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Surviving to Thriving: A Podcast for Women
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Surviving to Thriving: A Podcast for Women

Author: Jennessa Durrani

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Are you a woman that is ready to start a new chapter and not sure where to even begin?

On the Surviving to Thriving weekly podcast, host and expert career coach, speaker and trainer Jennessa Durrani gives you strategies and frameworks to put into immediate practice to move you out of survival mode and into a life that is thriving. A life where you are doing work in the world that you LOVE and getting paid your value to do it.

Since 2017, Jennessa has empowered countless women to design lives they love using her proven Life by Design and ignitHER signature programs all with the mission to help every woman on Earth carve out a role they adore!

Her audiences benefit from her extensive business background and creative flair. And they can’t help but have fun along the way, as Jennessa lends her positive personality, exceptional humor, and high energy to every engagement. You’ll love her down-to-earth advice and storytelling as she takes you on your journey to YOU!

111 Episodes
"If you listen to your body when it whispers, you don't have to listen to it when it screams."I don't know about you, but I can't open Instagram, Facebook, or my newsfeed without seeing the word SOMATIC. There is somatic yoga, somatic workouts, somatic therapy, etc. So when I met Sara Vatore, a somatic and peak performance coach, last fall I knew I needed to have her on the podcast.As it turns out, SOMA means the body and these "new to me" modalities are all about getting in tune with our bod...
"'Cause a little bit of summer is what the whole year is about." --John MayerIn this week's episode, we're diving into creating The Summer of YOU. We all start summer with high hopes of resetting, recharging, and rejuvenating, but often find ourselves looking forward to fall, exhausted and disappointed by winging it and not keeping ourselves top of mind. This episode is all about changing that narrative. I'll guide you through a 7-step framework designed to set an intention for your summer an...
"Don't let your mind bully your body." --June Tomaso WoodIs your life on hold until you can lose those last pounds? Are you still pining for the body you used to have? Are you constantly on the search for the solution to your weight loss woes? Can you rattle off the macros, points, and calories of every food under the sun, but still struggle?You are not alone my friend.Diet culture has stolen our agency and our ability to make sound decisions that are in alignment with what WE need to live a ...
"Some things break your heart but fix your vision."In this week's episode, I had the pleasure of chatting with Emmi Fortin, a break up coach, about the parallels between coming out of a relationship and changing direction in our careers. She and I both agree that you can't find fulfillment in your careers or your relationships unless you are whole. We tend to jump from one situation to another certain that we will find the answer in the new place, when the answer actually lies within us. We n...
"The only way to do great work is to love the work you do." --Steve JobsIn this episode of the Surviving to Thriving podcast, we're joined by Leanne Rodd. Leanne leads recruiting and programming in the Boston Metro area for FlexProfessionals. I learn more about Leanne's journey and expertise in supporting individuals seeking flexible and meaningful work opportunities and she imparts a ton of wisdom on the best way to market yourself in your next chapter.Leanne's Bio:Leanne has more than twent...
"It's not about how much money we make that ultimately makes us happy between 9 to 5. It's whether or not the work fulfills us." --Malcom GladwellIn this episode of Surviving to Thriving we are getting down to the nitty-gritty of your skills and superpowers and discussing the difference between finding a job and discovering a role that is made for YOU. I'm sharing a fantastic exercise straight from my 8-week ignitHER program. It's like a spotlight on your talents, unique knowledge, and what m...
"Self-regulation is not self- control. In fact, self-regulation is what makes self-control possible."Welcome back to Surviving to Thriving! In this enlightening episode, we're joined by Jessica Addeo, a former pediatric occupational therapist turned nervous system coach for women. I explore Jessica's journey from pediatric OT to empowering women in navigating the challenges of motherhood through nervous system regulation.Jessica's Bio:With 16 years of experience as a pediatric occupational th...
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right." -Henry FordWelcome back to Surviving to Thriving! In this new episode, we're diving into the powerful world of single belief change—an NLP modality that allows us to replace limiting beliefs with affirming ones. I will explore the origins of limiting beliefs, their impact on our lives, and how single belief change can liberate us from their grip.Join us as we explore:The roots of limiting beliefs and how they shape our reality...
"Trauma creates change you don't choose. Healing is about creating change you do choose." -Michelle RosenthalWelcome back to Surviving to Thriving! In this first interview (and hopefully not my last) episode, we're joined by Dr. Colleen Norris, a visionary chiropractor and intuitive healer. I delve into Dr. Norris's personal journey from trauma to thriving, exploring her unique approach to wellness and healing.Dr. Norris's Bio:In 2010, Dr. Norris's life took a profound turn when severe anxiet...
