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Sunday Scriptures For Patriots

Author: Sean Morgan and Barry H. Durmaz

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Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions 5 days a week. In this show Sean interviews author Barry Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Sean Morgan: https://SeanMorganReport.comBarry Durmaz: https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usWebsite: http://SundayScriptures.Org
43 Episodes
Many Americans believe they are free, and that is a good belief to embrace. But if we hold up modern freedom to the lens of the King’s perfect law of liberty, we must deduce that the authentic article of freedom has been replaced with a manufactured version because all freedom begins with the King.Well over two decades ago, I became thrilled to learn from my American Christian history teachers that freedom and property go together. The evidence of freedom is property.At the same time, what makes America so unique among the nations of the world is that America is the first nation to embrace the distinctly Christian idea of property.The Christian idea holds that property is first those substances you don’t see with your natural eyes and without which the property you do see and believe to be yours is not.The failure to understand the most sacred of all property is why most Christians in America need permission to use and dispose of the goodness of the King in their lives.Link to the James Rose tribute referenced in this episode.The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems. Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels: Links:  Barry H. Durmaz: Support and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Sean Morgan: Keep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Sponsors Who Support Our Ministry: Get a Free Gold Consultation. Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900  Is the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline? Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Discount Code: QFAQ Hero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you. Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to  Coupon Code QFAQ Support the show by text message:  Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494 
There are two kinds of Christians on the King’s land: those who have words only and those who have the power through their lives to back up the King’s words coming out of their mouths.Power is where all the kingdom action lies. And that is why divine power in the life of the King’s subjects is guarded by problems and conflict.In this next installment on the Christ-centered, governmental principles of America’s founding-era, I present how people are either instruments of the King’s virtue unto victory over America’s enemies or instruments of Satan’s degradation unto oppression and Babylonian captivity.Character is God’s plan for the resurrection of your family government today.Click here to access documents and files mentioned.The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems. Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels: Links:  Barry H. Durmaz: Support and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Sean Morgan: Keep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Sponsors Who Support Our Ministry: Get a Free Gold Consultation. Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900  Is the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline? Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Discount Code: QFAQ Hero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you. Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to  Coupon Code QFAQ Support the show by text message:  Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494 
“Each religion has a form of government, and Christianity astonished the world by establishing self-government. With the landing of the Pilgrims in 1620, Christian self-government became the foundation stone of the United States of America.” —Verna Hall, Preface, Christian History of the Constitution (CHOC), p. III.Thus, today I introduce this second principle of self-government.Is America a free nation or dependent upon other nations to do good?Are you a free person or dependent upon others to obey your King?Building on the first principle of individuality, the governmental principle of self-government will empower you to see whether America and you are free or beholden to strangers.We are after the authentic freedom of King Jesus Christ, not the paltry substitution of manufactured freedom. Learn about all this and more in Episode 40 of Scriptures for Patriots.Want to deal a death blow to the evils of socialism? Christians don’t accommodate evil. So gaining clarity on the King’s government of self-government is vital to your relationship with Him and your neighbor. That is the two-fold command in faithful service to Him.Click here to access documents and files mentioned.The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems. Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels: Links:  Barry H. Durmaz: Support and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Sean Morgan: Keep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Sponsors Who Support Our Ministry: Get a Free Gold Consultation. Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 Hero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you. Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to  Coupon Code QFAQ Support the show by text message:  Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494 
