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The Courageous Journey
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The Courageous Journey

Author: Paula D Walters

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My name is Paula Walters.  I am a  national keynote speaker, a paramedic with 20 years of experience in the field, and a fierce advocate for those who have suffered child abuse, intimate partner violence, and traumatic brain injury.

I am a survivor of child abuse, sexual assault, and intimate partner violence. I also survived a near-fatal strangulation which left her with a Traumatic Brain Injury.

In 2015, drawing upon her life experiences, I became determined to raise awareness of this critical issue with first responders, healthcare professionals, and those working with abused and marginalized populations.

I  have become a trusted and expert source on the psychological, physical, and invisible impacts from traumatic abuse.  I am passionate about bridging the gaps between the legal and medical systems and the survivors they interact with.

After an excruciating thirteen-year journey of medical mayhem, My amazing story of strength, courage, and recovery has been shared nationally to highlight the intersections of Intimate Partner Violence and Traumatic Brain Injury. You can find my story in The New York Times Magazine, Spectrum News, National Public Radio (NPR), and The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN).  
I started this podcast as a way to share my story, all that I have learned in my journey, and my journey toward healing.  I will be having guests join my podcast who have helped me along my journey so they can share their personal and professional experiences and knowledge. 

I can be reached at

40 Episodes
We are back

We are back


Paula and Karen took a much-needed break.  Life happens to us all and at times life slides out of control.  The girls have had some huge changes including Paula having to restart a lot of her therapies.   Karen had some huge life changes as well including some that her husband will be joining her in.  In recovery and rewiring, plans and routines are often wanted but rarely received.  The girls are trying to adapt to life and its' always-changing ways. ***“Trigger Warning:  This podcast will discuss people's personal experiences with abuse.  This may be triggering to listeners with similar experiences.”
The girls talk about their weeks and Paula goes on a rant from her soapbox.  The girls talk about dating and how one person commented to Paula that talking about child abuse is something that some men don't want to date.   ***“Trigger Warning:  This podcast will discuss people's personal experiences with abuse.  This may be triggering to listeners with similar experiences.”
Paula and Karen talk about how childhood trauma wired them both for messiness as an adult.  This is part one of a three-part series.   Childhood trauma can lead to adults wired for fear, anger, addictions, abuse, and mental health problems.  The girls discuss their journies into adulthood.  ***“Trigger Warning:  This podcast will discuss people's personal experiences with abuse.  This may be triggering to listeners with similar experiences.”
Paula and Karen discuss their week.  Karen had an important doctor's appointment and Paula releases her new podcast.  The girls talk about Taylor Swift's new song All Too Well.  Paula and Karen talk about medical journeys and how survivors are often left at the mercy of meeting insurance companies' demands instead of getting what their doctors actually want for them.  ***“Trigger Warning:  This podcast will discuss people's personal experiences with abuse.  This may be triggering to listeners with similar experiences.”
In the Beginning

In the Beginning


Karen and Paula talk about how trauma impacts a child as early as conception.  The girls talk about the "wiring" of a victim.  Season two digs deep into generational abuse, the wiring of a victim, and will answer that age-old question of "why don't he/she leave.   The girls talk about how children are impacted by trauma in the womb.  When a child is exposed to trauma in utero, they are exposed to the fight or flight of the mother.  The long-term impact of that is children that are wired for fear and anxiety.   ***“Trigger Warning:  This podcast will discuss people's personal experiences with abuse.  This may be triggering to listeners with similar experiences.”
Paula and Karen discuss their week.  Paula and Karen talk about how being survivors of childhood messiness can leave you with secrets that come at you at different times in your life with no warning.   Paula talks about how she almost broke herself down to bite-size bits for people because they keep telling her she is too this and too that.  Karen had an eventful, emotional, and enlightening week but she will keep us in suspense till she wraps her head around the details.  Karen and Paula took a break last week from posting a podcast, they explain why. ***“Trigger Warning:  This podcast will discuss people's personal experiences with abuse.  This may be triggering to listeners with similar experiences.”
Paula and Karen discuss their week.  Paula and Karen talk about what is coming in season 2.  Paula is still dealing with the impacts of her concussion.  Karen talks about her week and dealing with her medical stuff. ***“Trigger Warning:  This podcast will discuss people's personal experiences with abuse.  This may be triggering to listeners with similar experiences.”
Wired For Chaos

Wired For Chaos


Karen and Paula talk about what is to come in season two.  The girls talk about the "wiring" of a victim.  Season two digs deep into generational abuse, the wiring of a victim, and will answer that age-old question of "why don't he/she leave.  Season  2 will touch on being wired for chaos (abuse, addictions, mental health struggles, and medical issues to name a few).   ***“Trigger Warning:  This podcast will discuss people's personal experiences with abuse.  This may be triggering to listeners with similar experiences.”
Paula Walters and Kerri Walker wanted to introduce themselves to their new audience. This is Kerri Walker talking about herself, her history, and her excitement in taking this new journey with Paula!
In this episode, I introduce my friend and colleague Kerri Walker. We have a conversation about how childhood trauma can change the way your brain wires itself. We talk about how children raised in homes with abuse, trauma, and neglect often get wired for protection and the long-term impacts of that into adulthood. There are differences in children who are raised in loving homes versus those who are raised in homes with trauma, neglect, and abuse. Below you can see Ker...
It takes a long time to find who you are when you are raised living in fear and just trying to survive. I have started and stopped podcasting several times over the last two years. 2023 was a huge year for me. I had a year of reflection and rest. I have traveled all over the Country speaking and training which has opened my eyes so much to what my purpose is. I have spoken to advocates, judges, law enforcement, nurses, child welfare workers, church groups, politi...
My Why

