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SAGE Synergetic Age

Author: Christina Universe Citizen

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SAGE: Synergetic Age, A New World Religion, founded by Christina Herlofson is inspired by R. Buckminster Fuller’s Synergetics Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking. This experiential-experimental process is a predominantly metaphysical objective. Typically, I write a referential essay, record it, publish it. Now this will be to my Apple Podcast Channel. I also include songs I have improvised to professionally prerecorded sound tracks for song writers such as My-Co-Writer. Occasionally, I write brief scripts and perform as skits to add variety for my viewing audience. Our humanity is in an evolution process and must pay heed, reminding us that everything comes to pass not to stay. For me this also applies to religion, which may seem to be written in stone. But alas, as all that is in Universe, it must evolve along with everything else on Earth. A new world religion ought to include consciousness evolution’s metaphysical intellect because it is a function of Universe. Fortunately we do have the most comprehensive generalization in Synergetics to which our conceptuality of eternally regenerative Universe can refer. It reads “U=MP,” where M is Metaphysical and P is Physical, so M times P = Universe (Synergetics 162.00). anthropologists recently identified us, our species, as ‘humans of a mind.’ We are an evolution species. Logically, we ought to know how to refer our mind’s conceptual functioning, which is metaphysical. My experience of Synergetics integrally and intuitively coincide with my writing, recording, publishing efforts. It is hoping to inform our humanity of these evolution alternative options to all that has limited us and indirectly confuses us. Our limitations and confusion concern freedom that by degree is conceptual referential to vectorial geometry and the insights and outlooks of this anticipatory design science project.
142 Episodes
Initially self’s enthusiasm anticipates impressing others with the acquired knowledge, aspects of which are newly discovered.  It is as insights and outlooks correlate self’s conceptual and reasoning observations of the human experience from a uniquely individual perspective and the others search for the disseminated content.  Unknowingly at the outset are the lurking mindsets, whose controlling tactics were not in the realm of associating any developing thought with the computer technologies maladaptive behavior that decides its interference with someone’s developing clarity is ideal for deleting the content of their work and expects such behavior is actually sane.  That type of malfeasantly contrived behavior speaks for insanely perpetrated motivation that profits at the sane person’s expense.  Perhaps it could be likened to what is referred to as the inmates running the asylum.  Self-serving to some degree plays its critical part in the communications process as a mind’s ideas are shared with the others, those whose attention might be divided or undivided.  This is because appreciation and gratitude are natural reactions, which applies to both the sender’s articulating self and the information-gathering others who are receptive to the content either as a desirable agreeable formulation or simply too different to be accepted. That is especially if the generalized content may tend to influence omnirational change from the historical irrational manifest forms. While self is the individual entity who feels grateful and appreciates the opportunity to contribute to the universal communications process, to the receptive environment where humans are tuned-in-to long sought transformations and escape from the onerously overwhelming systems that are now in place.  The self-serving does not necessarily synchronize with the others’ profit motivations especially when exploitations and explorations concern a deepest sense of truth.   That truth is a relationship, a direction, and a conceptuality of the product zero, most likely is least known but becomes more essential than anyone’s profit making exploitation and compulsion to interfere with the individual’s thought-writing process.  Awareness of these subtle differentiations is discovered by self’s individual economic initiative that develops as metaphysical intellect’s curiosity about the inherent truths of Universe continues within the interrelating whole messaging process as the predominantly metaphysical objective becomes a greater motivation to succeed, as only time will tell. Relevant links will be provided. You can read the entire transcript on my website Synergetics Eligion Experiential Experimental Education Complex, SEEEEC
Humans everywhere who are aware of the current state of affairs are observers of those enacting articulations.  All our previous generations also have been the observers of the ever-reenacting articulations.  Yet, it was R. Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983) in his lifetime of astutely focused observations who said, “The articulations are ever reenacted each time hoping to reduce the tolerance magnitude of the residual inaccuracy of observation or articulation.”  How does any observer hope to consciously reduce the tolerance magnitude of the residual inaccuracies without first clarifying a definition of these two words, ‘tolerance’ and ‘magnitude’ and with what these words may be synonymous?From Oxford University Press Dictionary and Thesaurus, the noun magnitude means great size, extent, or importance.  