Today begins a 7-part series leading up to our national holy day of independence from British rule and tyranny.  This series of teachings is dedicated to two of my foremost teachers in America’s Christian history and government: the late James B. Rose and Katherine Dang.Have you ever been told that America is not exceptional? That America is just like any other nation?If you have or believe this yourself—it is a lie.The unique identity of America has been lost for generations. As a result, our families are under attack and are suffering simply because what is innate to the created order is you being yourself and being protected in that right, which is delegated to you by our unseen King Jesus Christ.Is the individual primary in society or the group? Learn the contrast between the Christian idea of man and the pagan idea of man, which has major implication on how you live life on the King’s land today.Understanding the governing principle of individuality will open your eyes to see whether you are truly living free or as a slave.You won’t want to miss Episode 39 of this podcast ministry if you desire to be faithful to what the Lord Jesus Christ has accomplished in America unlike any other nation on the earth. That’s a bold statement, and one that is backed up with much evidence in the two volumes of law: the laws of nature and the laws of nature’s God.Are you concerned about socialism taking over and destroying our country? The victory answer is the topic of this episode.Get ready to have your world rocked and shaken out of the fallen, natural, debased mind of men, designing life for you in opposition to the glorious design work of the all-powerful King Eternal.Click here to access documents and files mentioned.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels: Links:  Barry H. Durmaz: Support and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Sean Morgan: Keep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Sponsors Who Support Our Ministry: Get a Free Gold Consultation. Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 Is the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline? Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Discount Code: QFAQ Support the show by text message:  Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494 
Why is the worth of a virtuous woman far exceeding that of rubies?Because without women of virtue on the King’s land America, there would be no America.In today’s episode of Scriptures for Patriots, I introduce and read from the writings of two prominent American women of virtue, Lydia Sigourney and Emma Willard.Be inspired and gain encouragement from the ideas communicated by these American Christian women of virtue and power.Sources referenced in this episode: Study of American History - Emma WillardLydia Huntley Sigourney: Teaching & Writing to Plant & Nurture Self-GovernmentTwo Views of Life in America — America’s Enemy vs. AmericansThe other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems. Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels: Links:  Barry H. Durmaz: Support and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Sean Morgan: Keep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Sponsors Who Support Our Ministry: Get a Free Gold Consultation. Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900  Hero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you. Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to  Coupon Code QFAQ Support the show by text message:  Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494 
When one reads the description of the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31, this conclusion is inescapable—she is a completely liberated and free woman.Such liberation and freedom is a mighty work of our unseen King Jesus Christ. He said so: “Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.”Liberty and freedom is the gospel purpose of America, and mothers have a divine purpose to nurse her back to that noble standing.In this episode of Scriptures for Patriots, I draw from Founding FathersJames MadisonGeorge WashingtonSamuel AdamsBenjamin Franklinon how America’s existence is predicated on the virtue of her people, not the least of whom are her mothers. Virtue is power to live free on the King’s land today and educate our children, grandchildren, and spiritual children to be free. I introduce an assessment tool that reveals to what degree you are honoring America’s Founding Fathers or are providing aid, comfort, and compliance to America’s enemies.Sources referenced in this episode: Read the enlightening article Why Women Don't Want The Sufferage.Read Only a Virtuous People Are Capable of Freedom. Read Samuel Adam's Letter to James Warren (February 12, 1779)The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems. Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels: Links:  Barry H. Durmaz: Support and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Sean Morgan: Keep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Sponsors Who Support Our Ministry: Get a Free Gold Consultation. Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 Is the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline? Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Discount Code: QFAQ Support the show by text message:  Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494 
Happy Mother’s Day 2022! This episode of Sunday Scriptures for Patriots is for those mothers who desire to mediate the power of the King through their virtuous lives.The woman of virtue is clothed with strength and honor, and in this lies her attraction.Mothers, if you desire to see America regain her freedom from her enemies, you hold the key to regaining that freedom through the excellent administration and governance of your own home. By your virtuous influence you can nurse America back to freedom.Read my supplemental article: Nursing America Back to Freedom: The Divine Duty of American Christian MothersRead Victoria's blog post: The Power of the King's Love The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems. Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels: Links:  Barry H. Durmaz: Support and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Sean Morgan: Keep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Sponsors Who Support Our Ministry: Get a Free Gold Consultation. Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900  Is the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline? Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Discount Code: QFAQ Hero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you. Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to  Coupon Code QFAQ Support the show by text message:  Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494 
