH Bristol onlineWebsite: @qehschoolLinkedIn: QEH Bristol
#030 -Welcome back to The QEH Podcast, the place to find out more about the school and to connect with staff, pupils and parents at a deeper level. Each week we’ll interviewing people within the QEH community, asking them questions and spending time understanding them and more about the school.In this episode we’re talking all about Learning Enhancement, a beautiful part of school life and something I was very keen to know more about, not least to find out what that actually means. And discovering the answer put a smile on my face, you’ll find out why when you listen to this. Richard Waldron is Head of Learning Enhancement and in this episode we’re going to find out how this support helps the children, what that means for them at the time when they leave QEH and also what advice Richard has for parents trying to decide which school to send their child to.Richard is lovely and he clearly loves the work he does so come with me now as we step into this episode and hear from the Head of Learning Enhancement, Richard Waldron.QEH Bristol onlineWebsite: @qehschoolLinkedIn: QEH Bristol
#029 - Welcome back to The QEH Podcast, the place to find out more about the school and to connect with staff, pupils and parents at a deeper level. Each week we’ll be interviewing people within the QEH community, asking them questions and spending time understanding them and more about the school.In this episode we’re stepping back into the Head’s office for a conversation with Rupert Heathcote. We talk about recent events in school, sporting successes, School of Rock, and Christmas at school. But we also find out about the partnerships QEH has with other schools in Bristol and we get an update on the provision of bursaries too. There’s all that and there’s lots more as well so come with me as we speak to the Head of QEH, it’s Rupert Heathcote.QEH Bristol onlineWebsite: @qehschoolLinkedIn: QEH Bristol
#027 - Welcome back to The QEH Podcast, the place to find out more about the school and to connect with staff, pupils and parents at a deeper level. Each week we’ll be interviewing people within the QEH community, asking them questions and spending time understanding them and more about the school.In this episode we’re finding out what the whole admissions process is about. Anna Cussen is the Senior School Admissions Registrar so I ask her a number of questions including what does a registrar actually do, what kind of questions people ask when considering which school is right for their child, we find out how far in advance parents should be thinking about this, what some of the questions are that parents and children ask, what financial assistance is available, is this the same as a scholarship, entrance exams and how long before a parent will know if they were successful. It’s all happening in this episode so for all of that, and for more, come with me as we speak to the Senior School Admissions Registrar, it’s Anna Cussen.QEH Bristol onlineWebsite: @qehschoolLinkedIn: QEH Bristol
#027 - Welcome back to The QEH Podcast, the place to find out more about the school and to connect with staff, pupils and parents at a deeper level. Each week we’ll interviewing people within the QEH community, asking them questions and spending time understanding them and more about the school.In this episode we’re speaking to two people. Nick Pursall is the Deputy Head Pastoral and he’s joined by Assistant Head Lydia Mantle. Together they talk about how the school looks out for the wellbeing of the pupils, the effect of the pandemic and what parents can be looking out for in the home too.It’s great to get Nick and Lydia both together. School life means that they, like others, are always busy so to have all three of us together is a rare moment and a treat for the podcast series.But let’s get this intro out of the way and instead let’s speak to Nick Pursall and Lydia Mantle.QEH Bristol onlineWebsite: @qehschoolLinkedIn: QEH Bristol
#026 -Welcome back to The QEH Podcast, the place to find out more about the school and to connect with staff, pupils and parents at a deeper level. Each week we’ll interviewing people within the QEH community, asking them questions and spending time understanding them and more about the school.In this episode we’re speaking to someone who’s been working at the school for a long time! I’m sure you know who this is; it’s none other than Liz Davies. Liz explains what life was like at QEH when she first joined, what some of the changes are that she’s seen in that time, what things have stayed the same and what some of the challenging parts are to her role.That’s all coming up in this episode. So take my hand and come with me as we step into what is arguably the absolute central heart of the school, it’s the office of Liz Davies.QEH Bristol onlineWebsite: @qehschoolLinkedIn: QEH Bristol
