Grace Church Sermons

127 Episodes
Big Idea: Jesus always prepares His people. Jesus demonstrated to His disciples that He was in total control of the situation (Mark 14:12-16) and knew exactly what would happen next. (Mark 14:17-21) --In what area of your life are you tempted to forget that God knows what will happen next and that He is in control? --In what area of your life do you struggle to believe that God is actively orchestrating everything for your ultimate good? Jesus told His disciples that He would go ahead of them. (Mark 14:26-31) God promises to prepare us for suffering - and often prepares us through our suffering. --Can you identify a difficult season or experience that God sovereignly prepared you for beforehand? --Can you identify a difficult season or experience that God used to prepare you for future opportunities? Next Steps: Ask yourself: What’s your next small step of obedience? Find more series resources at
Big Idea: Surrendering to Jesus is worth whatever sacrifice it may cost. How to respond to the true worth of Jesus Make Jesus the highest value that shapes everything else (:3a). Break your backup plans (:3b) Let criticism confirm your scandalous conviction (:4-5) Offer what you have in timely moments of surrender. (:6-8a) Let Christ’s story become your story (8b). Next steps: 3 Acts of Surrender Name your alabaster jar. Identify your most precious thing. Break the bottle. Give what you have back to God. Pour yourself out in scandalous surrender. What would extravagant obedience look like? Find more series resources at
Do you live your life like Jesus is coming back? Big idea: What you believe about the future will have a dramatic impact on how you live now. The Lesson from the Fig Tree (:28-30).- When you see the signs of the times, his return is just around the corner. Jesus’ authority is timeless!- Every person has to make a decision about Jesus. Jesus urges us to live a life of readiness (:32-37). Next Steps: 4 Ways to Live a Ready Life Live a life on mission. Live a life of purity Live a life of helping those in need. Live a life of forgiveness. Which of these steps did the Holy spirit highlight for you? Talk to Him about it this week. Find more series resources at
Grace’s mission statement: Following Jesus as we live out God’s story every day, everywhere. Big idea: A rhythm of missional living will move your faith from boring to breathtaking. 5 Timeless Truths about Missional Living Look for missional opportunities during times of personal difficulty (:1-4) Open your heart to people who are not like you (:5-8) Follow the promptings of God (:26-29) Pay attention to the smallest details in front of you (:30-31) Start where people are at and then point them to Jesus (:32-38) 3 Entry Level Tips to Live on Mission. Be more interruptible. Ask great questions. Reclaim Mealtimes. Next Step Find your chair. Access to get started Pick one of these missional living truths or tips you could incorporate into your life this week?
You are in the disciple-making business. Big Idea – A rhythm of discipling relationships is the main path to bearing spiritual fruit. A Disciple-Making Model (2 Timothy 2:2) Four generations of discipling relationships - Paul to Timothy to faithful men to others A New Testament Example: Everyone needs a Barnabas, a Paul, and a Timothy. Bring in a Barnabas. Pursue a Paul. Train a Timothy. Elements of an Effective Discipling Relationship: Natural Connection Time & Presence Ordinary Moments Centrality of Scripture Ask Good Questions Transparency Provide Wisdom for Life Decisions Activate Discipleship Roles in Real Life - Next step Find your chair and answer “who?” Who is your Paul, who is your Barnabas, who is your Timothy? Find more series information and reading plans at
Big Idea: A rhythm of prayer properly positions you to move through life on God’s agenda. 3 Ways the Lord’s Prayer Postures you to Move Through Life on God’s Agenda 1. God is the loving Father; You are his Child (:6-9a) Be RELATIONAL 2. God is the rightful Ruler; you are his Servant (:9b-10) Be RESPONSIVE. 3. God is the generous Provider; you are Dependent upon him (:11-13) Be REPENTANT What is your rhythm of prayer?Next Step Find your chair. More information on this tool at Practice the Lord’s prayer. Find the prayer tool at
