DiscoverThe Anti-Gym with Contra Costa Fitness
The Anti-Gym with Contra Costa Fitness
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The Anti-Gym with Contra Costa Fitness

Author: Coach Brandon & Coach Rebecca

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Welcome to The Anti-Gym with Contra Costa Fitness

The health and fitness industry is a zoo. This podcast is for real people who are tired of getting confusing, conflicting information, and unrealistic advice to overcoming the obstacles they face. No matter what your specific goal is, if you are looking to:

✅ Feel secure and have more control over your health 

✅ Feel comfortable in your own skin

✅ Get clarity through simplified information

✅ AND have reasonable action items to take rather than restrictive, outdated diet advice...

…you’re in the right place!


Coach Brandon Glass's background in Physical Therapy makes him a uniquely qualified resource within the health and wellness space.

Coach Rebecca LeVan is a former ballerina who recently went through her own health and wellness journey and can relate to how challenging the struggle is to take control back of your health!


Together, Coaches Brandon & Rebecca explore different topics that relate to your health, whether it be about fitness, good food and EVERYTHING in between. 

Looking for more resources and information? Check out the Contra Costa Fitness Website HERE or our Facebook Page HERE.

Thanks for listening and your support!

Coaches Brandon & Rebecca

57 Episodes
This is the Episode for you if:✅You think a daily gratitude practice is bullsh$t!✅Don’t know how to practice gratitude.✅Wonder if/how practicing gratitude would be beneficial to you.Questions? We want to hear about it and help!Drop them in the chat!Support the Show.
This Journey F$&king Sucks, When Will I Be Happy?I’m Not Getting What I Want! How Do I Deal With That?This is the Episode for you if:😡 You’re not satisfied with your results🧭 The needle isn’t moving🔋 You’re tired of thinking about this sh%t all the time!Questions? We want to hear about it and help!Visit our website or send us an email! -->contracostafitness.comSupport the Show.
“Not All Carbs Are Created Equal”In recent years the ‘carbs are the enemy’ trend has grown into a monster. Let’s be honest, most of these trends are industry driven and the unfortunate truth is that there isn’t any industry that is more concerned with your health than in its own survival. This includes the Health & Wellness industry (and all its tangents), the Agriculture industry, and the Food & Drug industry (how did those get lumped together anyway?) Fortunately there has been...
E3: It's Quittin' Time

