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Ruby Jade Airwaves

Author: Kenzie Dolan

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Ruby Jade Airwaves is an extension of Ruby Jade Rituals, where we not only talk about Astrology, Numerology, and Human Development & Family Studies but also real life events and taboo topics.
25 Episodes
For the final day of Taurus Season, we will go over all things TaurusFrom the sign's element to its mode, we are covering lots of ground (pun intended)Being one of the three Earth Signs, Taurus is very connected to the physical plane & is yearning for security within the earthly dimension As one of the four Fixed Signs, Taurus stands firm in its values & knows what it wantsAt the beginning of Taurus Sun Season this year, we were met with a rare conjunction in the sky dealing with...
Aries: And, action!

Aries: And, action!


Awake, aware, and ready to take action!Aries is diving head first into thingsWith a full tank of energy and a revving engine, this sign is full throttleInspired by impulse, Aries is innate, primal & rawAssociated with birth and infancy, this sign marks a new beginningWhether you are learning how to walk or ride a bike, you will either fall down or fall off, but Aries gives us the strength to "just do it" This Cardinal, Fire Sign operates out of a disposition of bravery and courageAri...
Pisces is the 12th & final sign of the Zodiac and with it we access our inner genieAssociated with psychic gifts, Pisces taps into both our imagination & intuitionFloating between fantasy & reality, Pisces appearance could come off as a bit spacey at times because of it dream like stateBut before you get this sign confused, you must know that it is the most emotionally intelligent sign of the Zodiac Every feeling flows through Pisces, which is why this sign is represented by ...
Welcome back to the season on the airwaves that is spotlighting each Zodiac SignThe sky right now is super airy!In fact, there are 5 planets spinning in the Sign of Space aka AquariusWhen the Sun is in Aquarius, it is a detriment position; therefore, it is rebelling, which is right up the rebel's alleyAquarius always wants to do things differently!Think different is its main objective Not only does it like to think outside the box & zoom out, its motto in life is, "be you, everyone else is taken"Being the unicorn is not the only thing it does well, Aquarius loves to advocate for equality & freedomWhich is probably the reason why the last time Pluto was in Aquarius, there were massive amounts of revolutions within human kindIn fact, the last time Pluto was in Aquarius in 1777, the French Revolution occurred between 1789 to 1799 & the American Revolution began years prior in 1765 and ended in 1783So, to sum what it will be like for all of us from now until 2044, "expect the unexpected," lots of change, and power to the people!Aquarius rules the ankles in the body, which allows us to advocate for ourselves, marginalized groups of people, and humanitarian causes
The first episode featuring the Zodiac Signs that doesn't start with a "S"The Sun might have moved out of the part of the sky ruled by Capricorn earlier this morning, yet Pluto is still perusing this Cardinal signAn Earth sign, Capricorn is definitely concerned about the materiality, tangibility Ruled by Saturn, which is the "Grandfather of Time," time is moneySuccess is important for CapricornIt's ambitious, an achiever, and it will work overtimeYou may catch a Capricorn working on a Saturday, as this is the day of the week ruled by SaturnIt won't stop until it's at the top!Being "The Boss of the Zodiac," this sign can get lonely because not everyone is at the top, only a select of fewAssociated with the 10th House of the Zodiac Wheel, Capricorn's house is right by the Midheaven in the Natal Chart, which is the highest achievement point in lifeWe could compare the MC to the vista of a mountain top!You need strong knees to climb high; no wonder why Capricorn rules this part of the body
Like the flight attendant kindly asks, "Please fasten those seatbelts for takeoff"Yes - we are about to go on a trip, a long one too!Sagittarius is taking off to new places every day of the damn weekMorocco on Monday, Tahiti on Tuesday, and a wild card for WednesdayThis is the essence of this sign & it is not apologizing for its international flavorThe Mutable, Fire sign definitely colors our sky & burns at the highest octave among all the Fire signs in the ZodiacWhen I think of a famous Sagittarius, I think of the pop sensation, Miss Britney SpearsShe inspired all of us to channel the sexy, scandalous era of the early 2000'sAnd, boy, Sagittarius is scandalous from head to toeConstantly pushing the envelope, asking for more, and never thinking twice about being over the topWelcome to the sign that rules our hips, liver, and thighs In unison with the planet of luck, Jupiter, this is the saga of Sagittarius & it is larger than life!
Like my Scorpio hypnotherapist says, "Someone's gotta do it!"And, that my friend, is the epitome of ScorpioRuled by the dwarf planet Pluto, Scorpio is NOT about the easy things in lifeHonestly, that is boring to the yin, dark energy of this signInstead, it is OBSESSED with power dynamics and abuse & neglect of powerWhile you are thinking we live in "candyland,"  this sign is investigating everything in our lives that is disempowering to get us to an empowering placeInvestments, shared resources, the subconscious mind (even what mom was thinking when YOU were in the womb) are just the tip of the iceberg with this sign and the house it rulesThe 8th House in the Zodiac Wheel is basically that haunted house that takes it a little too far on HalloweenLike I've been saying for years, Scorpio takes that pretty picture made by Taurus (its polarity) & rips it to shredsWhether it is alchemy or sorcery, the 8th Sign of the Zodiac is about death & rebirthSo, let's learn about this "magickal" sign in Season 6, Episode 1