Let’s declare 2025 the year that we don’t settle for a mediocre faith! Big idea: A rhythm of scripture reflection helps you choose a wise life instead of a wicked one. The progression of a wicked way of life Avoid ungodly thoughts: don’t walk in the counsel of the wicked. Avoid ungodly behaviors: don’t stand in the way of sinners. Avoid an ungodly identity: don’t sit in the seat of scoffers. The Key to a Flourishing Life: Make time for the Word of God 3 things God does when you reflect on His Word. God reveals who He is and who you are.God reveals the wisdom of the ages. God reveals the path ahead. Next StepFind Your Chair Find more details about this tool at Find series resources and read plans at
Big Idea: A painful path in this life leads to our glorious future in the next. The Great Tribulation = a time of outpouring of God’s wrath on all the earth that will mark the end of history. 5 Markers of the Great Tribulation Growing numbers of Spiritual Imposters (:5-6, 21-22) Increasing Global Calamities (:7-8) Unparalleled defections and betrayal (:12-13; 21-22) The rise of the Antichrist (:14) Historic violence and suffering (:15-20) The Second Coming of Christ (:23-27) 1 Thessalonians 4:16 Hebrews 9:28 Revelation 19:11-16 Next Step Be on guard | Live ready Embrace a way of life that anticipates Jesus’ return. For more series resources go to
Big Idea: When the world goes crazy, be ready with the gospel. Context: Herod’s Temple Living in the Birth Pains: Watchful (Mark 13:5-8) Withstanding (Mark 13:9, 11-13a; Philippians 4:5-7) Waiting (Mak 13:b; Ephesians 6:10-18) Welcoming (Mark 13:10; Acts 1:8) Next Step: When the world goes crazy, will you be sidelined by fear, distracted by prophecy, or ready with the gospel? Choose one of the “Ws” as your posture this week (Watchful- Withstanding- Waiting- Welcoming).
Big Idea: Appearances are deceptive, trade your self-promotion for self-sacrifice. 3 Surprising Lessons from the Story of the Widow’s Mite Jesus is the ultimate proof of the truth of Christianity (:35-37) Spiritual imposters will incur God’s wrath (:38-41). The kingdom of God is built on small acts of total surrender (:42-44) Five things giving is NOT Giving is NOT TRANSACTIONAL Giving is NOT MEMBER DUES. Giving is NOT a means to gain INFLUENCE. Giving is NOT a STRATEGY to combat WEALTH GUILT. Giving is NOT to PACIFY GOD. Find more series resources at
Big Idea: Jesus will always dig beneath the surface to address the hear issues.3 Realities of an Unhealthy Heart.1. Unhealthy hearts will hinder a clear understanding.A contenious person is most vulnerable not through their points of weakness, but rather when their perceived strength are dismantled.2. Unhealthy hearts will cast a shadow over God’s beauty.3. Unhealthy hearts will ultimately cloud us from the resurrected Jesus.Next Steps: What is holding you back from looking more like Jesus?Find more series resources at
In this thought-provoking message titled 'God or Government,' Derek dives into the nuanced relationship between faith and civic duty. With the backdrop of an impending presidential election, the message draws from Mark 12:13 and explores Jesus' famous teaching on paying taxes to Caesar, emphasizing the revolutionary idea that believers owe their ultimate allegiance to God. Through historical context, scriptural analysis, and modern-day applications, the message challenges listeners to navigate their identities and actions as citizens of heaven while engaging with earthly governments. Key points include understanding the distinct roles of God and government, prioritizing spiritual identity over political affiliations, and choosing the right 'hill' to die on, reflecting Jesus' own revolutionary approach.00:00 Introduction and Message Overview00:21 Timing of the Message and Election Context02:36 Historical Context: Judas the Galilean03:04 Jesus' Teaching on Taxes and Authority06:19 The Trap Set by Pharisees and Herodians07:09 Jesus' Revolutionary Answer11:24 God and Government: Different Authorities16:28 Primary Identity and Citizenship in God27:41 Choosing the Right Hill to Die On33:40 Conclusion and Call to Prayer
Big Idea: Your response to authority reveals what’s deep in your heart. Background/Context: 1. God is Provider Mirror moment 2. Provision Comes with Responsibility Mirror moment 3. Action Have Consequences Mirror moment Next Steps: Discipleship Question: What’s holding me back from looking more like Jesus?
