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My Crazy Divorce


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Think your divorce was bad? Well buckle up, because whatever happened to you is probably nothing compared to these crazy divorce stories. Join Tom Milligan every week as a new guest teaches all of us how NOT to get a divorce. If you’re already divorced, you’ll feel better about your experience. If you’re considering a divorce, you’ll learn from the mistakes of others. If you’re happily married...just give it time. Whether you’re here to learn or you just need a good laugh, don’t miss My Crazy Divorce! Visit for all episodes or to be a guest. Brought to you by
42 Episodes
The Alpha Dog

The Alpha Dog


This week, after what can only be described as a completely shitty childhood - without friends or family, but full of religious guilt and parental abuse - Linda was just aching to get out as quickly as possible. She was okay being ostracized by her family - that is, until she found out what kind of man she’d run away with.It took her a lifetime, but Linda’s learned that running away from a problem is not the same as running towards a solution.https://ourdivorce.comMy Crazy DivorceProduce...
Muscle Memory

Muscle Memory


This week, after a less than perfect childhood, Mark turns things around and is livin’ right. He finds his faith, lives his religion, and checks all the right boxes. But when his 15-year marriage comes to an abrupt end, Mark, well…Let’s just say…the more things change, the more they stay the same.My Crazy DivorceProduced by - Adam
The Pineapple Guy

The Pineapple Guy


This week, after perhaps the earliest online romance in history, Josie and Guy defy technology, distance, parents, age, AND religious guilt - and get married. But defying the odds to GET married doesn’t guarantee they’ll STAY married does it? Things were a bit “off” right from the start. But when Guy finally agrees to try for another baby, instead of happiness, Josie’s world is almost torn apart.To hear more from Josie visithttp://heavypagespodcast.comMy Crazy DivorceProduced ...



This week, Chris and Hyde had a good marriage. Sure, they had their ups and downs like everyone, but they were happy. Great careers, a nice house, a couple of kids…life was great! That is, life was great until Hyde found a new “best friend” who just happened to be a married neighbor and a friend of Chris’. As is so often the case, that “friendship” was just the tip of the iceberg. And trust me, you won’t believe Hyde’s reasoning.My Crazy DivorceProduced by - Adam
Is Happiness Overrated?

Is Happiness Overrated?


This week, Covid takes another victim after Doctor Brian loses his fight for better PPE in the hospital. Losing that battle causes what SEEMS like a break with reality - forcing Brian to take a few days away from Ginger and the kids to regroup and recover.But just a few days later, Ginger discovers what’s really going on - and she takes care of business.My Crazy DivorceProduced by - Adam
The Night Nurse

The Night Nurse


This week, we explore what appears to be the perfect marriage - for over 30 years - until Adam’s heart condition is discovered. Years of surgical and pharmaceutical treatments definitely change his personality - and may have caused him to do some things he wouldn’t normally do. This all takes a toll on his marriage to Laura, but she sticks by him until AFTER he returns to health and new discoveries come to light.My Crazy DivorceProduced by - Adam
This week, we learn exactly what happens when two sets of parents provide their kids with horrible role models - and then two of those kids decide to get married and try to have a normal relationship. Drugs, alcohol, infidelity, mental abuse, parental alienation, stalking, sexual abuse, gaslighting - the tragic list goes on and on. My Crazy DivorceProduced by - Adam
Australian for Love

Australian for Love


This week, all the way from Sydney Australia, Leanne tells a story we’ve all heard before, but never like this. Leanne didn’t feel pretty or popular. So she wasn’t offended when she found Richard doing his best to look down her shirt at a party. If anything, she was flattered.After years of being manipulated, controlled, and frankly - emotionally abused, Leanne was finally given an out. She took that out and never looked back.Leanne’s story is full of lessons for all of us about self-love and...
Sid & Nancy Get Married

Sid & Nancy Get Married


This week, when Kelli’s parents quit their jobs, uprooted their family, and immigrated to the south to follow their cult - sorry - I mean church leaders, they had no way of knowing the impact it would have on their daughter.Kelli’s teenage rebellion was made worse by the overt religious hypocrisy she saw every day of her life. And when she met Drew - who was also rebelling - it was like pouring gas on the fire.My Crazy DivorceProduced by - Adam
The Badge Bunny

The Badge Bunny


This week, after marrying at just 19 years old, Chris and his young bride divorced after 12 years. He was heartbroken, but they remained friendly and were great coparents to their two children.He was single. And he was happy.Fast forward 12 or 13 years and Chris goes on a Tinder date that changed his life forever.And the change is NOT for the better.My Crazy DivorceProduced by - Adam
What a Tool!

