DiscoverThrough the Vortex: Classic Doctor Who
Through the Vortex: Classic Doctor Who
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Through the Vortex: Classic Doctor Who

Author: Through the Vortex

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Welcome to all Whovians! This podcast explores Classic Doctor Who (1963-1989) serial by serial providing context, commentary, and analysis. Whether you love Classic Who, are a New Who fan approaching the old series for the first time, or you just love some old-school science fiction, come along on a ride through the vortex. Do feel free to get in in touch to share the love of all things Doctor Who:
68 Episodes
SEPTEMBER UPDATE: Sorry, all, moving international is difficult and I need a bit more time to get things together for the podcast. This is not an abandoned project—just a lot going on that makes recording difficult. Things should soon settle back down and a regular schedule will resume!Previous:Sorry for the unexpected disruption in the schedule. I do have some upcoming exciting changes for the podcast, but needed a little break to get everything together for you. I am moving release dat...
Doctor Who does Atlantis....for the first time!The Doctor, Ben, Polly, and Jamie end up getting kidnapped by a group of people living under the ocean who want to sacrifice them to their goddess. They are saved by the scientist Zaroff, but it quickly becomes clear his plans for Atlantis will be earthshattering.A serial that has a lot of potential it never quite realizes, but still an entertaining ride with some great moments and ideas. ZAROFF: Bang! Bang! Bang, bang! That's all.DOCTOR: Y...
Serial #31: The Highlanders

Serial #31: The Highlanders


After the Battle of Cullouden, the Scottish Highlanders who fought for Bonnie Prince Charlie are desperately seeking safety as the English brutally butcher the "traitors." When the Doctor, Ben, and Polly meet up with Jamie McCrimmon and his "Laird," they soon find themselves attempting to escape the English redcoats trying to hang them or sell them into indentured servitude. One of the funniest of the historicals, the Second Doctor impersonates a German doctor (with a terrible accent) and a G...
The Daleks are mobile and they are getting their any cost. Enter a scheming would-be dictator, kidnapping, blackmail, false imprisonment, a mad scientist, and some very annoying recorder music. The newly-regenerated Doctor must think quickly to save the people of Vulcan. In short, David Whittaker (the writer) is a genius. DALEK: Why do human beings kill human beings?BRAGEN: Get on with your work.DALEK: Yes, master. I obey.BRAGEN: Yes, obey me! From now on, I'll have complete...
A newly regenerated Doctor, Ben, and Polly land on the planet Vulcan and witness a murder. Now they must investigate a colony on the verge of Civil War where a scientist has discovered a capsule buried thousands of years with a familiar foe trapped inside....In Part I, we are examining Episodes 1-3 and focusing primarily on the introduction of the Second Doctor.Next Time:Serial #30: The Power of the Daleks, Part IIClosing out the serial with episodes 4-6, we will discuss the Daleks them...
Today, we are taking time to look back at Doctor Who's first three producers, their teams, their visions , and their contributions to the show. Enter Verity Lambert, John Wiles, and Innes Llyod!NOTE: The pollen is really bad here in Georgia right now, and I've really been struggling with congestion, which has made recording a bit difficult. Hoping to return to the regular weekly schedule going forward however! UPCOMING:The Power of the Daleks6 episodes, all missing:-(A newly-regenerated...
Taking a moment to celebrate our First Doctor!I will be discussing the Doctor's character arc in this period of the show, Hartnell's wonderful performance, the Companions that define the Doctor, and some of the later appearances of the First Doctor in Classic and New Who.This one is extra long as an apology for missing last week!UPCOMING:Behind the Scenes: The First DoctorWe are going to close out this era by discussing An Adventure in Space and Time and the producers, directors, writers, and...
The end of an era.The TARDIS lands at the South Pole. The Doctor is ill. And Ben & Polly must contend with an invading group of aliens from the planet Mondas…better known as the planet of the Cybermen!KRAIL [CYBERMAN): Care? No, why should I care?POLLY: Because they're people and they're going to die!KRAIL (CYBERMAN): I do not understand you. There are people dying all over your world yet you do not care about them._______________DOCTOR: What did you say, my boy? It's all over. It's all o...
We are going to celebrate the great one-off villains of the First Doctor's era by counting down some of the best! No monsters or faceless hordes (so leaving off the Daleks--they got their own episode:-) but rather we are looking at the megalomaniacs, the schemers, and the scoundrels. Some are funny, some are scary, some are down-right devious, but all are unforgettable.In Part III we will look at my pick for the #1 Best Non-Monster Villain of the First Doctor Era!!Part I looked at my picks fr...
We are going to celebrate the great one-off villains of the First Doctor's era by counting down some of the best! No monsters or faceless hordes (so leaving off the Daleks--they got their own episode:-) but rather we are looking at the megalomaniacs, the schemers, and the scoundrels. Some are funny, some are scary, some are down-right devious, but all are unforgettable.In Part II we will look at Villains #5-2. Next time, we will look at my pick for #1:-)Please see Part I for my dive into Vill...
We are going to celebrate the great one-off villains of the First Doctor's era by counting down some of the best! No monsters or faceless hordes (so leaving off the Daleks--they got their own episode:-) but rather we are looking at the megalomaniacs, the schemers, and the scoundrels. Some are funny, some are scary, some are down-right devious, but all are unforgettable. In Part I we will look at some honorable mentions and Villains #10-6. Next time, we will look at my picks for Villains #5-2...
In a small coastal town in the 1600s, a priest is terrified for his life and confides a riddle to the Doctor that will reveal the secret to Pirate Avery's lost treasure. Soon, the Doctor is kidnapped, Ben and Polly are charged with murder, and smugglers, pretend-witches, and pirates all collide!AKA Doctor Who and PIRATES!_____BEN: Oh great! The way things are going there probably won't be a navy when I get back.POLLY: Look, Ben, for the moment we're in the seventeenth century, somehow. We'll ...
Doctor Who's Third Season