Why should you excel at exercising, promoting, and defending the King’s love? Because without it, you are not in genuine service for the King and His government, which is self-government.The King’s love operating in your life provides the motivation and energy to take action against every evil against your life. Therefore, if you lose your love for King Jesus, you lose your power to serve Him when it truly counts.Daniel 11:32 states, “The people who know their God shall stand firm and take action.”This is the concluding episode of the series “The Power of the King’s Love.”Request the free book His Great Love and booklet The Fellowship of His Sufferings by T. Austin-Sparks from Emmanuel Church— Address: 12,000 East 14th Street, Tulsa OK 74128-5016 Telephone: 918-838-1385 If no answer, call: 918-437-7064 Email: Download the contextual model: Evidence for Authentic vs. Counterfeit Faiths.  Download the contextual model: “The American Christian Home Suffers the Authority of America’s Unseen King.”Download the contextual model:Pagan_vs._Christian_Era.pdf The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems. Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels: Links: Barry H. Durmaz: Support and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Sean Morgan: Keep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Sponsors Who Support Our Ministry: Get a Free Gold Consultation. Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900  Is the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline? Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Discount Code: QFAQ Support the show by text message:  Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494 
What happens when a person surrenders to the perfect Lawgiver of Love?How do you know you are loving people when it truly counts?How can a person who gets angry in the flesh and curses at life’s problems learn to be abased? As Paul the Apostle wrote, “…for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound” (Philippians 4:11, 12).The answer to these questions is highlighted by one aspect of behavior and attitude that is called forth when others oppose your life to live under the King’s government today.Request the free book His Great Love and booklet The Fellowship of His Sufferings by T. Austin-Sparks from Emmanuel Church— Address: 12,000 East 14th Street, Tulsa OK 74128-5016 Telephone: 918-838-1385 If no answer, call: 918-437-7064 Email: Download the contextual model: Evidence for Authentic vs. Counterfeit Faiths. Download the contextual model: “The American Christian Home Suffers the Authority of America’s Unseen King.”Download the contextual model:Pagan_vs._Christian_Era.pdfThe other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems. Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels: Links: Barry H. Durmaz: Support and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Sean Morgan: Keep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry: Get a Free Gold Consultation. Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you. Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to  Coupon Code QFAQ
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a historical reality. The Bible teaches the King’s resurrection, and history confirms that He is risen from the dead. But what does His resurrection mean for your life today?You don’t want to be a Christian who plays the part without the vital side of genuine faith.Join me in this episode of Scriptures for Patriots where I connect the power of the King’s love with suffering for His authority, leading to resurrection in your life today.Request the free book His Great Love and booklet The Fellowship of His Sufferings by T. Austin-Sparks from Emmanuel Church—Address: 12,000 East 14th Street, Tulsa OK 74128-5016Telephone: 918-838-1385 If no answer, call: 918-437-7064 Email: Download the contextual model: Evidence for Authentic vs. Counterfeit Faiths.  Download the contextual model: “The American Christian Home Suffers the Authority of America’s Unseen King.”Download the contextual model:Pagan_vs._Christian_Era.pdfThe other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems. Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels: Links:  Barry H. Durmaz: Support and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Sean Morgan: Keep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Sponsors Who Support Our Ministry: Get a Free Gold Consultation. Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900  Is the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline? Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Discount Code: QFAQ Support the show by text message:  Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494 
Suffering the King’s authority in your life is not an end in itself. Resurrection power is the result of exercising the King’s love and suffering for it. The King shares His power with those who fellowship in His sufferings, but few go through this narrow gate.The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the resurrection of His government, which is self-government.If there were no resurrection of Jesus Christ, there would be no America.If there were no gospel of Jesus Christ, there would be no America.There is a resurrection of the King’s love on His land America and in any country where there is even one who will stand in the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings.Request the free book His Great Love and booklet The Fellowship of His Sufferings by T. Austin-Sparks from Emmanuel Church—Address: 12,000 East 14th Street, Tulsa OK 74128-5016Telephone: 918-838-1385 If no answer, call: 918-437-7064 Email: Download the contextual model: Evidence for Authentic vs. Counterfeit Faiths.  Download the contextual model: “The American Christian Home Suffers the Authority of America’s Unseen King.” The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems. Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels: Links:  Barry H. Durmaz: Support and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Sean Morgan: Keep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Sponsors Who Support Our Ministry: Get a Free Gold Consultation. Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 Is the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline? Hero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you. Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to  Coupon Code QFAQ 