What a Tool!


This week, Kelli meets an older guy while away at college.He had it all.A great job, his own home, and what really caught her eye - a shaved head. Just her type.Kelli thought she’d struck boyfriend gold. But twenty years and two kids later, she realized it was actually fool’s gold.My Crazy DivorceProduced by - Adam
When It Rains It Pours

When It Rains It Pours


This week, Kellie was just five years old when her parents divorced and she was forced to choose between staying with her mom or living with her dad. So her early life was anything BUT normal. Later, as a wife and mother, she was DETERMINED to keep her family together - AT ALMOST ANY COST.And it literally cost her everything.My Crazy DivorceProduced by - Adam
More Than a Number

More Than a Number


This week, you’ll hear a divorce story like all too many before it. Of course we’ll cover the lying, the cheating, the betrayal, you know…the normal stuff for this show. But be prepared for the craziest twist of all time - along with the most unlikely alliance imaginable. My Crazy DivorceProduced by - Adam
Fallen Angell

Fallen Angell


This week, Angell’s boss is so convinced that Tyler is the perfect man for her, that she hosts a costume party just so they could meet. And they really hit it off. It didn’t take long for Angell and Tyler to fall in love and start their new life together.But life forces most of us to grow and change. And when Tyler refuses to change with the circumstances - and prefers a cold beer over his wife - Angell makes some unexpected moves of her own.My Crazy DivorceProduced by - Adam Hassickadamhassi...
Self Awareness

Self Awareness


This week, our guest takes us inside the mind of a self-described perfectionist & planner whose plans are ruined and whose life is turned upside down when she’s betrayed by the last person she’d ever suspect. The story is one of lying, betrayal, and infidelity.But it’s also a story of true love, compassion, and forgiveness.My Crazy DivorceProduced by - Adam
The Campground of Love

The Campground of Love


This week, we meet Rick. Rick’s dad worked at the same factory his entire life. His parents never divorced - and they lived in the same house for most of their lives. So...pretty stable.But then we meet Lorrie, who was all but abandoned by her father, abused by her step-father, and moved quite often until finally being raised by her grandparents - but pretty much in a cult. Not quite as stable as Rick right?Not so fast! Because things are almost NEVER that simple.My Crazy DivorceProduced by -...
Happiness is NOT Overrated

Happiness is NOT Overrated


This week, we meet David - a man who’s known what he wanted from a VERY early age - and then just made it happen. Starting with his education, then his career, and finally his marriage and family - David had it all. And life was perfect. But like a lot of marriages, David’s marriage wasn’t as perfect as he thought it was. But by the time reality sets in, it’s too late to avoid a very costly and acrimonious divorce process.We can all learn something this week.https://www.divorcedevi...
A Chink in the Armor

A Chink in the Armor


This week, from the minute he first saw her, Les knew Sara was the woman of his dreams - and they fell madly in love. They take their time, so by the time they tied the knot, they’d built a solid partnership.But a single disagreement exposed the weakness in their relationship, and once it was exposed, the problems seemed to multiply.
The Volcano God of Pain

The Volcano God of Pain


This week, we travel back in time to 1983. Ronald Reagan was 2 years into his first term, Michael Jackson’s “Billie Jean” was playing on the radio, and Return of the Jedi was killing it on the silver screen. That’s also the year Dave met Darlene; and it was love at first sight. They were inseparable. They had the marriage everyone else wished for. It really was the Dave and Darlene show!But their lives were turned upside down when Darlene canceled the show after a 37-year run.
Happily EVEN After

Happily EVEN After


In this week's show, Evie defies all the odds - and her mother’s wishes - by going to college where she meets Arlen.Both are ambitious, highly educated, and really good at what they do. But more importantly, Arlen is Evie’s calm after a lifetime of turbulence and toxicity - and they build a great life together.But Arlen’s calm exterior is just a mask covering his own inner demons - and Evie can only watch as their great life crumbles all around her.
Comments (1)

Angie Heibler

Something went awry here...this "episode" is only a minute long

Oct 13th
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