Today, October 31st, is the last day of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.For Ruby Jade Airwaves, it is when Season 5, Episode 1 releases.This season will be named Taboo Topics.Launching on Halloween (my actual due date when in the womb), Taboo Topics is all about pulling back the curtain & revealing the truth.In the spirit of this spooky holiday, I'll be dancing with the skeletons in the collective closet & I'll be sharing when I had to become friends with my fears.For Episode 1, my breast cancer scare will be spotlighted. This Season is new, yet it is meant to come after Season 4, Episode 3, where I honor my paternal grandmother's life - Virginia Marie Cline.Recorded during the Eclipse Portal, I give you an honest & raw account of what it was like to find a lump in my breast at 31 & go about breast cancer screening.We might rock a pink strand in our hair or our nieces might where pink socks at their soccer games during October, yet these actions are mainly performative, pink propaganda. No one talks about the in's & out's of a breast examination, mammogram, sonogram, core-needle biopsy, and the uncertainty of pathology results, so that's where I pipe up.Honoring Virginia's favorite holiday, my original due date (even though I was born 6 days early), and my great grandma Susie's birthday, I give you Taboo Topics.Note: The New Moon in Taurus was on May 19, and I found the lump on my right breast on May 18 not May 17. So, it was around this big night in the sky. That lunation is connected to the last Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28. Therefore, I thought it was appropriate to broadcast my spring story now.
To close out this 4-Part Series about my 4 grandparents, I gift you Part 4 before the close of the year.Back in October, I released Part 3, so I thought it would be appropriate to drop the final part to this story on the last day of November 2023!This has been a HEAVY lift as their granddaughter. Peeling back the layers to each of these people's lives first Joe, then Beverly, followed by Virginia, and finally Jack!In order of when these people transitioned from the earthly realm into the spirit world, allow me to introduce you to John Fredrick Higman, also known as Grandpa Jack.Dying in 2007, right before the first iPhone changed our lives, Jack was the grandparent of mine that lived the longest; therefore, I have the fondest memories of him.Born the same year as my maternal grandmother, Jack was born in 1919 right before the "Roaring 20s."He and his family lived during the Great Depression while owning a family-run grocery store in Kansas City, Missouri.Later in life, Jack managed Monarch Life Insurance in the Colorado Rockies. It was a great run in "Colorful Colorado," yet while away he lost his mother when she was at a fairly young age.Jack and his family later returned to his hometown, where he lived the rest of his life. Towards the end of his time in this lifetime, Jack was intrigued with life after death. An avid reader, Sylvia Browne piqued his interest. I always say that if all the grandparents were still alive, Jack would be the most thrilled with Ruby Jade Rituals.
I'm back from recovery to cover Part 3 of 4-Part Series.Part 1 dropped in January & Part 2 released in February.Life happened - my life was turned upside down & right side up, but I am here & I am healthy.As we are in the second Eclipse Season of 2023, we cover the grandparent who would have celebrated her birthday on one of the four eclipses this year if she were still alive.Born the same year that research & development began on the first atomic bomb in the world, Virginia Marie Cline was born in 1930.Raised in St. Louis, she then passed away in 2003 near Denver, Colorado. Virginia was the third grandparent of mine to pass, yet she was the youngest grandparent to die.Dying at only 73 years old from Breast Cancer, we listen in during Breast Cancer Awareness Month...
The continuation of Season 4's opener...This is a 4-Part Series, and we are only on Part 2!In this episode, I feel into what it would be like to be the oldest in the family.I share Beverly Frederick's life, my maternal grandmother.She was the oldest child in a family dynamic that had two parents and two children.She was also the only daughter of the family.Beverly was born in Kansas City, Missouri in 1919.She later died in St. Louis, Missouri in 2002.Hear me tell Beverly's herstory...It's a little bit more upbeat as she had a "full life."
The Season 4 Opener to "Ruby Jade Airwaves" has a family flare to it.The 4th House of Astrology is related to the Home; it is ruled by Cancer.As a Cancer South Node, I understand the importance of family.As a Human Development & Family Studies Minor, I know the family dynamic.In this episode, I open up with focusing on middle children.We focus on Joe Dolan's life, my paternal grandfather.He was a middle child growing up in the Great Depression in the USA.His lineage dates back to Ireland.Joe died of alcoholism, but how did he get there?We pull back the curtain on siblings & parents while being the middle child in the family.Next episode will lead with another grandparent...if this peaks your interest, tune into the airwaves.It's a tear-jerker for sure...
Houses 7 through 12