Doctor Who's Third Season


We've made it through Doctor Who's third season, AKA the season where the show transitioned into the form it would retain for the next 60 years. The Doctor is our wise hero accompanied by a plucky companion providing the human element. It's an uneven season--some of the best serials the show has ever done and...really no bad serials but some that are very unmemorable.We'll discuss the season overall: the behind-the-scenes chaos, its thematic threads, what it introduces into the Doctor Who for...
In 1966, in a tall London tower, Professor Brett has developed the computer WOTAN that can think for itself and will soon impartially run all the computers in the world to improve the human race's efficiency....WOTAN unfortunately has other ideas. AKA Doctor Who enters the swinging 60s for the first time and the Doctor begins his war against machines. _____DOCTOR: Are you seriously telling me, sir, that you have invented a machine that can think?BRETT: Yes.DOCTOR: And never makes mistake...
Taking a moment to celebrate one of Classic Who's most underrated gems: Steven Taylor! The man who escaped a Mechanoid City and nearly died for a teddy bear who goes on to become a leader uniting Elders and Savages. Noble, headstrong, a tad immature, and a more than a bit silly, Steven deserves more love y'all.Steven is arguably the Companion to the First Doctor who goes through the most--and he changes the most because of that experience! Our first companion to a "hero" Doctor, h...
Serial #26: The Savages

Serial #26: The Savages


In the far distant future there exists an almost perfect civilization with wealth, knowledge, and great scientific advancements. They have tracked the Doctor's progress through time and space and eagerly await his predicted arrival.... but how have they achieved such greatness? And who are the Savages who lurk beyond the City walls?AKA Doctor Who does another allegory on why capitalism is bad. _____JANO: How can you condemn this great artistic and scientific civilization because of a few...
Serial #25: The Gunfighters

Serial #25: The Gunfighters


The Doctor, Steven, and Dodo end up in Tombstone, Arizona....right before the shootout at the O.K. Corral. AKA Doctor Who does a Western!Yes, it is as fabulous as you think it will be. One of the funniest episodes of the era. Just beware of the will remain in your head for the rest of your life. _________________DOCTOR: Oh, my dear Dodo, my dear Dodo. You know you're fast becoming a prey to every cliché-ridden convention in the American West. And it's high time we left. N...
The Doctor is suddenly invisible in the TARDIS! Soon Team TARDIS discovers it has landed in the domain of the Celestial Toymaker. An eternal being with near infinite powers, the Toymaker traps others in his realm to play games (he's very bored). Now, the Doctor, Steven, and Dodo must win--or they will be trapped forever as the Toymaker's playthings. _____DOCTOR: You need me?TOYMAKER: Yes. I'm bored. I love to play games, but there's no one to play against. The beings who call here have n...
Serial #23: The Ark

Serial #23: The Ark


The Doctor, Steven, and Dodo arrive on an space! The remnants of the human race has joined forces with a race known as the Monoids. Together, they have fled Earth before it is overtaken by the Sun and are heading to the planet Refusis 2 where they hope to re-establish civilization. Unfortunately, Dodo has a cold....and the humans and Monoids of the distant future have no resistance to the virus.... STEVEN: Look, do you think this has happened before? That we've carried an infec...
A special episode exploring Lucarotti's three fantastic historical serials: "Marco Polo," "The Aztecs," and "The Massacre." Considering one writer's themes and his contributions to the early years of Doctor Who.Marco Polo:MARCO POLO: Move not merely from one place to another, but from today into tomorrow, today to yesterday? No Ian, that I cannot believe._____The Aztecs:BARBARA: Don't you see? If I could start the destruction of everything that's evil here, then everything that is good would ...
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