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Daily Energize

Author: Spencer Jones

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Your 5 day a week podcast to get a jolt of energy a quick tip to help you live your life to the max!

719 Episodes
Weekend Challenge

Weekend Challenge


This weekend, I invite you to take 10 minutes. Pick one person, or you pick each person in your family or friends, whoever runs a group, but at least pick one person and intentionally spend 10 minutes with them doing something they want to do.
Finding Inner Peace

Finding Inner Peace


Today's episode is all about finding that inner peace. To connect with that quiet within, to connect with your inner light, that light that shines bright, but to quiet the chaos and find that calm within.
Pick a Focus

Pick a Focus


Today's episode is about picking a focus. That's right, pick a focus, pick a focus. Now this, it seems like this week I'm telling you where everything's been inspired from and all of this one was inspired from the business world, from entrepreneurial world where, okay, pick your niche, niche, whatever you wanna call it, pick the thing you're focusing on.
To-Do List

To-Do List


Today's topic of today's focus is Inspired from one of our cohorts. So, in any case, one thing that has come up time and time and time again for helping people stay accountable and get things done on their list our to -do lists.



Today's episode, we're going to dive right in, is about discipline. That's right, discipline. Are you disciplined? Now, there's lots of different ways we could take it, right? There's some people and they hear the word, they cringe. Other people are like, yeah, that makes a huge difference.



Happy Friday, Energizers. Are you ready to reflect today?
Energy Vampires

Energy Vampires


Today's episode is about those daunting little jerks. Those jerks who seem to leave us for dead on the street side, at work, at home. They just suck us dry. You know what those are? Energy vampires. That's right, those little jerks who just try to, to suck away our energy. To belittle us. To force us to not step fully into our light and shine. Those energy vampires are like, they're building these walls, stopping our light from shining.
Your Vision

Your Vision


In today's episode, I want to talk about our vision. Our visions for the future of the things we want to do, the goals and dreams that we have, especially as leaders. And well, I'd like to share a perspective on that.



Today's focus is about expectations. Expectations and you know interesting thing about expectations. They can help us at times.
First, Awareness

First, Awareness


This episode is all about awareness. That's right, awareness. Awareness is the first step to everything. And I've mentioned it multiple times before in various episodes about different things, but I thought why not take a single episode, at least this episode, and really dive in into awareness.
Hey, you! Where are your cookies? Yeah, that's right. You heard me correctly. Where are your cookies? Do you know where they are? Are you enjoying them? Okay, I'll be a little different analogy, right, for this, but I thought it'd be a fun way to start this episode.
Being Dedicated

Being Dedicated


Today's episode is one about staying dedicated. Staying dedicated. Now it can be tricky sometimes to stay dedicated. Motivation sometimes, well a lot of times, can come easily, but motivation isn't long term. It's not sustainable forever and ever and ever.
You Want Vs They Want

You Want Vs They Want


Are you ready? Are you locked in, ready to rock and roll and have some fun today? Own the day and make it amazing. Well, hopefully today's tip can help you do that. I mean, hopefully all the tips can help you do that.
Losing Your Temper

Losing Your Temper


This episode is about losing your temper. It might be a little different of an episode for us, but one that I think all of us have experienced at some point in our life, and maybe more times than others, some of us more times than others.
Layer On Success

Layer On Success


Let's just hop into this episode and talk about layering on success, that's right, layering on success. Now for those of you that don't know, we lead an accountability cohort three to four times a year, they're two months long, we meet every week for about an hour, and we help people crush their goals.
Slow Down to Speed Up

Slow Down to Speed Up


So, today and this week, I encourage you to find those positives, savor them, and well today's podcast and topic is well focused on helping you get more of those, more of those beautiful and amazing moments by not being so, well, bull -headed, nose -to -the -grindstone type mentality.
Embrace the Moment

Embrace the Moment


I hope you're willing to take on this challenge. And that is to embrace the moment this weekend.
Walk the Walk

Walk the Walk


Today's topic is walk in the walk. Talk in the talk and walk in the walk. How many times have you noticed someone in your life who is just talk, they share like, I could do all these cool things or that they, that these things are healthy and helpful and whatever, yet they don't take those actions themselves.
Dealing with Haters

Dealing with Haters


This episode is not just about me and my haters, because, well, that's kind of boring. But it's about haters and people who don't like us. Because guess what, you probably have some haters. Yeah, you, you're amazing, you're awesome, but you probably have some haters.
Extreme Ownership

Extreme Ownership


Today's episode is all about extreme ownership. That's right, extreme ownership. We're going to talk about what that means and all that good stuff.
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