The love of America’s unseen King suffers. That means men and women who are of the King Jesus Christ also suffer as they exercise the King’s authority in their respective jurisdictions and callings. Many a man and woman shun suffering and therefore fail to understand the first fundamental truth of the power of this divine love. In today’s episode of Scriptures for Patriots, I delve into how this love is the answer to every person who opposes your life and is thus the answer for the repentance, healing, and restoration of the King’s land today. Whether you live in America, Canada, Brazil, Japan, Scotland, Turkey, etc., where the King’s perfect law of liberty is proclaimed. This episode also includes a new contextual model for download, “The American Christian Home Suffers the Authority of America’s Unseen King.”Request the free book His Great Love and booklet The Fellowship of His Sufferings by T. Austin-Sparks from Emmanuel Church—Address: 12,000 East 14th Street, Tulsa OK 74128-5016Telephone: 918-838-1385If no answer, call: 918-437-7064Email: Download the contextual model: Evidence for Authentic vs. Counterfeit Faiths.  The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems. Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels: Links: Barry H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Me On Gab! Sean Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 Is the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline? Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQSupport the show by text message: Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494 
Conflicts are unavoidable—they are part of the King’s plan to train, equip, and exercise His authority through your life today. God’s redeemed men and women are not called to make truces with sin and lawlessness but to make war in enemy-occupied territory, beginning with oneself. God the Holy Spirit gave me a divine download for our continued household and marital union victories! In today’s episode of Sunday Scriptures for Patriots, I address more fully the Power of the King’s Love and Suffering as applied to the man and woman question. You don’t want to miss this insight and accompanying thinking tool for download. Request the free book His Great Love and booklet The Fellowship of His Sufferings by T. Austin-Sparks from Emmanuel Church— Address: 12,000 East 14th Street, Tulsa OK 74128-5016 Telephone: 918-838-1385 If no answer, call: 918-437-7064 Email: Download the contextual model: Evidence for Authentic vs. Counterfeit Faiths.  The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems. Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels: Links: Barry H. Durmaz: Support and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team!  Follow Me On Gab!  Sean Morgan: Keep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Sponsors Who Support Our Ministry: Get a Free Gold Consultation. Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 Is the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline? Hero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you. Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Coupon Code QFAQ Support the show by text message: Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494 
In today’s episode of Sunday Scriptures for Patriots, I demonstrate how Jesus never used words to say “I love you.” Rather, He demonstrated love by His acts of obedience to His heavenly Father.Much of Christendom today is unwilling to experience suffering for their faith in Jesus Christ. Yet suffering is an act of obedience described in First Corinthians 13. I give real-world examples out of my life how my suffering for Him is evidence that I love Him, that He loves me, and that together we are overcoming attacks to His kingdom self-government.Request the free book His Great Love from Emmanuel Church—Address: 12,000 East 14th Street, Tulsa OK 74128-5016Telephone: 918-838-1385If no answer, call: 918-437-7064Email: echurchtulsa@yahoo.comDownload the contextual model: Evidence for Authentic vs. Counterfeit Faiths. The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQSupport the show by text message:Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494
In addition to experiencing freedom from fear and torment through the power of the King’s love and freedom from deception, delusion, and seduction through the power of the King’s perfect law of liberty, you will discover three rewards when you love the King’s Word more than anything else. Hear what one listener says about this series:“What a powerful message that needs much meditation and thank you for bringing to my attention what Jesus said in Matt. 22:29 as we are today living in a culture of great deception & seduction. Alarmingly much of the church is no different from the world because they know NOT the scriptures nor the power of God. goes the Church so goes the world!” —Satomi Hirano, Vancouver, BC Request the free book His Great Love from Emmanuel Church—Address: 12,000 East 14th Street, Tulsa OK 74128-5016Telephone: 918-838-1385If no answer, call: 918-437-7064Email: echurchtulsa@yahoo.comDownload the contextual model: Evidence for Authentic vs. Counterfeit Faiths. The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQ
In this episode of Sunday Scriptures for Patriots, I unpack how Christians can avoid the error, deception, seduction, and delusion that are crippling the family, the church, and the nation. Christians are most responsible for America’s conduct and character, and you don’t want to be part of her downfall. KEY Passages of Scripture addressed in this episode: Matthew 22:29; I Corinthians 4:20; I Corinthians 13:13; James 1:19–25; I John 4:17–18. Request the free book His Great Love from Emmanuel Church—Address: 12,000 East 14th Street, Tulsa OK 74128-5016Telephone: 918-838-1385If no answer, call: 918-437-7064Email: echurchtulsa@yahoo.comDownload the contextual model: Evidence for Authentic vs. Counterfeit Faiths. The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQSupport the show by text message:Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494
How is love and power connected in the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ?How important is the King’s perfect law of liberty to achieving victory over sin and addictions?Why is ignorance of the King’s perfect law of liberty not simply being wrong about a given matter but so much worse that you don’t want to be guilty of such ignorance?Join me on this episode of Sunday Scriptures for Patriots as we continue the journey of overcoming enemies to the family, church, and state. Passages of Scripture addressed in this episode: I Corinthians 4:20; I John 4:17–18; Matthew 22:29; Matthew 22:37.Request the free book His Great Love from Emmanuel Church.Address: 12,000 East 14th Street, Tulsa OK 74128-5016Telephone: 918-838-1385If no answer, call: 918-437-7064Email: echurchtulsa@yahoo.comDownload the contextual model: Evidence for Authentic vs. Counterfeit Faiths.The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQSupport the show by text message:Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494
Today I am joined once again by my eldest daughter, Victoria, as we further unpack the most important subject to master—the virtuous power of the King’s love operating in His people today. What does it look like for children whose father is pursuing the love of Jesus Christ as he leads his family to overcome opposition to his life in service to the King?Request the free book His Great Love from Emmanuel Church.Address: 12,000 East 14th Street, Tulsa OK 74128-5016Telephone: 918-838-1385If no answer, call: 918-437-7064Email: echurchtulsa@yahoo.comDownload the contextual model: Evidence for Authentic vs. Counterfeit Faiths.The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQSupport the show by text message:Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494
February 14th is an American national holiday—Valentine’s Day. It’s a time of romance, intimacy, chocolate, and what not. However, as important as sexual love is in marriage, it is not able to work the power of the King’s love in you when it truly counts—when pressure, problems, and conflict arise because of your standing with the King and all He represents. Join me on this journey to explore how powerful the love of the King is to overcome those who oppose your life.Contextual Model - Evidence for False vs. Genuine FaithKey Text: 1 Corinthians 4:20The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQSupport the show by text message:Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494
Feminists are women who are contentious about manly drink (I Timothy 5:23); contentious against restitution (slavery) (Exodus 21 & 22; Luke 19:8; Ephesians 4:28); and contentious against marital oneness (Genesis 2:24; Ephesians 4:3). Article - Why Women Do Not Wish the Suffrage Referenced In This Episode:1 Peter 3: 1Ephesians 5:22Titus : 3-5The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQSupport the show by text message:Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494
How aware of yourself are you? What does it look like to work out your salvation? Jesus the anointed King is the most fully aware Person. Few believers in the King understand that the Christian life is one of increasing removed burdens and destroyed yokes from one’s own life as training and preparation to serve others. Sean Morgan and I take a deeper dive into Christian self-government by addressing the four areas of consciousness IQ. We may be saved but still not conscious of our effect on others, thus damaging a credible witness for the King. Go Here to Download The Consciousness IQ pdf. Referenced In This Episode:Philippians 2:12Luke 10:271 John 1:51 Corinthians 13:4-8The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQSupport the show by text message:Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494
Happy New Year! It's 2022. Sean Morgan and I discuss how family is a government as we consider the three functions of government: planningexecutingevaluating Life moves fast, and we can forget how God is working in us and through circumstances. Chronicle the many providences of God over the last year. Say thank you to those who've invested into your life. Forgive those who’ve wronged you in 2021 and overcome the relationship-defiling cancer of bitterness.Scriptures Referenced In This Episode:Acts 24:15-161 Corinthians 9:19-23The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQSupport the show by text message:Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494
It’s near the end of 2021 and we are coming into a New Year. Will you take advantage of this cycle to pull out of the whirl-wind and focus on the truly meaningful aspects of life of quality and personal leadership? Sean Morgan and I take a DEEP dive into the practices that enhance the quality of your family as government  business  ministryYou won’t want to miss how bring well-ordered liberty into your circle of influence and leadership. Scriptures Referenced In This Episode:Genesis 8:22Psalm 101:3The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Me On Gab! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil.If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live.Go to Code QFAQSupport the show by text message: Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494