Houses 7 through 12


The second Astrology episode of Ruby Jade Airwaves & Part 2 of the House series of the podcast!Learn about the last six houses of Astrology and enhance your knowledge of the Natal Birth Chart on The Airwaves.
Houses 1 through 6

Houses 1 through 6


You all voted, and I delivered. The first Astrology episode of Ruby Jade Airwaves & the Season 3 Opener has finally arrived. Learn about the first six houses of Astrology and enhance your knowledge of the Natal Birth Chart on The Airwaves.
Drinking the Kool-Aid

Drinking the Kool-Aid


"'Drinking the Kool-Aid' is an expression used to refer to a person who believes in a possibly doomed or dangerous idea because of perceived potential high rewards." - Wikipedia A three part series where Kenzie disassembles the political structure that America faces today into 2024.In addition, catch Kenzie pull back the curtain on a few things related to the Democratic & Republican political parties.Listen in until America's Independence Day on July 4th!
Kenzie explores the philosophical idea of why ordinary people attach themselves to world leaders like Putin, Biden, Trump, Obama, Zelenskyy, Jung-un, Jinping, Bush, Clinton, Lincoln, Washington. Yes - George Washington that is how far Kenzie goes back.She wants people to understand that we do not know these politicians personally, so why are we getting so passionate about them? Seriously?Hear her talk Astrology & Politics - a cocktail she loves to sip on!
To jump on the bandwagon or not...A phrase that Kenzie wants you to ponder while Pluto is in Capricorn, and the United States of America experiences its first Pluto Return.Hear how she chooses to be neutral when it comes to Astrology & Politics, and that she does NOT like to jump on any bandwagon or any trend.She believes it's important to stay true to yourself, always.Notes: When Kenzie speaks about the American Civil War, she intended to mean the American Revolutionary War. She also wants to relay that the adoption and signing of the Declaration of Independence happened on separate dates. Finally, Kenzie plans to follow up this episode with another to touch on the fact that there were inhabitants on USA's soil before the invasion of Europeans. This is a story with many layers, and she wishes to address all sides delicately and drill down on certain overlooked moments in American History. Stay tuned!
Green Flags, Red Flags

Green Flags, Red Flags


We've all heard of Red Flags, but have you ever heard of Green Flags?Listen to the difference when selecting a therapist or a practicer that inspires you to self heal.Plus, hear about the offerings Kenzie will provide through Ruby Jade Rituals in 2022!



At times, the holidays can be more like the "hellidays."As much as it is a time for joy, it can be a time of despair.In fact, it might be a time where painful memories resurface. This has been the case for Kenzie.Hear her talk about how she has coped the last 8 years after a traumatizing experience that occurred around Thanksgiving in 2013.
Are you emotions getting the best of you? Are you constantly finding yourself in the same situations over and over again? Well, you could be suffering from an anxiety disorder. You could probably be clinically diagnosed and might be a candidate for medication too. However, that journey might not be for you.What if I told you, that you can break this anxiety loop with different modalities and daily dedication. There will be setbacks, but if you continue to learn, you can make progress.Through it all, you must remain patient.If you are battling thoughts of suicide and living in the USA, please call The National Suicide Prevention Hotline for help at 1-800-273-8255.If you are being abused in a relationship or believe you are an abuser in a relationship, please call The National Domestic Violence Hotline for help at 1-800-799-7233.
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