Historical context | Biblical context | Literary context. 1. The Fig Tree #1. Big Idea: The true test of discipleship is not looking good on the outside; it’s bearing spiritual fruit. 2. The Temple. Commerce in the court of the gentiles. - temple tax. - animal offerings - money changers. 3. The Fig Tree #2. Three Lessons from Jesus’ Bills Mafia Moment 1. Sometimes it’s OK to get angry. Unrighteous anger vs. Righteous anger. Does this grieve the heart of God or is this mostly about me? 2. God expects his people to bear fruit. What is the fruit? Galatians 5:22-23; 2 Peter 1:5-8. love | self-control| joy | peace | patience | kindness | goodness |faithfulness | gentleness | virtue | knowledge | steadfastness | godliness | brotherly affection 3. The presence of God resides in a person not a place. (:22-25). Next Step: Prayer of Confession and Repentance. For more series resources visit
Big Idea: How will you respond when Jesus says, “I’m not the king you thought I was?” Context on Jerusalem and about Kingdoms. “The Kingdom of God” = the rule and reign of God in the whole earth. Three Processionals into Jerusalem. #1 The Procession of Jesus Son of David #2 The Procession of Pilate the Governor Three ways Jesus disappointed the crowd: 1. Political disappointment. 2. Religious disappointment. 3. Personal disappointment. #3 The Procession of the Lambs. Next Step Son of God and Son of Man Discipleship Question: “How does this picture of Jesus compel me to live differently?” Find more series resources at
Big Idea: Your life depends on seeing Jesus clearly. 4 Ways of Seeing Clearly: See Jesus as Messiah (:47-48) See Jesus as the only Hope (:47-52) See Jesus as the Way (:52) I once was _____________, but through Jesus I am ____________. Question: Do I see Jesus clearly? Challenge: Tell your story.
Big idea: As your awareness of Christ’s ransom increases, so does your humility. Discipleship Failure theme: Ask “What is holding me back from looking more like Jesus?” The audacious request (:35-41) 2 Ways Jesus upends our definitions of Power Jesus teaches that radical servanthood is a power move (:42-44). Jesus is our example of power in humility and our source of true life (:45) “Ransom” = the price paid to secure the freedom of someone from captivity. 3 Elements of a Ransom. The Peril. The Price. The Person. 1 Tim. 2:5-6 For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom… Next Step: Go to choose “Salvation” fill out the form and in the box that asks, “What step are you taking today?” Choose the option that says “First time step of faith in Jesus” Follow along in our journey through Mark at
Big idea: What do you need to leave behind in order to follow Christ? A man and his question (:17). Jesus and his response (:18-20) A Line-in-the-Sand Challenge (:21-22) 3 Lessons from the Guy Who “Had it All” Scrutinize the power wealth has over you. Recognize that the kingdom of God will cost you everything. Realize the sacrifices you make will pay off in the end. Next Step: Ask: what do you need to leave behind in order to follow Christ? Find more resources at
Big Idea: God has entrusted Grace with great influence, will we be faithful? 3 Choices of Those Who are Faithful Choose urgency over apathy (:16-19) Choose risk-taking over playing-it-safe (:20-27) Choose to share in the master’s joy over becoming an object of his wrath (:21, 28-30) Two pillars of our Awake the Lake Vision - Help every believer at Grace to walk in deep discipleship. - Help every believer at Grace to live out their Kingdom calling. Visit for more discipleship tools and resources