Feminism’s war on the family minimizes sex distinctions and degrades the status of house wife in exchange for identify and fulfillment in a career. Sean and I discuss the first of three wave of feminism in America (1830s - 1920).  How Susan B. Anthony moved  social causes against alcohol that led to the passage of the 18th Amendment prohibiting the manufacture, sale, or transportation of alcohol.Scriptures Referenced In This Episode:1st Timothy 1: 8-9Leviticus 20: 13Jude 1:7Psalm 19: 7-10Matthew 23 & 24Psalm 104: 15Ephesians 5: 18The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQSupport the show by text message:Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494
What is masculine Christianity? How can a religion be masculine or feminine for that matter? What are evidences that masculinity in America has been in decline? Why are men commanded by our unseen King to act like men? This and much more are covered in this episode of Sunday Scriptures for Patriots.Scriptures Referenced In This Episode:Genesis 18:19The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQSupport the show by text message:Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494
The subject of masculine Christianity continues to be introduced before getting into the meat of this vital topic to the rise and fall of family > church > state.  This episode is especially memorable because Barry is accompanied by his daughter, Victoria to talk about the distinctly American Christian woman. You DON’T want to miss this episode of Sunday Scriptures for Patriots.Scriptures Referenced In This Episode:Ephesians 4:26 - 27“Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil. The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQSupport the show by text message:Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494
For 200 years men and women have been subverted to throw off their God-delegated jurisdictions designed specifically for the man and the woman.This episode introduces the recovery of a type of Christian man that is distinctly masculine in contrast with a type of Christian man that wants to play the role of the weaker vessel.The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQSupport the show by text message:Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494Scriptures Referenced In This Episode:Ephesians 5-6
How does the American Christian family exercise economic liberty when the evil empire tracks your activity through banking compliance laws? Tune in to find out.The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQSupport the show by text message:Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494Scriptures Referenced In This Episode:
Continuing to contrast the Old pagan World of Europe with the New Christian World of America, addressing how to overcome the evil strongholds in people, institutions, churches, politics and bureaucracies through Christian self-government.The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQSupport the show by text message:Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494Scriptures Referenced In This Episode:2 Peter 1:20-21Matthew 4:4Acts 1:16 -172 Timothy 3: 16Matthew 10:34
In this episode of Sunday Scriptures for Patriots, Barry walks you through the Biblical, historical, and constitutional basis for authority for economic liberty in the New World of America as superior to that of the Old World of Europe.The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Follow Me On Gab! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQSupport the show by text message:Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494Scriptures Referenced In This Episode:2 Peter 1:15-21Matthew 4:4Mark 4: 26-291 John 3:12
In part 2 of Economic Liberty, Barry begins to lay the Biblical foundation for private property beginning in the creation mandate to steward things on the King’s terms, not the fallen world. How this was fleshed historically in the Old World of Romanist Europe with that of the New World of Protestant America.The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQSupport the show by text message:Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494Scriptures Referenced In This Episode:Romans 8:1Galatians 5:12 Corinthians 3:171 Corinthians 6:11-12Genesis 1:282 Timothy 3:162 Corinthians 3:6
Sean and Barry introduce the subject of how one’s labor is his property.  How Barry during his 25 year study of biblical governmental principles and what is distinctly good in America, threw off the yokes of anti-Christian bondage of the IRS.The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQSupport the show by text message:Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494Scriptures Referenced In This Episode:
Sean Morgan and Barry Durmaz complete this series on the Right to Travel in Part 3. Learn how Barry cross-examined a deputy Sheriff to demonstrate how freedom of bodily locomotion on the public roads is a good work to be protected, not punished.The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQSupport the show by text message:Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494Scriptures Referenced In This Episode:
Sean and Barry take you through a blow-by-blow experience of navigating traffic court and how Barry protected his daughter from professional accusers who want to divide the family against the unified family governmental. The father is still head and protector of all under his jurisdiction.The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQSupport the show by text message:Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494Scriptures Referenced In This Episode:
Distinguishing between man made law and the King’s law.The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQSupport the show by text message:Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494Scriptures Referenced In This Episode:Luke 11:45-54Matthew 28:18-202 Thessalonians 3:10Philippians 4:8Psalm 37: 1-2Proverbs 12:5
