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Energy Crue

Author: JP Warren

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Welcome to 'Energy Crüe', the podcast that dives deep into the heart of industry innovation, entrepreneurship, and personal growth. I'm your host, JP Warren, and each episode, we embark on a journey to uncover the passions and motivations that fuel industry leaders. We're not just talking business here; we're exploring the personal drives, the triumphs, and the challenges that shape today's pioneers. Alongside these inspiring conversations, I'll be sharing my own story - the battles with imposter syndrome, the pivotal mindset shifts, and the lessons learned throughout my entrepreneurial voyage. As a certified coach, my goal is to empower you, our listeners, to break free from the barriers holding you back. Join me as we navigate both the professional and personal landscapes, learning and growing together with 'Energy Crüe'

101 Episodes
Prepare for a cosmic ride alongside Caroline Ellis, our deep space systems engineer, as we chart the parallels between the energy industry and the vastness of space exploration. Her transition from oilfields to the stars epitomizes the power of seeking knowledge and choosing one's path, a theme echoed throughout our conversation. As we share tales from the Crew Club events, Caroline's insights reveal that the challenges and triumphs of space missions are not just captivating stories; they're ...
Have you ever considered the leap of faith it takes to move countries and pursue a dream? Rory, a Manchester native and marketing maestro, did just that, landing with a flourish on the cobblestone streets of Montreal. In this episode, he sits down with me to reflect on his inspiring journey post-university, offering a candid look at the hurdles he's vaulted and the wisdom he's collected along the way. As we dissect his evolution into the Marketing Coordinator at Midnight Marketing, Rory uncov...
Embark with me, JP Warren, on a journey to the heart of the energy debate where we uncover the transformative role of propane and the intricacies of our global energy systems. This week, I'm joined by Tucker Parkitz, the seasoned President and CEO of the Propane Education Research Council and the voice behind the 'Path to Zero' podcast. Together, we navigate Tucker's personal evolution in the energy sector, inspired by his father's legacy, and uncover the powerful yet often overlooked implica...
From the heart of Texas to the forefront of the renewable revolution, Emily's journey is as inspiring as it is enlightening. A seventh-generation Texan, her familial ties to the oil and gas industry run deep, but it's her leap into renewables that's paving the way for a brighter future. Our latest episode is a tapestry of personal history and professional insight, where Emily shares her transformation from watching her father navigate the oil fields to becoming a trailblazer in solar energy h...
Have you ever felt the weight of the world on your shoulders, trying to micromanage everything in sight? My journey as an entrepreneur has been a masterclass in the futility of such endeavors. Join me in a heart-to-heart discussion where I pull back the curtain on the stress and anxiety of clinging to control, sharing anecdotes that highlight the importance of recognizing our true sphere of influence. It's a candid exploration of the daily struggles we face and an invitation to embrace a mind...
Have you ever felt an invisible barrier blocking your path to success? Join us as we navigate the landscape of self-improvement, revealing the unseen obstacles that lurk within our blind spots. In a candid conversation, we dissect the complexities of self-awareness and confront the unconscious behaviors that often handcuff our leadership potential and personal growth. With a focus on incremental change and the power of consistency, this episode doesn't just talk about transformation—it lays d...
Embarking on the entrepreneurial journey back in the last quarter of 2021, I stumbled upon an uncomfortable truth about the so-called "homework" balance. As I share in this heart-to-heart, the realization struck me that the fulcrum between professional success and nurturing family ties isn't just about financial provision; it's about our emotional presence and the memories we craft. Join us as we venture into the often turbulent waters of maintaining a dynamic equilibrium between building a b...
When the veneer of professional triumph belies a deeper, personal struggle, where does one turn? I'm JP Warren, and today I lay bare the complexities of entrepreneurship intertwined with mental health. My journey through detachment and dips in mood, despite the booming success of my ventures, uncovers a truth many of us shy away from. It's a candid look at the internal battles that often go unspoken, as I recount the influence of these challenges on family dynamics and the necessity of vulner...
Navigating the shifting sands of the oil and gas industry, my buddy, a fifth-gen oil worker, throws a curveball at us with a question about career advancement without the crutch of overtime. As we peel back the layers of this complex issue, you can expect to discover how the industry's changing policies are influencing the way we think about work, competition, and personal growth. Gone are the days of simply clocking extra hours — we're talking about a whole new game plan for rising through t...