Big Idea: God has entrusted you with a unique calling, will you discover it? Three Unique Truths about Your Unique Calling. Your Calling has been handcrafted by God (:4-5) Your Calling will be accompanied by doubts (:6-8) Four Excuses when it Comes to Calling The “Jungles of Africa” excuse The “I don’t have anything to offer” excuse The “I’m too busy” excuse The “I’m already using all my gifts” excuse 3. Your calling is your reason for being alive (:9-10) 5 missional arenas 1. your neighborhood 2. the marketplace 3. the church 4. a non-profit 5. an affinity group Next Step: Ask, “what is holding me back from discovering or stepping into my calling?” Visit for more series resources
4 Preliminary Truths about Discipleship. Every person is a disciple of someone or something Every person is becoming who they are by who or what disciples them. In the New Testament the word “Christian” is used 3x, the word “Disciple” is used 260x. Discipleship is more caught than taught because it’s primarily relational. Big idea: God has a disciple-making journey for you to walk. Will you take the next step? Original Discipleship Handoff Command #1 - Make Disciples "As you are going." "Baptizing." “Teaching them to obey” Command #2 - Be sure of this, I am with you always! Changing the Scorecard: A Deep Discipleship. What is a disciple? An apprentice of Jesus who imitates his ways and then makes more disciples. What is Grace’s Dream Disciple? Compassionate Storyteller Savvy Follower Intentional Friend Embedded Influencer What is Disciple Making? Consistently helping someone take their next step toward becoming like Jesus. The Progression toward a Disciple-Maker Step 1 – SEEKER - ‘come and see.’ Step 2 – BELIEVER – ‘follow me.’ Step 3 – WORKER - ‘follow me and I will make you fishers of men.’ Step 4 – DISCIPLE-MAKERS - ‘go and bear fruit.’ Find more resources at
Big Idea: God can resurrect what has been written off. Four Major Shifts We Are Making at Grace. A Missional Reorientation. Changing the Scorecard of “Success” Changing the Finish Line for discipleship. Creating an all-play, everyday mission statement. Following Jesus as we live out God’s story every day, everywhere. The Path of Hope When you Feel Written-Off (Ez. 37:1-14) The path forward starts with a realistic picture of WHAT IS (:1-3) The path forward maintains a resolute faith in what God CAN DO. (:4-13) The path forward involves finding yourself in God’s story (:14) 3 basic things we receive from God: 1. His Spirit, 2. Life itself, and 3. Our place. 3 things we must know, 1. He is the Lord, 2. He has spoken, 3. He will do it. Next Step: What has been written off in your life that God needs to resurrect? Pray for our church. Find more series resources at
Envy = a mingling of a desire for something with the resentment that another is enjoying it and you’re not. Big Idea: cultivating contentment counteracts the silent killer of chronic envy. 3 Stops on the Journey from Envy to Contentment 1. An envious heart points to sin that must be dealt with (:13-15) Where are we most susceptible to envy? a. With people closest to us. b. In Achievements most important to us 2. An envious heart invites residual chaos (:16) Personal Chaos restless spirit | depression | consumerism and debt | prayerlessness. Relational Chaos distancing | secret satisfaction when someone else fails | harsh words| lack of love 3. A heart at peace is the antidote to envy (:17-18) At peace with God. At peace with others. Contentment = finding enough in God’s current provision for you. How is it with your heart? Next Steps: Find more series resources at
