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3 Crones Podcast

Author: Virginia McKinnie, Tamara Sheen & Susan Madden-Cox

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Welcome to the 3 Crones Podcast, a concoction stirred up by three wise women to encourage us all to step into power & create legacy. 3 Crones Podcast is envisioned as a audio women's circle, a sacred space to get to know and the get comfortable with our truest selves. We'll talk about it all...spirituality, movement, yoga, mythology, herbalism, nourishment, Goddess archetypes, the moon and stars, healing, gardening, relationships, sex and death...and anything else that women the world over feel an urgency to uncover and share.Come closer...Virginia, Tamara and Susan want to talk with you.We're 3 Crones in the woods...what could go wrong?
27 Episodes
Join Susan this month as she interviews a dear friend, Kristin Bispels, in an episode of Women the World Over. There is a LOT of sweet, infectious laughter in this episode that is likely to inspire everyone to be grateful for their authentic relationships and joyful exchanges.Kristin Bispels is the founder and executive director of Inclusive Clay, an organization that provides access and art education to adults with intellectual differences in southeastern Pennsylvania. Inclusive Clay b...
Virginia invites Susan and Tamara to explore role models, archetypes and the choice of looking to the world stage and our local communities to identify those shining ones who inspire and encourage us.How do you embody an archetypal example of arrival, growth and manifestation? Who do you look to who helps you to create the life you want?We touch on many aspects of the feminine divine: Midwife, seed saver, poet, Mother, creatrix, Visionary, activist, Shamana and of course, Cr...
Join Virginia and Susan in welcoming Sherry Sidoti back to the program! Sherry's new book A Smoke and a Song, A Memoir is coming out August 1 and we dig into all the rich crevices of storytelling with Sherry, her process and path, through her journey of reflecting, remembering and sharing this most intimate tale.A Smoke and a Song is Sherry’s story of her quest to make meaning from the memories homed in her body. Told with tenacity, tenderness, and wry humor, Sherry stumbles towar...
"Maybe we can't change the world, but maybe we can nudge it." So says Siobhan Bedford, professional artist and dear, dear friend. This episode is a really wild ride with so many beautiful twists and as a devotional practice of light, dark and infinity, leaving the corporate world to create soul work, the tender loss of miscarriage, reimagining the legends of Eden and of Eve as the Grandmother of all creation and the play between generosity and reciprocity.Plus there's ...
Surf the waves of this beautiful and revealing discussion with Elizabeth Montalbano, a freelance writer, journalist and therapeutic writing mentor. Liz is an American expat living in Portugal who has intentionally created a new kind of life for herself through healing, exploration and surfing! You'll be inspired by her story and enamored by the way she shares a choice-full journey and her interpretation of how to live in awareness and kindness, while navigating the challenging pas...
This is our first episode of a new project we're calling Women the World Over! The 3 Crones are opening up a new avenue of communication with women...when we say, "we want to hear from you", we mean it! Tune in as we launch "mini-episode"* interviews with listeners, friends and mentors...women like you...maybe YOU.Please contact us if you would would like to join the conversation and be interviewed on 3 Crones Podcast! (Yes, I know I'm using too may exclamation points...I'm ...
As promised from day one, we three end our first year of podcasting talking about DEATH. And the bewitching and often difficult task of "living while we're alive", because holy hell, who knows what comes next?!The Crones share intimate tales about sitting vigil at the deathbeds, near-death experiences, living day-to-day with the knife-edge of death looming near, and the ways in which we can practice surrender to the unknown during this season of dark mystery and all things which go bump...
It was all Susan's idea, so you know where to place the blame...we veered away from any whiff of wisdom and avoided the quest for answers completely. We've been away from our 3 Crones posts for a month now...because...LIFE! It felt like time to truth-tell and let it all hang out...a "venting" episode you might call it. Heartfelt, emotional, open, vulnerable. True confessions that even I might field as "whining" if I were standing in a different more upbeat energy and t...
Our first interview episode with soul-sister guest Sherry Sidoti-Rego, teacher, mentor & author who "happened" to rock Susan's world a decade ago. You're going to love diving deep with this authenticity powerhouse as we talk about loss and brokenness and the ways in which healing and growth accumulate over our transition to Crone offers ease and comfort and the capacity to bring beauty to life from the fragments of dark and dire moments.Sherry's moving essay Mosaic will b...
Do you know the word Sangha? Are you a member of an uplifting community? Who holds space for you? Are you connected intentionally with others?Virginia, Tamara and Susan talk about community, circles, bees, fairies and re-member-ing to open to love and a little wild! It's a good way for May...come play with us.Aware, Glimpses of Consciousness on Netflix & PrimeGoddesses in Older Women, Jean Shinoda BolenCamphill AssociationSanghaTeach me what I cannot learn alone. L...
Episode 8:  Double Deep Dive