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.” — Wayne GretzkyWelcome to a special milestone episode of Surviving to Thriving! In this celebratory 100th episode, we're diving into the world of risk-taking. I share six inspiring case studies from clients who dared to step out of their comfort zones and reap the rewards of their bravery.Join us on the Surviving to Thriving podcast, as we explore:The courage to join a new community, even when starting from scratch.Embracing change by leaving a pro...
"Be grateful for triggers. They point you to where you aren't free."Welcome back to Surviving to Thriving! In this episode, we're diving into the complexity of triggers—the situations, emotions, and reactions that shape our responses. I explore a systematic approach to understanding and managing triggers, empowering listeners to reclaim control of their reactions.Join us as we explore:Identifying the diverse triggers in our lives, from overstimulation to unresolved emotions.Understanding the ...
"Love your whole entire life, you created it."Welcome back to Surviving to Thriving! In this week's episode, we're diving into the concept of embracing our entire lives—not just the highlight reel, but all the nooks, crannies, and under utilized parts as well. I draw on the analogy of a house with unused rooms to illustrate the importance of finding balance and alignment in every aspect of our lives.Join us in this episode of Surviving to Thriving, as we explore:Embracing the diversity of our...
"You don't have to get it perfect, you just have to get it going."Ever find yourself endlessly aiming but never firing? In this episode of Surviving to Thriving, we're flipping the script on the "Ready, Aim, Fire" paradigm. I share my own eye-opening archery mishap to illustrate why it's time to fire before we're perfectly ready.Tune in to this episode of Surviving to Thriving, as we explore:The paralysis of over-analysis and the quest for perfection.Why taking imperfect action is crucial for...
"Transferable skills turn your past experience into your future asset." Hana DhanjiIt does not matter if you have been with the same company for 10 years or 25, or have taken a hiatus and are wanting to return to work. Changing direction can be daunting. We become experts at what we've been doing for so long, that we no longer see the value in our experience and our talents. We find it hard to see how we can go and do something else. What could we possibly provide a new employer? TONS! T...
"HOW does not have a place at the table when we are in dream mode." -Jennessa DurraniHave you ever been walking down the street and all of a sudden you trip…over nothing? You look down sure you will see a hole, rock, or a crack in the sidewalk, and there is nothing. That can be what life feels like at times. We are just walking towards our goal, minding our own business, when we get stuck. When we trip over an invisible block.It's these seemingly invisible blocks that I dig into in this episo...
"Before everything else, getting ready is the secret to success." -Henry FordOne of the most heard quotes from the women in my world is, "Jennessa, I'm not ready...not yet." I'm sure you can relate. There is likely something that you've been batting around in the back of your mind that you are going to "take on", but right now you just aren't ready. The thing is that we don't have a handle on what ready even looks like. When will the time be right? What needs to be in place? How do we get to ...
“To change our circumstances, we need to change our story: edit it, modify it, or completely rewrite it. ” --Harold R. JohnsonAs Harold R. Johnson said, "We are all story. We are the stories we are told and we are the stories we tell ourselves." Now who doesn't love a good story. An origin story. A comeback story. A harrowing tale. But when these stories become so engrained. So much a part of us that we can not see them for what they really are they bind us. They keep us stuck right where we ...
“Once the subconscious mind accepts an idea, it begins to execute it.” --Joseph MurphyYour subconscious mind is your secret weapon, but if you don’t understand how she ticks, she could be your Achilles tendon. Today I want to share with you some of the amazing things that the subconscious mind is capable of and how you can leverage her amazingness to actually get what you want. Once you are on the same page, you are unstoppable! In today's Surviving to Thriving Podcast, I will share with you ...
"It's not the mountain that we conquer, but ourselves." -Edmund HillaryOur words, thoughts and images do not describe our reality, they are creating it. Read that again. Let it sink in. Our state of mind, our thoughts, our internal dialogue, the stories that we believe to be true about ourselves, is keeping us in our current reality.The only way we can change our reality, is to change our thoughts, our inner self talk, the images that we have, and our belief system. It's simple, but not easy....
"No matter where you are from, your dreams are valid." -Lupita Nyong'OI say that the women that I work with are at the intersection of oh crap and oh yeah. Oh yeah I am ready to pursue a new start (excited), but oh crap I don't know where to begin (terrified). Can you relate? I think this intersection is where the magic happens. Where you can play and dream. But only if you let yourself go there. Otherwise, you are bound to get stuck!I believe that everyone has available to them right now eve...
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