The More Cycle. Greed says I Owe Me. Big Idea: Cultivating generosity counteracts the craftiness of chronic greed. Four Practical ways to Cultivate a Heart of Generosity Develop a strategic awareness of needs around you.Liquidate some stuff and give it away. Don’t accumulate more without applying Kingdom filters. Become a percentage giver. Next Step choose one of the 4 ways to cultivate a heart of generosity and commit to practicing one this weekFor more series resources visit
The Problems with Anger. You cannot be angry and live the righteous life that God desires. Anger is a gateway to other toxic emotions. Anger is self-reinforcing. Anger is bad for your health. Big Idea: Cultivating forgiveness counteracts the erosion of chronic anger. 3 Heart Questions to Overcome Your Anger 1. Is this righteous or unrighteous? (4:26) Unrighteous anger = self-centeredness. Righteous anger = when the heart of God is being violated. 2. Am I responding or reacting? (4:27-31) 3. Will I choose forgiveness or un-forgiveness? (4:32) Forgive = “to cancel the debt” What forgiveness is NOT. Forgiveness is not a feeling. Forgiveness isn’t pretending that what they did to you is okay. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you have to trust that person. Forgiveness doesn’t erase the consequences for their actions. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you’ll automatically forget. Forgiveness does not require and apology. Next Step: “here’s my chance.” Find more series resources at
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23 4 Toxic Emotions Guilt - "I owe you." Anger - "You owe me." Greed - “I owe me.” Envy - "God owes me.". Big Idea: Cultivating grace counteracts the power of chronic guilt. How to Cultivate a Posture of Grace. Run to God (Luke 15) Own what you did. (Romans 7:19-20) Confess your sins specifically. (1 John 1:9) Make it Right. (Romans 12:18) Accept any consequences. (Psalm 51:17) Replace all lies with the truth! (Romans 12:1-2) Next Step Come back to church for this entire series in August Find more series resources at
PROBLEM = PARENTS WANT TO BRING THEIR INFANTS. Components of the Hebrew Blessing: Meaningful touch A spoken word of blessing Attaching high value of worth Picturing a special future of service in God’s kingdom An active commitment of fathers/leaders RESPONSE 1: DISCIPLES REBUKE THE PARENTS... RESPONSE 2: JESUS REBUKES HIS DISCIPLES... RESOLUTION: JESUS BLESSES THE INFANTS... Next Steps: Discipleship Failure Discipleship Question: How does this picture of Jesus compel me to live differently?
Three Truths about Divorce 1. Christians tend to let other voices overshadow God’s voice when it comes to divorce (:1-2) 2. Divorce is a product of sin (:3-6) 3 primary marriage promises from Exodus 20: - Fidelity. - Provision. - Conjugal Love. 5 legitimate reasons for ending a marriage: Death (1 Cor 7:39; Rom 7:2-4). Adultery (Dt. 22:22; Mt 5:32). Sexual Immorality (Dt. 24, Mt. 5:21, Mt. 19:9). Betrayal by an unbelieving spouse (1 Cor. 7). Treasonous breach of covenant vows (Ex 21; Mal. 2:14-16). 3. You can’t un-one what God has made one (:7-10) Next Step: Pray 3 Prayers Jesus, I Believe You Jesus, I resolve to do marriage Your way. Jesus, I need your grace Find more series resources at
The Gravity of Discipleship Big Idea: Discipleship Requires Diligence Jesus cares about our influence (42) Jesus cares about our integrity (43-48) Jesus cares about our investment (49-50) Next Steps: What is holding you back from looking more like Jesus?