Astronomically the brightness of a star represented by a number on a logarithmic scale is the magnitude of it.   Magnitude can be the relative size or extent, which is a number assigned to the ratio of two quantities of the same order in magnitude if one is less than 10 times as large as the other.  So, the relative importance can be a problem of the first magnitude but most importantly is that magnitude relates to size and indicates that a potential conceptuality of timeless, sizeless systems may well correlate to reducing the tolerance magnitudes of the residual inaccuracies that otherwise tend to increase the tolerance as more people become increasingly tolerant of the residual errors in the universal communications process.  Humans can directly and inadvertently refer their thought and language correlatively to actions, reactions, and resultant adaptations to the sizes of manifest forms. Relevant links will be provided. You can read the entire transcript on my website Synergetics Eligion Experiential Experimental Education Complex, SEEEEC
If the extremes of personality disorders conceal the cleverly self-centered indifference to discovering the most economical way of behaving relative to unity and self in Universe, while enchanting us with charismatic displays, we can ask.  When will the tyrannical inclination rev up momentum at greater speeds than are controllable at the most critical precise culmination?  Our humanity has witnessed any number of the personality culminations as the greatest concern for its charismatic influence does not improve the situation nor officially prevent the rise to power even as clear-sighted intelligence alerts the public participation in the underway PRJWBCSchemes, to no avail.   Physical attractions are individual but in most cases it seems to do with love of father and love of mother.  Or this attraction could be because the adored public contender for the offices of government represents love and longing as well as fear and longing.  Einstein concluded that fear and longing are the primary human motivations.  Most people are influenced by individual degree to fear, longing, love and hate.  This clearly indicates an evolution requirement of omnicomprehensive, omnirational Universe can be brought to mind instead.  Then the mind in the underway matters would knowingly omit the subconsciously ignorantly fearful cautionaries, whether of fear or longing motivations  by supplanting that slave mentality conditioning of it with the other act of redundance. There are two acts of redundance.•Subconsciously ignorantly fearful cautionaries •Consciously knowledgeably competent articulations
All that our 21st Century humanity is now observing and articulating on the world stage is a result of the ever-evolving computer technology.  It is a predominant influence over our elective and non voluntary individual information environments and our individual way of life.  This conditioning occurs as we continue adjusting the a priori thought to the technological environment without fully understanding it.  The words we use to communicate this twenty-first century experience can be new in order to describe our perspective interpretation of the technological experience. As well, it is to describe newly discovered specialized fields.  Some of the vast inventory of words in use now can be traced back over thousands of years. New words are added to the variously categorized dictionaries, enlarging the world’s referential libraries.Relevant links will be provided. You can read the entire transcript on my website Synergetics Eligion Experiential Experimental Education Complex, SEEEEC
As Buckminster Fuller reminds us that modifications of angle and frequency are the only two possible covariables operative in all Universe design, we could wonder where and when the modifications would apply to the prospects of conceptually formulating a true democracy’s most economical way of behaving relative to unity and self in Scenario Universe.  This seems especially important since our humanity, humans of a mind, an evolution species can now conceptualize the systemic episode’s geometry in a scenario that we could entitle, “A True Democracy.”  It clearly suggests a more perfect union than what the inherited PRJWBCS initiated.  The earlier people did not anticipate reality by design science innovations.  But now that we have been apprised of the closest packed spheres being the frequencies that are activated, anticipatory reality is very different conceptually from the manifest form’s inherited predicaments and the histories of those survival measures that include the detriments that can exacerbate every living condition.So, there is this threshold zone that well may apply to anticipatory design science realizations of a true democracy, tuning it in instead of perpetuating the PRJWBCS. (Politics Religion Justice War Belief Complex Schemes) Those schemes initiated their authority from hierarchies of the slave mentality conditioning where the powerfully positioned masterminds continue to lord over the world’s locally surviving populations by disproportional natural resource claims as a disputable right that supposedly belongs to the victor and not as essential resources that could be used for our humanity’s survival and in support of universal integrity.  In the meanwhile, the world’s governing systems of laws invest heavily on punitory judgements where forensics enhance physical identification.  But who is considering the individual constituents in the culminating scenario of events as people react to self and otherness environmental experiences? Relevant links will be provided. You can read the entire transcript on my website Synergetics Eligion Experiential Experimental Education Complex, SEEEEC
