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The Eleshia Show

Author: Eleshia

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Need simple strategies to help you grow your business and achieve more without working harder? Struggling to balance work, life, and all your other commitments and don’t want to burnout? You’re in the right place. The Eleshia Show is a holistic business and lifestyle strategy podcast to help you get clear on your business goals, stop procrastinating, boost your income, and do what lights you up. Women are taking notice! We have listeners across 61 countries and over 999 cities! We’re teaching female business owners across the world how to achieve more with less while looking after themselves. And we can do the same for you! We’re having intimate conversations — the kinds that most female business owners are having privately. You don’t want to miss these. Tune in to the podcast every Wednesday to discover exactly what expert CEOs did to get their businesses off the ground and achieve success so you can do the same! With your host, Eleshia Harris, business coach and growth strategist, you can redefine what success means, ditch the stress and confusion and learn how to run your business from a place of ease and excitement. If you want to talk business, wellbeing, lifestyle, mindset, goals, and scaling organic growth, don’t miss it!

136 Episodes
Have you ever experienced moments when life suddenly slams on the brakes and you're left feeling blindsided and overwhelmed?That's precisely what happened to me recently. Despite prioritising a healthy lifestyle, exercising frequently, meditating and recently starting acupuncture sessions again. I found myself grappling with an unexpected histamine flare-up that scared me so much it stopped me in my tracks and made me take myself to A&E for a second opinion. In this episode, you'll ...
Wow, I can’t believe I started the podcast back in 2021 when the world was a different place. This week’s episode is a celebration of our 3rd year of publishing episodes of The Eleshia show. I’m super proud of everything I’ve achieved in these last 3 years. From the guests I’ve had to all the opportunities I’ve had and the wonderful people I’ve met.In this episode, I express my gratitude to all of you who have listened consistently to the podcast. Thank you for seeing my ver...
In this episode, I have the amazing Marisa back for her second episode.We're back today talking about conscious parenting, being perimenopausal, reflecting on our lives, and balancing self-care.I love continuing to have these open and honest conversations. The more we talk about these topics the more we normalise them. As a first-time parent to one child, I am always learning as my daughter gets older.There is always a tug of war between spending time with her and doing my home chores, e...
Ever feel the need to just shake off unwanted energy in the middle of the day?Yep me too which is why this week’s episode is all about reminding you of ways to shift your energy. Our energy is so precious and sometimes we don’t realise how the outside world is affecting it. Have you noticed how your mood can shift after picking up your phone to check your emails or if you’ve been strolling aimlessly on social media and you come across something that just doesn’t sit right with you? ...
As we get older we are made to feel that we should be scared of ageing! Society makes us feel like we should do everything in our power to stop the aging process and from what I’ve witnessed that also includes not talking much about what is happening within our bodies. How do you feel about getting older? Do you panic when each birthday comes around, examining your face and body every morning for those tell-tale signs of ageing? Or are you, like me, simply happy to be ali...
In 2015, my life changed forever when my mum passed away. I was heartbroken, and my body shut down. I distracted myself so I wouldn’t feel the pain of losing a parent. One of my biggest lessons learned is that time waits for nobody. My mum had so many plans, but dying at 56 meant she didn’t get to fulfill many of them. People often plan, but they don’t execute the plan. They make excuses, procrastinate, feel overwhelmed, talk themselves out of really going for what they truly want, and then t...
Ever get lost in a good memoir and feel like you're right there with the author, living through their highs and lows? That's exactly where I found myself when I decided to dive into more books by black authors last year.In this episode, I take you on my latest literary adventure. I explored stories of resilience, love, heartache and so much more from icons like Cicely Tyson in "Just As I Am" and eagerly anticipating the screen adaptation of "Black Cake." There's a certain magic in relivi...
I'm pretty good at articulating how much I love the work that I do as a Holistic Business growth strategist and Implementation coach. I love all things project management. I love the women that I get to work with, but I'm not always so good at promoting myself. In this revealing episode:Debbie and I discuss her wins, the challenges, and the transformative journey we undertook together. Debbie shares how I helped her double her revenue, focusing on sustainable growth and avoiding bur...
Running a business is not easy by any means, I often find myself wearing all the hats.Without structure and help, I can honestly say burnout would constantly show up to remind me to slow down. Every year, I make the time to go through my lessons and my reflections for my business because without this crucial information, we don’t know how we are doing in our life’s or businesses. In order to grow we need to understand our path and what has been our successes and our failures. There...