#025 - Welcome back to The QEH Podcast, the place to find out more about the school and to connect with staff, pupils and parents at a deeper level. Each week we’ll interviewing people within the QEH community, asking them questions and spending time understanding them and more about the school.In this episode we’re stepping outdoors to speak to the Head of QE Award, Henry Burlingham. Henry’s going to explain just what the QE Award is, how the boys get involved in it and how it benefits them all so much. And not just the boys but the staff too!That’s all coming up in this episode. So come with me as we hear from the Head of QE Award, Henry Burlingham.QEH Bristol onlineWebsite: qehsixthformLinkedIn: QEH Bristol
#024 - Welcome back to The QEH Podcast, the place to find out more about the school and to connect with staff, pupils and parents at a deeper level. Each week we’ll be interviewing people within the QEH community, asking them questions and spending time understanding them and more about the school. In this episode of the QEH podcast we’re talking to Pip Hockenhull, Director of Drama, and Russ Cope, Theatre Tech Manager at QEH. They’re going to explain to us how they got into Drama and Theatre, why it’s so important for the children, what their favourite productions have been at school and also what some of the great productions families can go see during the school holidays. That’s all coming up in this episode. So come with me as we hear from Pip Hockenhull and Russ Cope. QEH Bristol onlineWebsite: qehsixthformLinkedIn: QEH Bristol
#023 - Welcome back to The QEH Podcast, the place to find out more about the school and to connect with staff, pupils and parents at a deeper level. Each week we’ll be interviewing people within the QEH community, asking them questions and spending time understanding them and more about the school. In this episode of the QEH podcast we’re talking to parents Abi and William Brotherton. Together they have two boys at QEH Juniors, George (currently in Year Six) and Freddie (currently in Year Four). William and Abi talk about their thoughts and concerns about switching schools for their boys, their thoughts on single-sex education (and spoiler alert, they weren’t always convinced about it) and how quickly their boys settled into the school. But we also hear about the importance of keeping in touch with the teaching staff and the parents of other children in the school. That’s all coming up in this episode. So come with me as we hear from Abi and William Brotherton. QEH Bristol onlineWebsite: qehsixthformLinkedIn: QEH Bristol
#022 - Welcome back to The QEH Podcast, the place to find out more about the school and to connect with staff, pupils and parents at a deeper level. Each week we’ll be interviewing people within the QEH community, asking them questions and spending time understanding them and more about the school. In this episode of the QEH podcast we’re talking to the Head of Futures, Allan Paltzer. Apart from having one of the best job titles possible, Allan has a role that’s all focused on the students at QEH. So we’re going to hear how Allan ended up in this role at school, what it means for the children and also how the school’s alumni and parent community is getting involved too. That’s all coming up in this episode so come with me now as we speak to Head of Futures, Allan Paltzer. QEH Bristol onlineWebsite: qehsixthformLinkedIn: QEH Bristol
#021 - Welcome back to The QEH Podcast, the place to find out more about the school and to connect with staff, pupils and parents at a deeper level. Each week we’ll be interviewing people within the QEH community, asking them questions and spending time understanding them and more about the school. In this episode of the QEH podcast we’re talking to the Head of QEH Juniors, David Kendall. David’s about to talk us through what it’s like being a Head and a history teacher, what his journey was from being a student to stepping into a career of education, and we get to hear about ‘values based education’ which is a simple but very effective method of instilling values in the boys. So come with me now as we step into the world of QEH Juniors with David Kendall. QEH Bristol onlineWebsite: qehsixthformLinkedIn: QEH Bristol
#020 - Welcome back to The QEH Podcast, the place to find out more about the school and to connect with staff, pupils and parents at a deeper level. Each week we’ll be interviewing people within the QEH community, asking them questions and spending time understanding them and more about the school. In this episode of the QEH podcast we’re talking to James Kelly, the Head of Outdoor Pursuits. James will tell us all about the many hats he wears at the school, from maths teacher to ex head of year, and he’ll also tell us about his journey before settling at QEH. But we also get to find out about Outdoor Pursuits at QEH, how it works alongside the DofE, the kind of activities students get involved in and the benefits it has beyond just physical exercise. So come with me now as we talk to Head of Outdoor Pursuits, James Kelly. QEH Bristol onlineWebsite: qehsixthformLinkedIn: QEH Bristol
