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Wake Up

Author: Soul saving sisters

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Hey, you! Sick and tired of being sick and tired? Have no fear, 'Wake Up' is here! Join sisters and co-hosts Victoria & Emma Bergheger as they crack open the written word and talk about and explore scripture, life, and their favorite, Jesus! Find peace. Become inspired. And wake up with love.
44 Episodes
A Sound Mind

A Sound Mind


Hey, hey sisters!Can we all admit the mind can be a very chaotic place at times?It can! You're not alone if you have a hard time dealing with too many cloudy thoughts!We live in a world that shouts we need more, teaching us to compete and compare, and puts so much pressure on us to make the "right" decisions.We become paralyzed by confusion and conflict in our mind and quickly become overwhelmed.But not anymore!We are standing up to those thoughts this year.We are NOT allowing the enemy to wh...
Armor of God

Armor of God


Hey soul sis,We’re bringing you a whole episode dedicated to gearing up in the armor of God. This is for EVERYONE! We all need protection from the devil’s schemes and God has not left us defenseless. He not only promises us He will be our covering but He has given us weaponry to put on every morning to be prepared for whatever comes at us. We are in a war and our Savior has already won, so let’s walk in that victory especially when the devil shoots his fiery darts at us.&n...
Single Season

Single Season


Hey sister,Are you feeling down about being in your single season?WELL STOP!!This is a season of opportunity!!Please do not wish away this time that God has divinely orchestrated for you. This is a season of getting to know Jesus better, getting to know yourself better, and making steps in the direction God has set before you.Girl, I know it's hard to wait.And not go back to one of your other options or make an Upward account but those options are not trusting in the Lord. They're t...
Hey sis,Happy New Year!! This year we want to continue growing into the women we have been called to be so we wrote out 5 *BIBLICAL* affirmations to repeat to ourselves to keep us on track no matter what this year throws at us!Affirmations turn into actions when we not only repeat them to ourselves but BELIEVE them!That's why we backed these up with Scripture- so we know we can stand firm on these truths.So tune in, grab a notebook, and get let's get to speaking Truth over ourselves so w...
Hey sister,Letting go is easier said than done but it doesn't mean we shouldn't do it.When we submit our lives to Jesus we not only get to receive the gift of everlasting life we get HIM.And that is truly what our hearts need to feel fulfilled, Jesus.Not money, looks, years on earth, approval from others, just Jesus.So listen in to what we've learned and are still learning about surrendering our whole selves to God!Love you,SSS
Hey sister,If you find yourself asking why is there so much conflict in your life and blaming everyone else it could actually (God forbid) be you!I know, we do not like hearing it. Or accepting it.But when we are AWARE we can now let God in.And when God's involved, we're going to win-even if it feels like a loss.So let's get uncomfortable and grow to love ourselves enough to let go of the pain and heal.You can do this because He is with you,SSS
Sisters,We need to talk.Those things you're filling all your time, energy and money with are idols.What are idols? Well, just give this episode a listen and you'll find out.When something or someone reigns over Jesus in your life everything begins to fall out of God's alignment.A place you don't want to be.So kick those idols to the curb and pursue the Giver of all good things!You got this because Jesus has got you,SSS
Hey sis,We know why you're here, you're a bit more controlling than you want to be!Don't worry, this episode is just as much for us as it is for you.We all need a little help relaxing and trusting God has it all under control.But He's got it. And sometimes we have a problem of helping God when He never asked for it.So let's figure out what we can actually control & leave the rest up to Him, shall we!Listen in to the many scriptures God has for us to relax and call on Him as we go thr...
Hey sis,Are you tired of rolling out of bed and rushing to work only to go through your day with low energy and feeling cranky?And then feel like you have to do it all over again the next day.Well the cycle stops NOW.This weeks podcast is all about simple & easy habits to make your morning become your favorite time of the day!Get ready to wake up with intention and set the tone for the rest of your day!With love,SSS
Hey sisters,Take a deep breath with us as we open up and dive into the topic of abortion. From one sister who has and another who hasn't gone through this experience, discover how God will reveal Himself in the midst of our hardest trials.We hope our vulnerability speaks to your heart and helps you find grace for others and yourself.The way our Lord & Savior does for us each and every day.In His name we pray,Amen!Thank you for listening and we hope you feel the love,SSS
Welcome back sisters!!!We wanted to kick off this season by talking about Jesus paying the ultimate price on the cross for each one of us.Though there may be a misconception around what Easter is all about, we wanted to chime in and discuss how the evil one can deceive us into celebrating a bunny instead of the overwhelming sacrifice of our Savior.He is why we are saved!He is why we are free!Join us this episode as we REJOICE in His love!We're so happy to be back with you guys!With love,SSS
Sis,Quit playing with these foolsHere are some tools To set you free,So you can live abundantly!Tune in to our Season 3 FINALE all about Soul Ties!What they are, how to identify them & most importantly how to break free! We love you, God LOVES you & we pray you love You enough to let go of the past so you can walk towards your bright future!God Bless,SSS
Intoxicated to In Awe