When the generalized conceptioning field is macro untuned it is referred to as ultra-tunable, which is the systematic outsideness and as the micro untuned systemically infra tunable is the insideness. Logically, there must be a system’s structural integrity for the insideness and the outsideness to exist in thought as systemic thought is the generalized model’s polyhedronal integrity.  As intellect recalls what Bucky Fuller wrote, that integration discretely controls the coordination of all complex interactions.  Then metaphysical intellect as a function of finite Universe’s de-finiteness consciously includes awareness of systematic outsideness and systemic insideness as the system itself is the discretely tuned-in conceptuality. (Synergetics 1033.10 Octave System of Polyhedral Transformations) In other words, we have to recognize the geometry and topology of the minimum structural system of Universe.  How otherwise can we put the facts of experience in order, which omni considerately would be in order to understand the importance of knowing the closest-packed spheres.  This seems especially so since frequency and uniform vectors of the isotropic vector matrix eventually connect to awareness of the diameter of the nucleus of the atom. Intellect’s interpretation of Synergetics becomes a manifold accomplishment.  No longer estranged from recognizing the cosmic inception and conceptions, a mind is liberated from the onerous dictates of the hierarchical content, free to consider what the higher frequency order is respecting the diameter of the nucleus of the atom.  The smallest particle is an atom consisting of a positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons. Relevant links will be provided. You can read the entire transcript on my website Synergetics Eligion Experiential Experimental Education Complex, SEEEEC
We can be unnecessarily nonplus when it pertains to the use and understanding of words like ‘infratunable’ and ‘ultratunable’.  Until, that is, a logical reason arises with respect to the micro untuned environmental conditions and a curiosity involving systemic insideness with eminent survival.  Theoretically, this might be when consciousness evolution wants to activate awareness of frequencies that can be potentially clarifying regarding a more astute conceptual application and logical reason to imagine closest-packed spheres uni-radius spheres, correlating to the universal communications process. If so, it would be according to systemic thought’s omnirational purposeful anticipatory realities.  Such omnirational purposes of thought using the most accurate language anticipates a differently coordinated reality.   The mind in the underway matters would supplant the least economical way of behaving relative to unity and self in Universe, which is system behavior, with awareness of the geometry of thinking most economical relationships.  The most economical relationship is geodesic. So, definitely this omnirational purpose would eventually affect human behavior since thought is systemic and humans adapt to the environmental condition’s manifest forms that we do not always fully understand.  Understanding that geodesic means most economical relationships can become a direct correlation to mensuration's that we had not thought were relevant before Synergetics and the generalized geometrical models of nature’s coordinate system. And so having in mind’s consciously knowledgeable awareness of geodesics, the referential system relationships are conceptually the tetrahedron, the octahedron, and the vector equilibrium.  These systems can be illustrated from the closest packing of unit radius spheres.  Then the conceptuality of the insideness differentiated from outsideness of the system naturally takes into account the topology and geometry of Universe’s minimum structural system itself whenever a mind considers what is as-yet-untuned or no-longer-tuned in and what is tunable, tune-in-able.  Relevant links will be provided. You can read the entire transcript on my website Synergetics Eligion Experiential Experimental Education Complex, SEEEEC
We have entered a new cosmic era.  It is referential to nature’s coordinate system that R. Buckminster Fuller discovered in the 20th Century.  The grand nexus strategy of this eternal integrity is conceptual independent of size.  My writing with Synergetics models in my metaphysical generalized conceptioning field of thought alerted my awareness and reasoning faculty to this evolutionary event.  The cosmic events of Universe apparently are designed in generalized principle by UEOM, Universe Eternal Omniscient Mind.  UEOM articulates accurate sound words replacing the sound word God in any spoken or written language everywhere on Earth. We are in the exiting throws of the culminating game with its ramifying consequences that were initiated thousands of years ago at the outset of the womb of permitted ignorance.  Our evolution species, humans of a mind are now entering the ever-expanding womb of total human consciousness. Womb, by the way, is synonymous with matrix from Latin, mater for mother.  It is unlike the typical strategies resorted to as actors on the world stage grapple and battle with surviving the seemingly endless disputatious disparities of the inherited detriments. Relevant links will be provided. You can read the entire transcript on my website Synergetics Eligion Experiential Experimental Education Complex, SEEEEC on my website
