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Coach's Chat

Author: Betsy

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Build a thriving career as a fitness professional! Coach's chat is a podcast chock-full of thoughtful conversations with industry professionals, musings on common hang ups and challenges for new trainers and actionable advice for growing and succeeding as a coach for years to come!
103 Episodes
"But the session is FREE?! Why don't they sign up?"It seems counterintuitive to trainers but people don't run to sign up for complimentary personal training sessions. Instead, many run away as fast as they can!In this episode, I talk why and discuss effective strategies that go beyond just offering complimentary sessions, focusing on building a connection that makes your potential clients feel comfortable and excited to give the free session a try. Coach's Chat has new episodes every Tue...
As trainers we understand the wide variety of benefits that come with consistent resistance training. And some of the best results are actually the absence of something (no more back pain, not feeling winded any more) but that can be tricky to quantify and even harder for a client to notice. In this episode, I offer suggestions for helping clients recognize and appreciate these really important quality of life wins.Coach's Chat has new episodes every Tuesday and Friday so be sure to subscribe...
Clients traveling this summer? In this episode, I share my recent experiences traveling to D.C. and discuss how we, as trainers, can help our clients stay consistent with their fitness goals without sacrificing their vacation fun. Learn how to program workouts for travel, make the most of hotel gyms, explore new classes and activities, and even when to encourage clients to take a break from their goals. I also discuss the importance of rest and how to discuss "guilt" when it comes to taking t...
100 episodes in and Betsy has some wisdom. In this episode she offers insights as it relates to persistence and what you can gain from pushing when you hit hurdles and difficult times. While it's super helpful for anyone at the start of their training career, the principles can be applied to lifting and life!Coach's Chat has new episodes every Tuesday and Friday so be sure to subscribe!For more from Betsy follow her on Instagram and visit!Thank you as always for listening! Y...
Helping others, constantly "being on", and interacting with a variety of people day in and day out can be exhausting. In this episode gives you 4 strategies to ensure you are caring for yourself so that you can feel good, live the life you want outside of work, and still enjoy your job. Coach's Chat has new episodes every Tuesday and Friday so be sure to subscribe!For more from Betsy follow her on Instagram and visit!Thank you as always for listening! Your support means...
It's fast Friday! In under 10 minutes, Betsy gives you two ways you can fill spots in your schedule without being creepy or sleazy. AND they are designed to ensure you get the kind of client who is the right fit for you!Coach's Chat has new episodes every Tuesday and Friday so be sure to subscribe!For more from Betsy follow her on Instagram and visit!Thank you as always for listening! Your support means the world!
When it comes to building a successful training business, acquiring and retaining clients, you can know all there is to know about exercise science and still come up short if you don't do these 3 three things with each and every client!Be sure to write these 3 things down somewhere you can look at before you start each and every training session! Your clients will thank you. Coach's Chat has new episodes every Tuesday and Friday so be sure to subscribe!For more from Betsy follow her on I...
When 5 year olds are asked, "what do you want to be when you grow up", not many say personal trainer. It isn't necessarily a common career aspiration and many trainers have had a career or two before they chose to pursue the role full time. In this episode, Betsy shares her own story of her circuitous path and why a non-traditional road to the job can be a real asset. This episode is an encouraging one for anyone who may be on the fence about taking that career leap or struggling w...
What does professional integrity look like? Honestly, different for everyone. In this episode , Betsy gets vulnerable about integrity, judgement, and what she has expected of others in the past. She shares her own integrous actions and how they align with her personal values and encourages you to determine your own and seek out professional spaces and colleagues who share some of the same. A great episode for new and veteran coaches for creating clarity around what is important to you profess...
Ursula said it and I'll say it again, body language is important. In personal training it is a form of important communication to your clients, colleagues, and potential prospects. In this episode, Betsy breaks down the importance of body language, what to strive for with "good" body language, and how to get honest feedback about what your real body language communicates to others. Coach's Chat has new episodes every Tuesday and Friday so be sure to subscribe!For more from Betsy fol...
It's about the how! Everyone and their brother on the internet is telling people to eat more protein or the importance consistency but who is out there connecting the dots?In this episode Betsy shares tips on the must-use strategy for adding value for your clients and getting them real results. She walks you through a step-by-step approach you can start using with your clients right away!Coach's Chat has new episodes every Tuesday and Friday so be sure to subscribe!For more from Betsy follow ...
So many people think they want to be their own boss or start their own business and while there are many advantages, when you are starting out there is so much to be gained by working for someone else.In this episode Betsy talks about building knowledge and experience working in the commercial gym setting and why it can be a great place for new grads, career changers, and side hustlers to get their start. Coach's Chat has new episodes every Tuesday and Friday so be sure to subscribe!For ...
There are just some subjects that are tricky and talking to a client about their alcohol consumption is one of them. In this episode Betsy talks about how and when it is appropriate to bring up this kind of conversation, what kinds of questions you might want to ask, and other strategies for providing habit change tools without making someone feel judged. Coach's Chat has new episodes every Tuesday and Friday so be sure to subscribe!For more from Betsy follow her on Instagram and vi...
This is a big stay in your lane episode! Whether it's because you think you can "fix" what is wrong with your client or you subconsciously feel like you have something to prove, you can start doing thing that are out of your scope. That is dangerous, unprofessional, and it's selling yourself short on what you can do really well as a personal trainer. Betsy gives you tons of insight on where we may be mistaking weakness for lack of mobility, why we can't diagnose, how we can be more effec...
Ever had to cancel something and they made it nearly impossible, making you jump through hoop after hoop? Or worse they made you feel guilty for wanting to stop?In personal training, it's hard not to take people leaving personally, but how you handle the end of client relationships says a lot about your professionalism. In this episode Betsy tells you how to handle when a client wants to stop training or take a pause. Coach's Chat has new episodes every Tuesday and Friday so be sure to s...
Not everyday is going to be thrilling! For many who turned to personal training because they were passionate about helping people, it can feel disappointing to get bored on the job (maybe it is just a general lackluster feeling about the work after the first months or years were super stimulating with lots of new info and interesting challenges). Betsy breaks down why it's ok to have lulls, how to still show up professionally for your clients, and some strategies for dealing with the fee...
In the second part of this 2 part series, Betsy offers actionable tactics for supporting clients who are struggling with body image. She offers suggestions for creating a body neutral training environment as well as when and how to consider referring out for additional support. Be sure to listen and send your questions to Betsy at or send an Instagram DM to @foster_strength!Coach's Chat has new episodes every Tuesday and Friday so be sure to subscribe!For more from Bet...
Exercise and body image will always be linked, whether explicitly or more subconsciously as body image includes the behaviors we engage in that impact how we feel about our body. As a trainer you can be a powerful facilitator of a neutral/positive body image space. This series starts with steps you can take to honestly reflect on your personal body image and take steps to show up as your most professional self to support your client.A must listen for trainers looking to cultivate a safe ...
This is a one is gold (and easy to put into action), but it's too good to just toss in the show notes: you'll have to listen!Short, sweet, and your clients will really appreciate it. Coach's Chat has new episodes every Tuesday and Friday so be sure to subscribe!For more from Betsy follow her on Instagram and visit!Thank you as always for listening! Your support means the world!
Generously inspired by a suggestion from JK McLeod, Betsy is talking about what to do when a client has a directive and you don't agree. She talks through some real experiences with her own clients and shares a multi-step system for communicating with your client that maintains respect but allows you to assert your expertise. Coach's Chat has new episodes every Tuesday and Friday so be sure to subscribe!For more from Betsy follow her on Instagram and visit!Thank you as ...
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