Big Idea: Jesus demonstrates that downward mobility is the path to true greatness. 3 Insights into Jesus’ Radical Redefinition of Greatness. Jesus doesn’t rebuke a desire for greatness (:33-34) Jesus reimagines greatness as humble servanthood (:35-37). Humility = the noble choice to forgo your own status and use your influence for the good of other before yourself. 3. True greatness rejects comparisons to others (:38-41) Embedded Influencer: I understand how God has purposefully gifted and positioned me to multiply His work in the world. 4 reimagined bottom lines at work 1. Who can I demonstrate God’s love to today? 2. How can my community be better served by what I do? 3. How can I model excellence and hard work to those around me? 4. How can my God-given gifts be maximized in my current position? Discipleship Question: from Discipleship Failure Theme “What is holding me back from looking more like Jesus?” Find more series resources at
Big Idea: Jesus invites faith, even in our failure. Jesus and his closest disciples were confronted by a troubling situation immediately after a mountaintop experience. (Mark 9:14) --Can you identify a mountaintop experience in your life? And can you describe any challenges that might have come afterwards? The disciples failed to cast out the demon by relying on their own power instead of depending on God’s. (Mark 9:15-21; 29 [reference Mark 6:7b; 13]) -Prayer is how we best stay dependent on God and live into the Dream Disciple role of a Savvy Follower. Where I discern God’s voice and follow His lead at the right time in the right way. --What does prayer look like for you? How do you best connect with God? --Ask yourself the Discipleship Failure question: What’s holding me back from looking more like Jesus? The father responded to Jesus with a desperate faith, and Jesus healed his son. (Mark 9:22-28) “Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24) Three Types of Faith: 1) Struggling Faith 2) Clinging Faith 3) Resting Faith --Which type of faith have you most often experienced? Which type are you experiencing now? --Ask yourself the Ordinary Heroes question: What is my next small step of obedience today? Next Steps: Do you need to be encouraged in your faith, or do you need to redirect your faith? Find more series resources at
Big Question: How does this picture of Jesus compel me to live differently? What the Transfiguration Says About Jesus: He isn’t just a man; He is God (9:2-3) He isn’t just another prophet; He is the Son (9:5-7) He isn’t part of the story; He is the point of the story (9:8-13) What This Means For Us: Honor Him Listen to Him Reflect His glory Discipleship Question: How does this picture of Jesus compel me to live differently?
Big Idea: A dream disciple will always begin with Jesus When we live unguarded, near-truths quickly become the breeding ground for Satan to carry out some of his most divisive work The first Kingdom Cost of Discipleship means Letting go Preparing for a difficult road Following Jesus Next Steps What’s holding you back from looking more like Jesus?
Big Idea: Following Jesus requires Kingdom Vision. Kingdom Vision = Jesus is the Messiah, the fulfillment of God’s Story to rescue, redeem, and reconcile the world. And Jesus sends His followers, the Church, into the world, wherever they live, learn, work, or play, to tell this Good News in word and deed until the day God’s Kingdom comes at the end of time. How to Develop Kingdom Vision: By Faith (Mark 8:29; 1 Peter 1:21) Through the Revelation of God (2 Peter 1:3-4) In Community (1 Peter 2:5) Gradually (2 Peter 1:2, 5-13) Discipleship Questions: What’s holding me back from looking more like Jesus? Which of these steps do I need to embrace in a new way?
Discipleship Failure = Failure to SEE The POTENTIAL of God’s Kingdom promise (Revelation 5:9) The WONDER of God’s Kingdom promise (Luke 2:10) The FULFILLMENT of God’s Kingdom promise (John 6:35) The DANGER of Unbelief (Mark 4:11-12) Big Idea: Following Jesus requires Kingdom Vision. Discipleship Questions: What’s holding me back from looking more like Jesus? What am I failing to see: potential, wonder, obvious, danger? Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting! Psalm 139:23-24
Big Idea: Jesus is available to restore those who think they’re disqualified. 4 Ways Jesus Gives Hope to the Disqualified 1. Sometimes Jesus needs to get your attention to draw out your faith (7:24-27) 2. Jesus recognizes humility as an indicator of true faith (7:28-30). Her response was incredible: She understood the parable. She didn’t take offense. She expressed true faith. 3. Jesus will restore you in deeply personal ways (7:31-35) 4. Jesus gives you a story to tell of his goodness (:36-37) : The proper response when you experience God’s work in your life: Tell the story of what he’s done. Personal reflection. Worship. Discipleship Question Ordinary Heroes: “What is my next small step of obedience today?” Find more series resources at