E3: It's Quittin' Time


“It’s Quittin Time”This is the Episode for you if: That New Year’s Resolution is Getting Old Fast You’re Not Getting What You Expect From Your New Habits You Have a Pattern of Jumping From Solution to SolutionQuestions? We want to hear about it and help!Drop them in the chat!Support the Show.
This is the Episode for you if:✅Wondering if you need to change up your workouts?✅Why is Variety in your workouts important?✅How do I add some variety to what I’m doing?Questions? We want to hear about it and help!Drop them in the chat!Support the Show.
This is the Episode for you if: ✅Have had the same New Year's Resolution for the last XX Years ✅Trying to make BIG changes to your health and/or fitness ✅Are sick of the New Year, New You marketingQuestions? We want to hear about it and help!Drop them in the chat!Support the Show.
"This is taking forever!!"Ever feel that way? Us too.It is hard to wait for things. Especially when those things will really change your life, and especially in an age where instant gratification is a click away.But instant gratification has never brought us anything more than surface level happiness. Right?The good stuff takes time. We MUST make peace with the process. We want to put some things in perspective:✅ The foundation upon which we build our results✅ How we measure progress✅ Prepare the mind for the path, not the path for the mind Ready to have some peace on your journey? To build your healthy habits, a great way to start is by joining us in our free health and wellness community, Drop the Fat, Not the Tacos! Looking forward to meeting you!  Support the show
In today’s world we are told that we should always be growing, progressing, moving forward no matter what. Tough it out and overcome.That’s a lot of pressure. It requires a ton of willpower and determination and, let’s be honest, those things run out sometimes. It’s okay.We want to change the conversation around growth a little bit and answer some questions:✅ What does growth look like?✅ If it’s not hard, I’m not growing, right?✅ Ugh, will I ever be done growing?Are you tired just thinking about your personal growth? If you're ready for personal growth, we're here for you! Join us at Drop the Fat, Not the Tacos, or here if you're ready to take your first step!  Support the show
It's so easy to have the quick and convenient foods. And they're supposed to make your life easier, right? But it leaves you craving... feeling lethargic, bloated or overfull, and even out of control when it comes to your food. It leaves you wondering, "What else can I do?"We believe it should be simple. We have the process down and we've helped tons of people get past this exact same struggle. And it's exactly why we're diving into healthy habits and food routines today. Listen in to go from having those heavy cravings, feeling tired and out of control...To feeling more healthy, energized and in control of your health!To develop a permanently stable foundation for your health and habits and get up to 50% off our 12 week health coaching experience book a call now! Support the show
Let's face it... Evenings are where ya crash.  You should be allowed to though, right? You've worked hard and been stressed out all day. The struggle is real and the evening is YOURS! Hey, we get it! Take full advantage!But while you're at this whole routine thing, you might as well put a nail in the evening routines too. And it doesn't have to be complicated.Where not demanding that you change everything, in fact we're not asking that you change anything at all. But if you'd like to make some additional progress, the topic today is where you can gain some pretty solid foot holds! Because this month has been all about routines for us here in DFNT and The Clean Club, we're sticking to our guns! So today on Talk-O Tuesday:- Going to to bed happy means waking up happy!- More sleep = More Brain!!- And how to end the day on the right foot!Let's keep it simple what's one thing you might be able to add in to YOUR evening? Let us know by joining  us in the C(LEAN) CLUB and for over 50% off your membership for life! That's less than $50 for scheduled workouts, healthy and delicious recipes, meal plans, AND coaching calls every month! It's a no brainer!  Come hang out if you want help with your health and wellness. We're here for ya whether it's for weight loss, fitness training, or just getting into the right mindset. Support the show
Remove the friction.Set the foundation.Live more purposefully, peacefully and fully each and every joy filled day. Ha! Yeah right... Here's more what reality is really like:Step 1 - get up late and fly through the shower to get to work on timeStep 2 -  3 minutes before the meeting, realize you forgot something importantStep 3 - the rest of the day is completely frazzled!!! Sound familiar? It doesn't have to be that way! And it shouldn't be that way.We get it, though. It can be hard and even overwhelming to create real solid foundation for your mornings.  But they set the pace for the rest of the day, so it is so important that we take the time to implement! Today is all about removing friction, and setting the foundation, so that you can live more peacefully and more successfully! ✅ How to always wake up on the right side of the bed✅ Creating purposeful intention✅ Staying true to yourselfFollow these simple steps nad you'll be able to create, or re-create in some cases, a strong morning routine that sets you up for success on your health and wellness journey. Come hang out if you want help developing better routines for health and wellness habits! Support the show
Getting into a routine is one of the most important things you can do when it comes to, well, pretty much everything! But especially when it comes to taking back control of your health and fitness! We're getting into exactly what, how, and why routines are important when it comes to: - The love of food! - The power of just a little movement - Setting routines and crushing goals Visit us if you want help developing better health and wellness habits. Support the show
When it comes to health and making healthy changes, it can be complicated in a world of information to pick out what works best.We believe it should simple! So we're striving to deliver that information in the simplest way possible We've been getting a lot of questions lately. Which is awesome, because we've got answers!Here are some topics that came up in the last week:- What to do when you need to lose a large amount of weight- How to get better sleep for better energy- Stress management for reduced cortisol- Sugar abstinence and substitutes for SO MANY THINGS!We love answering questions! So when you've got them, don't hesitate!Have you got questions about these things or more about how it works???Join us in the (C)LEAN Club now to find your solution! Act now for 75% off the regular price! Join during the last week of February and get that price  for LIFE! (Normal price is $97, so sign up now to save over $50 per month!)Go from feeling feelign exhausted, like you're neglecting own health or that you're not doing enough... to feeling strong, energetic, healthy, and like you've finally self-prioritized,Join now!  Support the show
The "stress hormone" has become a big, bad buzzword, and for good reason, but it's also important to remember that every hormone has an important role.Today on Talk-O Tuesday:✅ What cortisol is and how it affects our bodies✅ The link between cortisol and stress✅ 3 fool-proof ways we can manage cortisolJoin the (C)LEAN Club by clicking the link below and saving yourself a TON of time, stress, and energy trying to figure out the best way to stay healthy! We've got ya covered! if you just want to support us from where you are right now, we appreciate you! You can buy us a coffee (or a taco!) by clicking the link below. Support the show
Have you ever finished doing cardio and though "I'm never doing that bull$%# again"???The dreadmill. Jogging. Rowing. Cycling. BOREDOM! Don't fret!! It's Heart Health Month and cardiovascular exercise is a widely debated issue. ✅ HIIT? LISS? What are they? What's the difference?✅ How import is cardio?✅ What's the very best cardio exercise ever?And what you can do instead! Check out for everything you need to get lean and strong, and stay lean and strong all in one place. No more wasted time or energy researching and wondering! Or for FREE resources, come hang out with us at Drop the Fat, Not the Tacos Facebook group!And if you just want to support us from where you are right now, we appreciate you! You can support us by buying us a coffee (or a taco!) by clicking the link below :)  Support the show
Have you ever considered that maybe you're being OVER-mindful?Mindfulness is important, obviously, but have you ever thought maybe you're taking it a little too seriously? We need to be present and make conscious decisions, but there's another side to that coin of course, and it sometimes it's a bit two-faced. Today we'll talk a little bit about:✅ Can you be too mindful?? The dangers of overthinking health decisions.✅ Mind-LESS-ness pros and cons.✅ Each of our personal secrets to utilizing mind-less-ness to improve mindfulness.📌Ever caught yourself being a bit too mindful or maybe a bit to mindless?Let us know by joining us at Drop the Fat, Not the Tacos Facebook group.And if you just want to support us from where you are right now, we appreciate you! You can buy us a coffee (or a taco!) by clicking the link below. Support the show
Subbing Out Sugar???