Before one can truly govern themself under the King’s government, one must be familiar with Christ’s governing principle of individuality. Both your person and your family are authorized to be like no other.The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQSupport the show by text message:Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494Scriptures Referenced In This Episode:Psalm 96: 1-51 Corinthians 12: 4-11John 8:36Matthew 22: 36-40
In this episode, we provide a meaningful reply to a listener who wrote in with objections to Episode 5, Men Cultivating Their Family Government. We take a DEEP dive into the marital union where women act without dignity and men act without conscience and courage to govern on the King’s terms clearly WRITTEN in His holy word. Don’t miss this world overcoming exchange to bring the King’s order into your family government.The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQSupport the show by text message:Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494Scriptures Referenced In This Episode:1 Peter 3: 1-6Romans 10:17Mark 4: 1-20Matthew 13:18-20 Genesis 6: 5Isaiah 48:8Revelation 12:11Luke 9:23Matthew 24
Learn the difference between authority and power in the self-governed home.The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQSupport the show by text message:Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494Scriptures Referenced In This Episode:Genesis 2:15, 18, 20-241 Peter 3:1-6, 7Proverbs 23:13-14
In this episode, Sean interviews a veteran believer who follows thechannel. He shares his testimony of how the holy spirit transformed hisheart which resulted in victory over habitual sin. We discussed thedifference between being born again and being a cultural Christian and howour guest shares the gospel with others.Scriptures Mentioned:John 4:1-42 (woman at the well)2 Samuel 12 (Nathan confronting King David)Psalm 19:7 NKJV The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul; Thetestimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simpleSep 1, 2021Romans 5:8Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels: Links: Morgan: me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my workhere: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and yourfamily using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil.If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live.Go to Code QFAQ
What does it mean to be under the headship of Christ? How do you know that you are in the flock of Christ? Listen to this episode of Sunday Scriptures for Patriots to find out.The other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.usSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQSupport the show by text message:Text GIVE to 801801 to donate any amount to campaign 253494Scriptures Referenced In This Episode:Matthew 28:18-19Job Chapter 1John 10:10Romans 9:20-212 Timothy 3:52 Corinthians 13: 51st John 3: 11-15Matthew 5:38-40John 10:27John 3:3Matthew 7:23Ephesians 6:1-3Genesis 2: 241 Corinthians 11:3James 4: 1-3Ephesians 6:4Proverbs 22:6Matthew 22:371 John 2:15Matthew 3:17Psalm 18:2
In todays episode, you will learn what the foundation of true freedom is in our nation.“True Freedom begins in the government of God in Christ Jesus.” —Barry H. DurmazThe other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.USSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, it’s perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code QFAQScriptures Referenced In This Episode:Matthew 4:4But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ ”Genesis 37, 39 - 47Matthew 20:16So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few chosen.”Matthew 11:28-29Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”1 John 3:4Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness.John 7:37-38On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”John 8:36 Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.Isaiah 55:8-9“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,So are My ways higher than your ways,And My thoughts than your thoughts.1 Corinthians 9:7Who ever goes to war at his own expense? Who plants a vineyard and does not eat of its fruit? Or who tends a flock and does not drink of the milk of the flock?
In this episode we continue to unpack how family government is under attack in America and discuss topics such asThe difference between authority and power How God has structured authority for usThe new covenant and the old covenant How to pray for our enemiesThe key to America’s greatnessThe other 6 days a week, Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions. On Sundays, he interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.USSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, its perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code: QFAQScriptures Referenced In This Episode:Proverbs 4:23Matthew 22:37-40Mark 9:34-361 Corinthians 11:8-9Genesis 2:18-24Acts 2:41-431 Corinthians 1:18Matthew 7:13-14
Sean Morgan hosts shows about defeating America's enemies through civic solutions 5 days a week. In this show, Sean interviews author Barry H. Durmaz about Christ's Kingdom government principles for spiritual solutions to America's problems.Subscribe To Podcast and Video Channels:http://SundayScriptures.orgSocial Links: H. Durmaz:https://LibertyIsTheLaw.USSupport and Love our Mission —Join our Treasure Team! Morgan:https://SeanMorganReport.comKeep me on the front lines of the digital battlefield by supporting my work here: Who Support Our Ministry:Get a Free Gold Consultation.Call Dr. Kirk Elliott at +1 720-605-3900 the corporate coffee you drink contributing to America’s decline?Support A Christian Patriot Coffee Company Code: QFAQHero Soap Company makes natural soap that is healthier for you and your family using essential oils, goats milk, and coconut oil. If you have sensitive or dry skin, its perfect for you.Every purchase helps the heroes like homeless vets get a place to live. Go to Code: QFAQScriptures Referenced In This Episode:  
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