Big Idea- Monitor the condition of your own heart more than you monitor the behavior of others. Three-part Journey Toward Avoiding Hypocrisy Embrace your need to be spiritually clean (:1-5) Behavior modification won’t bring Christ-exalting change to your life (:6-13) 4 ways behavior modification undermines true spiritual maturity. Behavior modification confuses man-made rules with God’s laws. Behavior modification is always connected to a condemning spirit. Behavior modification doesn’t deal with the source of uncleanness (7:14-16) Behavior modification will leave you exhausted and frustrated. 3. A clean heart is the antidote to hypocrisy and the key to an authentic spiritual life (:14-23) The primary role of your heart. Your true struggle with sin is not external but internal. At the cross, Jesus purchased for you a purified heart. Discipleship Question: What’s holding me back from looking more like Jesus? Find more resources at
Big Idea: Jesus is easy to miss. Jesus fed the 5000 after His disciples returned from being sent out. (6:30-44) Jesus responded to the crowds with compassion, (6:34) unlike the disciples who showed irritation. (6:35-37) He cared for the crowd (6:38-44; Numbers 27:15-17) as the Great Shepherd (Psalm 23:1) by feeding them in the echo of the Prophet Elisha. (2 Kings 4:42-44) Ask yourself: How are you being called right now to meet someone’s needs while also sharing the Gospel with them? Jesus walked on the water and revealed Himself to His disciples. (6:45-56)Jesus withdrew to prioritize the most important thing, spending time with His Father. (6:45-46) When the disciples struggled, (6:47-50a) Jesus went down and revealed Himself to them (6:50b) by “passing by” just as God had done in the Old Testament. (Ex 33:21-22; 1 Kings 19:11a) The disciples still didn’t recognize Jesus as the Son of God. (6:51-52) Take time this week to look back on moments in your life where you’ve seen God’s provision, God’s comfort, or God’s deliverance. Ask yourself the Discipleship Failure question: What’s holding me back from looking more like Jesus? Find more series resources at
Big Idea: is Pain is often for your growth or God’s glory. Causes of our Suffering and Pain We live in a fallen world. Self-inflicted. Caught in the backwash. 5 Biblical Insights on Suffering All Christians will suffer. God doesn’t cause all suffering, but he allows it. Suffering isn’t the only way to grow spiritually, but it is an important way. We long to know the purpose in our pain, but sometimes it’s not for us to know. Suffering will eventually bring about greater joy. Next Step Reflect on this Discipleship Question for Ordinary Heroes: What is my next small step of obedience today? Find more series resources at
Big Idea: In Christ you become most fully yourself. Me must make the shift from a societal sexual ethic to a sanctified sexual ethic. Two Ways our Identity in Christ Shapes our Sexuality 1. We place God’s Authority over the Sovereignty of Self. (4:1-2) Your identity is established by who God says you are and your self-worth comes from being found in Christ as an adopted son or daughter. 2. We see sexuality as an opportunity for spiritual formation and to avoid cultural deformation (4:3-6) Sexuality according to God finds its perfect fulfillment only in a covenant marriage relationship between one man and one woman or in celibate singleness. Christian sexuality is based on four pillars. Sex is pointing to a greater reality Sex points us to a wholistic integration of personhood Sex is tied to our transformation Our sexual ethic is a witness to the world. Next step: Reflect: if my primary identity is as adopted, redeemed and sealed in Christ, how will I pursue sexual wholeness? Get more resources for the series at
Big idea: In Christ you become most fully yourself. God’s Dream for One New Humanity. Galatians 2:11-14 The Problem with our GospelIt’s IncompleteIt’s highly individualized. In light of our Identity in Christ, how should we approach issues of race? Next Steps The habit of Incarnational listening. Leave your world. Enter into someone else’s world. Allow yourself to be formed by others. 2. The habit of learning: 3. The habit of lament. 4. The habit of racial self-examination. Ask yourself If I am adopted. I am redeemed. I am sealed in Christ, how should I interact with someone different than me?