We have entered a new cosmic era and it could not have happened soon enough as the depth of my gratitude for Buckminster Fuller’s Synergetics is most pronounced whenever I compare the anticipatory design science conceptions of his discoveries and clearest conveyed description of the geometric models to the world’s PRJWBCS confusion and controversy.   It is that particular Scenario Universe into which my mind’s online observations of the world news, the underway events that    obviously do not refer the thought process to a conceptuality of Universe’s omnitopological intertransformability models and limits.  And, of course, to do so would require an intuitive interest in anticipating a rational coexistence which requires a differently perceived and conceived reality basis from the inherited detriments our humanity everywhere in the world has been burdened by for millenniums. What ought to become more omnirationally conversant between self and others throughout the universal communications process does not occur as most of the articulations seem always to defend any of the PRJWBCS factors in one or more of the predominating objectives as Politics Religion Justice War Belief Complex Schemes historically supplant the rational common-sense logic that could engender universal cooperation instead of confusion and controversy as confusion and controversy prevail.Relevant links are provided in my transcript on my website Read the entire transcript Synergetics Eligion Experiential Experimental Education Complex, SEEEEC.
Wholly WOW!  To think Universe Eternal Omniscient Mind (UEOM) provides our human evolution intelligence a recognizable cosmic field for metaphysical intellect’s generalized conceptioning as a cogently clarifying frequency tunability is more than amazing!  This is especially so as the PRJWBCSchemes continue to perpetuate insidiously harmful, least economic, most costly scenario episodes that divide to conquer whatever can separate a mind and heart from its inherent benignity.  Access to the knowledge is close at hand. But in our educated ignorance humans of a mind, an evolution species, the very thought of conceptualizing transceivered frequency information may as well be from an alien planet.  So far afield has our innate faculty been taken, the further into self-deluding redundant claims we go.   And yet, as metaphysical intellect’s anticipatory design science curiosity includes the closest-packing-spheres assemblies within its reality basis and writing practices, the conceptualization experience provides increasingly more self assurance that benignity and accurately disseminated content is possible as discrete control measures.Integration, Bucky Fuller wrote, discretely controls the coordination of all complex interactions.  So, we can confidently inquire, asking.  What, if not the continuity of conscious life, which becomes personality as a product of complex periodic interactions known as cycles or periodic recurrences of a higher frequency order is also contributory to obsoleting the subconscious ignorantly fearful cautionaries of the PRJWBCS: Politics Religion Justice War Belief Complex Schemes? Reference for this episode today is included. Links are provided in my transcript on my website Read the entire transcript for your research in this education experiment, Synergetics Eligion Experiential Experimental Education Complex, SEEEEC.
Some of us have become well versed in describing the Synergetics model’s conceptuality of closest packed equiradius, uniradius, unit radius spheres.  It goes from four spheres to show the topological characteristics of the resulting system’s six vectors, four triangular openings, four vertexes.  The triangular openings are empty windows.  The four vertexes are also known as points.  Over the years I have composed and have uploaded my thought-language, experimenting with different domain names and web sites. Presently my website is which is a New World Religion that evolved to Eligion.  I also recently started a YouTube Channel that has not been formally named but my name, ‘Christina’ is shown below a photo of me from summer 2021.  The content throughout all these audio and video podcast presentations consistently articulates variously arranged sentences validating the synergetic models throughout this research project.  In the process my consciousness evolution’s metaphysical intellect is communicating what I thus far understand in the conceptualization experience.  This is as my lay perceptive needs no authorized certification, no specialized formal education credentials just observations of the reenacting articulations in the world and my synergetically referred reactions.  It is with a purposeful objective to realize a true democracy without being hindered by the PRJWBCS Politics Religion Justice War Belief Complex Schemes.  Fortunately, it is the nature of human curiosity and intuition’s inherent potential consciousness evolution to question the origin, where something such as a concept or a premise of relative importance originated.  Questions are asked.  How the interattraction between the relevant points of interest and intellect locating the information in question is unique to individual motivation and inquiry.  When intellect learns of spheres correlative to the universal communications process, the mind of its curiosity continues to search for relevance. Reference for this episode today is included. Links are provided in my transcript on my website Read the entire transcript for your research in this education experiment, Synergetics Eligion Experiential Experimental Education Complex, SEEEEC.