#019 - Welcome back to The QEH Podcast, the place to find out more about the school and to connect with staff, pupils and parents at a deeper level. Each week we’ll be interviewing people within the QEH community, asking them questions and spending time understanding them and more about the school. In this episode we’re talking to the Richard Porter, the head of sixth form. Richard is going to tell us all about Sixth Form at QEH, how it’s developing Co-Ed, and how the sixth form will develop going into 2022 and onward. So come with me now as we talk to Head of Sixth Form, Richard Porter. QEH Bristol onlineWebsite: qehsixthformLinkedIn: QEH Bristol
#018 - Welcome back to The QEH Podcast, the place to find out more about the school and to connect with staff, pupils and parents at a deeper level. Each week we’ll be interviewing people within the QEH community, asking them questions and spending time understanding them and more about the school. In this episode we’re talking to the Deputy Head (Academic), Joe Martin. Joe is going to share more about his role and what a typical day for him looks like, and we will also delve deeper into his time at QEH, as well as the differences between state and independent education. QEH Bristol onlineWebsite: qehsixthformLinkedIn: QEH Bristol
#017 - Welcome back to The QEH Podcast, the place to find out more about the school and to connect with staff, pupils and parents at a deeper level. Each week we’ll be interviewing people within the QEH community, asking them questions and spending time understanding them and more about the school. In this episode we’re talking to the Head of Music and Performing Arts at the Junior School, Sarah Hall. Sarah’s going to tell us how she defines a successful career, how she chooses her music pieces that the students perform in productions, and which productions are coming up next throughout the year. So come with me now as we talk to the Head of Music and Performing Arts at the Junior School, Sarah Hall. QEH Bristol onlineWebsite: qehsixthformLinkedIn: QEH Bristol
#015 - Welcome back to The QEH Podcast, the place to find out more about the school and to connect with staff, pupils and parents at a deeper level. Each week we’ll be interviewing people within the QEH community, asking them questions and spending time understanding them and more about the school. Today we’re talking to the catering team at QEH. That means we’ll be hearing from Deputy Catering Manager Vanessa Stone, Catering Manager Ranjit Shetty and Head Chef, Chris Rugman. The team will tell us what it’s like feeding the whole school, how they come up with menus that are both appealing and healthy and the sort of events the team is involved in supporting. We’ll also get to hear about the teams focus on providing healthy, nutritious food for the children at QEH and what parents can do to support this ethos when the children are at home. That’s all coming up in this episode, so come with me now as we speak to the catering team at QEH Bristol. QEH Bristol onlineWebsite: qehsixthformLinkedIn: QEH Bristol
#016 - Welcome back to The QEH Podcast, the place to find out more about the school and to connect with staff, pupils and parents at a deeper level. Each week we’ll be interviewing people within the QEH community, asking them questions and spending time understanding them and more about the school. Today we’re joined by Dr Mark Dutton, Director of the Scholars’ Programme at QEH. Mark will tell us all about the programme, when students can get involved, what’s involved and why it’s so valuable. Mark’s extremely passionate about the programme and his enthusiasm really comes through in this episode. It’s great to hear about some of the extra curricular and enrichment activities he gets the Scholars to engage with. We’ll also hear a little bit about Mark’s own education and his isolation cookery classes! So let’s jump right into this episode all about the QEH Scholars’ Programme with its Director, Dr Mark Dutton. QEH Bristol onlineWebsite: qehsixthformLinkedIn: QEH Bristol
#014 - Welcome back to The QEH Podcast, the place to find out more about the school and to connect with staff, pupils and parents at a deeper level. Each week we’ll be interviewing people within the QEH community, asking them questions and spending time understanding them and more about the school. Today we’re talking to Director of Development at QEH Bristol, James Bailey. James will talk us through why exactly it’s so important that schools keep in touch with their alumni, why independent schools sometimes have a better alumni network than state schools and whether students who return to QEH look back fondly at their time in school. But we also find out about some of the upcoming events James is planning and how they’ve been affected by the pandemic. That’s all coming up in this episode so come with me while we speak to the Director of Development, James Bailey. QEH Bristol onlineWebsite: qehsixthformLinkedIn: QEH Bristol
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