Big idea: In Christ you become most fully yourself. Where does our Identity in Christ leave us politically? We are Citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven first. - Philippians 3:20; Mark 12:13-17, We are Members of a Global Multi-Ethnic Church. - Revelation 7:9-10We are Ambassadors of Christ to the World - Matthew 5:16; 2 Corinthians 5:20Creative options for political engagement. Daniel Option. Prophetic Option. Scuba Option Monastic Option. Local Option. Next Steps What would it look like for me to love my neighbor locally? Ask yourself, If I am adopted. I am redeemed. I am sealed in Christ, how should I interact with someone who is different politically? Find additional series resources at
Big Idea: In Christ you become most fully yourself. The Traditional View: Your identity is assigned to you by your role in the community and your sense of worth comes from how well you discharge your duties. The Modern View: Your identity is revealed through self-discovery and your self-worth comes from fully embracing your true self. The Christian view: Your identity is established by who God says you are and your self-worth comes from being found in Christ as an adopted son or daughter. 3 Markers of your True Identity in Christ. You are adopted. (1:5) – Abandonment Culture – “He took me in." You are redeemed. (1:7) – Slave Culture. – “He bought me back.”You are sealed. (1:13). – Proprietary Culture. – “I am His.”Next Step - Remind yourself each morning this week who you are in Christ. - I am adopted. I am redeemed. I am sealed. - He took me in, He bought me back, I am His. Find all resources at
What is one word that describes your life right now? The Resurrection and the Possibility of New Life. New life starts with a willingness to step out of hiding (19:38-42) New life begins with small steps of faith (20:1-17) New life recognizes no narrative is too broken for God to redeem (20:18-22) Next stepVisit, choose ‘salvation,’ and tell us that you’ve taken a step of faith today!
The Tears of Jesus and His Palm Sunday Intentions He rode in as Messiah. Zechariah 9:9 He rode in as a revolutionary (:41-42) Luke 13:34 Lessons in Responding to the King Don’t get so focused on temporary relief that you miss eternal salvation (:36-40) Jesus is after loyalty and not just lip service (:36-40) Beware of the future consequences for rejecting Jesus (:43-44). Next Steps: Do the Holy Week reading plan Invite some folks to join you for Easter services!
Big Idea: You have been called and sent.Three critical resources for living on mission: Calling Partnerships Spiritual Authority How to Live Out Your Kingdom callingLearn to depend on God alone (:8-9) Find people who are receptive to the gospel (:10-11). Don’t just say stuff, do stuff (:12-13) Categories of calling Natural Affinity Groups. Local Community Needs. People Groups in Need. A CauseNext step: Ordinary Heroes discipleship question - what is my next small step of obedience today? Find more series resources at
Big Idea: walking with Jesus will always include disparaging critics. Some Lessons in Dealing with Critics Following Jesus will always be offensive to some (6:1, 3)Don’t be paralyzed in insecurity by critics (:2-3a)Just because someone is familiar with Jesus doesn’t mean they follow Jesus. (:3b-4)Jesus won’t work where he’s not wanted (:5-6)How to Guard Against Unbelief1. Guard against Finality. 2. Guard against Familiarity. 3. Guard against Fear of what Others Think. Next Step Meditate on this discipleship question as you think about facing disparaging critics in your life: “What’s holding me back from looking more like Jesus?”Find more series resources at
Big Idea: Jesus wants to lead us from fear to faith.Context:Theme: Son of God/ Son of ManLiterary Markan “sandwich”A Study in Perspectives:Character Profile: JairusStatus: Community LeaderCircumstances: 12-year-old daughter is close to deathPerspective: fear of death, desperate, urgentCharacter Profile: DisciplesStatus: followers of Rabbi JesusCircumstances: witnesses to His ministryPerspective: fear of failure, crowd control Character Profile: Bleeding WomanStatus: uncleanCircumstances: bleeding for 12 yearsPerspective: isolated, desperate, afraid to live and to dieCharacter Profile: JesusStatus: Son of God/ Son of ManCircumstances: bringing the Kingdom of God, fulfilling every promisePerspective: God’s Story, beginning to endNext Step: Discipleship Questions How does this picture of Jesus compel me to live differently? How is Jesus changing my perspective? How is He moving me from fear to faith?
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