Discover the secret sauce to networking with purpose and transforming your contact list into a community of meaningful connections. As we navigate the digital maze of LinkedIn and beyond, we often find ourselves stuck in a loop of superficial connections that rarely translate into real-world value. In this episode, I break down the art of intentional networking, guiding you towards individuals who don't just add to your quantity but significantly enhance the quality of your professional circl...
Have you ever felt like an outsider in your own success story, constantly questioning your achievements? Join me, JP Warren, as I lay bare my struggle with imposter syndrome and how I've learned to arm myself against it. In this candid discussion, I steer away from the traditional interview format and instead have a raw, unscripted conversation about the transition from a structured questioning approach to more fluid, natural dialogues on my podcast. It's a tale of transformation—how letting ...
Escape the hamster wheel of routine with me, JP Warren, as we navigate the year ahead with fresh focus and deliberate daily practices. I’ll share the trials and victories I faced while leaving behind the monotonous quarterly planning cycle, guiding you towards the importance of planning out tasks the night before with a journal. This episode is all about the subtle art of scheduling and time management, helping you distinguish between the urgent, the important, and the dreams that fuel your f...
Stepping out of your comfort zone can transform your life, and I'm living proof. Today, I share the personal metamorphosis I've undergone by pushing my limits and facing down the ubiquitous imposter syndrome. As the curator of Crew Club and Exec Crew, I've learned that the true magic lies in the genuine value we provide, not in the seduction of low-cost offerings. Get ready to uncover the strategies that have turned our networking events and mastermind executive development program into a hot...
Familiar with that nagging voice telling you you're not good enough, despite your achievements? You're not alone. Our latest episode peels back the layers of imposter syndrome, a challenge that over 70% of high achievers battle with. I open up about my own struggle and debunk the myth that success is a fluke. We journey through the origins of these feelings and why they're more prevalent among minorities and women. Across our discussion, we identify the classic profiles - from the Perfectioni...
Staring down the barrel of another daunting workweek, I once found myself wrestling with a sneaky sense of self-doubt that nearly convinced me I wasn't up to the task. But a simple shift in the conversation I was having with myself turned everything around. Welcome to a journey through the landscapes of our inner talk—this episode is an ode to the science-backed magic of positive self-talk. I'm spilling the secrets of how your own words can be your most powerful ally in reshaping reality, inf...
Embark on a transformative journey with us as we reveal the surprisingly simple shifts that can lead to triumphant goal achievements. Ever found yourself stumbling over filler words or succumbing to the dreaded imposter syndrome? We've been there, and together we'll explore the power of stepping out of your comfort zone, from live public speaking to setting audacious goals. This episode is a treasure trove of strategies and insights, perfect for anyone seeking to turn self-doubt into a wellsp...
What if you could rewire your life for raw positivity and growth just by making some conscious, simple adjustments? That's exactly what we're unpacking today. We're going to take an exploratory journey into the transformative power of changing your personal algorithm. From who you choose to surround yourself with, to the nature of your everyday conversations and even the content you engage with on social media – all these facets of our lives are interconnected in shaping our daily experiences...
Have you ever spent hours at a networking event, only to leave feeling you've accomplished nothing? Are you tired of surface-level interactions that lead nowhere? Well, it's time to transform the way you connect. Tune into our latest episode as we tackle the power of active listening, an essential tool that can help you pave your way to meaningful relationships. We're not just talking about a head nod and a smile, but genuine engagement that can turn quick introductions into long-lasting conn...
Imagine unleashing the true potential of value-based sales, and how it could transform your relationship with your customers. That's what we're diving into today, helping you grasp the concept of coaxing clients away from their price apprehensions, and orienting them towards the true value of your offerings. We dissect the importance of persistence and building trust, revealing how these elements can bolster your sales journey and help you break through price barriers.It's time to see the wor...
Picture this: You're running towards a goal, your heart pounding with every step. But there's a weight on your back, it's your imposter syndrome, and it's holding you back. Can you imagine that? Join me, JP Warren, in this very personal episode of Energy Crew, as I share my very own face-off with this so-called energy vampire. I'll unravel how my imposter syndrome shaped a stressful existence, a hamster wheel of fears, anxiety, and perfectionism that was eating up my happiness, success, and e...
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