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Moon Stories

Author: Evie

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56 Episodes



I feel like over sharing is a part of learning basic communication but it’s interesting the ways that we overshare in different situations and how it changes our perceptions of people. I also speak a bit about masking and oversharing as a way to relate and how this sometimes has the opposite effect and just makes things weird and awkward. Support the Show.
I genuinely couldn’t tell you what I spoke about in depth here but I will list some bullet points I do apologise. - when old people tell you how hard they had it back in the day- why struggling is unnecessary - how to self soothe and why tantrums as a child are important- no one is responsible for catering to your triggers it is your responsibility to work on them yourself- you can set boundaries about literally anything- consciousness- we all view the same problems with a different...
Like many other girls, I always tried to fit into the cool girl image of not caring so much, going with the flow and not worrying about what I look like. And then I realised that all of these things do not represent me in the slightest. It does upset me if I break a nail, or if my outfit isn't coming out the way I envisioned it in my head. And with this realisation I decided to lean into it. To begin to put as much time into myself as felt right for me and see how it made me feel. I noti...
Have you ever been in a situation with someone who behaves like they're five years old, operates solely out of their ego and refuses to acknowledge criticism or take any accountability for their bad behaviour? It's jarring.This podcast focuses on the recent series of Love Island and in particular Georgia Steel, who frequently behaves terribly and then when she receives backlash for her behaviour, uses gaslighting and manipulation tactics to either victimise herself or spin the blame onto anyo...
Gypsy Rose Blanchard

Gypsy Rose Blanchard


This podcast centres around the recent media frenzy of Gypsy Rose Blanchard, who has recently been released from prison after killing her mother for years of abuse by munchausen by proxy. I discuss the judgement and praise she is receiving and the many ways this has been replicated throughout recent media scandals in varying degrees of severity (Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard, Selena Gomez vs. Hailey Bieber etc..), and how quick opinions can change and the impact this can have on these publ...



At this time of year I typically begin to reflect on how things have been and how I can change things moving into the coming year. With that comes a lot of self reflection and part of that is acknowledging mistakes made as to not make them again. While this is typically really beneficial to grow and understand flaws in yourself, this can lead to self deprecation and can create more internal struggles than positives taken from self reflection. I struggle a lot with feelings of guilt and c...
Making mistakes

Making mistakes


Here are a list of recent mistakes I’ve been making and what I have done to counter them. I speak about the way that knowing how to be authentic, or knowing when is the right or wrong time to be authentic, in a situation will be accepted by your peers. I think this is a definite struggle for people with ADHD or neurodivergent tendencies. I also touched on the different ways that we tend to set ourselves unrealistic expectations, and how moving from one stage of our life to another c...
Losing people

Losing people


This podcast discusses the different ways in which we lose people throughout our lives and the difficulties that come with it. Losing people, wether it be platonic or not, can take a real toll on our self esteem and feelings of security, especially if these people were incredibly close to us and had helped us through things that no one else had. It can make us feel as though we have a lack of support system, we can’t trust people as easily as we once thought, or make us feel a sense of i...
All the retrogrades

All the retrogrades


This period is a strange one, with multiple planets in retrograde and the recently passing super full moon in pisces that won’t happen again for another 12 years; emotions will be running high, giving us a time for deep introspection and self evaluation. You may have noticed an increase in tensions in your usually secure relationships, or be reconnecting with old friends. Either way, things probably aren’t moving as they usually do. This is the point of these different astrological episo...
In this podcast I touch on the recent controversy surrounding Madeline Argy’s recent TikTok about sundown towns that has upset many people. Sundown towns are places in America where black people face structural racism by all white communities that do not accept different ethnicities.For this podcast I wanted to touch on both sides of the argument, but dive deeper into the theme of ignorance, and how difficult it can be to be fully aware of how all our actions and behaviours can affect d...
Throughout history there have been consequences for being authentic and doing what’s right for us. Wether it’s being gay in a time period where it was forbidden, or harbouring Jews during the Nazi reign because it was morally right to provide aid to those in need, there have always been people that will stand up for what’s right for them, regardless of social attitudes. This podcast stems from a discussion that took place on wether or not children should be allowed to question things aro...
H@mmy: The Interview

H@mmy: The Interview


This interview features musician and close friend Joe Ham. With over 200,000 streams in the 6 month period since releasing music, joe has gained a substantial audience despite the short time frame.We speak about everything music related from his influences, setbacks and limitations, inspirations and skills he’s developed learning to song-write and produce. He also touches on the issues he has faced surrounding rugby culture and how this prevented him from being able to be authentic about his ...
According to psychologist Cannon, fight, flight, fawn and freeze are ‘unconscious and automatic series of fast-acting reactions occurred inside the body to help assemble resources the body needs to manage threatening circumstances’*. In this podcast I discuss the ways in which these responses can hinder us and different ways you can learn to navigate around them in order to have more harmonious relationships. I also speak about how these responses typically enable us to continue bad patterns ...
I used to be a professional job hopper by trade. Any time I felt disrespected, out of control, or simply didn’t enjoy it; I would quit on the spot with no notice. While this wasn’t ideal for any sense of job permanence, it taught me many things. In this podcast I talk about the skills I have learned through working in 10+ jobs and how to set work boundaries and communicate with management so that you don’t feel you have to walk out or leave, and if you try these things and still aren’t b...
This podcast idea comes heavily from the themes discussed in this video. I have been interested in self development, self-awareness and growth, I have realised there’s a fine balance between acknowledging the work you’ve done, and never thinking you’re good enough. This same ideology can be transferred to learning any skill wether it be a sport, job, or hobby. Over the last 3 years I have found that self doubt and self judgement or guilt for not being wh...
I learned about some countriesI also forgot to mention in Gabon a local delicacy is the goliath frog which is the biggest frog in the world even if you don’t listen to this podcast look at the frog i linked a picture it is so large frog -,smart&width=1200&height=1200&upscale=true
We all judge people. It’s part of our psychological conditioning to judge our surroundings as part of making informed decisions, but what we often forget is that we are all judging through different lenses due to our individual life experiences. Whereas we may not understand what someone else has been through, or may not see that it would affect us, we should be able to have the empathy to remove judgement and step out of our own shoes when people are in need. I speak briefly about ...
In this episode I speak about how we are socialised from a capitalist standpoint to be an active member of society so that we can be profited from, and the issues that this causes within us as we lose the ability to express ourselves freely.I mention the different ways men and women are socialised and how our society benefits from keeping us in these boxes although it is commonly at the detriment of our mental states. While men struggle to express emotion and upset but are pushed toward...
Processing change

Processing change


As a society, we don't like to process change. This goes back to our primitive roots where new animals/tribes/foods proposed unknown threats and what was safe was what was recognisable. As much as this enabled us to get to where we are today and evolve into what we have become, we are still using these fight or flight responses for things that no longer require them. We close ourselves off from opportunities or new relationships because they propose a threat to our 'perceived security.'I ment...
My toxic traits

My toxic traits


We all have toxic traits. These are often the things that, if we allowed ourselves to understand and express, would help our growth exponentially. However, because of the stigma around authenticity, toxic positivity and fake 'nice', we have built this idea that any negative traits or flaws cannot be expressed or shared unless it equates into something that can be used to boost social media engagement, meaning we water down our toxic traits into conversations that will be more 'palatable' as t...
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