I’ve always found the ageing process so fascinating. In a world where we have access to so many images, products and services that promote anti-aging, it’s intriguing how discussions around natural alternatives seem so taboo!! I knew I had met someone special when Carelle slipped into my DMs a few years ago. Carelle Rose is a face yoga instructor, a Gua Sha therapist. reflexologist and is very passionate about holistic healing and natural pro ageing alternatives to Botox and fillers. Whe...
I was heartbroken when my mum died but I had to bottle it all up in order to be strong for others. Although this has been a very painful journey it has helped me understand the importance of openly expressing my emotions as they come up and the need to create a safe space for healing. In this episode I share Why I think it's important for you to slow down and take as much time as you need to process your feelingsHow my grief was impacted by my role as a carer for my special needs br...
Every year, I love to explore predictions for business growth, and this year was no different. However, I was particularly interested to see a few things that I already consider good practices making the trending list.As a Holistic Business Growth Strategist and Implementation Coach, I always strive to be mindful of the trends that I'm researching. I hope that the seven trends I share in this episode prove useful for you.In this episode, I discuss:Business and lifestyle sustainabilityThe impo...
The Holiday seasons are always so hard for me because they remind me that my mum is no longer with us. So in this episode, I'm sharing with you some of the things that I will be doing to make my life easier and less emotional during this time. I really enjoy celebrating and spending time with my family, but sometimes the emotions can take over which means that everything can become very draining. In previous years I've overcompensated because I wanted to ensure that everyone was having ...
We often overlook the power of gratitude, connection and selfcare. I believe without each of them we are not leaning into our wellbeing potential. For so long I believed that I had to be the strong one and not ask for help but over the years it's become so important to me to build a community of trusted people and ask for help when I need it. In this episode I share:My own personal journey with gratitude The power of daily joyfulness Why I’m learning from my mum’s lessons...
How are you really? I know a lot of us are really feeling the pain of all things that are happening worldwide. It's so easy to submerge ourselves in the distress of others, often to our own detriment. I didn't even know that empathic distress was a thing until a friend mentioned the term to me and I recognised my own personal experiences with empathic distress. As somebody who is a parent, a carer, a wife, a business owner, a loyal friend and family member I recognised the challeng...
Have you ever felt like you just wanted to shy away from the camera within your business? You don't want to record any more reels? You’re sick and tired of turning up on zoom calls and feeling like you have to constantly show up? I know I've been there and that’s why it was so refreshing to talk to Jacq (short for Jacqueline) who made the decision to go video free in her business. Yes. She is building her business without video and I’m so inspired by this move. Jacq explains the reasons way s...
Have you ever felt invisible in corporate roles or like you had to compromise your heritage to pursue your dreams and aspirations? I certainly have, and I'm here to share my experience with you.In this episode, I'm opening up about my personal journey – from growing up with immigrant parents and climbing the corporate ladder to embracing motherhood. We'll delve deep into the life lessons I've learned about fitting in, understanding our roots, and the additional pressure that comes with being ...
One of the reasons I love what I do is because I get to witness people transforming their lives to get what they desire. Over and over again Money Mindset Coach and Accountant Karen Noel, my guest for this episode, has shown me that having a good mindset around money attracts money. We met in a business development programme in 2020 and Karen then contacted me to be her coach! We’ve been working together ever since. In this episode we share our coaching journey together so far, Kar...
What if I told you that despite being diagnosed with polycystic ovaries, a blocked fallopian tube, and fibroids at 37 and mourning a baby loss, I managed to change my narrative?When I decided to be my own detective after being told that my body wasn’t naturally capable of conceiving my whole life changed. In this episode I open up about my personal story of infertility and baby loss. I share why it was important for me to become my own detective. From being diagnosed with fertility issues, to...
Breaking Down Burnout

Breaking Down Burnout


After a few busy months I found myself teetering on the brink of burnout. The family commencing a new routine with my daughter starting school, the anxiety of juggling homelife, the business, relationships and school needs I could feel myself being pushed to my limits. Luckily I recognised the burnout signs quicker than I would have a few years ago and I was able to pump the brakes and take action to take care of myself. In this episode, I’ll be opening up and giving you insights and st...
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