Some of us have become well versed in describing the Synergetics model’s conceptuality of closest packed equiradius, uniradius, unit radius spheres.  It goes from four spheres to show the topological characteristics of the resulting system’s six vectors, four triangular openings, four vertexes.  The triangular openings are empty windows.  The four vertexes are also known as points.  Over the years I have composed and have uploaded my thought-language, experimenting with different domain names and web sites. Presently my website is which is a New World Religion that evolved to Eligion.  I also recently started a YouTube Channel that has not been formally named but my name, ‘Christina’ is shown below a photo of me from summer 2021.  The content throughout all these audio and video podcast presentations consistently articulates variously arranged sentences validating the synergetic models throughout this research project.  In the process my consciousness evolution’s metaphysical intellect is communicating what I thus far understand in the conceptualization experience.  This is as my lay perceptive needs no authorized certification, no specialized formal education credentials just observations of the reenacting articulations in the world and my synergetically referred reactions.  It is with a purposeful objective to realize a true democracy without being hindered by the PRJWBCS Politics Religion Justice War Belief Complex Schemes.  Reference for this episode today is included. Links are provided in my transcript on my website Read the entire transcript for your research in this education experiment, Synergetics Eligion Experiential Experimental Education Complex, SEEEEC.
For thousands of years the human mind has been enslaved by the womb of permitted ignorance, of erroneous information that the human personality has been induced to conformed to.  The naturally healthy experience for the child, and people everywhere has not been the main priority and instead gives way to the R Factor’s misguiding influence.  We can see in various documentaries how misinformed humans can be controlled by the R Factor’s encouragement to engender its false narratives, false perspectives, false claims. We are exploring various perspectives concerning control and controlling influences.  In any event, metaphysical intellect, as a function of Universe Eternal Omniscient Mind (UEOM) admits the lowest common rational denominator into its metaphysical generalized conceptioning field of thought, accepting the truth of the omnisymmetrical structural system.  Theoretically it enables its individual economic initiative to extrapolate the cosmic model’s geodesics into the lifetime experience phases in forward directed time.  In the self-education process, intellect reads and writes, accumulating the most relevant terms, in words that are memory-stored, correlating to awareness of angle and frequency modifications in forward directed time.  Modifications of angle and frequency are the only two possible co-variables that are operatives in all Universe design.Reference for this episode today is included. Links are provided in my transcript on my website Read the entire transcript for your research in this education experiment, Synergetics Eligion Experiential Experimental Education Complex, SEEEEC
What if our humanity’s anticipatory design science realities are initiated as our individual economic initiative recognizes finite Universe’s de-finite local systems while referentially conceptualizing the omnisymmetrical tetrahedron?  Would that subconscious-to-conscious conceptualization experience qualify as a new era, a new beginning, a freshly starting cosmic awareness?  With this geometric model in mind, the individual consciousness evolution’s macrocosm and microcosm perspective is differently conceived from when the eternal patterning integrity was unknown.  It constitutes the two parts into which Universe can be divided, macrocosm and microcosm.  Macro does not equal micro.  Micro does not equal macro.  Micro-to-macro problem solving is inherently frustrated.In respect to Universe, concave and the convex twoness is but one kind of twoness and which are different phenomena. The concave is all that is inside the system.  The convex is all that is outside the system.  So, this new era of cosmic awareness can be anticipated to manifest the most economical way of behaving relative to unity and self in Universe.Reference for this episode today is included. Links are provided in my transcript on my website Read the entire transcript for your research in this education experiment, Synergetics Eligion Experiential Experimental Education Complex, SEEEEC.