My Why


As a survivor of abuse and trauma, I have learned that survivors are not set up for success.  I have often felt like you can't win as a survivor.  I've rarely felt like there were safe places to talk about what happened to me.  I was often met with shame and blame.  I didn't know how messed up my childhood was till I realized how messed up my childhood really was if that makes any sense.  As I started to realize there were a lot of things about me that needed to be changed, I started having a lot of complex medical problems.   It was through that medical mayhem that I realized how broken the system was and how judgemental a large number of people were against domestic violence survivors.  I went to doctor after doctor trying to figure out what was wrong with me.  With each doctor I went to, I was given more and more medical diagnoses and medicines.  The more doctors I went to, it seems the less serious doctors took me.  It was when I was at rock bottom and contemplating suicide that I found hope.  I grasped at a final straw and went to Minnesota to see a functional neurologist.  I came back from a week-long intensive a completely different person and full of hope.  I learned that all of those medical providers were part of the reason I was so sick.  I learned so much out there about reaching wellness.  It was then that I became hungry to learn more and to continue this amazing new healing I had found.  I have spent the last 4 years researching and researching to find one place that helps survivors like me to understand how trauma impacted them and to help them reset themselves so they can move on past the trauma.  Guess what, there isn't a place.  I wanted to use this podcast as a way to share my experiences as a trauma survivor.  I believe this is my calling from God and my way to help others know that there is hope.
As a survivor of multiple forms of abuse starting at the earliest memories of my life, I have dealt with the impacts of trauma on my physical and mental health.  I have gone to dozens of doctors across multiple states and until 2021, no one really put it all together.  As I have tried to work on recovery, I have realized that the system is not set up for the benefit of the survivors.  Each part of the recovery has its own path and that very much made me feel like I was told different things by different providers.  I found healing when I found a doctor who dealt with and educated me about what was going on inside of me.  It was through addressing the root and addressing everything at one time collectively that I was able to really get a hold of recovery.  I am now living a journey to healing, love, peace, and joy.  This is just the pilot episode touching on all the things to come in this weekly podcast of a lifelong journey to triumphing over trauma and living the best life possible.  
In this episode, I talk with one of my functional neurologists as I head to Minnesota for treatment the week of November 14th, 2022.  Dr. Erik Reis DC, DACNB, CBIS, and Dr. Michael Hennes help me navigate brain injury recovery after being misdiagnosed for over 13 years.  After working with Dr. Reis over the last year and a half, I have learned there is so much more to wellness than I thought.  We talk about my symptoms and why Dr. Ries focused on the areas of recovery he did for me.  We talk about nutrition, vision, and the "3 friends".   If you would like to get in contact with Dr. Reis you can reach him by email at or Dr. Hennes at  You can learn more about The Neural Connection at
After launching Rewired a year and a half ago, I had a lot of life get in the way.  Sometimes God puts you in a place of waiting because He needs to work on you a little bit more before He lets you move forward.  I have found a new purpose and passion with my story.  It felt like I was trying to weave in and out of lanes between domestic violence, child abuse, near-fatal strangulation, and sexual assault.  When I went to visit Dr. Erik Reis at The Neural Connection, the trajectory of my life changed.  After a week of intensive with Erik, I felt like a completely different person and all of my symptoms were virtually gone.  As much as I appreciated the treatment I received, I absolutely loved the education and awareness I received from my doctor.  I now have this different outlook on my recovery and my focus is now driven toward total body wellness.   Take a listen to the relaunch and what is coming in the months ahead. 
Spill The Beans Week 7

Spill The Beans Week 7


Paula and Karen discuss their week.  Normally they discuss their weeks beforehand, however they just hit the record button and started talking,  this is raw conversations (unedited). Paula was feeling the effects of the accident she was in the previous week, and the struggles of working so much to maintain her health. Karen's week was busy with doctors appointments for her mother and running one of her dogs to the emergency vet's (thought they were going to put her dog down). Discussions that season one is ending and the plans for season 2 on being wired for chaos (abuse, addictions, mental health struggles, and medical issues to name a few).   ***“Trigger Warning:  This podcast will discuss people's personal experiences with abuse.  This may be triggering to listeners with similar experiences.”
This and That

This and That


This is an episode where Paula and Karen, mostly Paula, talk about a mixture of stuff including what is coming next week when they start season 2.  The girls will be starting the education part next week and looking more in-depth at the wiring of abuse.  The girls give us a sneak peek as to what is coming ahead.  This episode touches on a touchy subject of what is going on in the world too.  ***“Trigger Warning:  This podcast will discuss people's personal experiences with abuse.  This may be triggering to listeners with similar experiences.”
Me, Myself, and I

Me, Myself, and I


This week Karen talks about how the key to having healthy relationships is having one with yourself first.    ***“Trigger Warning:  This podcast will discuss people's personal experiences with abuse.  This may be triggering to listeners with similar experiences.”
Spill The Beans-Week 6

Spill The Beans-Week 6


Welcome to week six of a  Sunday series where Karen and Paula talk about their weekly highs and lows of living transparent as they navigate through the Rewired journey.  This week both girls have had challenges.  Paula had an accident with a deer  Karen had some therapy.  Paula is fighting to establish boundaries.  ***“Trigger Warning:  This podcast will discuss people's personal experiences with abuse.  This may be triggering to listeners with similar experiences.”
Welcome to week five of a  Sunday series where Karen and Paula talk about their weekly highs and lows of living transparent as they navigate through the Rewired journey.  This week both girls have had several challenges.  Paula is dealing with many various triggering events.   Karen had a major trigger of her own.  The girls actually needed a second episode to talk about all that was going on for them both.  ***“Trigger Warning:  This podcast will discuss people's personal experiences with abuse.  This may be triggering to listeners with similar experiences.”
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