Intoxicated to In Awe


Hey sis,Do you feel like God has transformed you?Maybe you're currently in the process of being transformed, or you might just be curious what this whole Jesus thing is about... whatever the case may be God's greatness remains the same.He can turn a sinner to a forgiven lover.He's in the business of changing hearts, turning lives around, and doing the impossible!It's just what He does.And in this episode you get to hear first hand how He did that in our very own lives.With love,SSS



Hey sister,I think we underestimate how important friendships are in our lives.Whether they last a lifetime, only a season or for absolutely no reason, we all could use a little bit of help navigating our friendships.So this episode we use scripture to help us determine how healthy and necessary our current friendships truly are!That's right, grab your Bibles & join us as we talk all about friendships, fellowship and sisterhood!Love you,SSS
From Hell & Back

From Hell & Back


Hey hey sisters,This one's a doozy!From meeting at Target to sending worship songs back and fourth to coming on this weeks podcast we can't wait for you to hear our special guest, Kristen Behrman's story & truly amazing testimony!We hope you will be left speechless, in awe of God, and set on fire for Jesus just like we are! With so much love,Your SSS
"As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his foolishness"-Proverbs 26:11Could it be anymore vivid?!The Word of God will truly get you thinking!Tune in this week with us as we dive into this proverb & what it means to be a fool returning to their foolishness. We hope you can continue your walk with Jesus alongside us, your Soul Saving Sisters, who have been through it too!With SOOO much love,SSS
Hey sis,If you find yourself pleasing people more than God then this episode is for you!We know what its like to both people please & feel guilty for not doing it but this podcast episode is your reminder to stay aligned with pleasing God more than we do others.God made us who we are for a reason & we can compromise that authentic version of ourselves in order to make people like us more.Just because society has an expectation of what "perfect" looks like doesn't mean we should always...
Do you struggle with setting and following through with boundaries?Do you ever feel like you're being taken advantage of and spread too thin?Well good news, you're not the only one girl!Though boundaries may not come naturally they are extremely important to set in order to live the life God has for you.They help us set limits for how we allow people to treat us.This is your invitation to start setting personal boundaries to help you in the present moment which sets the tone for your amazing ...
So ladies... let's face it, we can be straight up emotional sometimes!But God made us this way!Does He want you to be controlled by them? NODoes He give us these feelings to reveal what's in our heart? YESWe've found out that the best way to be is slow to anger and slow to speak.Our emotions need to be felt and filtered through the mind and spirit of Christ.SOOO whether its joy, anger, jealousy, or sadness we can bring it our God and know He has the ability to take care of everything!What a g...
2 Sisters2 completely different experiences I wanted her to danceBut our home split in halfI tried to pick up the pieces so she didn't hurt her feetLike meCause mine were still bleedingAnd unfortunately I couldn't keep upAnd kept feeling stuckSo I'd push her and eruptThe hurt was too much for meSo I walked off blindlyInto the unknownAll aloneI thought I'd be freeBut I ended up getting hurt more severelyUntil Jesus found meHe told me I was lovedHe told me that there was a little gir...
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