Country Cast by Dorset Police Rural Crime Team's Podcast

Country Cast by Dorset Police Rural Crime Team's Podcast
Author: Dorset Police
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© 2022 Country Cast by Dorset Police Rural Crime Team's Podcast
Country Cast is the brand new podcast brought to you by Dorset Police Rural Crime Team. Join Claire, Seb & Tom to learn how you can support the Police in protecting our beautiful countryside. You'll also learn some top tips on preventing crime such as poaching, livestock worrying and improving your site security. Listen on all major podcasting platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts and Amazon Music. Learn more about our team and the work we do at
8 Episodes
Welcome to Country Cast, a podcast brought to you by the Dorset Police Rural Crime Team. Over the course of the coming series, we’ll be raising awareness around the types of rural crime happening in the Dorset area, and what we can all do to help prevent it. Before we kick off with the series, this episode offers a chance to get to know your hosts - Rural Crime Coordinator PC Claire Dinsdale, PC Seb Haggett, and Tom Balchin, a Rural Crime PCSO.Join us for this entertaining introduction to our team, and follow along as we touch on some of the key issues in the farming and rural communities, from poaching & coursing, to looking after our mental wellbeing and protecting livestock.Links & references: Dorset Police Rural Crime Team:
Welcome to Country Cast, a podcast that promises to bring awareness to some of the rural crime happening in the Dorset area, and most importantly how you can prevent it. We’re opening up this series with a look at protecting farmers’ livestock, and dealing with a lesser known type of crime - livestock worrying.Worrying of livestock can sometimes happen almost unknowingly, but scaring a farmer’s livestock - particularly those currently breeding - can result in mental and financial harm to those involved. This episode of Country Cast covers:What livestock worrying isThe lesser considered consequences of livestock worryingSafety risks with worrying larger livestockHow people can spot, prevent and report itLinks & references:Dorset Police Rural Crime Team:
Welcome back to Country Cast. A particular worry that most can empathise with in the farming community is the difficulty of protecting such large premises. NFU Mutual’s Matt Uren joins us on episode 2 to offer a range of practical tips to keep your site as secure as possible.Drawing on his varied knowledge and experience, Matt covers a number of the most common offences and some of the regular ways in which criminals operate. Listen in for our top advice on preventing and reacting to theft, and the benefits that come with distinctly marking your property.This episode of Country Cast covers:How NFU Mutual monitors trends in how criminals target farmsThe preventative measures that help keep a site secure and deter thievesBenefits of CESAR marking tractors and vehiclesAlarms and cameras available to stay aware of activity on your propertyLinks & references:Dorset Police Rural Crime Team: Uren:
Welcome back to Country Cast. Our work with the community is the most important way for us to understand the issues currently facing farmers, so in this episode we spoke to a member of the farming community about his experiences with keeping his site secure.We also hear how rural crime affects farmers both financially and mentally, and the need for property to be marked so that if something were to happen, we have the best chance to track down and retrieve stolen goods.This episode of Country Cast covers:The major impacts of rural crime on farming communitiesMeasures you can implement to prevent rural crimeKey experiences with coursing and poachingHow the rural crime team are able to helpLinks & references:Dorset Police Rural Crime Team:
Welcome back to Country Cast. Some of the regular misconceptions on rural crime surround poaching and coursing, which is an offence generally committed by particularly well-coordinated perpetrators. Poaching and coursing can be an intimidating issue to deal with, so this episode will explore some of the common methods used and how best to protect against them.We also share some of the signs to look out for, identifying poachers and coursers by typical vehicles, behaviours, and how the non-farming community can be our eyes and ears, preventing such offences.This episode of Country Cast covers:Misconceptions of what poaching and coursing areCommon motivations behind poachers and coursersHotspot areas to be aware ofTypical behaviours observed and vehicles usedHow you can help prevent poaching and coursingLinks & references:Dorset Police Rural Crime Team:
Welcome back to CountryCast, where we have another opportunity to hear directly from a member of the farming community. Creating a mosaic of experiences from various people’s perspectives on crimes like theft and poaching help us to better prepare ourselves for preventing such offences.Our guest on this episode talks about some of the measures he’s put in place to help deter would-be criminals, considers how best to handle the mental toll of being on the receiving end of rural crime, and the vital assistance that comes from the community when we all stand together.This episode of CountryCast covers:Identifying common criminal behaviour, and the frequency of poachingThe financial and mental impact of rural crimePreventative measures like ditches and gatesThe collective strength from standing together and reporting any suspicious activityLinks & references:Dorset Police Rural Crime Team:
Welcome back to Country Cast. In this episode we’re covering a key topic which has likely been exacerbated by the events of the past year, which is looking after our mental wellbeing.With a profession such as farming it’s not uncommon to work entire days without seeing somebody, and the importance of a support network is vital in today’s world. Joining us on this episode is Steven Dennis from The Farming Community Network, a charity with over 400 volunteers available to support farmers with the issues that farming families regularly face.If you’re in the farming community and need support, The Farming Community Network is available at, or at their helpline on 03000 111 999.This episode of Country Cast covers:The admirable work of The Farming Community Network’s 400+ volunteersHighlighting the need for people to take care of their mental wellbeingCommon signs that a friend or family member may need your helpResources available, both within the FCN and beyondLinks & references:Dorset Police Rural Crime Team: Dennis: Farming Community Network (FCN):
Welcome to the final episode of Country Cast! The series so far has covered everything that farmers can do to protect their land, property, mental wellbeing and more, but now it’s time to hear how non-farming members of the community can help.Whether it’s understanding what suspicious activity is worth reporting, feeling confident when using 999 for criminal activity, or looking out for stolen plant and vehicles, this final episode brings all we’ve learned together to help make the farming community a safer place for everyone.This episode of Country Cast covers:Knowing the right channels to contact the police: email, 101 or 999Spotting and reporting suspicious activityHow your assistance gives us the ability to prevent more crimesLinks & references:Dorset Police Rural Crime Team:
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