Episode 8: Double Deep Dive


A listener asked us to keep delving deeper into our personal relationships with the Earth. If we care for (or harm) ourselves in the same ways that we care for (or harm) our Great Mother...then where might the questions and discussion lead us in terms of reciprocity and reverence...our love of Gaia...HOW exactly do we love the planet?"What would happen if you brought that tiny cauldron outside, burned your list of all that doesn't serve you in broad Moonlight. What would happen if you n...
Virginia guides our trio through an exploration of Gaia theory, and of course we wander and stray "off" topic only to end up precisely where the essence and truth of our Great Mother would have us BE.We wend our way through the passages of personal struggles with death, war and physical and emotional pain to meet our unending capacities for healing, presence and compassion. And if we can practice integration and balance for ourselves, we know that we can (and will) transform pain and su...
How else would we begin again in a new year, but with the essential Step ONE...self care. This is a topic to return to over and over throughout a lifetime. How can we hold ourselves AS WE ARE in devotion, acceptance, respect and loving kindness so that we can live fully and vitally into our relationships, days and experiences? Because without prioritizing this question, we will likely be diminished and deflated with the demands of a misguided overculture and our own critical...
Tamara sings us awake into the essence of the season. However you celebrate at this time, we have come together once again to ponder wonder and share our ponderings with you!As always, we want to hear from you! Send us your traditions and fun, send us your worries and truth, send us questions and comments (if they're loving;)To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,and is traveled ...
Virginia guides our discovery of Hecate at the Crossroads...this quintessential Crone archetype offers a way to look more closely at the aspects of aging and maturing that increase power and authenticity rather than diminishing our light as a patriarchal society would have it. What is the value of a woman if she is past the age of child-bearing? How does the over-culture disfigure feminine beauty, relevance and brilliance?What aspects of Hecate are alive in your life right now?Whic...
Episode 26:  Sex

Episode 26: Sex


At launch, we promised our podcast listeners that we'd "talk about it all" and then took 25 episodes to tiptoe into a conversation about SEX. This month, Virginia and Tamara venture into this vast topic with their musings about sexuality and culture, womanhood and coming of age, the rites we are missing and hopes for new generations. We know this is only a drop in the ocean of intimacy, primal desire and sacred sexuality. Let us know which waves you'd like to hear us r...
Tamara invited us into a talk about NAVIGATION...and it feels just right for this time, sorting out a direction but also a state of being that allows for wild cards and rerouting.Where are we and where are we headed? How can we tell if we are "on course"? What tunes our listening to the "still, small voice" that assures our arrival in a reality that suits our soul?Join us three as we wend our way through the brambles around these questions and more. Especially at a time when...
Episode 24:  Come Away

Episode 24: Come Away


We love retreats! We lead them, we take them, we dream them up in our waking hours and in our sleep. We've been hosting them together for a long time and we've learned so much over the years.How women NEED retreat. How everyone is transformed, no matter what. How traveling to touristy, "best" destinations with other yogis really isn't the ideal anymore, rather a beautiful spot to settle into and rest does the body and soul good. How once per year is not enough.Su...
Tamara, Virginia and Susan are back together all three after a summer hiatus following the passing of Tamara's dear husband BJ. True to form, the conversation weaves in and out of every avenue of approach towards life's ultimate questions.We don't have the answers, but benefit and grow through the asking.Tune in. We think you'll be moved and awakened.Support the Show.Please rate, review and share our podcast! We love our listeners so! For the podcast instagram page and to contact ...
This episode is arriving somewhat behind schedule and on the date of July's Blessing Moon. Only a matter of days after we recorded, Tamara's dear husband BJ passed away peacefully surrounded by loved ones at home. Tamara shared with us that during the week leading up to his death, he was referring to the transition as "when I go on ahead". Deep breath.Not only have we taken a pause to honor this devastating loss and blessed life turning, Virginia and Susan "saved" this recor...
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