On an impressively grand scale, human en masse arise in protest against all that has grown disproportionally more powerful with each leveraged advantage that disadvantages the experience of freedom.  By degree the freedoms we know least about are conceptualized by mind’s conscious awareness of the tetrahedron as the lowest common rational denominator of Universe. It can be extrapolated in life, this lifetime’s experiential-experimental phases.  The conceptualization experience permits new awareness that our humanity had not entered into before.  It is cosmic and uniquely individual as the topological reminders of the tetrahedron contribute to our increasing knowledge. It occurs as a familiarization at every conceivable turn in the human experience as ongoing problematic events continue occurring in the world. What are the values of unobserved intervals correlatively to awareness of the lowest common rational denominator as we extrapolate the tetrahedron into a lifetime of values?  The observed intervals of this lifetime’s values occur between points of view, the oscillations and vacillation between certainty and doubt, trusting and distrust.  More obviously from accumulating data, the disseminated content that concerns the governing system, alluded to as “democracy,” has unwittingly and intentionally permitted rampant corruption to increase the tolerance magnitudes of the residual inaccuracies.The non-transparent self-serving residual inaccuracies are valued by those whose highest priority values money and power.  The culminating concept predicaments may not have initiated to derail the governing system.  But in a shared commonality of best intention’s the initial purpose becomes warped in the company of criminality.  It rationalizes its least common denominator, which is money, as a survival measure, where like-minded deceivers convince each other that it is permissible to adapt to such deception because it is expected and accepted in positions of power.  Reference for this episode today is included. Links are provided in my transcript on my website Read the entire transcript for your research in this education experiment, Synergetics Eligion Experiential Experimental Education Complex, SEEEEC.See My YouTube Video: Democracy’s Mindless Corruption
How does one’s own mind recognize the inherently inviolable integrity of the individual together with its own inviolable integrity as it must be inherently true for every individual?  Each of us is individual.  Everyone, all humans on Earth coexist in the physical environment.  Nature’s energy-synergy physical environment consists of subvisible atoms, molecules, self regenerative chemical elements’ that humans require to live a whole lifetime on Planet Earth.  We do not see the energy upon which life depends in the lifetime that is lived.  This does not mean the energy of atoms is nonexistent.  Rather, it means that atoms are critical for life on Earth to exist even though humans do not necessarily consciously know of these subvisible integrities to survive throughout a whole lifetime. Time enters energy.  So, energy of the subvisible atoms is identifiable to some potential magnitude tuning perspective.  We do not necessarily know of the potential magnitude tuning perspective, but our individual curiosity observes human events and energy events by apprehending the environment in a sense of it.  This is in order to comprehend the information derived therefrom.  It may never occur to our individual intellection to wonder about the entire information gathering local problem-solving process as the mind’sevolution potential as metaphysical generalized conceptioning is an integral essentiality.  But our educators historically ignore this ability, because they are ignorant of the metaphysical intellect as a function of Universe.  Education systems are not required to start with the Universe.  Much less. accredits imagination’s ability to formulate conceptually correlatively to the metaphysical mind’s consciousness evolution’s awareness.  Still, intellect apprehends information to comprehend it and eventually learns there is a lag rate between apprehension and comprehension.  It is where the six degrees of freedom come into the metaphysical generalized conceptioning field of systemic thought.Ordinarily, humans of a mind, our evolution species, do not think of energy or from where and when it is derived and what conceptually describes it.  We take energy for granted.  As if everything that’s happening in the world local to where we live occurs because politics, religion, justice, and war provide and protect the reason we exist.  Such assumptions include humanly devised rules and laws that must be obeyed to avoid serious consequences as the power of the PRJWBCS Politics Religion Justice War Belief Complex Schemes is permitted to exist with its official claims on the individual’s freedoms by any and/or all of these belief complex interrelating factors.  The schemes are culminations of pure imagination that is officially set to rule humans at any cost as the guise of its existence assumes the influential guidance that we do not readily identify as misguiding influence within the parameters of its powerful authorities.  Reference for this episode today is included. Links are provided in my transcript on my website Read the entire transcript for your research in this education experiment, Synergetics Eligion Experiential Experimental Education Complex, SEEEEC
By referential I mean referring systemic thought to generalized content that in generalized principle is non contradictory of energetic-synergetic microcosmic-macrocosmic Universe.  Systemic thought’s systematic enclosure of finite Universe is a conceptualization experience.  Metaphysical intellect, as a function of finite Universe, refers the generalized content to the basic unit of measure.  The basic unit of measure is also the minimum thinkable set.  Its topological characteristics describe the tetrahedron’s six interrelating lines, four corners, four triangular faces.  It is not pure imagination or anything resembling fantastic images.  Intellect at the most rudimentary, elementary level of referential education can draw four spheres, edge to edge, closest packing them, interconnecting the centers of those at-minimum-unitradius spheres with six lines thereby showing the topological inventory of six vectors, four triangular windows, and four vertexes.Reference for this episode today is included. Links are provided in my transcript on my website Read the entire transcript for your research in this education experiment, Synergetics Eligion Experiential Experimental Education Complex,   SEEEEC. 