Subbing Out Sugar???


We have been "blessed" with many, many sugar substitutes, reducing our sugar intake (which is good).  Now we can finally eat blissfully sweet foods to our hearts' content.Orrrrrr... can we?Are they true blessing? Or are they maybe too good to be true? ✅ A little science about sweeteners✅ How habits work - pushing the button!✅ The bottom line: good or badHow do you feel about sugar substitutes? Yay or nay? Join us in our Facebook group Drop the Fat, Not the Tacos and join the discussion!Help us grow by filling out this survey! Support the show
We can't take it anymore.At first it seemed relatively harmless. But after years of watching this message pop up over and over again, and working with the audience for whom that message is intended, we can't ignore it anymore.For years now we've watched more and more trainers and coaches use this toxic language.  It's damaging in so many ways! And we're done. So we're challenging the traditional resolution setting and giving you some food for thought today:- The message behind the message! - Our undying hatred for all the "perfect" fitness models out there- How to be ACTUALLY succesful with your resolutions <3Plus! A pretty sweet offer! (Just look below) If you are ready for a different take on the New Year, join us in the DFNT community! SugarStop??? You know it! Just click here and use the coupon code: TACOStart your 2022 the right way! With a solid foundation, energy and focus!! Let's go!  Support the show
Purposeful and Productive...Words that we all wish we could use to describe ourselves, right? It's especially hard when you can't find the time to focus on yourself for 5 minutes though!! But because of that, it's as if we have lost touch with who we are. And it's not right! It should be the other way around! You should be taking care of YOU first so that you can THEN take care of the other things in your life. It's important to make ourselves the most important task of each and every day.Believe me, we get it. Easier said than done. This is literally what our lives have come to. As a parent, a giver, a caretaker as well as business owners, we know what it's like to put literally everything else as the top priorties and let ourselves slide farther and farther down the ladder. This is something each of us has had to overcome, and it's still a struggle! It's literally what our business has become, helping others to prioritize what is really important so that they find lasting purpose and meaning in their own personal life. We're confident that with this information you'll be able to be more productive each day, stay more focused and have deeper levels fulfillment and joy!  Join the Drop the Fat, Not the Tacos community!! SugarStop 2022!! Create your strong foundation NOW for the rest of the 2022 by signing up here!  Support the show
This time of year has a tendency to make a lot of us feel small.Like we're less than our normal self.It's dark like ALLLLL the time.It's dreary, cold and gray.And.... Not to sound like a grinch, but the holiday's can be really tough for a multitude of reasons. Everything can be just... Blah.And that's hard. So I don't know about you, but I could use a little Christmas Kick in the Butt to bring my normal self back! So! That's what today is all about. Let's feel the bad, and then let it go to make room for the good  Ready??Join us for more talks like this one at Drop the Fat, Not the Tacos Facebook Group!  Support the show
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