Whatever the points are that self and the other communicates as an omnirational projection, one and the other and/or one and not necessarily the other is cognizant of systemic thought’s referential Universe Eternal Omniscient Mind, UEOM.  The environment of Universe in total is otherness where life in time exists.  Life out of time, pre-time is potential.What if it is metaphysical life that enters a lifetime of the physical entity’s environmental transformations in principle.  That is until at the moment of death when no weight is lost, life vanishes, and only the chemistries remain.  Such a differently conceivable perspective is not ordinarily what humans imagine.  Over millenniums humans of a mind, our evolution species, have been taught to accredit biology and chemistry, the chemical elements as physical life, which is what it is.  By inculcation, indoctrinating by fear engendering, profit motivations for various intentions and values pertaining to and concerning self and the other’s lifetime, the metaphysical conceptualization experience has not been made known. Now we learn in Synergetics there is a difference where metaphysical intellect as a function of Universe can admit and accredit one’s own mind and systemic thought.  The topological experience as any point intellect attempts to convey its systemic thought’s points of view, its perceptive realization, consciously refer to operationally omnitriangulated polyhedra.  Awareness of the point’s minimum thinkable set, which is realized only systematically, is a tetrahedron of negligible base to altitude dimensioning. Reference for this episode today is included. Links are provided in my transcript on my website Read the entire transcript for your research in this education experiment, Synergetics Eligion Experiential Experimental Education Complex, SEEEEC.See also You Tube Video 9. Self and Other Delusions
Selfishness and fear prevail in ongoing PRJWBCS: Politics Religion Justice War Belief Complex Schemes as subconscious ignorantly fearful cautionaries continue.  Inflation is a consequence of those schemes which typify the inadequate economic accounting.  To imagine never improving such conditioning is par for the misdirecting course because humans everywhere in the world have adapted to that manifest form.  Even the cosmologist’s talk of inflation as a theoretical explanation relative to when Universe began only to find inflation is not cosmological.  The term caught my attention last evening while watching Lex Fridman Podcast whose long interview with Brian Keating was captivating. Happily, some of the Podcast’s content is generalized because it refers the universal communications process and origins of events at a cosmic scale. It correlates to humans on Earth who happen to think and measure interrelating event environments to innovate, invent from what they discover.  And in that process for more than 6000 years discover more about generalized principles.  This is not to confuse the PRJWBCS with science and technology.   Reference for this episode today is included. Links are provided in my transcript on my website Read the entire transcript for your research in this education experiment, Synergetics Eligion Experiential Experimental Education Complex, SEEEEC.
Increasing numbers of PRJWBCS video and audio podcasts are produced in the world these days.  But when is the mind’s omnirational consciousness evolution going to refer its coordinating thought and language to the micro-macro cosmic limits of the nuclearly unique relativity and its operational field?  The answer is, wherever and whenever the podcasts host refers the content of its disseminating intentions to the referential energetic-synergetic Universe’s energy quanta modules.  The topology and geometry of the energy quantum module are described in Synergetics as conceptual inventories of the cosmic hierarchy.  The content is generalized referential to the minimum structural system of Universe. The significant differences are conceptual, imaginable as R. Buckminster Fuller’s Synergetics: Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking provide the geometric models and also the illustrations that convey what is thus far understood as the generalized content. It is the generalized content of disseminated information that induces metaphysical generalized conceptioning field of thought.  Reference for this episode today is included. Links are provided in my transcript on my website Read the entire transcript for your research in this education experiment, Synergetics Eligion Experiential Experimental Education Complex, SEEEEC. 
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